Move verbose code documentation to trailing script section
Change-Id: I8a32e6a3f24c387caa7f7fdcb260d37263326388
diff --git a/Changes b/Changes
index 53421c2..9da40ac 100644
--- a/Changes
+++ b/Changes
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
- fixed possible IO deadlock with KorAP tokenizer
- Simplified debugging by combining with X::C::T line numbers
- Support inline-tokens parameter
+ - Move verbose code documentation to trailing
+ script section
0.03 2021-01-12
- Update KorAP-Tokenizer to released 2.0 version
diff --git a/script/tei2korapxml b/script/tei2korapxml
index eb97909..4c2e6d8 100755
--- a/script/tei2korapxml
+++ b/script/tei2korapxml
@@ -216,10 +216,7 @@
-# prevents segfaulting of 'XML::LibXML::Reader' inside 'main()' - see notes on 'PerlIO layers' in 'man XML::LibXML')
-# removing 'use open qw(:std :utf8)' would fix this problem too, but using binmode on input is more granular
-# see in perluniintro: You can switch encodings on an already opened stream by using "binmode()
-# see in perlfunc: If LAYER is omitted or specified as ":raw" the filehandle is made suitable for passing binary data.
+# Prevents segfaulting (see notes on segfault prevention)
binmode $input_fh;
my $pos;
@@ -279,19 +276,7 @@
$reader = XML::LibXML::Reader->new( string => "<text>$buf_in</text>", huge => 1 );
- # ~ whitespace handling ~
- #
- # Every whitespace inside the processed text is 'significant' and recognized as a node of type 'XML_READER_TYPE_SIGNIFICANT_WHITESPACE'
- # (see function 'retr_info()').
- #
- # Definition of significant and insignificant whitespace
- # (source:
- #
- # Significant whitespace is part of the document content and should be preserved.
- # Insignificant whitespace is used when editing XML documents for readability.
- # These whitespaces are typically not intended for inclusion in the delivery of the document.
- #
+ # See notes on whitespace handling
# XCT_LINE_NUMBERS is only needed for debugging
@@ -386,40 +371,19 @@
# ~ whitespace handling ~
- # The idea for the below code fragment was to fix (recreate) missing whitespace in a poorly created corpus, in which linebreaks where inserted
- # into the text with the addition that maybe (or not) whitespace before those linebreaks was unintenionally stripped.
- #
- # It soon turned out, that it was best to suggest considering just avoiding linebreaks and putting all primary text tokens into one line (see
- # example further down and notes on 'Input restrictions' in the manpage).
- #
- # Somehow an old first very poor approach remained, which is not stringent, but also doesn't affect one-line text.
- #
- # TODO: Maybe it's best, to keep the stripping of whitespace and to just remove the if-clause and to insert a blank by default (with possibly
- # an option on how newlines in primary text should be handled (stripped or replaced by a whitespace)).
- #
- # Examples (how primary text with linebreaks would be converted by below code):
- #
- # '...<w>end</w>\n<w>.</w>...' -> '...<w>end</w> <w>.</w>...'
- # '...<w>,</w>\n<w>this</w>\n<w>is</w>\n<w>it</w>\n<w>!</w>...' -> '<w>,<w> <w>this</w> <w>is</w> <w>it</w> <w>!</w>'.
+ # Fix whitespaces (see notes on whitespace fixing)
- s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; # remove consecutive whitespace at beginning and end (mostly one newline)
+ # TODO: Maybe it's best, to keep the stripping of whitespace and to just remove the if-clause and to insert a blank by default (with possibly
+ # an option on how newlines in primary text should be handled (stripped or replaced by a whitespace)).
+ # Remove consecutive whitespace at beginning and end (mostly one newline)
+ s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//;
### NOTE: this is only relevant, if a text consists of more than one line
### TODO: find a better solution, or create a warning, if a text has more than one line ($tl > 1)
### do testing with 2 different corpora (one with only one-line texts, the other with several lines per text)
if (m/<[^>]+>[^<]/) { # line contains at least one tag with at least one character contents
- # NOTE: not stringent ('...' stands for text):
- #
- # beg1............................end1 => no blank before 'beg1'
- # beg2....<pb/>...................end2 => no blank before 'beg2'
- # beg3....<info attr1="val1"/>....end3 => no blank before 'beg3'
- # beg4....<test>ok</test>.........end4 => blank before 'beg4'
- #
- # => beg1....end1beg2...<pb/>...end2beg3....<info attr1="val1"/>....end3 beg4...<test>ok</test>....end4
- # ^
- # |_blank between 'end3' and 'beg4'
$tl++; # counter for text lines
s/^(.)/ $1/ if $tl > 1; # insert blank before 1st character (for 2nd line and consecutive lines)
@@ -489,96 +453,7 @@
$dummy_anno = $structures->new_dummy_annotation();
- # Notes on how 'XML::CompactTree::XS' works
- #
- # Example: <node a="v"><node1>some <n/> text</node1><node2>more-text</node2></node>
- #
- # Print out name of 'node2' for the above example:
- #
- # echo '<node a="v"><node1>some <n/> text</node1><node2>more-text</node2></node>' | perl -e 'use XML::CompactTree::XS; use XML::LibXML::Reader; $reader = XML::LibXML::Reader->new(IO => STDIN); $data = XML::CompactTree::XS::readSubtreeToPerl( $reader, XCT_DOCUMENT_ROOT | XCT_IGNORE_COMMENTS | XCT_LINE_NUMBERS ); print "\x27".$data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[1]->[1]."\x27\n"'
- #
- # Exploring the structure of $data ( = reference to below array ):
- #
- # 1: ?
- # 2: [ 0: [ 0: XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT <- start recursion with array '$data->[2]' (see main(): retr_info( \$tree_data->[2] ))
- # 1: 'node'
- # 2: ?
- # 3: HASH (attributes)
- # 4: 1 (line number)
- # 5: [ 0: [ 0: XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT
- # 1: 'node1'
- # 2: ?
- # 3: undefined (no attributes)
- # 4: 1 (line number)
- # 5: [ 0: [ 0: XML_READER_TYPE_TEXT
- # 1: 'some '
- # ]
- # 1: 'n'
- # 2: ?
- # 3: undefined (no attributes)
- # 4: 1 (line number)
- # 5: undefined (no child-nodes)
- # ]
- # 1: ' text'
- # ]
- # ]
- # ]
- # 1: 'node2'
- # 2: ?
- # 3: undefined (not attributes)
- # 4: 1 (line number)
- # 5: [ 0: [ 0: XML_READER_TYPE_TEXT
- # 1: 'more-text'
- # ]
- # ]
- # ]
- # ]
- # ]
- # ]
- # ]
- #
- # $data->[0] = 9 (=> type == XML_READER_TYPE_DOCUMENT)
- #
- # ref($data->[2]) == ARRAY (with 1 element for 'node')
- # ref($data->[2]->[0]) == ARRAY (with 6 elements)
- #
- # $data->[2]->[0]->[0] == 1 (=> type == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT)
- # $data->[2]->[0]->[1] == 'node'
- # ref($data->[2]->[0]->[3]) == HASH (=> ${$data->[2]->[0]->[3]}{a} == 'v')
- # $data->[2]->[0]->[4] == 1 (line number)
- # ref($data->[2]->[0]->[5]) == ARRAY (with 2 elements for 'node1' and 'node2')
- # # child-nodes of actual node (see $_IDX)
- #
- # ref($data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]) == ARRAY (with 6 elements)
- # $data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[0] == 1 (=> type == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT)
- # $data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[1] == 'node1'
- # $data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[3] == undefined (=> no attribute)
- # $data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[4] == 1 (line number)
- # ref($data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[5]) == ARRAY (with 3 elements for 'some ', '<n/>' and ' text')
- #
- # ref($data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[5]->[0]) == ARRAY (with 2 elements)
- # $data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[0] == 3 (=> type == XML_READER_TYPE_TEXT)
- # $data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[1] == 'some '
- #
- # ref($data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[5]->[1]) == ARRAY (with 5 elements)
- # $data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[5]->[1]->[0] == 1 (=> type == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT)
- # $data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[5]->[1]->[1] == 'n'
- # $data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[5]->[1]->[3] == undefined (=> no attribute)
- # $data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[5]->[1]->[4] == 1 (line number)
- # $data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[5]->[1]->[5] == undefined (=> no child-nodes)
- #
- # ref($data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[5]->[2]) == ARRAY (with 2 elements)
- # $data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[5]->[2]->[0] == 3 (=> type == XML_READER_TYPE_TEXT)
- # $data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[5]->[2]->[1] == ' text'
- #
- #
- # retr_info() starts with the array reference ${$_[0]} (= \$tree_data->[2]), which corresponds to ${\$data->[2]} in the above example.
- # Hence, the expression @{${$_[0]}} corresponds to @{${\$data->[2]}}, $e to ${${\$data->[2]}}[0] (= $data->[2]->[0]) and $e->[0] to
- # ${${\$data->[2]}}[0]->[0] (= $data->[2]->[0]->[0]).
foreach $e (@{${$_[0]}}) { # iteration through all array elements ($_[0] is a reference to an array reference)
@@ -692,53 +567,9 @@
# from here: text- and whitespace-nodes
- # The 3rd form of nodes, besides text- (XML_READER_TYPE_TEXT) and tag-nodes (XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT) are nodes of the type
- #
- # When modifiying the previous example (see: Notes on how 'XML::CompactTree::XS' works) by inserting an additional blank between
- # '</node1>' and '<node2>', the output for '$data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[1]->[1]' is a blank (' ') and it's type is '14'
- #
- # echo '<node a="v"><node1>some <n/> text</node1> <node2>more-text</node2></node>' | perl -e 'use XML::CompactTree::XS; use XML::LibXML::Reader; $reader = XML::LibXML::Reader->new(IO => STDIN); $data = XML::CompactTree::XS::readSubtreeToPerl( $reader, XCT_DOCUMENT_ROOT | XCT_IGNORE_COMMENTS | XCT_LINE_NUMBERS ); print "node=\x27".$data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[1]->[1]."\x27, type=".$data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[1]->[0]."\n"'
+ # (See notes on whitespace handling - regarding XML_READER_TYPE_SIGNIFICANT_WHITESPACE)
- # Notes on ~ whitespace related issue ~ (referred to the code fragment below)
- #
- # Example: '... <head type="main"><s>Campagne in Frankreich</s></head><head type="sub"> <s>1792</s> ...'
- #
- # Two text-nodes should normally be separated by a blank. In the above example, that would be the 2 text-nodes
- # 'Campagne in Frankreich' and '1792', which are separated by the whitespace-node ' ' (see [2]).
- #
- # The text-node 'Campagne in Frankreich' leads to the setting of '$add_one' to 1, so that when opening the 2nd 'head'-tag,
- # it's from-index gets set to the correct start-index of '1792' (and not to the start-index of the whitespace-node ' ').
- #
- # The assumption here is, that in most cases there _is_ a whitespace node between 2 text-nodes. The below code fragment
- # enables a way, to check, if this really _was_ the case for the last 2 'non-tag'-nodes, when closing a tag:
- #
- # When a whitespace-node is read, its from-index is stored as a hash-key (in %ws), to state that it belongs to a ws-node.
- # So when closing a tag, it can be checked, if the previous 'non-tag'-node (text or whitespace), which is the one before
- # the last read 'non-tag'-node, was a actually _not_ a ws-node, but instead a text-node. In that case, the from-value of
- # the last read 'non-tag'-node has to be corrected (see [1]),
- #
- # For whitespace-nodes $add_one is set to 0, so when opening the next tag (in the above example the 2nd 's'-tag), no
- # additional 1 is added (because this was already done by the whitespace-node itself when incrementing the variable $pos).
- #
- # [1]
- # Now, what happens, when 2 text-nodes are _not_ seperated by a whitespace-node (e.g.: <w>Augen<c>,</c></w>)?
- # In this case, the falsely increased from-value has to be decreased again by 1 when closing the enclosing tag
- # (see above code fragment '... not exists $ws{ $fval - 1 } ...').
- #
- # [2]
- # Comparing the 2 examples '<w>fu</w> <w>bar</w>' and '<w>fu</w><w> </w><w>bar</w>', is ' ' in both cases handled as a
- #
- # The from-index of the 2nd w-tag in the second example refers to 'bar', which may not have been the intention
- # (even though '<w> </w>' doesn't make a lot of sense). TODO: could this be a bug?
- #
- # Empty tags also cling to the next text-token - e.g. in '<w>tok1</w> <w>tok2</w><a><b/></a> <w>tok3</w>' are the from-
- # and to-indizes for the tags 'a' and 'b' both 12, which is the start-index of the token 'tok3'.
# ~ whitespace-node ~
@@ -767,11 +598,6 @@
# until here: text- and whitespace-nodes
- # elsif ( $e->[0] == XML_READER_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE ) # attribute-node
- # note: attributes cannot be processed like this ( => use 'XCT_ATTRIBUTE_ARRAY' - see above )
} else { # not yet handled type
die $log->fatal('Not yet handled type ($e->[0]=' . $e->[0] . ') ... => Aborting');
@@ -950,3 +776,193 @@
L<BSD-2 License|>.
+## Notes on how 'XML::CompactTree::XS' works
+Example: <node a="v"><node1>some <n/> text</node1><node2>more-text</node2></node>
+Print out name of 'node2' for the above example:
+echo '<node a="v"><node1>some <n/> text</node1><node2>more-text</node2></node>' | perl -e 'use XML::CompactTree::XS; use XML::LibXML::Reader; $reader = XML::LibXML::Reader->new(IO => STDIN); $data = XML::CompactTree::XS::readSubtreeToPerl( $reader, XCT_DOCUMENT_ROOT | XCT_IGNORE_COMMENTS | XCT_LINE_NUMBERS ); print "\x27".$data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[1]->[1]."\x27\n"'
+Exploring the structure of $data ( = reference to below array ):
+ 1: ?
+ 2: [ 0: [ 0: XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT <- start recursion with array '$data->[2]' (see main(): retr_info( \$tree_data->[2] ))
+ 1: 'node'
+ 2: ?
+ 3: HASH (attributes)
+ 4: 1 (line number)
+ 1: 'node1'
+ 2: ?
+ 3: undefined (no attributes)
+ 4: 1 (line number)
+ 5: [ 0: [ 0: XML_READER_TYPE_TEXT
+ 1: 'some '
+ ]
+ 1: 'n'
+ 2: ?
+ 3: undefined (no attributes)
+ 4: 1 (line number)
+ 5: undefined (no child-nodes)
+ ]
+ 1: ' text'
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ 1: 'node2'
+ 2: ?
+ 3: undefined (not attributes)
+ 4: 1 (line number)
+ 5: [ 0: [ 0: XML_READER_TYPE_TEXT
+ 1: 'more-text'
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+$data->[0] = 9 (=> type == XML_READER_TYPE_DOCUMENT)
+ref($data->[2]) == ARRAY (with 1 element for 'node')
+ref($data->[2]->[0]) == ARRAY (with 6 elements)
+$data->[2]->[0]->[0] == 1 (=> type == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT)
+$data->[2]->[0]->[1] == 'node'
+ref($data->[2]->[0]->[3]) == HASH (=> ${$data->[2]->[0]->[3]}{a} == 'v')
+$data->[2]->[0]->[4] == 1 (line number)
+ref($data->[2]->[0]->[5]) == ARRAY (with 2 elements for 'node1' and 'node2')
+ # child-nodes of actual node (see $_IDX)
+ref($data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]) == ARRAY (with 6 elements)
+$data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[0] == 1 (=> type == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT)
+$data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[1] == 'node1'
+$data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[3] == undefined (=> no attribute)
+$data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[4] == 1 (line number)
+ref($data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[5]) == ARRAY (with 3 elements for 'some ', '<n/>' and ' text')
+ref($data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[5]->[0]) == ARRAY (with 2 elements)
+$data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[0] == 3 (=> type == XML_READER_TYPE_TEXT)
+$data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[1] == 'some '
+ref($data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[5]->[1]) == ARRAY (with 5 elements)
+$data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[5]->[1]->[0] == 1 (=> type == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT)
+$data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[5]->[1]->[1] == 'n'
+$data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[5]->[1]->[3] == undefined (=> no attribute)
+$data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[5]->[1]->[4] == 1 (line number)
+$data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[5]->[1]->[5] == undefined (=> no child-nodes)
+ref($data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[5]->[2]) == ARRAY (with 2 elements)
+$data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[5]->[2]->[0] == 3 (=> type == XML_READER_TYPE_TEXT)
+$data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[0]->[5]->[2]->[1] == ' text'
+retr_info() starts with the array reference ${$_[0]} (= \$tree_data->[2]), which corresponds to ${\$data->[2]} in the above example.
+Hence, the expression @{${$_[0]}} corresponds to @{${\$data->[2]}}, $e to ${${\$data->[2]}}[0] (= $data->[2]->[0]) and $e->[0] to
+${${\$data->[2]}}[0]->[0] (= $data->[2]->[0]->[0]).
+## Notes on whitespace handling
+Every whitespace inside the processed text is 'significant' and recognized as a node of type 'XML_READER_TYPE_SIGNIFICANT_WHITESPACE'
+(see function 'retr_info()').
+Definition of significant and insignificant whitespace
+Significant whitespace is part of the document content and should be preserved.
+Insignificant whitespace is used when editing XML documents for readability.
+These whitespaces are typically not intended for inclusion in the delivery of the document.
+The 3rd form of nodes, besides text- (XML_READER_TYPE_TEXT) and tag-nodes (XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT) are nodes of the type
+When modifiying the previous example (see: Notes on how 'XML::CompactTree::XS' works) by inserting an additional blank between
+ '</node1>' and '<node2>', the output for '$data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[1]->[1]' is a blank (' ') and it's type is '14'
+echo '<node a="v"><node1>some <n/> text</node1> <node2>more-text</node2></node>' | perl -e 'use XML::CompactTree::XS; use XML::LibXML::Reader; $reader = XML::LibXML::Reader->new(IO => STDIN); $data = XML::CompactTree::XS::readSubtreeToPerl( $reader, XCT_DOCUMENT_ROOT | XCT_IGNORE_COMMENTS | XCT_LINE_NUMBERS ); print "node=\x27".$data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[1]->[1]."\x27, type=".$data->[2]->[0]->[5]->[1]->[0]."\n"'
+Example: '... <head type="main"><s>Campagne in Frankreich</s></head><head type="sub"> <s>1792</s> ...'
+Two text-nodes should normally be separated by a blank. In the above example, that would be the 2 text-nodes
+ 'Campagne in Frankreich' and '1792', which are separated by the whitespace-node ' ' (see [2]).
+The text-node 'Campagne in Frankreich' leads to the setting of '$add_one' to 1, so that when opening the 2nd 'head'-tag,
+ it's from-index gets set to the correct start-index of '1792' (and not to the start-index of the whitespace-node ' ').
+The assumption here is, that in most cases there _is_ a whitespace node between 2 text-nodes. The below code fragment
+ enables a way, to check, if this really _was_ the case for the last 2 'non-tag'-nodes, when closing a tag:
+When a whitespace-node is read, its from-index is stored as a hash-key (in %ws), to state that it belongs to a ws-node.
+ So when closing a tag, it can be checked, if the previous 'non-tag'-node (text or whitespace), which is the one before
+ the last read 'non-tag'-node, was a actually _not_ a ws-node, but instead a text-node. In that case, the from-value of
+ the last read 'non-tag'-node has to be corrected (see [1]),
+For whitespace-nodes $add_one is set to 0, so when opening the next tag (in the above example the 2nd 's'-tag), no
+ additional 1 is added (because this was already done by the whitespace-node itself when incrementing the variable $pos).
+Now, what happens, when 2 text-nodes are _not_ seperated by a whitespace-node (e.g.: <w>Augen<c>,</c></w>)?
+ In this case, the falsely increased from-value has to be decreased again by 1 when closing the enclosing tag
+ (see above code fragment '... not exists $ws{ $fval - 1 } ...').
+Comparing the 2 examples '<w>fu</w> <w>bar</w>' and '<w>fu</w><w> </w><w>bar</w>', is ' ' in both cases handled as a
+The from-index of the 2nd w-tag in the second example refers to 'bar', which may not have been the intention
+ (even though '<w> </w>' doesn't make a lot of sense). TODO: could this be a bug?
+Empty tags also cling to the next text-token - e.g. in '<w>tok1</w> <w>tok2</w><a><b/></a> <w>tok3</w>' are the from-
+ and to-indizes for the tags 'a' and 'b' both 12, which is the start-index of the token 'tok3'.
+## Notes on whitespace fixing
+The idea for the below code fragment was to fix (recreate) missing whitespace in a poorly created corpus, in which linebreaks where inserted
+ into the text with the addition that maybe (or not) whitespace before those linebreaks was unintenionally stripped.
+It soon turned out, that it was best to suggest considering just avoiding linebreaks and putting all primary text tokens into one line (see
+ example further down and notes on 'Input restrictions' in the manpage).
+Somehow an old first very poor approach remained, which is not stringent, but also doesn't affect one-line text.
+Examples (how primary text with linebreaks would be converted by below code):
+ '...<w>end</w>\n<w>.</w>...' -> '...<w>end</w> <w>.</w>...'
+ '...<w>,</w>\n<w>this</w>\n<w>is</w>\n<w>it</w>\n<w>!</w>...' -> '<w>,<w> <w>this</w> <w>is</w> <w>it</w> <w>!</w>'.
+Blanks are inserted before the 1st character:
+ NOTE: not stringent ('...' stands for text):
+ beg1............................end1 => no blank before 'beg1'
+ beg2....<pb/>...................end2 => no blank before 'beg2'
+ beg3....<info attr1="val1"/>....end3 => no blank before 'beg3'
+ beg4....<test>ok</test>.........end4 => blank before 'beg4'
+ => beg1....end1beg2...<pb/>...end2beg3....<info attr1="val1"/>....end3 beg4...<test>ok</test>....end4
+ ^
+ |_blank between 'end3' and 'beg4'
+## Notes on segfault prevention
+binmode on the input handler prevents segfaulting of 'XML::LibXML::Reader' inside 'main()'
+(see notes on 'PerlIO layers' in 'man XML::LibXML'),
+removing 'use open qw(:std :utf8)' would fix this problem too, but using binmode on input is more granular
+see in perluniintro: You can switch encodings on an already opened stream by using "binmode()
+see in perlfunc: If LAYER is omitted or specified as ":raw" the filehandle is made suitable for passing binary data.