Added annotation helper for UDPipe annotations
Change-Id: Ibb6d459894430a80d7453ee2e2246768e287e7ca
diff --git a/Changes b/Changes
index 5487ca9..abef1c7 100755
--- a/Changes
+++ b/Changes
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-0.48 2023-01-31
+0.48 2023-02-02
- Added support for NKJP tagset in annotation
assistant. (diewald)
- Remove deprecated 'auth_support' (since 0.31)
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
(fixes #184; diewald)
- Redirect to index on authorization failure,
in case user is not logged in. (fixes #192; diewald)
+ - Added annotation helper for UDPipe annotations. (wilm)
WARNING: Mojolicious 9.31 is a security update -
updating is highly recommended.
diff --git a/dev/js/src/hint/foundries/ud.js b/dev/js/src/hint/foundries/ud.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6777c73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev/js/src/hint/foundries/ud.js
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+define(["hint/foundries"], function (ah) {
+ ah["-"].push(
+ ["UDPipe", "ud/", "Morphology, Part-of-Speech"]
+ );
+ ah["ud/"] = [
+ ["Morphology", "m="],
+ ["Part-of-Speech", "p="]
+ ];
+ ah["ud/p="] = [
+ ["ADJ","ADJ ","adjective"],
+ ["ADP","ADP ","adposition"],
+ ["ADV","ADV ","adverb"],
+ ["AUX","AUX ","auxiliary"],
+ ["CCONJ","CCONJ ","coordinating conjunction"],
+ ["DET","DET ","determiner"],
+ ["INTJ","INTJ ","interjection"],
+ ["NOUN","NOUN ","noun"],
+ ["NUM","NUM ","numeral"],
+ ["PART","PART ","particle"],
+ ["PRON","PRON ","pronoun"],
+ ["PROPN","PROPN ","proper noun"],
+ ["PUNCT","PUNCT ","punctuation"],
+ ["SCONJ","SCONJ ","subordinating conjunction"],
+ ["SYM","SYM ","symbol"],
+ ["VERB","VERB ","verb"],
+ ["X","X ","other"]
+ ];
+ ah["ud/m="] = [
+ ["abbreviation","abbr:"],
+ ["adposition type","adptype:"],
+ ["animacy","animacy:"],
+ ["aspect","aspect:"],
+ ["case","case:"],
+ ["conjunction type","conjtype:"],
+ ["definiteness or state","definite:"],
+ ["degree","degree:"],
+ ["foreign word","foreign:"],
+ ["gender","gender:"],
+ ["hyphenated compound or part of it","hyph:"],
+ ["mood","mood:"],
+ ["number","number:"],
+ ["numeral type","numtype:"],
+ ["particle type","parttype:"],
+ ["person","person:"],
+ ["polarity","polarity:"],
+ ["possessive","poss:"],
+ ["pronominal type","prontype:"],
+ ["punctuation type","puncttype:"],
+ ["reflexive","reflex:"],
+ ["tense","tense:"],
+ ["misspelled word","typo:"],
+ ["alternative form of word","variant:"],
+ ["form of verb or deverbative","verbform:"],
+ ["verb type","verbtype:"]
+ ];
+ ah["ud/m=abbr:"] = [
+ ["yes","yes ","yes"]
+ ];
+ ah["ud/m=adptype:"] = [
+ ["circ","circ ","circumposition"],
+ ["post","post ","postposition"],
+ ["prep","prep ","preposition"],
+ ["voc","voc ","vocalized preposition"]
+ ];
+ ah["ud/m=animacy:"] = [
+ ["anim","anim ","animate"],
+ ["hum","hum ","human"],
+ ["inan","inan ","inanimate"],
+ ["nhum","nhum ","non-human"]
+ ];
+ ah["ud/m=aspect:"] = [
+ ["hab","hab ","habitual"],
+ ["imp","imp ","imperfect"],
+ ["iter","iter ","iterative / frequentative"],
+ ["perf","perf ","perfect"],
+ ["prog","prog ","progressive"],
+ ["prosp","prosp ","prospective"]
+ ];
+ ah["ud/m=case:"] = [
+ ["abe","abe ","abessive / caritative / privative"],
+ ["abl","abl ","ablative / adelative"],
+ ["abs","abs ","absolutive"],
+ ["acc","acc ","accusative / oblique"],
+ ["add","add ","additive"],
+ ["ade","ade ","adessive"],
+ ["all","all ","allative / adlative"],
+ ["ben","ben ","benefactive / destinative"],
+ ["cau","cau ","causative / motivative / purposive"],
+ ["cmp","cmp ","comparative"],
+ ["cns","cns ","considerative"],
+ ["com","com ","comitative / associative"],
+ ["dat","dat ","dative"],
+ ["del","del ","delative / superelative"],
+ ["dis","dis ","distributive"],
+ ["ela","ela ","elative / inelative"],
+ ["equ","equ ","equative"],
+ ["erg","erg ","ergative"],
+ ["ess","ess ","essive / prolative"],
+ ["gen","gen ","genitive"],
+ ["ill","ill ","illative / inlative"],
+ ["ine","ine ","inessive"],
+ ["ins","ins ","instrumental / instructive"],
+ ["lat","lat ","lative / directional allative"],
+ ["loc","loc ","locative"],
+ ["nom","nom ","nominative / direct"],
+ ["par","par ","partitive"],
+ ["per","per ","perlative"],
+ ["sbe","sbe ","subelative"],
+ ["sbl","sbl ","sublative"],
+ ["spl","spl ","superlative"],
+ ["sub","sub ","subessive"],
+ ["sup","sup ","superessive"],
+ ["tem","tem ","temporal"],
+ ["ter","ter ","terminative / terminal allative"],
+ ["tra","tra ","translative / factive"],
+ ["voc","voc ","vocative"]
+ ];
+ ah["ud/m=conjtype:"] = [
+ ["comp","comp ","comparing conjunction"],
+ ["oper","oper ","mathematical operator"],
+ ["pred","pred ","subordinating conjunction introducing a secondary predicate"]
+ ];
+ ah["ud/m=definite:"] = [
+ ["com","com ","complex"],
+ ["cons","cons ","construct state / reduced definiteness"],
+ ["def","def ","definite"],
+ ["ind","ind ","indefinite"],
+ ["spec","spec ","specific indefinite"]
+ ];
+ ah["ud/m=degree:"] = [
+ ["abs","abs ","absolute superlative"],
+ ["aug","aug ","augmentative"],
+ ["cmp","cmp ","comparative, second degree"],
+ ["dim","dim ","diminutive"],
+ ["equ","equ ","equative"],
+ ["pos","pos ","positive, first degree"],
+ ["sup","sup ","superlative, third degree"]
+ ];
+ ah["ud/m=foreign:"] = [
+ ["yes","yes ","yes"]
+ ];
+ ah["ud/m=gender:"] = [
+ ["com","com ","common"],
+ ["fem","fem ","feminine",],
+ ["masc","masc ","masculine"],
+ ["neut","neut ","neuter"]
+ ];
+ ah["ud/m=hyph:"] = [
+ ["yes","yes ","yes"]
+ ];
+ ah["ud/m=mood:"] = [
+ ["adm","adm ","admirative"],
+ ["cnd","cnd ","conditional"],
+ ["des","des ","desiderative"],
+ ["imp","imp ","imperative"],
+ ["ind","ind ","indicative or realis"],
+ ["int","int ","interrogative"],
+ ["irr","irr ","irrealis"],
+ ["jus","jus ","jussive / injunctive"],
+ ["nec","nec ","necessitative"],
+ ["opt","opt ","optative"],
+ ["pot","pot ","potential"],
+ ["prp","prp ","purposive"],
+ ["qot","qot ","quotative"],
+ ["sub","sub ","subjunctive / conjunctive"]
+ ];
+ ah["ud/m=number:"] = [
+ ["coll","coll ","collective / mass / singulare tantum"],
+ ["count","count ","count plural"],
+ ["dual","dual ","dual"],
+ ["grpa","grpa ","greater paucal"],
+ ["grpl","grpl ","greater plural"],
+ ["inv","inv ","inverse"],
+ ["pauc","pauc ","paucal"],
+ ["plur","plur ","plural"],
+ ["ptan","ptan ","plurale tantum"],
+ ["sing","sing ","singular"],
+ ["tri","tri ","trial"]
+ ];
+ ah["ud/m=numtype:"] = [
+ ["card","card ","cardinal number or corresponding interrogative / relative / indefinite / demonstrative word"],
+ ["dist","dist ","distributive numeral"],
+ ["frac","frac ","fraction"],
+ ["mult","mult ","multiplicative numeral or corresponding interrogative / relative / indefinite / demonstrative word"],
+ ["ord","ord ","ordinal number or corresponding interrogative / relative / indefinite / demonstrative word"],
+ ["range","range ","range of values"],
+ ["sets","sets ","number of sets of things; collective numeral"]
+ ];
+ ah["ud/m=parttype:"] = [
+ ["emp","emp ","particle of emphasis"],
+ ["inf","inf ","infinitive marker"],
+ ["int","int ","question particle"],
+ ["mod","mod ","modal particle"],
+ ["neg","neg ","negation particle"],
+ ["res","res ","response particle"],
+ ["vbp","vbp ","separated verb prefix in german"]
+ ];
+ ah["ud/m=person:"] = [
+ ["0","0 ","zero person"],
+ ["1","1 ","first person"],
+ ["2","2 ","second person"],
+ ["3","3 ","third person"],
+ ["4","4 ","fourth person"]
+ ];
+ ah["ud/m=polarity:"] = [
+ ["neg","neg ","negative"],
+ ["pos","pos ","positive, affirmative"]
+ ];
+ ah["ud/m=poss:"] = [
+ ["yes","yes ","yes"]
+ ];
+ ah["ud/m=prontype:"] = [
+ ["art","art ","article"],
+ ["dem","dem ","demonstrative pronoun, determiner, numeral or adverb"],
+ ["emp","emp ","emphatic determiner"],
+ ["exc","exc ","exclamative determiner"],
+ ["ind","ind ","indefinite pronoun, determiner, numeral or adverb"],
+ ["int","int ","interrogative pronoun, determiner, numeral or adverb"],
+ ["neg","neg ","negative pronoun, determiner or adverb"],
+ ["prs","prs ","personal or possessive personal pronoun or determiner"],
+ ["rcp","rcp ","reciprocal pronoun"],
+ ["rel","rel ","relative pronoun, determiner, numeral or adverb"],
+ ["tot","tot ","total (collective) pronoun, determiner or adverb"]
+ ];
+ ah["ud/m=puncttype:"] = [
+ ["brck","brck ","bracket"],
+ ["colo","colo ","colon"],
+ ["comm","comm ","comma"],
+ ["dash","dash ","dash, hyphen"],
+ ["elip","elip ","ellipsis"],
+ ["excl","excl ","exclamation mark"],
+ ["peri","peri ","period at the end of sentence or clause"],
+ ["qest","qest ","question mark"],
+ ["quot","quot ","quotation marks"],
+ ["semi","semi ","semicolon"],
+ ["slsh","slsh ","slash or backslash"]
+ ];
+ ah["ud/m=reflex:"] = [
+ ["yes","yes ","yes"]
+ ];
+ ah["ud/m=tense:"] = [
+ ["fut","fut ","future tense"],
+ ["imp","imp ","imperfect"],
+ ["past","past ","past tense / preterite / aorist"],
+ ["pqp","pqp ","pluperfect"],
+ ["pres","pres ","present / non-past tense / aorist"]
+ ];
+ ah["ud/m=typo:"] = [
+ ["yes","yes ","yes"]
+ ];
+ ah["ud/m=variant:"] = [
+ ["short","short ","short form of adjectives"]
+ ];
+ ah["ud/m=verbform:"] = [
+ ["conv","conv ","converb, transgressive, adverbial participle, verbal adverb"],
+ ["fin","fin ","finite verb"],
+ ["gdv","gdv ","gerundive"],
+ ["ger","ger ","gerund"],
+ ["inf","inf ","infinitive"],
+ ["part","part ","participle, verbal adjective"],
+ ["sup","sup ","supine"],
+ ["vnoun","vnoun ","verbal noun, masdar"]
+ ];
+ ah["ud/m=verbtype:"] = [
+ ["aux","aux ","auxiliary verb"],
+ ["cop","cop ","copula verb"],
+ ["light","light ","light (support) verb"],
+ ["mod","mod ","modal verb"],
+ ["quasi","quasi ","quasi-verb"]
+ ];