blob: 77d05ec18582e2ff41a2ce93433b132ca2be0a51 [file] [log] [blame]
define(function () {
"use strict";
var svgNS = "";
return {
create : function (snippet) {
var obj = Object.create(this)._init(snippet);
obj._tokens = ["Das", "ist", "ja", "toll"];
obj._tokenElements = [];
obj._arcs = [
{ start: 1, end: 3, label: "small" },
{ start: 3, end: 0, label: "large" }
obj.maxArc = 200; // maximum height of the bezier control point
return obj;
_init : function (snippet) {
var html = document.createElement("div");
html.innerHTML = snippet;
return this;
// This is a shorthand for SVG element creation
_c : function (tag) {
return document.createElementNS(svgNS, tag);
// Returns the center point of the requesting token
_tokenPoint : function (node) {
var box = node.getBoundingClientRect();
return box.x + (box.width / 2);
// Create an arc with a label
// Potentially needs a height parameter for stacks
_createArc : function (start, end, label) {
var startPos = this._tokenPoint(this._tokenElements[start]);
var endPos = this._tokenPoint(this._tokenElements[end]);
var y = 0;
var g = this._c("g");
var p = g.appendChild(this._c("path"));
// Create arc
var middle = Math.abs(endPos - startPos) / 2;
var cHeight = middle < this.maxArc ? middle : this.maxArc;
var x = Math.min(startPos, endPos);
var arc = "M "+ startPos + " " + y +
" C " + startPos + " " + (y-cHeight) +
" " + endPos + " " + (y-cHeight) +
" " + endPos + " " + y;
p.setAttribute("d", arc);
if (label !== undefined) {
var labelE = g.appendChild(this._c("text"));
labelE.setAttribute("x", x + middle);
labelE.setAttribute("y", -1 * cHeight + 10);
labelE.setAttribute("text-anchor", "middle");
return g;
element : function () {
if (this._element !== undefined)
return this._element;
// Create svg
var svg = this._c("svg");
svg.setAttribute("width", 700);
svg.setAttribute("height", 300);
this._element = svg;
return this._element;
// Add a relation with a start, an end,
// a direction value and a label text
addArc : function (start, end, direction, label) {
* All arcs need to be sorted before shown,
* to avoid nesting.
_sortArcs : function () {
// 1. Sort by length
// 2. Tag all spans with the number of overlaps before
// a) Iterate over all spans
// b) check the latest preceeding overlapping span (lpos)
// -> not found: tag with 0
// -> found: Add +1 to the level of the (lpos)
// c) If the new tag is smaller than the previous element,
// reorder
show : function () {
var svg = this._element;
* Generate token list
var text = svg.appendChild(this._c("text"));
text.setAttribute("y", 135);
text.setAttribute("x", 160);
var lastRight = 0;
for (var node_i in this._tokens) {
// Append svg
var tspan = text.appendChild(this._c("tspan"));
// Add whitespace!
text.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" "));
this.arcs = svg.appendChild(this._c("g"));
var textBox = text.getBoundingClientRect();
"translate(0," + textBox.y +")"
* Before creating the arcs, the height of the arc
* needs to be calculated to make it possible to "stack" arcs.
* That means, the arcs need to be presorted, so massively
* overlapping arcs are taken first.
for (var i in this._arcs) {
var arc = this._arcs[i];
this.arcs.appendChild(this._createArc(arc.start, arc.end, arc.label));