Merge "Improve query language documentation"
diff --git a/templates/doc/korap/kustvakt.html.ep b/templates/doc/korap/kustvakt.html.ep
index a6be167..e3873c0 100644
--- a/templates/doc/korap/kustvakt.html.ep
+++ b/templates/doc/korap/kustvakt.html.ep
@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
 %= korap_overview 'kustvakt'
-<p><strong>Main developer:</strong> Michael Hanl</p>
+<p><strong>Main developer:</strong> Michael Hanl, Eliza Margaretha, Franck Bodmer</p>
 <p>Kustvakt is a user and policy management software, that is capable of rewriting queries for policy based document restrictions.</p>
+<p>Kustvakt is open source and available on <%= doc_ext_link_to 'GitHub', "" %>.</p>
diff --git a/templates/doc/navigation.json b/templates/doc/navigation.json
index 12e4683..eff474e 100644
--- a/templates/doc/navigation.json
+++ b/templates/doc/navigation.json
@@ -73,6 +73,10 @@
         "id" : "cql"
+        "title" : "FCSQL",
+        "id" : "fcsql"
+      },
+      {
         "title" : "Regular Expressions",
         "id" : "regexp"
diff --git a/templates/doc/ql.html.ep b/templates/doc/ql.html.ep
index ad1b176..5094811 100644
--- a/templates/doc/ql.html.ep
+++ b/templates/doc/ql.html.ep
@@ -22,32 +22,32 @@
   %# [isnt => 'json_pointer', 'result']
   %# [not_ok => 'json_pointer']
-  <p><strong>Poliqarp</strong>: Find all occurrences of the lemma &quot;baum&quot; as annotated by the <%= doc_link_to 'default foundry', 'data', 'annotation' %>.</p>
+  <p><strong><%= doc_link_to 'Poliqarp', 'ql', 'poliqarp-plus' %></strong>: Find all occurrences of the lemma &quot;baum&quot; as annotated by the <%= doc_link_to 'default foundry', 'data', 'annotation' %>.</p>
   %= doc_query poliqarp => '[base=Baum]', 'tests' => [[is => '/query', 'tokens:tt/l:Baum'],[is => '/request/query/wrap/layer', 'lemma'],[is => '/request/query/wrap/foundry', 'tt'], [ok => '/matches/10']]
-  <p><strong>Poliqarp</strong>: Find all sequences of adjectives as annotated by Treetagger, that are repeated 3 to 5 times in a row.</p>
+  <p><strong><%= doc_link_to 'Poliqarp', 'ql', 'poliqarp-plus' %></strong>: Find all sequences of adjectives as annotated by Treetagger, that are repeated 3 to 5 times in a row.</p>
   %= doc_query poliqarp => '[tt/p=ADJA]{3,5}', 'tests' => [[is => '/query', 'spanRepetition(tokens:tt/p:ADJA{3,5})'], [is => '/request/query/operation', 'operation:repetition'],[is => '/request/query/operands/0/wrap/foundry', 'tt'], [ok => '/matches/5']]
-  <p><strong>Cosmas-II</strong>: Find all occurrences of the words &quot;der&quot; and &quot;Baum&quot;, in case they are in a maximum distance of 5 tokens. The order is not relevant.</p>
+  <p><strong><%= doc_link_to 'Cosmas-II', 'ql', 'cosmas-2' %></strong>: Find all occurrences of the words &quot;der&quot; and &quot;Baum&quot;, in case they are in a maximum distance of 5 tokens. The order is not relevant.</p>
   %= doc_query cosmas2 => 'der /w5 Baum', 'tests' => [[is => '/query', 'shrink(129: spanDistance({129: tokens:s:der}, {129: tokens:s:Baum}, [(w[0:5], notOrdered, notExcluded)]))'], [is => '/request/query/operation', 'operation:focus'], [is => '/request/query/@type', 'korap:reference'],[is => '/request/query/operands/0/operands/1/operation', 'operation:class'], [is => '/itemsPerPage', 25], [ok => '/matches/20'], [is => '/matches/4/corpusID', 'WPD'], [is => '/matches/12/corpusID', 'WPD']]
-  <p><strong>Cosmas-II</strong>: Find all sequences of a word starting with a &quot;d&quot; (using a wildcard) followed by an adjective as annotated in the mate foundry, followed by the word &quot;Baum&quot; (ignore the case), that is in a sentence element annotated by the <%= doc_link_to 'default foundry', 'data', 'annotation' %>.</p>
+  <p><strong><%= doc_link_to 'Cosmas-II', 'ql', 'cosmas-2' %></strong>: Find all sequences of a word starting with a &quot;d&quot; (using a wildcard) followed by an adjective as annotated in the mate foundry, followed by the word &quot;Baum&quot; (ignore the case), that is in a sentence element annotated by the <%= doc_link_to 'default foundry', 'data', 'annotation' %>.</p>
   <p><em>Be aware</em>: Minor incompatibilities with implemented languages may be announced with warnings.</p>
   %= doc_query cosmas2 => 'd* MORPH(mate/p=ADJA) $Baum #IN #ELEM(s)', 'tests' => [[ok => '/matches/3'], [is => '/query', 'shrink(130: {131: spanContain({129: <tokens:s />}, {130: spanNext(spanNext(SpanMultiTermQueryWrapper(tokens:s:d*), tokens:mate/p:ADJA), tokens:i:baum)})})'], [is => '/request/query/@type', 'korap:reference'], [is => '/request/query/operation', 'operation:focus'], [is => '/request/query/operands/0/operands/0/operation', 'operation:position'], [is => '/request/query/operands/0/operands/0/operands/1/operands/0/operation', 'operation:sequence'], [is => '/request/query/operands/0/operands/0/operands/1/operands/0/operands/0/wrap/type', 'type:wildcard'], [is => '/request/query/operands/0/operands/0/operands/1/operands/0/operands/1/wrap/key', 'ADJA'], [is => '/request/query/operands/0/operands/0/operands/1/operands/0/operands/1/wrap/foundry', 'mate'], [ok => '/request/query/operands/0/operands/0/operands/1/operands/0/operands/2/wrap/caseInsensitive'], [ok => '/matches/5']]
-  <p><strong>Poliqarp+</strong>: Find all nominal phrases as annotated using Connexor, that contain an adverb as annotated by OpenNLP, that is annotated as something starting with an &quot;A&quot; using regular expressions in Treetagger.</p>
+  <p><strong><%= doc_link_to 'Poliqarp+', 'ql', 'poliqarp-plus' %></strong>: Find all nominal phrases as annotated using Connexor, that contain an adverb as annotated by OpenNLP, that is annotated as something starting with an &quot;A&quot; using regular expressions in Treetagger.</p>
   %= doc_query poliqarp => 'contains(<cnx/c=np>,{[opennlp/p=ADV & tt/p="A.*"]})', cutoff => 1, 'tests' => [[is => '/query', 'spanContain(<tokens:cnx/c:np />, {1: spanSegment(tokens:opennlp/p:ADV, SpanMultiTermQueryWrapper(tokens:/tt/p:A.*/))})'], [is => '/request/query/operation', 'operation:position'], [is => '/request/query/frames/0', 'frames:contains'], [is => '/request/query/operands/0/foundry', 'cnx'], [is => '/request/query/operands/0/layer', 'c'], [is => '/request/query/operands/0/foundry', 'cnx'], [is => '/request/query/operands/0/key', 'np'], [is => '/request/query/operands/1/operands/0/wrap/operands/0/foundry', 'opennlp'], [is => '/request/query/operands/1/operands/0/wrap/operands/0/layer', 'p'],  [is => '/request/query/operands/1/operands/0/wrap/operands/1/foundry', 'tt'],  [is => '/request/query/operands/1/operands/0/wrap/operands/1/type', 'type:regex'], [is => '/request/query/operands/1/operands/0/wrap/operands/1/key', 'A.*'], [ok => '/matches/5']]
-  <p><strong>Poliqarp+</strong>: Find all sentences as annotated by the base foundry that start with a sequence of one token in present tense as annotated by Connexor and the lemma &quot;die&quot; annotated by the <%= doc_link_to 'default foundry', 'data', 'annotation' %>. Highlight both terms of the sequence.</p>
+  <p><strong><%= doc_link_to 'Poliqarp+', 'ql', 'poliqarp-plus' %></strong>: Find all sentences as annotated by the base foundry that start with a sequence of one token in present tense as annotated by Connexor and the lemma &quot;die&quot; annotated by the <%= doc_link_to 'default foundry', 'data', 'annotation' %>. Highlight both terms of the sequence.</p>
   %= doc_query poliqarp => 'startswith(<base/s=s>, {1:[cnx/m=PRES]}{2:[base=die]})', cutoff => 1, tests => [[is => '/query', 'spanStartsWith(<tokens:s />, spanNext({1: tokens:cnx/m:PRES}, {2: tokens:tt/l:die}))'], [is => '/request/meta/startPage', 1], [is => '/request/query/operation', 'operation:position'], [is => '/request/query/operands/0/@type','korap:span'], [is => '/request/query/operands/1/operands/0/operation', 'operation:class'], [is => '/request/query/operands/1/operands/1/operation', 'operation:class'], [is => '/request/query/operands/1/operands/1/operands/0/wrap/foundry', 'tt'], [ok => '/matches/4']]
-  <p><strong>Poliqarp+</strong>: Find all sequences of an article, followed by three to four adjectives and a noun as annotated by the Treetagger foundry, that finish a sentence. Highlight all parts of the sequence.</p>
+  <p><strong><%= doc_link_to 'Poliqarp+', 'ql', 'poliqarp-plus' %></strong>: Find all sequences of an article, followed by three to four adjectives and a noun as annotated by the Treetagger foundry, that finish a sentence. Highlight all parts of the sequence.</p>
   %= doc_query poliqarp => 'focus(3:endswith(<base/s=s>,{3:[tt/p=ART]{1:{2:[tt/p=ADJA]{3,4}}[tt/p=NN]}}))', cutoff => 1, 'tests' => [[is => '/query', 'shrink(3: spanEndsWith(<tokens:s />, {3: spanNext(tokens:tt/p:ART, {1: spanNext({2: spanRepetition(tokens:tt/p:ADJA{3,4})}, tokens:tt/p:NN)})}))'], [is => '/request/query/operation', 'operation:focus'], [is => '/request/query/operands/0/frames/0', 'frames:endswith'], [ok => '/matches/3'], [is => '/matches/4/corpusID', 'WPD']]
-  <p><strong>Annis</strong>: Find all occurrences of the sequence of two tokens annotated as adverbs by the <%= doc_link_to 'default foundry', 'data', 'annotation' %>.</p>
+  <p><strong><%= doc_link_to 'Annis', 'ql', 'annis' %></strong>: Find all occurrences of the sequence of two tokens annotated as adverbs by the <%= doc_link_to 'default foundry', 'data', 'annotation' %>.</p>
   %= doc_query annis => 'pos="ADV" & pos="ADV" & #1 . #2', 'tests' => [[is => '/query', 'spanNext(tokens:tt/p:ADV, tokens:tt/p:ADV)'], [is => '/request/query/operands/0/wrap/foundry', 'tt'], [is => '/request/query/operands/1/wrap/foundry', 'tt'], [ok => '/matches/5'], [ok => '/matches/15'], [is => '/matches/15/corpusID', 'WPD']]
-  <p><strong>CQL</strong>: Find all occurrences of the sequence &quot;der alte Mann&quot;.</p>
+  <p><strong><%= doc_link_to 'CQL', 'ql', 'cql' %></strong>: Find all occurrences of the sequence &quot;der alte Mann&quot;.</p>
   %= doc_query cql => '"der alte Mann"', 'tests' => [[is => '/query', 'spanNext(spanNext(tokens:s:der, tokens:s:alte), tokens:s:Mann)'], [is => '/request/query/operation', 'operation:sequence'],[is => '/request/query/operands/0/wrap/key', 'der'],[is => '/request/query/operands/1/wrap/key', 'alte'],[is => '/request/query/operands/2/wrap/key', 'Mann'], [ok => '/matches/5'], [ok => '/matches/5']]
diff --git a/templates/doc/ql/fcsql.html.ep b/templates/doc/ql/fcsql.html.ep
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3c6a03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/doc/ql/fcsql.html.ep
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+% layout 'main', title => 'KorAP: FCSQL';
+<h2 id="tutorial-top">FCSQL</h2>
+%= doc_uc