Made Unspecified docs editable and start general Menu class
diff --git a/public/js/src/menu.js b/public/js/src/menu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b79bdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/js/src/menu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+var KorAP = KorAP || {};
+(function (KorAP) {
+  "use strict";
+  /**
+   * Item in the Dropdown menu
+   */
+  KorAP.MenuItem = {
+    /**
+     * Create a new MenuItem object.
+     *
+     * @constructor
+     * @this {MenuItem}
+     * @param {Array.<string>} An array object of name, action and
+     *   optionally a description
+     */
+    create : function (params) {
+      return Object.create(KorAP.MenuItem)._init(params);
+    },
+    /**
+     * Upgrade this object to another object,
+     * while private data stays intact.
+     *
+     * @param {Object] An object with properties.
+     */
+    upgradeTo : function (props) {
+      for (var prop in props) {
+	this[prop] = props[prop];
+      };
+      return this;
+    },
+    content : function (content) {
+      if (arguments.length === 1)
+	this._content = document.createTextNode(content);
+      return this._content;
+    },
+    lcField : function () {
+      return this._lcField;
+    },
+    action : function (action) {
+      if (arguments.length === 1)
+	this._action = action;
+      return this._action;
+    },
+    /**
+     * Check or set if the item is active
+     *
+     * @param {boolean|null} State of activity
+     */
+    active : function (bool) {
+      var cl = this.element().classList;
+      if (bool === undefined)
+	return cl.contains("active");
+      else if (bool)
+	cl.add("active");
+      else
+	cl.remove("active");
+    },
+    /**
+     * Check or set if the item is
+     * at the boundary of the menu
+     * list
+     *
+     * @param {boolean|null} State of activity
+     */
+    noMore : function (bool) {
+      var cl = this.element().classList;
+      if (bool === undefined)
+	return cl.contains("no-more");
+      else if (bool)
+	cl.add("no-more");
+      else
+	cl.remove("no-more");
+    },
+    /**
+     * Get the document element of the menu item
+     */
+    element : function () {
+      // already defined
+      if (this._element !== undefined)
+	return this._element;
+      // Create list item
+      var li = document.createElement("li");
+      // Connect action
+      li["action"] = this._action;
+      // Append template
+      li.appendChild(this.content());
+      return this._element = li;
+    },
+    /**
+     * Highlight parts of the item
+     *
+     * @param {string} Prefix string for highlights
+     */
+    highlight : function (prefix) {
+      this._highlight(this.element().firstChild, prefix);
+    },
+    // Highlight a certain substring of the menu item
+    _highlight : function (elem, prefix) {
+      if (elem.nodeType === 3) {
+	var text   = elem.nodeValue;
+	var textlc = text.toLowerCase();
+	var pos    = textlc.indexOf(prefix);
+	if (pos >= 0) {
+	  // First element
+	  if (pos > 0) {
+	    elem.parentNode.insertBefore(
+	      document.createTextNode(text.substr(0, pos)),
+	      elem
+	    );
+	  };
+	  // Second element
+	  var hl = document.createElement("mark");
+	  hl.appendChild(
+	    document.createTextNode(text.substr(pos, prefix.length))
+	  );
+	  elem.parentNode.insertBefore(hl, elem);
+	  // Third element
+	  var third = text.substr(pos + prefix.length);
+	  if (third.length > 0) {
+	    var thirdE = document.createTextNode(third);
+	    elem.parentNode.insertBefore(
+	      thirdE,
+	      elem
+	    );
+	    this._highlight(thirdE, prefix);
+	  };
+	  var p = elem.parentNode;
+	  p.removeChild(elem);
+	};
+      }
+      else {
+	var children = elem.childNodes;
+	for (var i = children.length -1; i >= 0; i--) {
+	  this._highlight(children[i], prefix);
+	};
+      };
+    },
+    /**
+     * Remove highlight of the menu item
+     */
+    lowlight : function () {
+      var e = this.element();
+      var marks = e.getElementsByTagName("mark");
+      for (var i = marks.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+	// Create text node clone
+	var x = document.createTextNode(
+	  marks[i].firstChild.nodeValue
+	);
+	// Replace with content
+	marks[i].parentNode.replaceChild(
+	  x,
+	  marks[i]
+	);
+      };
+      // Remove consecutive textnodes
+      e.normalize();
+    },
+    // Initialize menu item
+    _init : function (params) {
+      if (params[0] === undefined)
+	throw new Error("Missing parameters");
+      this.content(params[0]);
+      if (params.length === 2)
+	this._action = params[1];
+      this._lcField = ' ' + this.content().textContent.toLowerCase();
+      return this;
+    },
+  };