init. vers. tei2korapxml (former: dereko2korapxml)
Change-Id: I82a5e49dd9d7c9c78c0bded66ff8272e23265d4d
diff --git a/script/tei2korapxml b/script/tei2korapxml
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d66d2a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/tei2korapxml
@@ -0,0 +1,991 @@
+##!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
+##!/usr/local/bin/perl -w -C 7 # STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR will be in UTF-8 (see 'man perlrun')
+## see TODOs
+### NOTES:
+### 1. The input for this file has to be UTF8-encoded _without_ SGML-Entites (except the escaped ones -> &amp;, <lt;, >gt;, 'apos;, "quot;
+### - XML::LibXML::Reader translates them back to their origin - e.g.: &amp; -> & (because '&' translates to '&').
+### SGML-Entities cannot be processed, because of the first 2 missing lines in the input document (see
+### 2. Let 'data.xml' only be used/referred by 'sentences.xml', 'paragraphs.xml' and 'structure.xml', since it can contain double blanks (' ' - see comment to '<s/>' in func.
+### retr_info) and TODO: also contains not only text inside s-tags (e.g.: <label><hi rend="it bo">Ludwig Pietsch (1824-1911):</hi></label><item><s>Journalist ...)
+use 5.012;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use File::Basename; # dirname
+use IO::Handle qw( );
+use IO::Select;
+use open qw(:std :utf8); # assume utf-8 encoding
+use Encode qw(encode_utf8 decode_utf8);
+use Getopt::Long;
+use XML::CompactTree::XS;
+use XML::LibXML::Reader;
+use IO::Compress::Zip qw(zip $ZipError :constants);
+use IPC::Open2; # open2
+my $zip; my $first_write=1;
+my $outh = *STDOUT;
+my $_CORR_POS_FOR_EMPTY_S_TAGS = 1; # this should only be deactivated for test purposes (empty s-tags produce an additional blank (look for ' ' in data.xml)
+my $_GEN_TOK_BAS = 1;
+my $_GEN_TOK_DUMMY = 0; # not needed for drukola or cmc
+my $_DEBUG = 0;
+my $_root_dir = "."; # output base directory
+my $_header_file = "header.xml"; # filename to save text header in (in Latin1 format -> needed for ... ?) # TODO: why 'Latin1'?
+my $_data_file = "data.xml"; # filename to save text data in (in UTF-8 format -> needed for ... ?)
+my $_base_dir = "base"; # directory to store sentence and paragraph file and ...
+my $_structure_dir = "struct";
+my $_structure_file = "structure.xml";
+my ($text_id, $text_id_esc); # '$text_id_esc' = escaped version of $text_id - see %ent (needed e.g. for 'Corola-PublishingHouse/Editura "Cronica"/260_a_608')
+my $dir = ""; # text directory (on top of base)
+my $dir_crp = ""; # corpus directory (on top of base)
+my $dir_doc = ""; # document directory (on top of base)
+my $data = ""; # $data is written to '$_data_file'
+my %ent=('"', '"', '&','&','<','<','>','>'); # convert '&', '<' and '>' to their corresp. sgml-entities for compat. with KorAP
+ # NOTE: the index still refers to the above char-versions, which are counted as 1
+ # (search for '&' in data.xml and see corresp. indices in structure.xml, lemma.xml, ana.xml ...)
+my $header_crp = "";
+my $header_doc = "";
+my $header_txt = ""; # $header_* are written to '$_header_file'
+my ($header_fl_crp, $header_fl_doc, $header_fl_txt, $data_fl, $header_prfx, $data_prfx1, $data_prfx2, $data_sfx);
+ $header_prfx = $data_prfx1 = $data_prfx2 = $data_sfx = "";
+my ($i, $c);
+### needed for sub retr_info
+my $_XCT_LN=0; # remember line numbers (set to 1 if debugging)
+my ($reader, $tree_data, $rl, $_IDX, $n, $e, $dl, @oti);
+ # 'dl' stands for 'data length', 'oti' stands for 'open tags index'
+### needed in func. write_structures
+my ($ref, $idx, $att_idx);
+my $buf_in = "";
+my $output;
+### needed for tokenization
+my $_tok_file_bas = "tokens.xml";
+#my @sentences; # sentence character offsets (start, end, start, end, ...)
+#my @paragraphs; # paragraph character offsets (start, end, start, end, ...)
+my @structures; # list of hashes, each hash representing an XML element
+## whitespace-related issue (see retr_info()): needed to correct from-offset for some tags
+my $add_one;
+my %hws; # hash for indices of whitespace nodes (needed to recorrect from-value)
+ # idea: when closing element, check if it's from-index minus 1 refers to a whitespace node (means: 'from-index - 1' is a key in %hws).
+ # if this is _not_ the case, then the from-value is one to high => correct it by substracting 1
+my ($fval, $fval2);
+$fval=$fval2=0; # init.
+## needed if $_GEN_TOK_DUMMY is set
+my $_tok_file_con = "tokens_conservative.xml";
+my $_tok_file_agg = "tokens_aggr.xml";
+my (@tok_tokens_con, @tok_tokens_agg);
+my ($m1, $m2, $m3, $m4, $tmp, $p1, $p2, $pr, $offset, $txt);
+# do this to prevent error message 'Global symbol "..." requires explicit package name at ...'
+## needed for handling some inline annotations
+my $_ANNOT_GEN = 0; # turn processing of inline annotations on/off
+#my $_ANNOT_DIR_NAME = "connexor"; # name of path/foundry to write information to
+my $_ANNOT_DIR_NAME = "drukola"; # name of path/foundry to write information to
+#my $_ANNOT_DIR_NAME = "cmc"; # name of path/foundry to write information to # cmc = computer mediated communication - needed for dck corpus
+my $_ANNOT_FILE_NAME = "morpho.xml"; # file to write annotations to
+my $_ANNOT_TAG_NAME_RD = "w"; # from which tag to fetch the below attributes
+$_ANNOT_ATT_ANNOT_NAME_RD = "ana"; # from which attribute to fetch the msd and pos information
+#$_ANNOT_ATT_ANNOT_NAME_RD = "type"; # from which attribute to fetch the msd and pos information # must be 'type' for dck corpus
+ # new: comment out, if not needed
+$_ANNOT_ATT_LEM_NAME_RD = "lemma"; # from which attribute to fetch the lemma information
+ # new: comment out, if not needed
+$_ANNOT_ATT_POS_NAME_WR = "pos"; # see e.g.: GIT/KorAP-XML-Krill/t/annotation/corpus/doc/0001/mate/morpho.xml
+ # new: comment out, if not needed
+$_ANNOT_ATT_MSD_NAME_WR = "msd"; # not needed for dck corpus
+ # new: comment out, if not needed
+my $_ANNOT_ATT_LEM_NAME_WR = "lemma"; # s.a.
+my (@annot, @oti2);
+my $inside_annot_tag = -1;
+my $help;
+ "base=s" => \$_root_dir,
+ "help" => \$help
+printhelp() if $help;
+###### MAIN
+$_root_dir.='/'; # must always end with a slash at this point
+$_root_dir=~s/^\.?\///; # remove leading / (only relative paths allowed in IO::Compress::Zip) and ./
+my $lc=0; my $tc=0; my ($pfx, $sfx);
+# header_prfx
+$header_prfx = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";
+$header_prfx .= "<?xml-model href=\"header.rng\" type=\"application/xml\" schematypens=\"\"?>\n";
+$header_prfx .= "<!DOCTYPE idsCorpus PUBLIC \"-//IDS//DTD IDS-XCES 1.0//EN\" \"\">\n";
+$data_prfx1 = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";
+$data_prfx1 .= "<?xml-model href=\"text.rng\" type=\"application/xml\" schematypens=\"\"?>\n\n";
+$data_prfx1 .= "<raw_text docid=\"";
+$data_prfx2 .= "\" xmlns=\"\">\n";
+$data_prfx2 .= " <metadata file=\"metadata.xml\" />\n";
+$data_prfx2 .= " <text>";
+$data_sfx = "</text>\n</raw_text>";
+my($chld_out, $chld_in, $pid, $select);
+if( $_GEN_TOK_BAS ){
+ startTokenizer();
+ $lc++; # line counter
+ if( $data_fl && m/^(.+)?<\/text>(.+)?$/ ){ # end of text body
+ ###
+ ### write data.xml, sentences.xml, paragraph.xml and structure.xml
+ ###
+ $pfx=$1; $sfx=$2;
+ die "ERROR ($0): main(): input line number $lc: line with closing tag for 'text' contains additional information ... => Aborting\n\tline=$_"
+ if (defined $pfx && $pfx !~ /^\s*$/) || (defined $sfx && $sfx !~ /^\s*$/);
+ if( $dir ne "" ){
+### NOTE: needed for debugging (e.g. whitespace issues)
+#if( $text_id eq "GOE_AGA.00000" )
+#if( $text_id eq "GOE_AGI.04846" )
+#open H1, ">/tmp/t123";
+#print H1 "$buf_in";
+#close H1;
+ $reader = XML::LibXML::Reader->new(string => "<text>$buf_in</text>", huge => 1);
+ if( $_XCT_LN ){ # _XCT_LINE_NUMBERS is only for debugging
+ # remove 'XCT_IGNORE_WS', because whitespace (in form of one blank) between tags is needed for separation of 'text-nodes' in data.xml
+ # TODO: check out the meanings/differences of 'XCT_IGNORE_WS' and 'XCT_IGNORE_SIGNIFICANT_WS': seems like, 'XCT_IGNORE_SIGNIFICANT_WS' is the one we need
+ }else{
+ $tree_data = XML::CompactTree::XS::readSubtreeToPerl($reader, XCT_DOCUMENT_ROOT|XCT_IGNORE_COMMENTS|XCT_ATTRIBUTE_ARRAY);
+ }
+ @structures=(); @oti=();
+ if( $_ANNOT_GEN ){
+ @annot=(); @oti2=()
+ }
+ $dl = 0;
+ $rl = 0; # recursion level
+ # whitespace related issue
+ $add_one = 0;
+ %hws=();
+ #
+### recursion
+ retr_info( \$tree_data->[2] ); # parse input data
+ $rl--;
+ # write data.xml
+ $data=~tr/\n\r/ /; # NOTE: 2 blanks - otherwise offset data would become corrupt
+ $data=encode_utf8($data);
+ # first write it to tokenization pipe to give it some time
+ if( $_GEN_TOK_BAS ){
+ print $chld_in "$data\n\x03\n";
+ }
+ print STDERR "DEBUG ($0): main(): Writing (utf8-formatted) xml file $_root_dir$dir/$_data_file\n" if $_DEBUG;
+ if ($first_write){
+ $first_write=0;
+ ### 1st time: create instance
+ $zip = new IO::Compress::Zip $outh, Zip64 => 1, TextFlag => 1, Method => $_COMPRESSION_METHOD, Append => 1, Name => "$_root_dir$dir/$_data_file"
+ or die "ERROR ('$_root_dir$dir/$_data_file'): zip failed: $ZipError\n"
+ }else{
+ ### close previous stream and open new one
+ $zip->newStream( Zip64 => 1, TextFlag => 1, Method => $_COMPRESSION_METHOD, Append => 1, Name => "$_root_dir$dir/$_data_file" )
+ or die "ERROR ('$_root_dir$dir/$_data_file'): zip failed: $ZipError\n"
+ }
+ $data =~ s/(&|<|>)/$ent{$1}/g;
+ $zip->print("$data_prfx1$text_id_esc$data_prfx2$data$data_sfx");
+ # write structures
+ write_structures() if @structures;
+ # write annotations
+ write_annot() if $_ANNOT_GEN && @annot;
+ # tokenization
+ if( $_GEN_TOK_BAS || $_GEN_TOK_DUMMY )
+ {
+ write_tok();
+ if( $_GEN_TOK_DUMMY ){
+ $offset = 0; @tok_tokens_con=(); @tok_tokens_agg=();
+ }
+ }
+ $data_fl=0; $data = $dir = $buf_in = ""; # reinit.
+ }else{ # $dir eq ""
+ print STDERR "WARNING ($0): main(): maybe empty textSigle => skipping this text ...\n";
+ print STDERR "WARNING ($0): main(): text header=$header_txt\n";
+ print STDERR "WARNING ($0): main(): data=$data\n";
+ }
+ }elsif( $data_fl ){ # inside text body
+ #print STDERR "inside text body (\$data_fl set)\n";
+ ### whitespace handling
+ # remove consecutive whitespace at beginning and end (mostly one newline)
+ # to let 'XML::CompactTree::XS' recognize these blanks as 'text-nodes', the option 'XCT_IGNORE_WS' may not be used (see above).
+ s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//;
+ # important!: search for '>[^<][^<]*<' e.g. in 'vim goe_tagged.i5.xml.bz2' => insert a blank before every _first_ tag in a line, that contains text
+ # NOTE: the input text should avoid structures like below (which could also happen to other tags like '<pb ... />' or '<abbr>' etc.):
+ # negative example for '<w>' (see dck corpus in 'DeReKo-2016-II' - H.L. will fix this in 'DeReKo-2017-I'):
+ # <s>
+ # ...
+ # <w id="f1306078.m10.t9" lemma="zu" type="APPRART">zur</w>
+ # <w id="f1306078.m10.t10" lemma="Kenntnis" type="NN">Kenntnis</w>
+ # <w id="f1306078.m10.t11" lemma="nehmen" type="VVINF">nehmen</w>
+ # <w id="f1306078.m10.t12" lemma="," type="$,">,</w>
+ # <w id="f1306078.m10.t13" lemma="dass" type="KOUS">dass</w>
+ # ...
+ # In the above example, the whitespace/blank information between the words is lost. The below perl subst. expression does not recognize, that there may not be a blank before a comma.
+ if(m/<[^>]+>[^<]/){
+ $tc++; # text counter
+ s/^(.)/ $1/ if $tc>1; # only add a blank, if this is not the first text in the whole text
+ }
+ # add line to buffer
+ $buf_in .= $_;
+ }elsif( $header_fl_txt && m/^(.*<\/idsHeader>)(.+)?$/ ){ # end of text header
+ #print STDERR "end of text header\n";
+ ###
+ ### write header.xml
+ ###
+ $header_txt .= $1; $header_fl_txt = 0; $sfx=$2;
+ die "ERROR ($0): main(): input line number $lc: line with closing tag for 'idsHeader type=\"text\"' contains additional information ... => Aborting\n\tline=$_"
+ if defined $sfx && $sfx !~ /^\s*$/;
+ if( $dir eq "" ){
+ print STDERR "WARNING ($0): main(): input line number $lc: empty textSigle in text header => nothing to do ...\ntext header=$header_txt\n";
+ }else{
+ print STDERR "DEBUG ($0): Writing file $_root_dir$dir/$_header_file\n" if $_DEBUG;
+ # create zip buffer
+ if ($first_write){
+ $first_write=0;
+ $zip = new IO::Compress::Zip $outh, Zip64 => 1, TextFlag => 1, Method => $_COMPRESSION_METHOD, Append => 1, Name => "$_root_dir$dir/$_header_file"
+ or die "ERROR ('$_root_dir$dir/$_header_file'): zip failed: $ZipError\n"
+ }else{
+ $zip->newStream( Zip64 => 1, TextFlag => 1, Method => $_COMPRESSION_METHOD, Append => 1, Name => "$_root_dir$dir/$_header_file" )
+ or die "ERROR ('$_root_dir$dir/$_header_file'): zip failed: $ZipError\n"
+ }
+ $header_txt=encode_utf8($header_txt);
+ $zip->print("$header_prfx$header_txt");
+ }
+ }elsif( $header_fl_txt ){ # inside text header
+ #print STDERR "inside text header\n";
+ if( m/^(.+)?<textSigle>([^<]+)(.+)$/ ){
+ $pfx=$1; $sfx=$3; $dir=$2; $text_id = $dir; $text_id =~ tr/\//_/; $dir =~ s/("|&|<|>)/$ent{$1}/g;
+ $text_id=encode_utf8($text_id); # otherwise problems with "wide character" where $text_id is printed (see e.g.:
+ # see e.g.: Drukola-Project
+ die "ERROR ($0): main(): input line number $lc: line with textSigle-tag is not in expected format ... => Aborting\n\tline=$_"
+ if (defined $pfx && $pfx !~ /^\s*$/) || $sfx !~ /^<\/textSigle>\s*$/;
+ print STDERR "$0: main(): text_id=".decode_utf8($text_id)."\n"; # some output to see progression
+ $text_id_esc = $text_id;
+ if( $text_id_esc =~ s/("|&|<|>)/$ent{$1}/g ){
+ $_ =~ s/(<textSigle>)[^<]+(<\/textSigle>)/$1$dir$2/; # do be consistent with escaping, escape also textSigle in Text-Header
+ }
+ $dir =~ tr/\./\//;
+ }
+ $header_txt .= $_;
+ }elsif( $header_fl_doc && m/^(.*<\/idsHeader>)(.+)?$/ ){ # end of document header
+ #print STDERR "end of doc header\n";
+ $header_doc .= $1; $header_fl_doc = 0; $sfx=$2;
+ die "ERROR ($0): main(): input line number $lc: line with closing tag for 'idsHeader type=\"document\"' contains additional information ... => Aborting\n\tline=$_"
+ if defined $sfx && $sfx !~ /^\s*$/;
+ if( $dir_doc eq "" ){
+ print STDERR "WARNING ($0): main(): input line number $lc: empty document sigle in document header => nothing to do ...\ndocument header=$header_doc\n";
+ }else{
+ print STDERR "DEBUG ($0): Writing file $_root_dir$dir_doc/$_header_file\n" if $_DEBUG;
+ if ($first_write){
+ $first_write=0;
+ $zip = new IO::Compress::Zip $outh, Zip64 => 1, TextFlag => 1, Method => $_COMPRESSION_METHOD, Append => 1, Name => "$_root_dir$dir_doc/$_header_file"
+ or die "ERROR ('$_root_dir$dir_doc/$_header_file'): zip failed: $ZipError\n"
+ }else{
+ $zip->newStream( Zip64 => 1, TextFlag => 1, Method => $_COMPRESSION_METHOD, Append => 1, Name => "$_root_dir$dir_doc/$_header_file" )
+ or die "ERROR ('$_root_dir$dir_doc/$_header_file'): zip failed: $ZipError\n"
+ }
+ $header_doc=encode_utf8($header_doc);
+ $zip->print("$header_prfx$header_doc");
+ }
+ }elsif( $header_fl_doc ){ # inside document header
+ #print STDERR "inside doc header\n";
+ if( m/^(.+)?<dokumentSigle>([^<]+)(.+)$/ ){
+ $pfx=$1; $sfx=$3; $dir_doc=$2;
+ die "ERROR ($0): main(): input line number $lc: line with dokumentSigle-tag is not in expected format ... => Aborting\n\tline=$_"
+ if (defined $pfx && $pfx !~ /^\s*$/) || $sfx !~ /^<\/dokumentSigle>\s*$/;
+ if( $dir_doc =~ s/("|&|<|>)/$ent{$1}/g ){
+ $_ =~ s/(<dokumentSigle>)[^<]+(<\/dokumentSigle>)/$1$dir_doc$2/; # do be consistent with escaping, escape also textSigle in Document-Header
+ }
+ }
+ $header_doc .= $_;
+ }elsif ( m/^.*(<idsHeader[^>]*type=\"text\".*)$/ ){ # begin of text header
+ #print STDERR "begin of text header\n";
+ $tc=0; ### reset (needed for whitespace-handling)
+ $header_txt = "$1\n"; $header_fl_txt = 1;
+ }elsif( m/^(.+)?<text(?: [^>]*)?>(.+)?$/ ){ # begin of text body
+ #print STDERR "inside text body\n";
+ $pfx=$1; $sfx=$2;
+ die "ERROR ($0): main(): input line number $lc: line with opening tag for 'text' contains additional information ... => Aborting\n\tline=$_"
+ if (defined $pfx && $pfx !~ /^\s*$/) || (defined $sfx && $sfx !~ /^\s*$/);
+ $data_fl=1;
+ }elsif ( m/^.*(<idsHeader[^>]*type=\"document\".*)$/ ){ # begin of document header
+ #print STDERR "begin of doc header\n";
+ $header_doc = "$1\n"; $header_fl_doc = 1;
+ }elsif( $header_fl_crp && m/^(.*<\/idsHeader>)(.+)?$/ ){ # end of corpus header
+ #print STDERR "end of corp header\n";
+ $header_crp .= $1; $header_fl_crp = 0; $sfx=$2;
+ die "ERROR ($0): main(): input line number $lc: line with closing tag for 'idsHeader type=\"corpus\"' contains additional information ... => Aborting\n\tline=$_"
+ if defined $sfx && $sfx !~ /^\s*$/;
+ if( $dir_crp eq "" ){
+ print STDERR "WARNING ($0): main(): input line number $lc: empty corpus sigle in corpus header => nothing to do ...\ncorpus header=$header_crp\n";
+ }else{
+ print STDERR "DEBUG ($0): Writing file $_root_dir$dir_crp/$_header_file\n" if $_DEBUG;
+ if ($first_write){
+ $first_write=0;
+ $zip = new IO::Compress::Zip $outh, Zip64 => 1, TextFlag => 1, Method => $_COMPRESSION_METHOD, Append => 1, Name => "$_root_dir$dir_crp/$_header_file"
+ or die "ERROR ('$_root_dir$dir_crp/$_header_file'): zip failed: $ZipError\n"
+ }else{
+ $zip->newStream( Zip64 => 1, TextFlag => 1, Method => $_COMPRESSION_METHOD, Append => 1, Name => "$_root_dir$dir_crp/$_header_file" )
+ or die "ERROR ('$_root_dir$dir_crp/$_header_file'): zip failed: $ZipError\n"
+ }
+ $header_crp=encode_utf8($header_crp);
+ $zip->print("$header_prfx$header_crp");
+ }
+ }elsif( $header_fl_crp ){ # inside corpus header
+ #print STDERR "inside corp header\n";
+ if( m/^(.+)?<korpusSigle>([^<]+)(.+)$/ ){
+ $pfx=$1; $sfx=$3; $dir_crp=$2;
+ die "ERROR ($0): main(): input line number $lc: line with korpusSigle-tag is not in expected format ... => Aborting\n\tline=$_"
+ if (defined $pfx && $pfx !~ /^\s*$/) || $sfx !~ /^<\/korpusSigle>\s*$/;
+ if( $dir_crp =~ s/("|&|<|>)/$ent{$1}/g ){
+ $_ =~ s/(<korpusSigle>)[^<]+(<\/korpusSigle>)/$1$dir_crp$2/; # do be consistent with escaping, escape also textSigle in Corpus-Header
+ }
+ }
+ $header_crp .= $_;
+ }elsif ( m/^.*(<idsHeader[^>]*type=\"corpus\".*)$/ ){ # begin of corpus header
+ #print STDERR "begin of corp header\n";
+ $header_crp = "$1\n"; $header_fl_crp = 1;
+ }
+ ###
+}#end: while
+if( $_GEN_TOK_BAS ){
+ close($chld_in);
+ close($chld_out);
+###### SUBS
+# $reader = XML::LibXML::Reader->new(IO => STDIN);
+# example: <node a=\"v\"><node1>some <n/> text</node1><node2>more-text</node2></node>
+# ( print out values of above example: echo "<node a=\"v\"><node1>some <n/> text</node1><node2>more-text</node2></node>"|perl -e 'use XML::CompactTree::XS; use XML::LibXML::Reader; $reader = XML::LibXML::Reader->new(IO => STDIN);$data = XML::CompactTree::XS::readSubtreeToPerl($reader,XCT_DOCUMENT_ROOT|XCT_IGNORE_WS|XCT_IGNORE_SIGNIFICANT_WS|XCT_IGNORE_COMMENTS|XCT_LINE_NUMBERS);print $data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[1]->[1]' )
+# $data = reference to below array
+# 1: ?
+# 1: 'node'
+# 2: ?
+# 3: HASH (attributes)
+# 4: 1 (line number)
+# 1: 'node1'
+# 2: ?
+# 3: undefined (no attributes)
+# 4: 1 (line number)
+# 5: [ 0: [ 0: XML_READER_TYPE_TEXT
+# 1: 'some '
+# ]
+# 1: 'n'
+# 2: ?
+# 3: undefined (no attributes)
+# 4: 1 (line number)
+# 5: undefined (no child nodes)
+# ]
+# 1: ' text'
+# ]
+# ]
+# ]
+# 1: 'node2'
+# 2: ?
+# 3: undefined (not attributes)
+# 4: 1 (line number)
+# 5: [ 0: [ 0: XML_READER_TYPE_TEXT
+# 1: 'more-text'
+# ]
+# ]
+# ]
+# ]
+# ]
+# ]
+# ]
+# $data->[0] = 9 (=> type == XML_READER_TYPE_DOCUMENT)
+# ref($data->[2]) == ARRAY (with 1 element for 'node')
+# ref($data->[2]->[0]) == ARRAY (with 6 elements)
+# $data->[2]->[0]->[0] == 1 (=> type == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT)
+# $data->[2]->[0]->[1] == 'node'
+# ref($data->[2]->[0]->[3]) == HASH (=> ${$data->[2]->[0]->[3]}{a} == 'v')
+# $data->[2]->[0]->[4] == 1 (line number)
+# ref($data->[2]->[0]->[5]) == ARRAY (with 2 elements for 'node1' and 'node2') NOTE: child nodes of actual node (see $_IDX)
+# ref($data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]) == ARRAY (with 6 elements)
+# $data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[0] == 1 (=> type == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT)
+# $data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[1] == 'node1'
+# $data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[3] == undefined (=> no attribute)
+# $data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[4] == 1 (line number)
+# ref($data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[5]) == ARRAY (with 3 elements for 'some ', '<n/>' and ' text')
+# ref($data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[5]->[0]) == ARRAY (with 2 elements)
+# $data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[0] == 3 (=> type == XML_READER_TYPE_TEXT)
+# $data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[1] == 'some '
+# ref($data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[5]->[1]) == ARRAY (with 5 elements)
+# $data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[5]->[1]->[0] == 1 (=> type == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT)
+# $data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[5]->[1]->[1] == 'n'
+# $data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[5]->[1]->[3] == undefined (=> no attribute)
+# $data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[5]->[1]->[4] == 1 (line number)
+# $data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[5]->[1]->[5] == undefined (=> no child nodes)
+# ref($data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[5]->[2]) == ARRAY (with 2 elements)
+# $data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[5]->[2]->[0] == 3 (=> type == XML_READER_TYPE_TEXT)
+# $data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[5]->[2]->[1] == ' text'
+# NOTE: the sub 'retr_info' starts with the array reference '${$_[0]}' (= '\$tree_data->[2]'), which corresponds to '${\$data->[2]}' in the above example.
+# Hence, the expression '@{${$_[0]}}' corresponds to '@{${\$data->[2]}', '$e' to '${${\$data->[2]}}[0]' (='$data->[2]->[0]') and '$e->[0]' to '${${\$data->[2]}}[0]->[0]' (='$data->[2]->[0]->[0]'.
+sub retr_info{
+ $rl++; # rec. level (2 = topmost level inside retr_info() = level for all elements directly under <text>)
+ # $_[0] is a reference to an array reference
+ foreach $e( @{${$_[0]}} ){ # iteration through all array elements
+ ##
+ if( $e->[0] == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT ){ # element node
+ ### . insert new array (for new tag) into @structures with tag-name and (if present) tag-attributes
+ ### . update @oti (open tags indizes) with @structures highest index (=$#structures); e.g.: @a=(1,2,3) => $#a = 2
+ ###
+ $n = $e->[1]; # name of tag
+ $inside_annot_tag = $rl if $_ANNOT_GEN && $n eq "$_ANNOT_TAG_NAME_RD";
+ my @array;
+ push @array, $n; # name of tag
+ push @structures, \@array;
+ push @oti, $#structures; # add highest index of @structures to @oti
+ if( $_ANNOT_GEN && $inside_annot_tag == $rl ){
+ my @array2;
+ push @array2, $n;
+ push @annot, \@array2;
+ push @oti2, $#annot;
+ }
+ ### handle attributes
+ if( defined $e->[3] ){ # only go on if attributes exist
+ for( $c = 0; $c < @{$e->[3]}; $c += 2 ){ # with 'XCT_ATTRIBUTE_ARRAY', $node->[3] is an array reference of the form [ name1, value1, name2, value2, ....]
+ # of attribute names and corresponding values. NOTE: arrays are faster! (see:
+ # '$c' references the 'key' and '$c+1' the 'value' (example: perl -e '@a=(X,Y);push @b,\@a;$ref=$b[$#b];push @{$ref},Z;print @{$ref}' => XYZ)
+ push @{$structures[$#structures]}, ${$e->[3]}[$c], ${$e->[3]}[$c+1];
+ if( $_ANNOT_GEN && $inside_annot_tag == $rl ){
+ push @{$annot[$#annot]}, ${$e->[3]}[$c], ${$e->[3]}[$c+1];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ###
+ push @{$structures[$#structures]}, ($dl+$add_one); # from-value
+ if( $_ANNOT_GEN && $inside_annot_tag == $rl ){
+ push @{$annot[$#annot]}, ($dl+$add_one);
+ }
+ ######
+ # until here: opening tag-node
+ ######
+ if(defined $e->[$_IDX]){ # if $e->[$_IDX] is not defined (=> no array of child nodes, e.g.: <pb id="bka.00001-643-pb643" n="643" TEIform="pb"/>), do no recursion
+ retr_info( \$e->[$_IDX] ); # recursion with array of child nodes
+ $rl--; # return from recursion
+ }
+ ###
+ ######
+ # from here: closing tag-node
+ ######
+#print STDERR "2: dl=$dl\n" if $text_id eq "BIH_BKA.00001";
+ { my $ix = pop @oti;
+ my $aix = @{$structures[$ix]};
+ $fval = ${$structures[$ix]}[$aix-1]; # from-value
+ # whitespace related issue
+ if( $fval>0 && not exists $hws{$fval-1} ){
+ # previous node was a text-node
+ ${$structures[$ix]}[$aix-1] = $fval-1; # recorrect from-value
+ }
+ #
+ die "ERROR ($0, retr_info()): text_id='$text_id', processing of \@structures: from-value ($fval) is more than 1 greater than to-value ($dl) => please check. aborting ...\n" if ($fval-1) > $dl;
+ ${$structures[$ix]}[$aix-1] = $dl if $fval == $dl+1; # correct from-value
+ push @{$structures[$ix]}, $dl, $rl; # to-value and recursion-level
+ ### use $dl, because the offsets are _between_ the characters (e.g.: word = 'Hallo' => from = 0 (before 'H'), to = 5 (after 'o'))
+ }
+ if ( $_ANNOT_GEN && $inside_annot_tag == $rl ){
+ my $ix = pop @oti2;
+ my $aix = @{$annot[$ix]};
+ $fval2 = ${$annot[$ix]}[$aix-1]; # from-value
+ # whitespace related issue
+ if( $fval2>0 && not exists $hws{$fval2-1} ){
+ # previous node was a text-node
+ ${$annot[$ix]}[$aix-1] = $fval2-1; # recorrect from-value
+ }
+ #
+ die "ERROR ($0, retr_info()): text_id='$text_id', processing of \@annot: from-value ($fval2) is more than 1 greater than to-value ($dl) => please check. aborting ...\n" if ($fval2-1) > $dl;
+ ${$annot[$ix]}[$aix-1] = $dl if $fval2 == $dl+1; # correct from-value
+ push @{$annot[$ix]}, $dl, $rl; # to-value and recursion-level
+ $inside_annot_tag = -1; # reset
+ }
+ # whitespace related issue
+ # clean up
+ delete $hws{$fval-1} if $fval>0 && exists $hws{$fval-1};
+ delete $hws{$fval2-1} if $_ANNOT_GEN && $fval2>0 && exists $hws{$fval2-1};
+ #
+ ######
+ # from here: text nodes
+ ######
+ }elsif( $e->[0] == XML_READER_TYPE_TEXT || $e->[0] == XML_READER_TYPE_SIGNIFICANT_WHITESPACE ){ # see 'man XML::LibXML::Reader'
+ # set flag, to remember to add 1 to 'from'-$dl (see above), if this text-node was _not_ a whitespace-node
+ # NOTE: this is needed to address e.g. the following situation (see first text in goe-corpus):
+ # '... <head type="main"><s>Campagne in Frankreich</s></head><head type="sub"> <s>1792</s> ...': the from-index of the 2nd head-tag
+ # should be right before '1792' (which was produced by a text-node) and not before the ' ' (which was produced by a whitespace-node)
+ # by the way: '$add_one' is not set (resp. 're'-set) for whitespace-nodes, because they always (incidentally) set '$dl' to the right
+ # from-index of the next node (e.g.: '<w>fu</w> <w>bar</w>' or '<w>fu</w><w> </w><w>bar</w>) - this is actually not the case for
+ # text-nodes (see same previous 'fubar'-example), for which '$dl' points to the from-index of ' ', _IF_ there is alway a ' ' between
+ # two text-nodes.
+ # NOTE: A new problem arises with this approach, _IF_ there is _NOT_ a ' ' between two text-nodes
+ # (see e.g. in romanian corpus 'corola-bucurenci': ... >Anului</w><w lemma="," ana="PUNCTUATION">,</w> <w ...).
+ # In this case, the from-index for the next node would be exactly 1 to high (see in approp. zip-file for above example:
+ # '... <span id="s14" from="101" to="101" l="5"> ...' - the correct span should be: '... <span id="s14" from="100" to="101" l="5"> ...').
+ # NOTE: it's not possible to solve the above problem here, because the following case would not be covered:
+ # ... <a><b><c><d/></c></b></a> ... (or see in goe-corpus 'GOE/AGI.04846': <div...><p/></div> ...)
+ # Because, no text- and whitespace-nodes are present, the from-values for 'a', 'b' and 'c' can only be corrected, when closing these tags.
+ # But this can be easily done by looking at the actual value of '$add_one' - if it's set, then there was no whitespace-node (and hence no ' ')
+ # before '<a>' and hence the from-values must be corrected.
+ # NOTE: To realize, what's stated in the above note, another information is needed, by which can be checked, if a tag contains text/ws or not
+ # (in the above 'abcd'-example, all tags are empty in the sense of that they don't contain any text/ws).
+ # By saving the recursion level, the 'text containing'-info can be simply checked, by the condition '$last_text_or_ws_node > $rl'.
+ # The condition is true, when there is text below the tag on level $rl.
+ ##$last_text_or_ws_node = $rl;
+ # NOTE: a much simpler solution, which should have the same effect, without following exactly the information-processing, is, to just set the
+ # value of the 'from'-index to the value of the 'to'-index, if "to==from-1" holds and to die with an error, if "(from-1)>to" holds.
+ # whitespace related issue
+ $add_one=0;
+ $hws{$dl}++; # '++' does not mean a thing here (could be used for consistency checking)
+ }else{ # text-node
+ $add_one=1;
+ }
+ #
+ $data .= $e->[1];
+ $dl += length($e->[1]);
+ ### needed only for dummy tokenization
+ if( $_GEN_TOK_DUMMY ){
+ $txt = $e->[1];
+ if( (substr($txt,0,1) ne ' ' || substr($txt,1,1) ne ' ') ){ # $txt has at least 2 chars, if it is not empty or equal to ' '
+ ### start: conservative tokenization
+ # '\p{Punct}' is equal to the character class '[-!"#%&'()*,./:;?@[\\\]_{}]'
+ while( $txt =~ /([\p{Punct}]*)([^\p{Punct} \x{9}\n]+(?:([\p{Punct}]+)[^\p{Punct} \x{9}\n]+)*)?([\p{Punct}]*)(?:[ \x{9}\n])?/g ){
+ $m1=$1; $m2=$2; $m3=$3; $m4=$4;
+#print STDERR "*** m1=$1, m2="; (defined $m2)?(print STDERR "$2"):(print STDERR "undef");print STDERR ", m3="; (defined $3)?(print STDERR "$3"):(print STDERR "undef"); print STDERR ", m4=$4\n";
+ if("$m1" ne ""){ # special chars before token
+ $p1=$-[1]; $p2=$+[1];
+ #print STDERR "A1: ".$m1." -> from $p1 to $p2\n";
+ if($p2==$p1+1){
+ if($p1!=0){$tmp=substr($txt,$p1-1,1);$pr=($tmp=~/^[^A-Za-z0-9]/)}else{$pr=0};
+ if(not $pr){$tmp=substr($txt,$p2,1);$pr=($tmp=~/^[^A-Za-z0-9]/)};
+ if($pr){push @tok_tokens_con, $p1+$offset; push @tok_tokens_con, $p2+$offset}; # from and to
+ }else{
+ for($i=0;$i<($p2-$p1);$i++){
+ #print STDERR "A2: ".substr($m1,$i,1)." -> from $p1 to $p2\n";
+ push @tok_tokens_con, $p1+$i+$offset; push @tok_tokens_con, $p1+$i+1+$offset; # from and to
+ }
+ }
+ }# "$m1" ne ""
+ #print STDERR "B: "."$m2 -> from ".($-[2]+$offset)." to ".($+[2]+$offset)."\n" if defined $m2; # token (wordform)
+ if(defined $m2){push @tok_tokens_con, $-[2]+$offset; push @tok_tokens_con, $+[2]+$offset}; # from and to
+ if(defined $m3){
+ $p1=$-[3]; $p2=$+[3];
+ #print STDERR "C: ".$m3." -> from $p1 to $p2\n";
+ if($p2==$p1+1){
+ $tmp=substr($txt,$p2,1);$pr=($tmp=~/^$/);$pr=($tmp=~/^[^A-Za-z0-9]/) if not $pr; # char after match
+ if(not $pr){$tmp=substr($txt,$p1-1,1);$pr=($tmp=~/^[^A-Za-z0-9]/)}; # char before match
+ if($pr){push @tok_tokens_con, $p1+$offset; push @tok_tokens_con, $p2+$offset}; # from and to
+ }else{ # length($m3)>1 => print all chars
+ for($i=0; $i<($p2-$p1); $i++){
+ #$tmp=substr($m3,$i,1);
+ #print STDERR "C2: $tmp -> from $p1 to $p2\n";
+ push @tok_tokens_con, $p1+$i+$offset; push @tok_tokens_con, $p1+$i+1+$offset; # from and to
+ }
+ }
+ }# defined $m3
+ if("$m4" ne ""){ # special chars after token
+ $p1=$-[4]; $p2=$+[4];
+ #print STDERR "D1: ".$m4." -> from ".($p1+$offset)." to ".($p2+$offset)."\n";
+ if($p2==$p1+1){
+ $tmp=substr($txt,$p2,1);$pr=($tmp=~/^$/);$pr=($tmp=~/^[^A-Za-z0-9]/) if not $pr; # char after match
+ if(not $pr){$tmp=substr($txt,$p1-1,1);$pr=($tmp=~/^[^A-Za-z0-9]/)}; # char before match
+ if($pr){push @tok_tokens_con, $p1+$offset; push @tok_tokens_con, $p2+$offset} # from and to
+ }else{
+ for($i=0;$i<($p2-$p1);$i++){
+ #print STDERR "D2: ".substr($m4,$i,1)." -> from ".($p1+$i+$offset)." to ".($p1+$i+1+$offset)."\n";
+ push @tok_tokens_con, $p1+$i+$offset; push @tok_tokens_con, $p1+$i+1+$offset; # from and to
+ }
+ }
+ }# "$m4" ne ""
+ }# end: while
+ ### end: conservative tokenization
+ ### start: aggressive tokenization
+ while( $txt =~ /([^\p{Punct} \x{9}\n]+)(?:([\p{Punct}])|(?:[ \x{9}\n])?)|([\p{Punct}])/g ){
+ if(defined $1){
+ push @tok_tokens_agg, $-[1]+$offset; push @tok_tokens_agg, $+[1]+$offset; # from and to
+ if(defined $2){push @tok_tokens_agg, $-[2]+$offset; push @tok_tokens_agg, $+[2]+$offset} # from and to
+ }else{ # defined $3
+ push @tok_tokens_agg, $-[3]+$offset; push @tok_tokens_agg, $+[3]+$offset # from and to
+ }
+ }# end: while
+ ### end: aggressive tokenization
+ #$offset = $dl+1;
+ $offset = $dl;
+ }
+ }
+ ###
+# }#fi
+#print STDERR "1: dl=$dl\n" if $text_id eq "BIH_BKA.00001";
+# elsif( $e->[0] == XML_READER_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE ) # attribute node
+# NOTE: attributes cannot be processed like this
+ ### from here: should not really happen
+ }else{ # not yet handled type
+ die "ERROR ($0): Not yet handled type (\$e->[0]=".$e->[0].") ... => Aborting\n";
+ }
+ }#end: foreach iteration
+}#end: sub retr_info
+sub write_tok { # called from MAIN
+ #print STDERR "$0: write_tok() ...\n";
+ if( $_GEN_TOK_BAS ) {
+ if( $select->can_read(3600) ){ # wait 60m for external tokenizer
+ $_ = <$chld_out>;
+ my @bounds = split;
+ write_tokenization("$_root_dir$dir/$_base_dir/$_tok_file_bas", $text_id_esc, \@bounds);
+ while($select->can_read(0)) {
+ $_ = <$chld_out>;
+ if (defined $_ && $_ ne '') {
+ print STDERR "WARNING: extra output: $_\n"
+ } else {
+ print STDERR "WARNING: tokenizer seems to have crashed, restarting.\n";
+ startTokenizer();
+ }
+ }
+ }else{
+ $zip->close();
+ die "ERROR ($0): cannot retrieve token bounds from external tokenizer for text '$text_id' => Aborting ...\n";
+ }
+ }elsif( $_GEN_TOK_DUMMY ){
+ write_tokenization("$_root_dir$dir/$_base_dir/$_tok_file_con", $text_id_esc, \@tok_tokens_con);
+ write_tokenization("$_root_dir$dir/$_base_dir/$_tok_file_agg", $text_id_esc, \@tok_tokens_agg);
+ }
+ #print STDERR "$0: write_tok(): DONE\n";
+} # end: write_tok
+sub write_tokenization {
+ my ($fname, $textid_esc, $bounds) = @_;
+ $zip->newStream( Zip64 => 1, TextFlag => 1, Method => $_COMPRESSION_METHOD, Append => 1, Name => $fname)
+ or die "ERROR ('$fname'): zip failed: $ZipError\n";
+ $output = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<?xml-model href=\"span.rng\" type=\"application/xml\" schematypens=\"\"?>\n\n<layer docid=\"$text_id_esc\" xmlns=\"\" version=\"KorAP-0.4\">\n <spanList>\n";
+ $c=0; for( $i=0; $i < ($#$bounds + 1); $i+=2 ){
+ $output .= " <span id=\"t_$c\" from=\"".$bounds->[$i]."\" to=\"".$bounds->[$i+1]."\" />\n";
+ $c++;
+ }
+ $output .= " </spanList>\n</layer>";
+ $zip->print("$output");
+# write structure file
+sub write_structures { # called from MAIN
+ #print STDERR "$0: write_structures(): ...\n";
+ if( $dir eq "" ){
+ print STDERR "WARNING ($0): write_structures(): empty textSigle => nothing to do ...\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ $zip->newStream( Zip64 => 1, TextFlag => 1, Method => $_COMPRESSION_METHOD, Append => 1, Name => "$_root_dir$dir/$_structure_dir/$_structure_file" )
+ or die "ERROR ('$_root_dir$dir/$_structure_dir/$_structure_file'): zip failed: $ZipError\n";
+ $output = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<?xml-model href=\"span.rng\" type=\"application/xml\" schematypens=\"\"?>\n\n<layer docid=\"".decode_utf8($text_id_esc)."\" xmlns=\"\" version=\"KorAP-0.4\">\n <spanList>\n";
+ $c = 0;
+ foreach $ref (@structures){
+ (@{$ref}==4)?($idx=1):($idx=@{$ref}-3); # if array '@{$ref}' doesn't contain attributes, then the number of elements in this array is 4 (name, from, to, rec_level), otherwise >4
+ ### correct last from-value (if the 'second to last' from-value refers to an s-tag, then the last from-value is one to big - see retr_info)
+ if( $#structures == $c && ${$ref}[$idx] == ${$ref}[$idx+1] + 1 ){
+ ${$ref}[$idx] = ${$ref}[$idx+1];
+ }
+ ## this consistency check is already done in 'retr_info()'
+ ##elsif( ${$ref}[$idx] > ${$ref}[$idx+1] ){ # consistency check: abort, if this doesn't hold
+ ## #die "ERROR ($0: write_structures(): \$text_id=$text_id, \$c=$c, tag-name=${$ref}[0]): 'from-index=${$ref}[$idx]' > 'to-index=${$ref}[$idx+1]' => please check! aborting ...\n";
+ ## die "ERROR ($0: write_structures(): \$text_id=$text_id, \$c=$c, tag-name=${$ref}[0]): 'from-index=${$ref}[$idx]' > 'to-index=${$ref}[$idx+1]' => please check! aborting ...\n\n$output";
+ ##}
+ ###
+ ### at least 'POS' should always be there => remove constraint '$_ANNOT_GEN'
+ #if( $_ANNOT_GEN && ${$ref}[0] ne "$_ANNOT_TAG_NAME_RD" ){ # this is already written in 'write_annot', so don't do it twice
+ if( ${$ref}[0] ne "$_ANNOT_TAG_NAME_RD" ){ # this is already written in 'write_annot', so don't do it twice
+ $output .= " <span id=\"s$c\" from=\"${$ref}[$idx]\" to=\"${$ref}[$idx+1]\" l=\"${$ref}[$idx+2]\">\n"; # l (level): insert information about depth of element in XML-tree (top element = level 1)
+ $output .= " <fs type=\"struct\" xmlns=\"\">\n";
+ $output .= " <f name=\"name\">${$ref}[0]</f>\n";
+ if ( $idx > 2 ) # attributes
+ {
+ $output .= " <f name=\"attr\">\n <fs type=\"attr\">\n";
+ for ( $att_idx=1; $att_idx < $idx; $att_idx+=2 ){
+ ${$ref}[$att_idx+1] =~ s/(&|<|>)/$ent{$1}/g; # see explanation in func. 'write_annot'
+ $output .= " <f name=\"${$ref}[$att_idx]\">${$ref}[$att_idx+1]</f>\n"; # attribute (at index $att_idx) with value (at index $att_idx+1)
+ }
+ $output .= " </fs>\n </f>\n";
+ }
+ $output .= " </fs>\n </span>\n";
+ }
+ $c++;
+ }# end: foreach
+ $output .= " </spanList>\n</layer>";
+ $output=encode_utf8($output);
+ $zip->print("$output");
+ #print STDERR "$0: write_structures(): DONE\n";
+} # end: sub write_structures
+sub write_annot { # called from MAIN
+ #print STDERR "$0: write_annot(): ...\n";
+ if( $dir eq "" ){
+ print STDERR "WARNING ($0): write_annot(): empty textSigle => nothing to do ...\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ $zip->newStream( Zip64 => 1, TextFlag => 1, Method => $_COMPRESSION_METHOD, Append => 1, Name => "$_root_dir$dir/$_ANNOT_DIR_NAME/$_ANNOT_FILE_NAME" )
+ or die "ERROR ('$_root_dir$dir/$_ANNOT_DIR_NAME/$_ANNOT_FILE_NAME'): zip failed: $ZipError\n";
+ $output = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<?xml-model href=\"span.rng\" type=\"application/xml\" schematypens=\"\"?>\n\n<layer docid=\"".decode_utf8($text_id_esc)."\" xmlns=\"\" version=\"KorAP-0.4\">\n <spanList>\n";
+ $c = 0;
+#open H1, ">/tmp/t456" if $text_id eq "GOE_AGA.00000";
+ foreach $ref (@annot){
+#if($text_id eq "GOE_AGA.00000"){
+#foreach my $key(@{$ref}){print H1 " $c:$key"};
+#print H1 "\n";
+ (@{$ref}==4)?($idx=1):($idx=@{$ref}-3); # if array '@{$ref}' doesn't contain attributes, then the number of elements in this array is 4 (name, from, to, rec_level), otherwise >4
+ ### correct last from-value (if the 'second to last' from-value refers to a s-tag, then the last from-value is one to big - see retr_info)
+ if( $#annot == $c && ${$ref}[$idx] == ${$ref}[$idx+1] + 1 ){
+ ${$ref}[$idx] = ${$ref}[$idx+1];
+ }
+ ###
+ $output .= " <span id=\"s$c\" from=\"${$ref}[$idx]\" to=\"${$ref}[$idx+1]\" l=\"${$ref}[$idx+2]\">\n"; # l (level): insert information about depth of element in XML-tree (top element = level 1)
+ $output .= " <fs type=\"lex\" xmlns=\"\">\n";
+ ##$output .= " <f name=\"${$ref}[0]\">\n";
+ $output .= " <f name=\"lex\">\n";
+ if ( $idx > 2 ) # attributes
+ {
+ $output .= " <fs>\n";
+ for ( $att_idx=1; $att_idx < $idx; $att_idx+=2 ){
+ ${$ref}[$att_idx+1] =~ s/(&|<|>)/$ent{$1}/g; # e.g.: look for 4th occurence of '…' in '84030_a_82705' in Drukola-Korpus 'corola-bucurenci':
+ # ... <w lemma=">" ana="PUNCTUATION">></w> ...
+ # - the '>' is translated to '>' and hence the result would be '<f name="lemma">></f>'
+ if( "$_ANNOT_ATT_ANNOT_NAME_RD" && ${$ref}[$att_idx] eq "$_ANNOT_ATT_ANNOT_NAME_RD" ){
+ ${$ref}[$att_idx+1] =~ /^([^ ]+)(?: (.+))?$/;
+ die "ERROR (write_annot()): unexpected format! => Aborting ... (att: ${$ref}[$att_idx+1])\n" if ($_ANNOT_ATT_POS_NAME_WR && not defined $1) || ($_ANNOT_ATT_MSD_NAME_WR && not defined $2);
+ if( "$_ANNOT_ATT_POS_NAME_WR" ){
+ $output .= " <f name=\"$_ANNOT_ATT_POS_NAME_WR\">";
+ $output .= "$1" if defined $1;
+ $output .= "</f>\n";
+ }
+ if( "$_ANNOT_ATT_MSD_NAME_WR" ){
+ $output .= " <f name=\"$_ANNOT_ATT_MSD_NAME_WR\">";
+ $output .= "$2" if defined $2;
+ $output .= "</f>\n";
+ }
+ }elsif( "$_ANNOT_ATT_LEM_NAME_RD" && ${$ref}[$att_idx] eq "$_ANNOT_ATT_LEM_NAME_RD" ){
+ $output .= " <f name=\"$_ANNOT_ATT_LEM_NAME_WR\">${$ref}[$att_idx+1]</f>\n";
+ }else{ # all other attributes
+ $output .= " <f name=\"${$ref}[$att_idx]\">${$ref}[$att_idx+1]</f>\n"; # attribute (at index $att_idx) with value (at index $att_idx+1)
+ }
+ } # end:for
+ $output .= " </fs>\n";
+ } # fi
+ $output .= " </f>\n </fs>\n </span>\n";
+ $c++;
+ }# end: foreach
+#close H1 if $text_id eq "GOE_AGA.00000";
+ $output .= " </spanList>\n</layer>";
+ $output=encode_utf8($output);
+ $zip->print("$output");
+ #print STDERR "$0: write_annot(): DONE\n";
+} # end: sub write_annot
+sub printhelp {
+ print STDERR <<EOHELP;
+This program is called from inside another script.
+ exit();
+sub startTokenizer {
+ $pid = open2($chld_out, $chld_in, 'java -cp '. join(":", ".", glob(&dirname(__FILE__)."/../target/*.jar"))." de.ids_mannheim.korap.tokenizer.KorAPTokenizerImpl");
+ $select = IO::Select->new();
+ $select->add(*$chld_out);