Establish collection object for token annotations
Change-Id: I03f9ff1f28301135b24dc111b7ef85c3af86a8e6
diff --git a/t/script.t b/t/script.t
index 6af3095..6ceadd9 100644
--- a/t/script.t
+++ b/t/script.t
@@ -459,5 +459,41 @@
+subtest 'Check Inline annotations with untagged file' => sub {
+ # Load example file
+ my $file = catfile($f, 'data', 'goe_sample.i5.xml');
+ my ($fh, $outzip) = korap_tempfile('script_untagged');
+ # Generate zip file (unportable!)
+ stderr_like(
+ sub { `cat '$file' | KORAPXMLTEI_INLINE=1 perl '$script' > '$outzip'` },
+ qr!tei2korapxml: .*? text_id=GOE_AGA\.00000!,
+ 'Processing 1'
+ );
+ # TODO: there should be a better way to test this
+ stderr_unlike(
+ sub { `cat '$file' | KORAPXMLTEI_INLINE=1 perl '$script' > '$outzip'` },
+ qr!.*undefined value.*!,
+ 'Processing 2'
+ );
+ #
+ ok(-e $outzip, "File $outzip exists");
+ my $zip = IO::Uncompress::Unzip->new(
+ $outzip,
+ Name => 'GOE/AGA/00000/tokens/morpho.xml'
+ );
+ ok((not $zip), 'missing morpho.xml');
+ $zip = IO::Uncompress::Unzip->new(
+ $outzip,
+ Name => 'GOE/AGA/00000/struct/structure.xml'
+ );
+ ok($zip, 'found structure.xml');