| // Helper method for building factories |
| buildFactory = function (objClass, defaults) { |
| return { |
| create : function (overwrites) { |
| var newObj = {}; |
| for (var prop in defaults) { |
| newObj[prop] = defaults[prop]; |
| }; |
| for (var prop in overwrites) { |
| newObj[prop] = overwrites[prop]; |
| }; |
| if (objClass === KorAP.VirtualCollection) |
| return objClass.render(newObj); |
| else |
| return objClass.create().fromJson(newObj); |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| describe('KorAP.Doc', function () { |
| |
| // Create example factories |
| var stringFactory = buildFactory(KorAP.Doc, { |
| "key" : "author", |
| "value" : "Max Birkendale", |
| "@type" : "korap:doc" |
| }); |
| |
| // Create example factories |
| var dateFactory = buildFactory(KorAP.Doc, { |
| "key" : "pubDate", |
| "type" : "type:date", |
| "match" : "match:eq", |
| "value" : "2014-11-05", |
| "@type" : "korap:doc" |
| }); |
| |
| // Create example factories |
| var regexFactory = buildFactory(KorAP.Doc, { |
| "key" : "title", |
| "type" : "type:regex", |
| "value" : "[^b]ee.+?", |
| "@type" : "korap:doc" |
| }); |
| |
| it('should be initializable', function () { |
| var doc = KorAP.Doc.create(); |
| expect(doc.matchop()).toEqual('eq'); |
| expect(doc.key()).toBeUndefined(); |
| expect(doc.value()).toBeUndefined(); |
| expect(doc.type()).toEqual("string"); |
| }); |
| |
| it('should be definable', function () { |
| |
| // Empty doc |
| var doc = KorAP.Doc.create(); |
| |
| // Set values |
| doc.key("title"); |
| doc.value("Der alte Mann"); |
| expect(doc.matchop()).toEqual('eq'); |
| expect(doc.key()).toEqual("title"); |
| expect(doc.type()).toEqual("string"); |
| expect(doc.value()).toEqual("Der alte Mann"); |
| }); |
| |
| |
| it('should deserialize JSON-LD string', function () { |
| var doc; |
| |
| // String default |
| doc = stringFactory.create(); |
| expect(doc.matchop()).toEqual('eq'); |
| expect(doc.key()).toEqual("author"); |
| expect(doc.type()).toEqual("string"); |
| expect(doc.value()).toEqual("Max Birkendale"); |
| |
| // No valid string |
| doc = stringFactory.create({ |
| value : undefined |
| }); |
| expect(doc).toBeUndefined(); |
| |
| // No valid string |
| doc = stringFactory.create({ |
| value : { "foo" : "bar" } |
| }); |
| expect(doc).toBeUndefined(); |
| |
| // Change match type |
| doc = stringFactory.create({ |
| "match" : "match:ne" |
| }); |
| |
| expect(doc.matchop()).toEqual('ne'); |
| expect(doc.key()).toEqual("author"); |
| expect(doc.type()).toEqual("string"); |
| expect(doc.value()).toEqual("Max Birkendale"); |
| |
| |
| // Invalid match type |
| doc = stringFactory.create({ |
| "match" : { "foo" : "bar" } |
| }); |
| expect(doc).toBeUndefined(); |
| }); |
| |
| it('should deserialize JSON-LD regex', function () { |
| var doc = regexFactory.create(); |
| expect(doc.key()).toEqual("title"); |
| expect(doc.type()).toEqual("regex"); |
| expect(doc.value()).toEqual("[^b]ee.+?"); |
| expect(doc.matchop()).toEqual('eq'); |
| |
| // change matcher |
| doc = regexFactory.create({ |
| match : "match:ne" |
| }); |
| expect(doc.matchop()).toEqual('ne'); |
| |
| // Invalid matcher |
| doc = regexFactory.create({ |
| match : "match:chook" |
| }); |
| expect(doc).toBeUndefined(); |
| |
| // Invalid regex |
| doc = regexFactory.create({ |
| value : "[^b" |
| }); |
| expect(doc).toBeUndefined(); |
| }); |
| |
| it('should deserialize JSON-LD date', function () { |
| |
| // Normal date |
| doc = dateFactory.create({}); |
| |
| expect(doc.matchop()).toEqual('eq'); |
| expect(doc.key()).toEqual("pubDate"); |
| expect(doc.type()).toEqual("date"); |
| expect(doc.value()).toEqual("2014-11-05"); |
| |
| // Short date 1 |
| doc = dateFactory.create({ |
| "value" : "2014-11" |
| }); |
| |
| expect(doc.matchop()).toEqual('eq'); |
| expect(doc.key()).toEqual("pubDate"); |
| expect(doc.type()).toEqual("date"); |
| expect(doc.value()).toEqual("2014-11"); |
| |
| // Short date 2 |
| doc = dateFactory.create({ |
| "value" : "2014" |
| }); |
| |
| expect(doc.matchop()).toEqual('eq'); |
| expect(doc.key()).toEqual("pubDate"); |
| expect(doc.type()).toEqual("date"); |
| expect(doc.value()).toEqual("2014"); |
| |
| // Invalid date! |
| doc = dateFactory.create({ |
| "value" : "2014-11-050" |
| }); |
| expect(doc).toBeUndefined(); |
| |
| // Invalid matcher! |
| doc = dateFactory.create({ |
| "match" : "match:ne", |
| }); |
| expect(doc).toBeUndefined(); |
| }); |
| |
| it('should be serializale to JSON', function () { |
| |
| // Empty doc |
| var doc = KorAP.Doc.create(); |
| expect(doc.toJson()).toEqual(jasmine.any(Object)); |
| |
| // Serialize string |
| doc = stringFactory.create(); |
| expect(doc.toJson()).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining({ |
| "@type" : "korap:doc", |
| "type" : "type:string", |
| "key" : "author", |
| "value" : "Max Birkendale", |
| "match" : "match:eq" |
| })); |
| |
| // Serialize regex |
| doc = regexFactory.create(); |
| expect(doc.toJson()).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining({ |
| "@type" : "korap:doc", |
| "type" : "type:regex", |
| "value" : "[^b]ee.+?", |
| "match" : "match:eq", |
| "key" : 'title' |
| })); |
| |
| doc = regexFactory.create({ |
| match: "match:ne" |
| }); |
| expect(doc.toJson()).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining({ |
| "@type" : "korap:doc", |
| "type" : "type:regex", |
| "value" : "[^b]ee.+?", |
| "match" : "match:ne", |
| "key" : 'title' |
| })); |
| |
| doc = dateFactory.create(); |
| expect(doc.toJson()).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining({ |
| "@type" : "korap:doc", |
| "type" : "type:date", |
| "value" : "2014-11-05", |
| "match" : "match:eq", |
| "key" : 'pubDate' |
| })); |
| |
| doc = dateFactory.create({ |
| value : "2014" |
| }); |
| expect(doc.toJson()).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining({ |
| "@type" : "korap:doc", |
| "type" : "type:date", |
| "value" : "2014", |
| "match" : "match:eq", |
| "key" : 'pubDate' |
| })); |
| }); |
| |
| it('should be serializale to String', function () { |
| |
| // Empty doc |
| var doc = KorAP.Doc.create(); |
| expect(doc.toQuery()).toEqual(""); |
| |
| // Serialize string |
| doc = stringFactory.create(); |
| expect(doc.toQuery()).toEqual('author = "Max Birkendale"'); |
| |
| // Serialize string with quotes |
| doc = stringFactory.create({ "value" : 'Max "Der Coole" Birkendate'}); |
| expect(doc.toQuery()).toEqual('author = "Max \\"Der Coole\\" Birkendate"'); |
| |
| // Serialize regex |
| doc = regexFactory.create(); |
| expect(doc.toQuery()).toEqual('title = /[^b]ee.+?/'); |
| |
| doc = regexFactory.create({ |
| match: "match:ne" |
| }); |
| expect(doc.toQuery()).toEqual('title != /[^b]ee.+?/'); |
| |
| doc = dateFactory.create(); |
| expect(doc.toQuery()).toEqual('pubDate in 2014-11-05'); |
| |
| doc = dateFactory.create({ |
| value : "2014" |
| }); |
| expect(doc.toQuery()).toEqual('pubDate in 2014'); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| |
| describe('KorAP.DocGroup', function () { |
| // Create example factories |
| var docFactory = buildFactory( |
| KorAP.Doc, |
| { |
| "@type" : "korap:doc", |
| "match":"match:eq", |
| "key" : "author", |
| "value" : "Max Birkendale" |
| } |
| ); |
| |
| var docGroupFactory = buildFactory( |
| KorAP.DocGroup, { |
| "@type" : "korap:docGroup", |
| "operation" : "operation:and", |
| "operands" : [ |
| docFactory.create().toJson(), |
| docFactory.create({ |
| "key" : "pubDate", |
| "type" : "type:date", |
| "value" : "2014-12-05" |
| }).toJson() |
| ] |
| }); |
| |
| |
| it('should be initializable', function () { |
| // Create empty group |
| var docGroup = KorAP.DocGroup.create(); |
| expect(docGroup.operation()).toEqual('and'); |
| |
| // Create empty group |
| docGroup = KorAP.DocGroup.create(); |
| docGroup.operation('or'); |
| expect(docGroup.operation()).toEqual('or'); |
| }); |
| |
| it('should be definable', function () { |
| |
| // Empty group |
| var docGroup = KorAP.DocGroup.create(); |
| expect(docGroup.operation()).toEqual('and'); |
| |
| // Set values |
| docGroup.operation("or"); |
| expect(docGroup.operation()).toEqual('or'); |
| |
| // Set invalid values |
| docGroup.operation("hui"); |
| expect(docGroup.operation()).toEqual('or'); |
| }); |
| |
| it('should be deserializable', function () { |
| var docGroup = docGroupFactory.create(); |
| expect(docGroup.operation()).toEqual("and"); |
| expect(docGroup.operands().length).toEqual(2); |
| |
| var op1 = docGroup.getOperand(0); |
| expect(op1.type()).toEqual("string"); |
| expect(op1.key()).toEqual("author"); |
| expect(op1.value()).toEqual("Max Birkendale"); |
| expect(op1.matchop()).toEqual("eq"); |
| |
| var op2 = docGroup.getOperand(1); |
| expect(op2.type()).toEqual("date"); |
| expect(op2.key()).toEqual("pubDate"); |
| expect(op2.value()).toEqual("2014-12-05"); |
| expect(op2.matchop()).toEqual("eq"); |
| |
| // Append empty group |
| var newGroup = docGroup.append(KorAP.DocGroup.create()); |
| newGroup.operation('or'); |
| newGroup.append(docFactory.create()); |
| newGroup.append(docFactory.create({ |
| "type" : "type:regex", |
| "key" : "title", |
| "value" : "^e.+?$", |
| "match" : "match:ne" |
| })); |
| |
| expect(docGroup.operation()).toEqual("and"); |
| expect(docGroup.operands().length).toEqual(3); |
| |
| var op1 = docGroup.getOperand(0); |
| expect(op1.ldType()).toEqual("doc"); |
| expect(op1.type()).toEqual("string"); |
| expect(op1.key()).toEqual("author"); |
| expect(op1.value()).toEqual("Max Birkendale"); |
| expect(op1.matchop()).toEqual("eq"); |
| |
| var op2 = docGroup.getOperand(1); |
| expect(op2.ldType()).toEqual("doc"); |
| expect(op2.type()).toEqual("date"); |
| expect(op2.key()).toEqual("pubDate"); |
| expect(op2.value()).toEqual("2014-12-05"); |
| expect(op2.matchop()).toEqual("eq"); |
| |
| var op3 = docGroup.getOperand(2); |
| expect(op3.ldType()).toEqual("docGroup"); |
| expect(op3.operation()).toEqual("or"); |
| |
| var op4 = op3.getOperand(0); |
| expect(op4.ldType()).toEqual("doc"); |
| expect(op4.type()).toEqual("string"); |
| expect(op4.key()).toEqual("author"); |
| expect(op4.value()).toEqual("Max Birkendale"); |
| expect(op4.matchop()).toEqual("eq"); |
| |
| var op5 = op3.getOperand(1); |
| expect(op5.ldType()).toEqual("doc"); |
| expect(op5.type()).toEqual("regex"); |
| expect(op5.key()).toEqual("title"); |
| expect(op5.value()).toEqual("^e.+?$"); |
| expect(op5.matchop()).toEqual("ne"); |
| }); |
| |
| it('should be serializable to JSON', function () { |
| var docGroup = docGroupFactory.create(); |
| |
| expect(docGroup.toJson()).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining({ |
| "@type" : "korap:docGroup", |
| "operation" : "operation:and", |
| "operands" : [ |
| { |
| "@type": 'korap:doc', |
| "key" : 'author', |
| "match": 'match:eq', |
| "value": 'Max Birkendale', |
| "type": 'type:string' |
| }, |
| { |
| "@type": 'korap:doc', |
| "key": 'pubDate', |
| "match": 'match:eq', |
| "value": '2014-12-05', |
| "type": 'type:date' |
| } |
| ] |
| })); |
| }); |
| |
| it('should be serializable to String', function () { |
| var docGroup = docGroupFactory.create(); |
| expect(docGroup.toQuery()).toEqual('author = "Max Birkendale" & pubDate in 2014-12-05'); |
| |
| docGroup = docGroupFactory.create({ |
| "@type" : "korap:docGroup", |
| "operation" : "operation:or", |
| "operands" : [ |
| { |
| "@type": 'korap:doc', |
| "key" : 'author', |
| "match": 'match:eq', |
| "value": 'Max Birkendale', |
| "type": 'type:string' |
| }, |
| { |
| "@type" : "korap:docGroup", |
| "operation" : "operation:and", |
| "operands" : [ |
| { |
| "@type": 'korap:doc', |
| "key": 'pubDate', |
| "match": 'match:geq', |
| "value": '2014-05-12', |
| "type": 'type:date' |
| }, |
| { |
| "@type": 'korap:doc', |
| "key": 'pubDate', |
| "match": 'match:leq', |
| "value": '2014-12-05', |
| "type": 'type:date' |
| }, |
| { |
| "@type": 'korap:doc', |
| "key": 'foo', |
| "match": 'match:ne', |
| "value": '[a]?bar', |
| "type": 'type:regex' |
| } |
| ] |
| } |
| ] |
| }); |
| expect(docGroup.toQuery()).toEqual( |
| 'author = "Max Birkendale" | (pubDate since 2014-05-12 & pubDate until 2014-12-05 & foo != /[a]?bar/)' |
| ); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| describe('KorAP.UnspecifiedDoc', function () { |
| it('should be initializable', function () { |
| var doc = KorAP.UnspecifiedDoc.create(); |
| var docElement = doc.element(); |
| expect(docElement.getAttribute('class')).toEqual('doc unspecified'); |
| expect(docElement.firstChild.firstChild.data).toEqual('⋯'); |
| expect(docElement.lastChild.lastChild.data).toEqual('⋯'); |
| expect(doc.toQuery()).toEqual('⋯'); |
| |
| // Only removable |
| expect(docElement.lastChild.children.length).toEqual(0); |
| }); |
| |
| it('should be removable, when no root', function () { |
| var docGroup = KorAP.DocGroup.create(); |
| docGroup.operation('or'); |
| expect(docGroup.operation()).toEqual('or'); |
| |
| docGroup.append({ |
| "@type": 'korap:doc', |
| "key": 'pubDate', |
| "match": 'match:eq', |
| "value": '2014-12-05', |
| "type": 'type:date' |
| }); |
| |
| // Add unspecified object |
| docGroup.append(); |
| |
| expect(docGroup.element().getAttribute('class')).toEqual('docGroup'); |
| expect(docGroup.element().children[0].getAttribute('class')).toEqual('doc'); |
| |
| var unspec = docGroup.element().children[1]; |
| expect(unspec.getAttribute('class')).toEqual('doc unspecified'); |
| |
| // Removable |
| expect(unspec.lastChild.children.length).toEqual(1); |
| expect(unspec.lastChild.children[0].getAttribute('class')).toEqual('delete'); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| describe('KorAP.Doc element', function () { |
| it('should be initializable', function () { |
| var docElement = KorAP.Doc.create(undefined, { |
| "@type" : "korap:doc", |
| "key":"Titel", |
| "value":"Baum", |
| "match":"match:eq" |
| }); |
| expect(docElement.key()).toEqual('Titel'); |
| expect(docElement.matchop()).toEqual('eq'); |
| expect(docElement.value()).toEqual('Baum'); |
| |
| var docE = docElement.element(); |
| expect(docE.children[0].firstChild.data).toEqual('Titel'); |
| expect(docE.children[1].firstChild.data).toEqual('eq'); |
| expect(docE.children[1].getAttribute('data-type')).toEqual('string'); |
| expect(docE.children[2].firstChild.data).toEqual('Baum'); |
| expect(docE.children[2].getAttribute('data-type')).toEqual('string'); |
| |
| expect(docElement.toJson()).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining({ |
| "@type" : "korap:doc", |
| "key":"Titel", |
| "value":"Baum", |
| "match":"match:eq" |
| })); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| describe('KorAP.DocGroup element', function () { |
| it('should be initializable', function () { |
| |
| var docGroup = KorAP.DocGroup.create(undefined, { |
| "@type" : "korap:docGroup", |
| "operation" : "operation:and", |
| "operands" : [ |
| { |
| "@type": 'korap:doc', |
| "key" : 'author', |
| "match": 'match:eq', |
| "value": 'Max Birkendale', |
| "type": 'type:string' |
| }, |
| { |
| "@type": 'korap:doc', |
| "key": 'pubDate', |
| "match": 'match:eq', |
| "value": '2014-12-05', |
| "type": 'type:date' |
| } |
| ] |
| }); |
| |
| expect(docGroup.operation()).toEqual('and'); |
| var e = docGroup.element(); |
| expect(e.getAttribute('class')).toEqual('docGroup'); |
| expect(e.getAttribute('data-operation')).toEqual('and'); |
| |
| var first = e.children[0]; |
| expect(first.getAttribute('class')).toEqual('doc'); |
| expect(first.children[0].getAttribute('class')).toEqual('key'); |
| expect(first.children[1].getAttribute('class')).toEqual('match'); |
| expect(first.children[2].getAttribute('class')).toEqual('value'); |
| expect(first.children[2].getAttribute('data-type')).toEqual('string'); |
| expect(first.children[0].firstChild.data).toEqual('author'); |
| expect(first.children[1].firstChild.data).toEqual('eq'); |
| expect(first.children[2].firstChild.data).toEqual('Max Birkendale'); |
| |
| var second = e.children[1]; |
| expect(second.getAttribute('class')).toEqual('doc'); |
| expect(second.children[0].getAttribute('class')).toEqual('key'); |
| expect(second.children[1].getAttribute('class')).toEqual('match'); |
| expect(second.children[2].getAttribute('class')).toEqual('value'); |
| expect(second.children[2].getAttribute('data-type')).toEqual('date'); |
| expect(second.children[0].firstChild.data).toEqual('pubDate'); |
| expect(second.children[1].firstChild.data).toEqual('eq'); |
| expect(second.children[2].firstChild.data).toEqual('2014-12-05'); |
| |
| }); |
| |
| it('should be deserializable with nested groups', function () { |
| var docGroup = KorAP.DocGroup.create(undefined, { |
| "@type" : "korap:docGroup", |
| "operation" : "operation:or", |
| "operands" : [ |
| { |
| "@type": 'korap:doc', |
| "key" : 'author', |
| "match": 'match:eq', |
| "value": 'Max Birkendale', |
| "type": 'type:string' |
| }, |
| { |
| "@type" : "korap:docGroup", |
| "operation" : "operation:and", |
| "operands" : [ |
| { |
| "@type": 'korap:doc', |
| "key": 'pubDate', |
| "match": 'match:geq', |
| "value": '2014-05-12', |
| "type": 'type:date' |
| }, |
| { |
| "@type": 'korap:doc', |
| "key": 'pubDate', |
| "match": 'match:leq', |
| "value": '2014-12-05', |
| "type": 'type:date' |
| } |
| ] |
| } |
| ] |
| }); |
| |
| expect(docGroup.operation()).toEqual('or'); |
| var e = docGroup.element(); |
| expect(e.getAttribute('class')).toEqual('docGroup'); |
| expect(e.getAttribute('data-operation')).toEqual('or'); |
| |
| expect(e.children[0].getAttribute('class')).toEqual('doc'); |
| var docop = e.children[0].lastChild; |
| expect(docop.getAttribute('class')).toEqual('operators'); |
| expect(docop.children[0].getAttribute('class')).toEqual('and'); |
| expect(docop.children[1].getAttribute('class')).toEqual('or'); |
| expect(docop.children[2].getAttribute('class')).toEqual('delete'); |
| |
| expect(e.children[1].getAttribute('class')).toEqual('docGroup'); |
| expect(e.children[1].getAttribute('data-operation')).toEqual('and'); |
| |
| // This and-operation can be "or"ed or "delete"d |
| var secop = e.children[1].children[2]; |
| expect(secop.getAttribute('class')).toEqual('operators'); |
| expect(secop.children[0].getAttribute('class')).toEqual('or'); |
| expect(secop.children[1].getAttribute('class')).toEqual('delete'); |
| |
| // This or-operation can be "and"ed or "delete"d |
| expect(e.children[2].getAttribute('class')).toEqual('operators'); |
| expect(e.lastChild.getAttribute('class')).toEqual('operators'); |
| expect(e.lastChild.children[0].getAttribute('class')).toEqual('and'); |
| expect(e.lastChild.children[1].getAttribute('class')).toEqual('delete'); |
| |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| describe('KorAP.VirtualCollection', function () { |
| |
| var simpleGroupFactory = buildFactory(KorAP.DocGroup, { |
| "@type" : "korap:docGroup", |
| "operation" : "operation:and", |
| "operands" : [ |
| { |
| "@type": 'korap:doc', |
| "key" : 'author', |
| "match": 'match:eq', |
| "value": 'Max Birkendale', |
| "type": 'type:string' |
| }, |
| { |
| "@type": 'korap:doc', |
| "key": 'pubDate', |
| "match": 'match:eq', |
| "value": '2014-12-05', |
| "type": 'type:date' |
| } |
| ] |
| }); |
| |
| var nestedGroupFactory = buildFactory(KorAP.VirtualCollection, { |
| "@type" : "korap:docGroup", |
| "operation" : "operation:or", |
| "operands" : [ |
| { |
| "@type": 'korap:doc', |
| "key" : 'author', |
| "match": 'match:eq', |
| "value": 'Max Birkendale', |
| "type": 'type:string' |
| }, |
| { |
| "@type" : "korap:docGroup", |
| "operation" : "operation:and", |
| "operands" : [ |
| { |
| "@type": 'korap:doc', |
| "key": 'pubDate', |
| "match": 'match:geq', |
| "value": '2014-05-12', |
| "type": 'type:date' |
| }, |
| { |
| "@type": 'korap:doc', |
| "key": 'pubDate', |
| "match": 'match:leq', |
| "value": '2014-12-05', |
| "type": 'type:date' |
| } |
| ] |
| } |
| ] |
| }); |
| |
| var flatGroupFactory = buildFactory(KorAP.VirtualCollection, { |
| "@type" : "korap:docGroup", |
| "operation" : "operation:and", |
| "operands" : [ |
| { |
| "@type": 'korap:doc', |
| "key": 'pubDate', |
| "match": 'match:geq', |
| "value": '2014-05-12', |
| "type": 'type:date' |
| }, |
| { |
| "@type": 'korap:doc', |
| "key": 'pubDate', |
| "match": 'match:leq', |
| "value": '2014-12-05', |
| "type": 'type:date' |
| }, |
| { |
| "@type": 'korap:doc', |
| "key": 'foo', |
| "match": 'match:eq', |
| "value": 'bar', |
| "type": 'type:string' |
| } |
| ] |
| }); |
| |
| var demoFactory = buildFactory(KorAP.VirtualCollection, { |
| "@type":"korap:docGroup", |
| "operation":"operation:or", |
| "operands":[ |
| { |
| "@type":"korap:docGroup", |
| "operation":"operation:and", |
| "operands":[ |
| { |
| "@type":"korap:doc", |
| "key":"Titel", |
| "value":"Baum", |
| "match":"match:eq" |
| }, |
| { |
| "@type":"korap:doc", |
| "key":"Veröffentlichungsort", |
| "value":"hihi", |
| "match":"match:eq" |
| }, |
| { |
| "@type":"korap:docGroup", |
| "operation":"operation:or", |
| "operands":[ |
| { |
| "@type":"korap:doc", |
| "key":"Titel", |
| "value":"Baum", |
| "match":"match:eq" |
| }, |
| { |
| "@type":"korap:doc", |
| "key":"Veröffentlichungsort", |
| "value":"hihi", |
| "match":"match:eq" |
| } |
| ] |
| } |
| ] |
| }, |
| { |
| "@type":"korap:doc", |
| "key":"Untertitel", |
| "value":"huhu", |
| "match":"match:eq" |
| } |
| ] |
| }); |
| |
| it('should be initializable', function () { |
| var vc = KorAP.VirtualCollection.render(); |
| expect(vc.element().getAttribute('class')).toEqual('vc'); |
| expect(vc.root().element().getAttribute('class')).toEqual('doc unspecified'); |
| |
| // Not removable |
| expect(vc.root().element().lastChild.children.length).toEqual(0); |
| }); |
| |
| it('should be based on a doc', function () { |
| var vc = KorAP.VirtualCollection.render({ |
| "@type" : "korap:doc", |
| "key":"Titel", |
| "value":"Baum", |
| "match":"match:eq" |
| }); |
| |
| expect(vc.element().getAttribute('class')).toEqual('vc'); |
| expect(vc.root().element().getAttribute('class')).toEqual('doc'); |
| expect(vc.root().key()).toEqual('Titel'); |
| expect(vc.root().value()).toEqual('Baum'); |
| expect(vc.root().matchop()).toEqual('eq'); |
| |
| var docE = vc.root().element(); |
| expect(docE.children[0].firstChild.data).toEqual('Titel'); |
| expect(docE.children[1].firstChild.data).toEqual('eq'); |
| expect(docE.children[1].getAttribute('data-type')).toEqual('string'); |
| expect(docE.children[2].firstChild.data).toEqual('Baum'); |
| expect(docE.children[2].getAttribute('data-type')).toEqual('string'); |
| }); |
| |
| it('should be based on a docGroup', function () { |
| var vc = KorAP.VirtualCollection.render(simpleGroupFactory.create().toJson()); |
| |
| expect(vc.element().getAttribute('class')).toEqual('vc'); |
| expect(vc.root().element().getAttribute('class')).toEqual('docGroup'); |
| expect(vc.root().operation()).toEqual('and'); |
| |
| var docGroup = vc.root(); |
| |
| var first = docGroup.getOperand(0); |
| expect(first.key()).toEqual('author'); |
| expect(first.value()).toEqual('Max Birkendale'); |
| expect(first.matchop()).toEqual('eq'); |
| |
| var second = docGroup.getOperand(1); |
| expect(second.key()).toEqual('pubDate'); |
| expect(second.value()).toEqual('2014-12-05'); |
| expect(second.matchop()).toEqual('eq'); |
| }); |
| |
| |
| it('should be based on a nested docGroup', function () { |
| var vc = nestedGroupFactory.create(); |
| |
| expect(vc.element().getAttribute('class')).toEqual('vc'); |
| expect(vc.element().firstChild.getAttribute('class')).toEqual('docGroup'); |
| expect(vc.element().firstChild.children[0].getAttribute('class')).toEqual('doc'); |
| var dg = vc.element().firstChild.children[1]; |
| expect(dg.getAttribute('class')).toEqual('docGroup'); |
| expect(dg.children[0].getAttribute('class')).toEqual('doc'); |
| expect(dg.children[1].getAttribute('class')).toEqual('doc'); |
| expect(dg.children[2].getAttribute('class')).toEqual('operators'); |
| expect(vc.element().firstChild.children[2].getAttribute('class')).toEqual('operators'); |
| }); |
| |
| it('should be modifiable by deletion in flat docGroups', function () { |
| var vc = flatGroupFactory.create(); |
| var docGroup = vc.root(); |
| |
| expect(docGroup.element().getAttribute('class')).toEqual('docGroup'); |
| |
| var doc = docGroup.getOperand(1); |
| expect(doc.key()).toEqual("pubDate"); |
| expect(doc.value()).toEqual("2014-12-05"); |
| |
| // Remove operand 1 |
| expect(docGroup.delOperand(doc).update()).not.toBeUndefined(); |
| expect(doc._element).toEqual(undefined); |
| |
| doc = docGroup.getOperand(1); |
| expect(doc.key()).toEqual("foo"); |
| |
| // Remove operand 1 |
| expect(docGroup.delOperand(doc).update()).not.toBeUndefined(); |
| expect(doc._element).toEqual(undefined); |
| |
| // Only one operand left ... |
| expect(docGroup.getOperand(1)).toBeUndefined(); |
| // ... but there shouldn't be a group anymore at all! |
| expect(docGroup.getOperand(0)).toBeUndefined(); |
| |
| var obj = vc.root(); |
| expect(obj.ldType()).toEqual("doc"); |
| expect(obj.key()).toEqual("pubDate"); |
| expect(obj.value()).toEqual("2014-05-12"); |
| |
| expect(obj.element().getAttribute('class')).toEqual('doc'); |
| }); |
| |
| |
| it('should be modifiable by deletion in nested docGroups (root case)', function () { |
| var vc = nestedGroupFactory.create(); |
| |
| expect(vc.toQuery()).toEqual( |
| 'author = "Max Birkendale" | (pubDate since 2014-05-12 & pubDate until 2014-12-05)' |
| ); |
| |
| var docGroup = vc.root(); |
| expect(docGroup.ldType()).toEqual("docGroup"); |
| expect(docGroup.operation()).toEqual("or"); |
| |
| var doc = docGroup.getOperand(0); |
| expect(doc.key()).toEqual("author"); |
| expect(doc.value()).toEqual("Max Birkendale"); |
| |
| docGroup = docGroup.getOperand(1); |
| expect(docGroup.operation()).toEqual("and"); |
| |
| doc = docGroup.getOperand(0); |
| expect(doc.key()).toEqual("pubDate"); |
| expect(doc.matchop()).toEqual("geq"); |
| expect(doc.value()).toEqual("2014-05-12"); |
| expect(doc.type()).toEqual("date"); |
| |
| doc = docGroup.getOperand(1); |
| expect(doc.key()).toEqual("pubDate"); |
| expect(doc.matchop()).toEqual("leq"); |
| expect(doc.value()).toEqual("2014-12-05"); |
| expect(doc.type()).toEqual("date"); |
| |
| // Remove first operand so everything becomes root |
| expect( |
| vc.root().delOperand( |
| vc.root().getOperand(0) |
| ).update().ldType() |
| ).toEqual("docGroup"); |
| |
| expect(vc.root().ldType()).toEqual("docGroup"); |
| expect(vc.root().operation()).toEqual("and"); |
| expect(vc.root().getOperand(0).ldType()).toEqual("doc"); |
| |
| expect(vc.toQuery()).toEqual( |
| 'pubDate since 2014-05-12 & pubDate until 2014-12-05' |
| ); |
| }); |
| |
| it('should be modifiable by deletion in nested docGroups (resolve group case)', function () { |
| var vc = nestedGroupFactory.create(); |
| |
| // Get nested group |
| var firstGroup = vc.root().getOperand(1); |
| firstGroup.append(simpleGroupFactory.create({ "operation" : "operation:or" })); |
| |
| // Structur is now: |
| // or(doc, and(doc, doc, or(doc, doc))) |
| |
| // Get nested or in and |
| var orGroup = vc.root().getOperand(1).getOperand(2); |
| expect(orGroup.ldType()).toEqual("docGroup"); |
| expect(orGroup.operation()).toEqual("or"); |
| |
| // Remove |
| // Structur is now: |
| // or(doc, and(doc, doc, doc))) |
| expect(orGroup.delOperand(orGroup.getOperand(0)).update().operation()).toEqual("and"); |
| expect(vc.root().getOperand(1).operands().length).toEqual(3); |
| }); |
| |
| it('should be modifiable by deletion in nested docGroups (identical group case)', function () { |
| var vc = nestedGroupFactory.create(); |
| |
| // Get nested group |
| var firstGroup = vc.root().getOperand(1); |
| firstGroup.append(simpleGroupFactory.create({ |
| "operation" : "operation:or" |
| })); |
| var oldAuthor = firstGroup.getOperand(2).getOperand(0); |
| oldAuthor.key("title"); |
| oldAuthor.value("Der Birnbaum"); |
| |
| // Structur is now: |
| // or(doc, and(doc, doc, or(doc, doc))) |
| expect(vc.toQuery()).toEqual( |
| 'author = "Max Birkendale" | (pubDate since 2014-05-12 & pubDate until 2014-12-05 & (title = "Der Birnbaum" | pubDate in 2014-12-05))' |
| ); |
| |
| var andGroup = vc.root().getOperand(1); |
| |
| // Get leading docs in and |
| var doc1 = andGroup.getOperand(0); |
| expect(doc1.ldType()).toEqual("doc"); |
| expect(doc1.value()).toEqual("2014-05-12"); |
| var doc2 = andGroup.getOperand(1); |
| expect(doc2.ldType()).toEqual("doc"); |
| expect(doc2.value()).toEqual("2014-12-05"); |
| |
| // Remove 2 |
| expect(andGroup.delOperand(doc2).update().operation()).toEqual("and"); |
| // Structur is now: |
| // or(doc, and(doc, or(doc, doc))) |
| |
| expect(vc.toQuery()).toEqual( |
| 'author = "Max Birkendale"' + |
| ' | (pubDate since 2014-05-12 & ' + |
| '(title = "Der Birnbaum" | pubDate in 2014-12-05))' |
| ); |
| |
| |
| // Remove 1 |
| expect(andGroup.delOperand(doc1).update().operation()).toEqual("or"); |
| // Structur is now: |
| // or(doc, doc, doc) |
| |
| expect(vc.toQuery()).toEqual( |
| 'author = "Max Birkendale" | title = "Der Birnbaum" | pubDate in 2014-12-05' |
| ); |
| }); |
| |
| it('should be reducible to unspecification', function () { |
| var vc = demoFactory.create(); |
| |
| expect(vc.toQuery()).toEqual(vc.root().toQuery()); |
| |
| expect(vc.toQuery()).toEqual( |
| '(Titel = "Baum" & Veröffentlichungsort = "hihi" & ' + |
| '(Titel = "Baum" | Veröffentlichungsort = "hihi")) ' + |
| '| Untertitel = "huhu"'); |
| |
| expect(vc.root().element().lastChild.children[0].firstChild.nodeValue).toEqual('and'); |
| expect(vc.root().element().lastChild.children[1].firstChild.nodeValue).toEqual('×'); |
| expect(vc.root().delOperand(vc.root().getOperand(0)).update()).not.toBeUndefined(); |
| expect(vc.toQuery()).toEqual('Untertitel = "huhu"'); |
| |
| var lc = vc.root().element().lastChild; |
| expect(lc.children[0].firstChild.nodeValue).toEqual('and'); |
| expect(lc.children[1].firstChild.nodeValue).toEqual('or'); |
| expect(lc.children[2].firstChild.nodeValue).toEqual('×'); |
| |
| // Clean everything |
| vc.clean(); |
| expect(vc.toQuery()).toEqual('⋯'); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| describe('KorAP.Operators', function () { |
| it('should be initializable', function () { |
| var op = KorAP.Operators.create(true, false, false); |
| expect(op.and()).toBeTruthy(); |
| expect(op.or()).not.toBeTruthy(); |
| expect(op.del()).not.toBeTruthy(); |
| |
| op.and(false); |
| expect(op.and()).not.toBeTruthy(); |
| expect(op.or()).not.toBeTruthy(); |
| expect(op.del()).not.toBeTruthy(); |
| |
| op.or(true); |
| op.del(true); |
| expect(op.and()).not.toBeTruthy(); |
| expect(op.or()).toBeTruthy(); |
| expect(op.del()).toBeTruthy(); |
| |
| var e = op.element(); |
| expect(e.getAttribute('class')).toEqual('operators'); |
| expect(e.children[0].getAttribute('class')).toEqual('or'); |
| expect(e.children[0].firstChild.data).toEqual('or'); |
| expect(e.children[1].getAttribute('class')).toEqual('delete'); |
| expect(e.children[1].firstChild.data).toEqual('×'); |
| |
| op.and(true); |
| op.del(false); |
| op.update(); |
| |
| e = op.element(); |
| expect(e.getAttribute('class')).toEqual('operators'); |
| expect(e.children[0].getAttribute('class')).toEqual('and'); |
| expect(e.children[0].firstChild.data).toEqual('and'); |
| expect(e.children[1].getAttribute('class')).toEqual('or'); |
| expect(e.children[1].firstChild.data).toEqual('or'); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| describe('KorAP._delete (event)', function () { |
| var complexVCFactory = buildFactory(KorAP.VirtualCollection,{ |
| "@type": 'korap:docGroup', |
| 'operation' : 'operation:and', |
| 'operands' : [ |
| { |
| "@type": 'korap:doc', |
| "key": 'pubDate', |
| "match": 'match:eq', |
| "value": '2014-12-05', |
| "type": 'type:date' |
| }, |
| { |
| "@type" : 'korap:docGroup', |
| 'operation' : 'operation:or', |
| 'operands' : [ |
| { |
| '@type' : 'korap:doc', |
| 'key' : 'title', |
| 'value' : 'Hello World!' |
| }, |
| { |
| '@type' : 'korap:doc', |
| 'key' : 'foo', |
| 'value' : 'bar' |
| } |
| ] |
| } |
| ] |
| }); |
| |
| it('should clean on root docs', function () { |
| var vc = KorAP.VirtualCollection.render({ |
| "@type": 'korap:doc', |
| "key": 'pubDate', |
| "match": 'match:eq', |
| "value": '2014-12-05', |
| "type": 'type:date' |
| }); |
| expect(vc.root().toQuery()).toEqual('pubDate in 2014-12-05'); |
| expect(vc.root().element().lastChild.getAttribute('class')).toEqual('operators'); |
| |
| // Clean with delete from root |
| expect(vc.root().element().lastChild.lastChild.getAttribute('class')).toEqual('delete'); |
| KorAP._delete.bind(vc.root().element().lastChild.lastChild).apply(); |
| expect(vc.root().toQuery()).toEqual('⋯'); |
| expect(vc.root().element().lastChild.lastChild.data).toEqual('⋯'); |
| }); |
| |
| it ('should remove on nested docs', function () { |
| var vc = KorAP.VirtualCollection.render( |
| { |
| "@type": 'korap:docGroup', |
| 'operation' : 'operation:and', |
| 'operands' : [ |
| { |
| "@type": 'korap:doc', |
| "key": 'pubDate', |
| "match": 'match:eq', |
| "value": '2014-12-05', |
| "type": 'type:date' |
| }, |
| { |
| "@type" : 'korap:doc', |
| 'key' : 'foo', |
| 'value' : 'bar' |
| } |
| ] |
| } |
| ); |
| |
| // Delete with direct element access |
| expect(vc.toQuery()).toEqual('pubDate in 2014-12-05 & foo = "bar"'); |
| KorAP._delete.bind(vc.root().getOperand(0).element().lastChild.lastChild).apply(); |
| expect(vc.toQuery()).toEqual('foo = "bar"'); |
| expect(vc.root().ldType()).toEqual('doc'); |
| }); |
| |
| it ('should clean on doc groups', function () { |
| var vc = KorAP.VirtualCollection.render( |
| { |
| "@type": 'korap:docGroup', |
| 'operation' : 'operation:and', |
| 'operands' : [ |
| { |
| "@type": 'korap:doc', |
| "key": 'pubDate', |
| "match": 'match:eq', |
| "value": '2014-12-05', |
| "type": 'type:date' |
| }, |
| { |
| "@type" : 'korap:doc', |
| 'key' : 'foo', |
| 'value' : 'bar' |
| } |
| ] |
| } |
| ); |
| |
| // Cleanwith direct element access |
| expect(vc.toQuery()).toEqual('pubDate in 2014-12-05 & foo = "bar"'); |
| KorAP._delete.bind(vc.root().element().lastChild.lastChild).apply(); |
| expect(vc.toQuery()).toEqual('⋯'); |
| expect(vc.root().ldType()).toEqual('non'); |
| }); |
| |
| it ('should remove on nested doc groups (case of ungrouping 1)', function () { |
| var vc = complexVCFactory.create(); |
| |
| // Delete with direct element access |
| expect(vc.toQuery()).toEqual( |
| 'pubDate in 2014-12-05 & (title = "Hello World!" | foo = "bar")' |
| ); |
| |
| // Remove hello world: |
| KorAP._delete.bind(vc.root().getOperand(1).getOperand(0).element().lastChild.lastChild).apply(); |
| expect(vc.toQuery()).toEqual('pubDate in 2014-12-05 & foo = "bar"'); |
| expect(vc.root().ldType()).toEqual('docGroup'); |
| }); |
| |
| it ('should remove on nested doc groups (case of ungrouping 2)', function () { |
| var vc = complexVCFactory.create(); |
| |
| // Delete with direct element access |
| expect(vc.toQuery()).toEqual( |
| 'pubDate in 2014-12-05 & (title = "Hello World!" | foo = "bar")' |
| ); |
| |
| // Remove bar |
| KorAP._delete.bind(vc.root().getOperand(1).getOperand(1).element().lastChild.lastChild).apply(); |
| expect(vc.toQuery()).toEqual('pubDate in 2014-12-05 & title = "Hello World!"'); |
| expect(vc.root().ldType()).toEqual('docGroup'); |
| expect(vc.root().operation()).toEqual('and'); |
| }); |
| |
| it ('should remove on nested doc groups (case of root changing)', function () { |
| var vc = complexVCFactory.create(); |
| |
| // Delete with direct element access |
| expect(vc.toQuery()).toEqual( |
| 'pubDate in 2014-12-05 & (title = "Hello World!" | foo = "bar")' |
| ); |
| |
| // Remove bar |
| KorAP._delete.bind(vc.root().getOperand(0).element().lastChild.lastChild).apply(); |
| expect(vc.toQuery()).toEqual('title = "Hello World!" | foo = "bar"'); |
| expect(vc.root().ldType()).toEqual('docGroup'); |
| expect(vc.root().operation()).toEqual('or'); |
| }); |
| |
| it ('should remove on nested doc groups (list flattening)', function () { |
| var vc = KorAP.VirtualCollection.render( |
| { |
| "@type": 'korap:docGroup', |
| 'operation' : 'operation:or', |
| 'operands' : [ |
| { |
| "@type": 'korap:doc', |
| "key": 'pubDate', |
| "match": 'match:eq', |
| "value": '2014-12-05', |
| "type": 'type:date' |
| }, |
| { |
| "@type" : 'korap:doc', |
| 'key' : 'foo', |
| 'value' : 'bar' |
| }, |
| { |
| "@type": 'korap:docGroup', |
| 'operation' : 'operation:and', |
| 'operands' : [ |
| { |
| "@type": 'korap:doc', |
| "key": 'pubDate', |
| "match": 'match:eq', |
| "value": '2014-12-05', |
| "type": 'type:date' |
| }, |
| { |
| "@type" : 'korap:docGroup', |
| 'operation' : 'operation:or', |
| 'operands' : [ |
| { |
| '@type' : 'korap:doc', |
| 'key' : 'title', |
| 'value' : 'Hello World!' |
| }, |
| { |
| '@type' : 'korap:doc', |
| 'key' : 'yeah', |
| 'value' : 'juhu' |
| } |
| ] |
| } |
| ] |
| } |
| ] |
| } |
| ); |
| |
| // Delete with direct element access |
| expect(vc.toQuery()).toEqual( |
| 'pubDate in 2014-12-05 | foo = "bar" | ' + |
| '(pubDate in 2014-12-05 & ' + |
| '(title = "Hello World!" | yeah = "juhu"))' |
| ); |
| |
| expect(vc.root().ldType()).toEqual('docGroup'); |
| expect(vc.root().operation()).toEqual('or'); |
| |
| // Operands and operators |
| expect(vc.element().firstChild.children.length).toEqual(4); |
| expect(vc.element().firstChild.lastChild.getAttribute('class')).toEqual('operators'); |
| |
| // Remove inner group and flatten |
| KorAP._delete.bind( |
| vc.root().getOperand(2).getOperand(0).element().lastChild.lastChild |
| ).apply(); |
| |
| expect(vc.toQuery()).toEqual( |
| 'pubDate in 2014-12-05 | foo = "bar" | title = "Hello World!" | yeah = "juhu"' |
| ); |
| expect(vc.root().ldType()).toEqual('docGroup'); |
| expect(vc.root().operation()).toEqual('or'); |
| |
| // Operands and operators |
| expect(vc.element().firstChild.children.length).toEqual(5); |
| expect(vc.element().firstChild.lastChild.getAttribute('class')).toEqual('operators'); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| describe('KorAP._add (event)', function () { |
| var complexVCFactory = buildFactory(KorAP.VirtualCollection,{ |
| "@type": 'korap:docGroup', |
| 'operation' : 'operation:and', |
| 'operands' : [ |
| { |
| "@type": 'korap:doc', |
| "key": 'pubDate', |
| "match": 'match:eq', |
| "value": '2014-12-05', |
| "type": 'type:date' |
| }, |
| { |
| "@type" : 'korap:docGroup', |
| 'operation' : 'operation:or', |
| 'operands' : [ |
| { |
| '@type' : 'korap:doc', |
| 'key' : 'title', |
| 'value' : 'Hello World!' |
| }, |
| { |
| '@type' : 'korap:doc', |
| 'key' : 'foo', |
| 'value' : 'bar' |
| } |
| ] |
| } |
| ] |
| }); |
| |
| it ('should add new unspecified doc with "and"', function () { |
| var vc = KorAP.VirtualCollection.render( |
| { |
| "@type": 'korap:docGroup', |
| 'operation' : 'operation:and', |
| 'operands' : [ |
| { |
| "@type": 'korap:doc', |
| "key": 'pubDate', |
| "match": 'match:eq', |
| "value": '2014-12-05', |
| "type": 'type:date' |
| }, |
| { |
| "@type" : 'korap:doc', |
| 'key' : 'foo', |
| 'value' : 'bar' |
| } |
| ] |
| } |
| ); |
| |
| expect(vc.toQuery()).toEqual('pubDate in 2014-12-05 & foo = "bar"'); |
| |
| var fc = vc.element().firstChild; |
| expect(fc.getAttribute('data-operation')).toEqual('and'); |
| expect(fc.children.length).toEqual(3); |
| expect(fc.lastChild.getAttribute('class')).toEqual('operators'); |
| expect(fc.children[0].getAttribute('class')).toEqual('doc'); |
| expect(fc.children[1].getAttribute('class')).toEqual('doc'); |
| |
| // add with 'and' in the middle |
| KorAP._and.bind(vc.root().getOperand(0).element().lastChild.lastChild).apply(); |
| expect(vc.toQuery()).toEqual('pubDate in 2014-12-05 & foo = "bar"'); |
| |
| fc = vc.element().firstChild; |
| expect(fc.getAttribute('data-operation')).toEqual('and'); |
| expect(fc.children.length).toEqual(4); |
| expect(fc.lastChild.getAttribute('class')).toEqual('operators'); |
| |
| expect(fc.children[0].getAttribute('class')).toEqual('doc'); |
| expect(fc.children[1].getAttribute('class')).toEqual('doc unspecified'); |
| expect(fc.children[2].getAttribute('class')).toEqual('doc'); |
| }); |
| |
| it ('should add new unspecified doc with "or"', function () { |
| var vc = KorAP.VirtualCollection.render( |
| { |
| "@type": 'korap:docGroup', |
| 'operation' : 'operation:and', |
| 'operands' : [ |
| { |
| "@type": 'korap:doc', |
| "key": 'pubDate', |
| "match": 'match:eq', |
| "value": '2014-12-05', |
| "type": 'type:date' |
| }, |
| { |
| "@type" : 'korap:doc', |
| 'key' : 'foo', |
| 'value' : 'bar' |
| } |
| ] |
| } |
| ); |
| |
| expect(vc.toQuery()).toEqual('pubDate in 2014-12-05 & foo = "bar"'); |
| |
| var fc = vc.element().firstChild; |
| expect(fc.children.length).toEqual(3); |
| expect(fc.lastChild.getAttribute('class')).toEqual('operators'); |
| expect(fc.children[0].getAttribute('class')).toEqual('doc'); |
| expect(fc.children[1].getAttribute('class')).toEqual('doc'); |
| |
| // add with 'or' in the middle |
| KorAP._or.bind(vc.root().getOperand(0).element().lastChild.lastChild).apply(); |
| expect(vc.toQuery()).toEqual('pubDate in 2014-12-05 & foo = "bar"'); |
| fc = vc.element().firstChild; |
| |
| expect(fc.getAttribute('data-operation')).toEqual('and'); |
| expect(fc.children.length).toEqual(3); |
| expect(fc.children[0].getAttribute('class')).toEqual('docGroup'); |
| expect(fc.children[0].getAttribute('data-operation')).toEqual('or'); |
| expect(fc.children[1].getAttribute('class')).toEqual('doc'); |
| expect(fc.children[2].getAttribute('class')).toEqual('operators'); |
| expect(fc.lastChild.getAttribute('class')).toEqual('operators'); |
| |
| fc = vc.element().firstChild.firstChild; |
| expect(fc.children.length).toEqual(3); |
| expect(fc.children[0].getAttribute('class')).toEqual('doc'); |
| expect(fc.children[1].getAttribute('class')).toEqual('doc unspecified'); |
| expect(fc.children[2].getAttribute('class')).toEqual('operators'); |
| expect(fc.lastChild.getAttribute('class')).toEqual('operators'); |
| }); |
| |
| // Todo: wrap on root!! |
| }); |
| |
| /* |
| Todo: test event sequences: |
| - In a nested group with a 'doc' and a 'non', remove the 'doc', |
| so the 'non' needs to be flattened! |
| */ |