CQL serialization
diff --git a/src/test/java/CQLTest.java b/src/test/java/CQLTest.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef778b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/java/CQLTest.java
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.z3950.zing.cql.CQLParseException;
+import de.ids_mannheim.korap.query.serialize.CQLTree;
+import de.ids_mannheim.korap.util.QueryException;
+public class CQLTest {
+ String query;
+ @Test
+ public void testBooleanQuery() throws CQLParseException, IOException, QueryException{
+ query="((Sonne) or (Mond)) and (scheint)";
+ String jsonLd =
+ "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:sequence, distances=[" +
+ "{@type=korap:distance, key=t, min=0, max=0}" +
+ "], operands=[" +
+ "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:or, operands=[" +
+ "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Sonne, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}," +
+ "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Mond, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" +
+ "]}," +
+ "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=scheint, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" +
+ "]}";
+ CQLTree cqlTree = new CQLTree(query);
+ String serializedQuery = cqlTree.getRequestMap().get("query").toString();
+ assertEquals(jsonLd.replace(" ", ""), serializedQuery.replace(" ", ""));
+ query="(scheint) and ((Sonne) or (Mond))";
+ jsonLd =
+ "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:sequence, distances=[" +
+ "{@type=korap:distance, key=t, min=0, max=0}" +
+ "], operands=[" +
+ "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=scheint, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}," +
+ "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:or, operands=[" +
+ "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Sonne, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}," +
+ "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Mond, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" +
+ "]}" +
+ "]}";
+ cqlTree = new CQLTree(query);
+ serializedQuery = cqlTree.getRequestMap().get("query").toString();
+ assertEquals(jsonLd.replace(" ", ""), serializedQuery.replace(" ", ""));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testOrQuery() throws CQLParseException, IOException, QueryException{
+ query = "(Sonne) or (Mond)";
+ String jsonLd =
+ "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:or, operands=[" +
+ "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Sonne, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}," +
+ "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Mond, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" +
+ "]}";
+ CQLTree cqlTree = new CQLTree(query);
+ String serializedQuery = cqlTree.getRequestMap().get("query").toString();
+ assertEquals(jsonLd.replace(" ", ""), serializedQuery.replace(" ", ""));
+ query="(\"Sonne scheint\") or (Mond)";
+ jsonLd =
+ "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:or, operands=[" +
+ "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:sequence, operands=[" +
+ "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Sonne, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}," +
+ "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=scheint, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" +
+ "]}," +
+ "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Mond, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" +
+ "]}";
+ cqlTree = new CQLTree(query);
+ serializedQuery = cqlTree.getRequestMap().get("query").toString();
+ assertEquals(jsonLd.replace(" ", ""), serializedQuery.replace(" ", ""));
+ query="(\"Sonne scheint\") or (\"Mond scheint\")";
+ jsonLd =
+ "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:or, operands=[" +
+ "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:sequence, operands=[" +
+ "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Sonne, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}," +
+ "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=scheint, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" +
+ "]}," +
+ "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:sequence, operands=[" +
+ "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Mond, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}," +
+ "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=scheint, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" +
+ "]}" +
+ "]}";
+ cqlTree = new CQLTree(query);
+ serializedQuery = cqlTree.getRequestMap().get("query").toString();
+ assertEquals(jsonLd.replace(" ", ""), serializedQuery.replace(" ", ""));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testTermQuery() throws CQLParseException, IOException, QueryException{
+ query = "Sonne";
+ String jsonLd = "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Sonne, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}";
+ CQLTree cqlTree = new CQLTree(query);
+ String serializedQuery = cqlTree.getRequestMap().get("query").toString();
+ assertEquals(jsonLd.replace(" ", ""), serializedQuery.replace(" ", ""));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testPhraseQuery() throws CQLParseException, IOException, QueryException{
+ query="\"der Mann\"";
+ String jsonLd =
+ "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:sequence, operands=[" +
+ "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=der, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}," +
+ "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Mann, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" +
+ "]}";
+ CQLTree cqlTree = new CQLTree(query);
+ String serializedQuery = cqlTree.getRequestMap().get("query").toString();
+ assertEquals(jsonLd.replace(" ", ""), serializedQuery.replace(" ", ""));
+ query="der Mann schläft";
+ jsonLd =
+ "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:sequence, operands=[" +
+ "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=der, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}," +
+ "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Mann, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}," +
+ "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=schläft, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" +
+ "]}";
+ cqlTree = new CQLTree(query);
+ serializedQuery = cqlTree.getRequestMap().get("query").toString();
+ assertEquals(jsonLd.replace(" ", ""), serializedQuery.replace(" ", ""));
+ }