First import from private/Ingestion
Works for tree_tagger, marmot, opennlp, and corenlp foundries.
Current limitations:
1. conllu2korapxml is still missing
2. No tests so far. They should probably be added when conllu2korapxml
is available, using conllu2korapxml|korapxml2conllu-cycles.
3. Only morpho-syntactic annotation layers are handled, no dependencies
or constituencies.
4. Instead of starting from base we currently start from the
annotations, so that when annotations are missing in some places no data
at all will be printed.
5. For sentence segmentations, the morpho-synractic annotations are used
instead of the base sentence structure.
Change-Id: Id84133a1637c9c7c7f0235f57827a052d78882b3
diff --git a/script/korapxml2conllu b/script/korapxml2conllu
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d3a292c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/korapxml2conllu
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use POSIX;
+use Getopt::Std;
+use Encode;
+use List::Util qw[min max];
+my $test=0;
+my $text_no=0;
+my %opts;
+my %plain_texts;
+my $usage=<<EOF;
+Usage: $0 [options] ZIPFILE [ZIPFILE...]
+ -p pattern
+ Convert KorAP-XML morpho zip to CoNLL(-U) format with all information necessary
+ for reconstruction in comment lines.
+ $0 /vol/corpora/DeReKo/current/KorAP/zip/
+ ZIPSIGLEPATTERN='-x "*15/FEB*" "*15/MAR*"' $0 /vol/corpora/DeReKo/current/KorAP/zip/
+ Results will be written to stdout
+getopts('dhp:', \%opts);
+die $usage if($opts{h} || @ARGV == 0);
+my $debug=($opts{d}? 1 : 0);
+my $docid="";
+my ($current_id, $current_from, $current_to, $token);
+my $current;
+my ($unknown, $known) = (0, 0);
+my @current_lines;
+my %processedFilenames;
+my $zipsiglepattern = (defined($ENV{ZIPSIGLEPATTERN})? $ENV{ZIPSIGLEPATTERN} : "");
+my ($ID_idx, $FORM_idx, $LEMMA_idx, $UPOS_idx, $XPOS_idx, $FEATS_idx, $HEAD_idx, $DEPREC_idx, $DEPS_idx, $MISC_idx) = (0..9);
+foreach my $morpho_zip (@ARGV) {
+ die "cannot open $morpho_zip" if(! -r $morpho_zip);
+ my $data_zip = $morpho_zip;
+ if ($data_zip !~ /\.zip/ && $data_zip =~ /\.conllu?/i) {
+ open(CONLL, "<$data_zip") or die "cannot open $data_zip";
+ while(<CONLL>) {
+ print;
+ }
+ close(CONLL);
+ next;
+ }
+ $data_zip =~ s/\.([^.]+)\.zip$/.zip/;
+ my $foundry = $1;
+ die "cannot open data file $data_zip corresponding to $morpho_zip" if(! -r $data_zip);
+ my $first=1;
+ my $pattern = (defined($opts{p})? $opts{p} : '');
+ my @conll = ("_") x 10;
+ my $filename;
+ my $morphocommand = "unzip -c $morpho_zip '*/${pattern}*/*/*/morpho.xml' $zipsiglepattern |";
+ print STDERR $morphocommand, "\n";
+ open (MORPHOPIPE, $morphocommand) or die "cannot unzip $morpho_zip";
+ open (PLAINTEXTPIPE, "unzip -c $data_zip '*/${pattern}*/*/data.xml' $zipsiglepattern |") or die "cannot unzip $data_zip";
+ print "$COMMENT_START foundry = $foundry\n";
+ while (<MORPHOPIPE>) {
+ if (/\s+inflating:\s+(.*)/) {
+ $filename=$1;
+ while($processedFilenames{$filename} && !eof(MORPHOPIPE)) {
+ print STDERR "WARNING: $filename already processed\n";
+ while (<MORPHOPIPE>) {
+ last if(/\s+inflating:\s+(.*)/);
+ }
+ $filename=$1 if(!eof(MORPHOPIPE) && /\s+inflating:\s+(.*)/);
+ }
+ } elsif(m@<layer\s+.*docid="([^"]+)"@) {
+ last if($test && $text_no++ > 3);
+ if(!$first) {
+ closeDoc(0);
+ }
+ $processedFilenames{$filename}=1;
+ $docid=$1;
+ @current_lines=();
+ $known=$unknown=0;
+ $current="";
+ if ($first) {
+ $first = 0;
+ }
+ if(!fetch_plaintext($docid)) { # skip this text
+ while (<MORPHOPIPE>) {
+ last if(m@</layer>@);
+ }
+ }
+ print STDOUT "$COMMENT_START filename = $filename\n$COMMENT_START text_id = $docid\n";
+ print STDERR "Analyzing $docid\n" if ($debug);
+ } elsif (m@<f\s+.*name="([^"]+)">([^<]+)</f>@) {
+ if ($1 eq "lemma") {
+ $conll[$LEMMA_idx] = $2;
+ $conll[$LEMMA_idx] =~ s/[\t\n\r]//g; # make sure that lemmas never contain tabs or newlines
+ if($conll[$LEMMA_idx] eq 'UNKNOWN') {
+ $conll[$LEMMA_idx] = "--";
+ $unknown++;
+ } else {
+ $known++;
+ }
+ } elsif ($1 eq 'pos' || $1 eq "ctag") {
+ $unknown++;
+ $conll[$XPOS_idx] = $conll[$UPOS_idx] = $2;
+ } elsif ($1 eq 'msd') {
+ $conll[$FEATS_idx] = $2;
+ } elsif ($1 eq 'certainty') {
+ $conll[$MISC_idx] = $2;
+ }
+ } elsif (/<span /) {
+ ($current_id) = /id="[^0-9]*([^\"]*)"/;
+ ($current_from) = /from="([^\"]*)"/;
+ ($current_to) = /to="([^\"]*)"/;
+ print STDERR "found span: $current_id $current_from $current_to\n" if($debug);
+ $token = substr($plain_texts{$docid}, $current_from, min($current_to - $current_from, 32));
+ if (!defined $token) {
+ print STDERR "WARNING: could not retrieve token for $docid at $current_from-$current_to/", length($plain_texts{$docid}), " - ending with: ", substr($plain_texts{$docid},length($plain_texts{$docid})-10), "\n";
+ $token = "_";
+ }
+ $token=~s/[\t\n\r]//g; # make sure that tokens never contain tabs or newlines
+ @conll = ("_") x 10;
+ $conll[$FORM_idx] = encode("utf-8", $token);
+ } elsif (m@</fs>@) {
+ my @vals = ($current_from, $current_to);
+ print STDERR "joining : ", join(" ", @vals), "\n" if($debug);
+ push @current_lines, \@vals;
+ # convert gathered information to CONLL
+ $conll[$ID_idx] = $#current_lines+1;
+ $current .= join("\t", @conll) . "\n"; # conll columns
+ if($conll[$XPOS_idx] eq '$.' || ($conll[$XPOS_idx] eq 'SENT' && $token eq '.') || $known + $unknown >= $MAX_SENTENCE_LENGTH) {
+ $current .= "\n";
+ if($known + $unknown > 0) { # only print sentence if it contains some words
+ printTokenRanges();
+ print STDOUT $current;
+ }
+ $current=""; $known=0; $unknown=0;
+ @current_lines = ();
+ }
+ while (<MORPHOPIPE>) {
+ last if (m@</span>@); # only consider first interpretation
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $current .= "\n";
+ closeDoc(1);
+ close(MORPHOPIPE);
+sub printTokenRanges {
+ print "$COMMENT_START start_offsets = ", $current_lines[0]->[0];
+ foreach my $t (@current_lines) {
+ print STDOUT " $t->[0]";
+ }
+ print "\n$COMMENT_START end_offsets = ", $current_lines[$#current_lines]->[1];
+ foreach my $t (@current_lines) {
+ print STDOUT " $t->[1]";
+ }
+ print "\n";
+sub closeDoc {
+ my ($end) = @_;
+ print STDERR "closing doc\n" if($debug);
+ if($known + $unknown > 0) { # only parse a sentence if it has some words
+ chomp $current;
+ chomp $current;
+ chomp $current;
+ $current .= "\n\n";
+ printTokenRanges();
+ print STDOUT $current;
+ }
+# read data.xml to figure out the tokens
+# (ideally tokens should also be in in morpho.xml, but they are not)
+sub fetch_plaintext {
+ my ($target_id) = @_;
+ my $docid;
+ my $text_started=0;
+ if($plain_texts{$target_id}) {
+# print STDERR "already got $target_id\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ while(<PLAINTEXTPIPE>) {
+ if(/<raw_text[^>]+docid="([^"]*)/) {
+ $docid=$1;
+ $text_started=0;
+ } elsif (m@<text>(.*)</text>@) {
+ $_= decode("utf-8", $1, Encode::FB_DEFAULT);
+ s/</</go;
+ s/>/>/go;
+ s/&/&/go;
+ tr/…•⋅»«ˮ“”„›‹ʼ‘’‚′‐‑‒–—―⁓⁻₋−﹣-/...""""""'''''''-/;
+ $plain_texts{$docid} = $_;
+ last if($docid eq $target_id);
+ } elsif (m@<text>(.*)@) {
+ $_= decode("utf-8", $1, Encode::FB_DEFAULT);
+ s/</</go;
+ s/>/>/go;
+ s/&/&/go;
+ tr/…•⋅»«ˮ“”„›‹ʼ‘’‚′‐‑‒–—―⁓⁻₋−﹣-/...""""""'''''''-/;
+ $plain_texts{$docid} = "$_ ";
+ $text_started=1;
+ } elsif ($text_started && m@(.*)</text>@) {
+ $_= decode("utf-8", $1, Encode::FB_DEFAULT);
+ s/</</go;
+ s/>/>/go;
+ s/&/&/go;
+ tr/…•⋅»«ˮ“”„›‹ʼ‘’‚′‐‑‒–—―⁓⁻₋−﹣-/...""""""'''''''-/;
+ $plain_texts{$docid} .= $_;
+ $text_started=0;
+ last if($docid eq $target_id);
+ } elsif ($text_started) {
+ chomp;
+ $_ = decode("utf-8", $_, Encode::FB_DEFAULT) . ' ';
+ s/</</go;
+ s/>/>/go;
+ s/&/&/go;
+ tr/…•⋅»«ˮ“”„›‹ʼ‘’‚′‐‑‒–—―⁓⁻₋−﹣-/...""""""'''''''-/;
+ $plain_texts{$docid} .= $_;
+ }
+ }
+ if(defined($ENV{PLAINTEXTFILTER})) {
+ if ($plain_texts{$docid} !~ $ENV{PLAINTEXTFILTER}) {
+ $plain_texts{$docid} = undef;
+ print STDERR "Skipping $docid\n";
+ return(undef);
+ } else {
+ print STDERR "Using $docid\n";
+ }
+ }
+ return(1);