Add -tk option to use the standard KoAP tokenizer
Change-Id: I992fe37463926c8ecbca933fbb709f8640d6fb93
diff --git a/t/tokenization-korap.t b/t/tokenization-korap.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..809dd45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/tokenization-korap.t
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use File::Basename 'dirname';
+use File::Spec::Functions qw/catfile/;
+use Test::XML::Loy;
+use FindBin;
+use utf8;
+ eval {
+ require KorAP::XML::TEI::Tokenizer::KorAP;
+ 1;
+ } or do {
+ plan skip_all => "KorAP::XML::TEI::Tokenizer::KorAP cannot be used";
+ };
+my $f = dirname(__FILE__);
+my $cmd = catfile($f, 'cmd', '');
+my $ext = KorAP::XML::TEI::Tokenizer::KorAP->new();
+$ext->tokenize("Der alte Mann");
+my $str = $ext->to_string('unknown');
+my $t = Test::XML::Loy->new($str);
+$t->attr_is('layer spanList span:nth-child(1)', 'to', 3);
+$t->attr_is('layer spanList span:nth-child(2)', 'from', 4);
+$t->attr_is('layer spanList span:nth-child(2)', 'to', 8);
+$t->attr_is('layer spanList span:nth-child(3)', 'from', 9);
+$t->attr_is('layer spanList span:nth-child(3)', 'to', 13);
+$t->element_count_is('layer spanList span', 3);
+$ext->tokenize("ging über die Straße");
+$str = $ext->to_string('unknown');
+$t = Test::XML::Loy->new($str);
+$t->attr_is('layer spanList span:nth-child(1)', 'to', 4);
+$t->attr_is('layer spanList span:nth-child(2)', 'from', 5);
+$t->attr_is('layer spanList span:nth-child(2)', 'to', 9);
+$t->attr_is('layer spanList span:nth-child(3)', 'from', 10);
+$t->attr_is('layer spanList span:nth-child(3)', 'to', 13);
+$t->attr_is('layer spanList span:nth-child(4)', 'from', 14);
+$t->attr_is('layer spanList span:nth-child(4)', 'to', 20);
+$t->element_count_is('layer spanList span', 4);
+$ext->tokenize("Hu aha\x{04}\ndas ist cool");
+$str = $ext->to_string('unknown');
+$t = Test::XML::Loy->new($str);
+$t->attr_is('layer spanList span:nth-child(1)', 'to', 2);
+$t->attr_is('layer spanList span:nth-child(2)', 'from', 3);
+$t->attr_is('layer spanList span:nth-child(2)', 'to', 6);
+$t->element_count_is('layer spanList span', 2);
+my $string = "Pluto.\" Eris-Entdecker Mike Brown, der im Kurznachrichtendienst Twitter unter \"\@plutokiller";
+$str = $ext->to_string('unknown');
+$t = Test::XML::Loy->new($str);
+$t->attr_is('layer spanList span:nth-child(14)', 'from', 80);
+$t->attr_is('layer spanList span:nth-child(14)', 'to', 92);
+$t->element_count_is('layer spanList span', 14);