Fixed tutorial view and reimplemented API for new frontend
diff --git a/templates/match.html.ep b/templates/match.html.ep
index 43f172d..8693511 100644
--- a/templates/match.html.ep
+++ b/templates/match.html.ep
@@ -1,38 +1,23 @@
-%# ID, title, corpusID, author, pubDate, textClass
% my $match = stash('match') || {};
-<li data-corpus-id="<%= $match->{corpusID} %>" \
-data-doc-id="<%= $match->{docID} %>" \
-data-match-id="<%= $match->{ID} %>" \
-id="<%= $match->{corpusID} %>-<%= $match->{docID} %>-<%= $match->{ID} %>"\
-<% if (current_route eq 'match') { %> class="active"<% } =%>
-%# -- Match information (snippet, morph table, tree information etc.)
+% my $id = $match->{corpusID} . '-' . $match->{docID} . '-' . $match->{ID};
+<li data-corpus-id="<%= $match->{corpusID} %>"
+ data-doc-id="<%= $match->{docID} %>"
+ data-text-id="hmmm"
+ data-match-id="<%= $match->{ID} %>"
+ %# TODO: This needs to be retrieved per match
+ data-available-info="base/s=spans corenlp/c=spans corenlp/ne=tokens corenlp/p=tokens corenlp/s=spans glemm/l=tokens mate/l=tokens mate/m=tokens mate/p=tokens opennlp/p=tokens opennlp/s=spans tt/l=tokens tt/p=tokens tt/s=spans xip/c=spans"
+ id="<%= $id %>"\
+<% if (current_route eq 'match') { %> class="active"<% } =%>>
+%# --- Snippet
<div class="snippet<%= $match->{startMore} ? ' startMore' : '' %><%= $match->{endMore} ? ' endMore' : '' %>"><%== $match->{snippet} %></div>
- <div class="tokenInfo"></div>
-%# <div class="treeInfo"></div>
%# -- Reference string
- <p>\
-% if ($match->{title}) {
-<strong><%= $match->{title} %></strong>\
-% };
-<%= $match->{author} ? ' by ' . $match->{author} : '' %><% if ($match->{title} || $match->{author}) { %>;<% } =%>
- published on <%= date_format $match->{pubDate} %>\
- as <%= $match->{docID} %> (<%= $match->{corpusID} %>)\
+ <p class="ref">\
+<% if ($match->{title}) { %><strong><%= $match->{title} %></strong><% }; %>\
+<%= $match->{author} ? ' ' . loc('by') . ' ' . $match->{author} : '' %>\
+<% if ($match->{title} || $match->{author}) { %>;<% } =%> \
+<%= loc('pubOn') %> <%= $match->{pubDate} %> \
+(<%= $id %>)\
-%# -- Action buttons
- <ul class="action right">
-% if (current_route ne 'match') {
- <li class="close" title="Close"><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-toggle-up"></i></a></li>
-%# <li class="open" title="Open in new tab"><%= link_to 'match', { corpus_id => $match->{corpusID}, doc_id => $match->{docID}, match_id => $match->{ID} }, target => '_blank', begin %><i class="fa fa-external-link-square"></i><% end %></li>
- <li class="open" title="Open in new tab"><a href="#<%= $match->{corpusID} %>-<%= $match->{docID} %>-<%= $match->{ID} %>" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-external-link-square"></i></a></li>
-% };
- <li onclick="showTable(this)" title="Annotations"><i class="fa fa-info-circle"></i></li>
-%# <li onclick="showTree(this, 'xip', 'c')" title="Tree Visualizations"><i class="fa fa-sitemap"></i></li>
-%# <li title="Remember"><i class="fa fa-star-o"></i></li>
- </ul>