bugfixing Conservative.pm

 1. identified wrong tokenization caused by wrong pattern match ($3)
    (wrote a test in t/tokenization.t, that shows the wrong tokenization)

 2. removed wrong pattern match ($3) and adjusted test in t/tokenization.t

 3. cleaned up (also changed some comments)

 4. fixed missing tokenization of first punctuation char

 5. exchanged [^A-Za-z0-9] by [\p{Punct}\s]
    (TODO: yet no approp. test found)

Change-Id: Ib494c79c3e6971a57ad874fc62583c625095cf28
4 files changed
tree: 39ea0c4db5401d1097ec1a12ed33d27d217376df
  1. lib/
  2. script/
  3. t/
  4. xt/
  5. .gitignore
  7. Makefile.PL