Fixed readme

Change-Id: Ic28329bd0853d91a1bcae34a5ddd57791b8854a1
diff --git a/Readme.pod b/Readme.pod
index 59253e7..d4c3002 100644
--- a/Readme.pod
+++ b/Readme.pod
@@ -4,68 +4,310 @@
 =head1 NAME
-KorAP::XML::Krill - Preprocess KorAP XML documents for Krill
+korapxml2krill - Merge KorapXML data and create Krill documents
 =head1 SYNOPSIS
-  # Create Converter Object
-  my $doc = KorAP::XML::Krill->new(
-    path => 'mydoc-1/'
-  );
-  # Convert to krill json
-  print $doc->parse->tokenize->annotate('Mate', 'Morpho')->to_json;
+  korapxml2krill [archive|extract] --input <directory|archive> [options]
-Parse the primary and meta data of a KorAP-XML document.
+L<KorAP::XML::Krill> is a library to convert KorAP-XML documents to files
+compatible with the L<Krill|> indexer.
+The C<korapxml2krill> command line tool is a simple wrapper to the library.
-=head2 log
+The preferred way to install L<KorAP::XML::Krill> is to use L<cpanm|App::cpanminus>.
-L<Log::Log4perl> object for logging.
+  $ cpanm
-=head2 path
+In case everything went well, the C<korapxml2krill> tool will
+be available on your command line immediately.
+Minimum requirement for L<KorAP::XML::Krill> is Perl 5.14.
+In addition to work with zip archives, the C<unzip> tool needs to be present.
-  $doc->path("example-004/");
-  print $doc->path;
-The path of the document.
+  $ korapxml2krill -z --input <directory> --output <filename>
+Without arguments, C<korapxml2krill> converts a directory of a single KorAP-XML document.
+It expects the input to point to the text level folder.
+=over 2
+=item B<archive>
+  $ korapxml2krill archive -z --input <directory|archive> --output <directory>
+Converts an archive of KorAP-XML documents. It expects a directory
+(pointing to the corpus level folder) or one or more zip files as input.
+=item B<extract>
+  $ korapxml2krill extract --input <archive> --output <directory> --sigle <SIGLE>
+Extracts KorAP-XML documents from a zip file.
-=head2 primary
+=head1 OPTIONS
-  print $doc->primary->data(0,20);
+=over 2
-The L<KorAP::XML::Document::Primary> object containing the primary data.
+=item B<--input|-i> <directory|zip file>
+Directory or zip file(s) of documents to convert.
-=head1 METHODS
+Without arguments, C<korapxml2krill> expects a folder of a single KorAP-XML
+document, while C<archive> and C<extract> support zip files as well.
-=head2 annotate
+C<archive> supports multiple input zip files with the constraint,
+that the first archive listed contains all primary data files
+and all meta data files.
-  $doc->annotate('Mate', 'Morpho');
+  -i file/ -i file/ -i "#file/"
-Add annotation layer to conversion process.
+(The directory structure follows the base directory format,
+that may include a C<.> root folder.
+In this case further archives lacking a C<.> root folder
+need to be passed with a hash sign in front of the archive's name.
+This may require to quote the parameter.)
+To support zip files, a version of C<unzip> needs to be installed that is
+compatible with the archive file.
-=head2 parse
+B<The root folder switch using the hash sign is experimental and
+may vanish in future versions.>
-  $doc = $doc->parse;
+=item B<--output|-o> <directory|file>
-Run the meta parsing process of the document.
+Output folder for archive processing or
+document name for single output (optional),
+writes to C<STDOUT> by default
+(in case C<output> is not mandatory due to further options).
+=item B<--overwrite|-w>
-=head2 tokenize
+Overwrite files that already exist.
-  $doc = $doc->tokenize('OpenNLP', 'Tokens');
+=item B<--token|-t> <foundry>[#<file>]
-Accept the tokenization based on a given foundry and a given layer.
+Define the default tokenization by specifying
+the name of the foundry and optionally the name
+of the layer-file. Defaults to C<OpenNLP#tokens>.
+=item B<--skip|-s> <foundry>[#<layer>]
+Skip specific annotations by specifying the foundry
+(and optionally the layer with a C<#>-prefix),
+e.g. C<Mate> or C<Mate#Morpho>. Alternatively you can skip C<#ALL>.
+Can be set multiple times.
+=item B<--anno|-a> <foundry>#<layer>
+Convert specific annotations by specifying the foundry
+(and optionally the layer with a C<#>-prefix),
+e.g. C<Mate> or C<Mate#Morpho>.
+Can be set multiple times.
+=item B<--primary|-p>
+Output primary data or not. Defaults to C<true>.
+Can be flagged using C<--no-primary> as well.
+This is I<deprecated>.
+=item B<--jobs|-j>
+Define the number of concurrent jobs in seperated forks
+for archive processing.
+Defaults to C<0> (everything runs in a single process).
+This is I<experimental>.
+=item B<--meta|-m>
+Define the metadata parser to use. Defaults to C<I5>.
+Metadata parsers can be defined in the C<KorAP::XML::Meta> namespace.
+This is I<experimental>.
+=item B<--pretty|-y>
+Pretty print JSON output. Defaults to C<false>.
+This is I<deprecated>.
+=item B<--gzip|-z>
+Compress the output.
+Expects a defined C<output> file in single processing.
+=item B<--cache|-c>
+File to mmap a cache (using L<Cache::FastMmap>).
+Defaults to C<korapxml2krill.cache> in the calling directory.
+=item B<--cache-size|-cs>
+Size of the cache. Defaults to C<50m>.
+=item B<--cache-init|-ci>
+Initialize cache file.
+Can be flagged using C<--no-cache-init> as well.
+Defaults to C<true>.
+=item B<--cache-delete|-cd>
+Delete cache file after processing.
+Can be flagged using C<--no-cache-delete> as well.
+Defaults to C<true>.
+=item B<--sigle|-sg>
+Extract the given texts.
+Can be set multiple times.
+I<Currently only supported on C<extract>.>
+Sigles have the structure C<Corpus>/C<Document>/C<Text>.
+In case the C<Text> path is omitted, the whole document will be extracted.
+On the document level, the postfix wildcard C<*> is supported.
+=item B<--log|-l>
+The L<Log4perl> log level, defaults to C<ERROR>.
+=item B<--help|-h>
+Print this document.
+=item B<--version|-v>
+Print version information.
+L<KorAP::XML::Krill> has built-in importer for some annotation foundries and layers
+developed in the KorAP project that are part of the KorAP preprocessing pipeline.
+The base foundry with paragraphs, sentences, and the text element are mandatory for
+=over 2
+=item B<Base>
+=over 4
+=item #Paragraphs
+=item #Sentences
+=item B<Connexor>
+=over 4
+=item #Morpho
+=item #Phrase
+=item #Sentences
+=item #Syntax
+=item B<CoreNLP>
+=over 4
+=item #Constituency
+=item #Morpho
+=item #NamedEntities
+=item #Sentences
+=item B<DeReKo>
+=over 4
+=item #Structure
+=item B<Glemm>
+=over 4
+=item #Morpho
+=item B<Mate>
+=over 4
+=item #Dependency
+=item #Morpho
+=item B<OpenNLP>
+=over 4
+=item #Morpho
+=item #Sentences
+=item B<Sgbr>
+=over 4
+=item #Lemma
+=item #Morpho
+=item B<TreeTagger>
+=over 4
+=item #Morpho
+=item #Sentences
+=item B<XIP>
+=over 4
+=item #Constituency
+=item #Morpho
+=item #Sentences
+More importers are in preparation.
+New annotation importers can be defined in the C<KorAP::XML::Annotation> namespace.
+See the built-in annotation importers as examples.
@@ -75,19 +317,17 @@
 Copyright (C) 2015-2016, L<IDS Mannheim|>
-Author: L<Nils Diewald|>
-KorAP::XML::Krill is developed as part of the
+Author: L<Nils Diewald|>
+Contributor: Eliza Margaretha
+L<KorAP::XML::Krill> is developed as part of the L<KorAP|>
 Corpus Analysis Platform at the
 L<Institute for the German Language (IDS)|>,
 member of the
-and supported by the L<KobRA|> project,
-funded by the
-L<Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)|>.
-KorAP::XML::Krill is free software published under the
+This program is free software published under the
 L<BSD-2 License|>.