| import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; |
| |
| import java.io.IOException; |
| |
| import org.junit.Test; |
| import org.z3950.zing.cql.CQLParseException; |
| |
| import de.ids_mannheim.korap.query.serialize.CQLTree; |
| import de.ids_mannheim.korap.util.QueryException; |
| |
| |
| public class CQLTest { |
| |
| String query; |
| String version ="1.2"; |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testExceptions() throws CQLParseException, IOException { |
| query = "(Kuh) prox (Germ) "; |
| try { |
| CQLTree cqlTree = new CQLTree(query, version); |
| } catch (QueryException e) { |
| assertEquals(48,e.getErrorCode()); |
| } |
| |
| query = "(Kuh) or/rel.combine=sum (Germ) "; |
| try { |
| CQLTree cqlTree = new CQLTree(query, version); |
| }catch (QueryException e) { |
| assertEquals(20,e.getErrorCode()); |
| } |
| |
| query = "dc.title any Germ "; |
| try { |
| CQLTree cqlTree = new CQLTree(query, version); |
| } catch (QueryException e) { |
| assertEquals(16,e.getErrorCode()); |
| } |
| |
| query = "cql.serverChoice any Germ "; |
| try { |
| CQLTree cqlTree = new CQLTree(query, version); |
| } catch (QueryException e) { |
| assertEquals(19,e.getErrorCode()); |
| } |
| |
| query = ""; |
| try { |
| CQLTree cqlTree = new CQLTree(query, version); |
| } catch (QueryException e) { |
| assertEquals(27,e.getErrorCode()); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testBooleanQuery() throws CQLParseException, IOException, QueryException{ |
| query="((Sonne) or (Mond)) and (scheint)"; |
| String jsonLd = |
| "{@type:korap:group, operation:operation:sequence, distances:[" + |
| "{@type:korap:distance, key:t, min:0, max:0}" + |
| "], operands:[" + |
| "{@type:korap:group, operation:operation:or, operands:[" + |
| "{@type:korap:token, wrap:{@type:korap:term, key:Sonne, layer:orth, match:match:eq}}," + |
| "{@type:korap:token, wrap:{@type:korap:term, key:Mond, layer:orth, match:match:eq}}" + |
| "]}," + |
| "{@type:korap:token, wrap:{@type:korap:term, key:scheint, layer:orth, match:match:eq}}" + |
| "]}"; |
| CQLTree cqlTree = new CQLTree(query, version); |
| String serializedQuery = cqlTree.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(jsonLd.replace(" ", ""), serializedQuery.replace("\"", "")); |
| |
| |
| query="(scheint) and ((Sonne) or (Mond))"; |
| jsonLd = |
| "{@type:korap:group, operation:operation:sequence, distances:[" + |
| "{@type:korap:distance, key:t, min:0, max:0}" + |
| "], operands:[" + |
| "{@type:korap:token, wrap:{@type:korap:term, key:scheint, layer:orth, match:match:eq}}," + |
| "{@type:korap:group, operation:operation:or, operands:[" + |
| "{@type:korap:token, wrap:{@type:korap:term, key:Sonne, layer:orth, match:match:eq}}," + |
| "{@type:korap:token, wrap:{@type:korap:term, key:Mond, layer:orth, match:match:eq}}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}"; |
| cqlTree = new CQLTree(query, version); |
| serializedQuery = cqlTree.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(jsonLd.replace(" ", ""), serializedQuery.replace("\"", "")); |
| |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testOrQuery() throws CQLParseException, IOException, QueryException{ |
| query = "(Sonne) or (Mond)"; |
| String jsonLd = |
| "{@type:korap:group, operation:operation:or, operands:[" + |
| "{@type:korap:token, wrap:{@type:korap:term, key:Sonne, layer:orth, match:match:eq}}," + |
| "{@type:korap:token, wrap:{@type:korap:term, key:Mond, layer:orth, match:match:eq}}" + |
| "]}"; |
| |
| CQLTree cqlTree = new CQLTree(query, version); |
| String serializedQuery = cqlTree.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(jsonLd.replace(" ", ""), serializedQuery.replace("\"", "")); |
| |
| query="(\"Sonne scheint\") or (Mond)"; |
| jsonLd = |
| "{@type:korap:group, operation:operation:or, operands:[" + |
| "{@type:korap:group, operation:operation:sequence, operands:[" + |
| "{@type:korap:token, wrap:{@type:korap:term, key:Sonne, layer:orth, match:match:eq}}," + |
| "{@type:korap:token, wrap:{@type:korap:term, key:scheint, layer:orth, match:match:eq}}" + |
| "]}," + |
| "{@type:korap:token, wrap:{@type:korap:term, key:Mond, layer:orth, match:match:eq}}" + |
| "]}"; |
| |
| cqlTree = new CQLTree(query, version); |
| serializedQuery = cqlTree.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(jsonLd.replace(" ", ""), serializedQuery.replace("\"", "")); |
| |
| query="(\"Sonne scheint\") or (\"Mond scheint\")"; |
| jsonLd = |
| "{@type:korap:group, operation:operation:or, operands:[" + |
| "{@type:korap:group, operation:operation:sequence, operands:[" + |
| "{@type:korap:token, wrap:{@type:korap:term, key:Sonne, layer:orth, match:match:eq}}," + |
| "{@type:korap:token, wrap:{@type:korap:term, key:scheint, layer:orth, match:match:eq}}" + |
| "]}," + |
| "{@type:korap:group, operation:operation:sequence, operands:[" + |
| "{@type:korap:token, wrap:{@type:korap:term, key:Mond, layer:orth, match:match:eq}}," + |
| "{@type:korap:token, wrap:{@type:korap:term, key:scheint, layer:orth, match:match:eq}}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}"; |
| cqlTree = new CQLTree(query, version); |
| serializedQuery = cqlTree.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(jsonLd.replace(" ", ""), serializedQuery.replace("\"", "")); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testTermQuery() throws CQLParseException, IOException, QueryException{ |
| query = "Sonne"; |
| String jsonLd = "{@type:korap:token, wrap:{@type:korap:term, key:Sonne, layer:orth, match:match:eq}}"; |
| CQLTree cqlTree = new CQLTree(query, version); |
| String serializedQuery = cqlTree.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(jsonLd.replace(" ", ""), serializedQuery.replace("\"", "")); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testPhraseQuery() throws CQLParseException, IOException, QueryException{ |
| query="\"der Mann\""; |
| String jsonLd = |
| "{@type:korap:group, operation:operation:sequence, operands:[" + |
| "{@type:korap:token, wrap:{@type:korap:term, key:der, layer:orth, match:match:eq}}," + |
| "{@type:korap:token, wrap:{@type:korap:term, key:Mann, layer:orth, match:match:eq}}" + |
| "]}"; |
| |
| CQLTree cqlTree = new CQLTree(query, version); |
| String serializedQuery = cqlTree.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(jsonLd.replace(" ", ""), serializedQuery.replace("\"", "")); |
| |
| |
| query="der Mann schläft"; |
| jsonLd = |
| "{@type:korap:group, operation:operation:sequence, operands:[" + |
| "{@type:korap:token, wrap:{@type:korap:term, key:der, layer:orth, match:match:eq}}," + |
| "{@type:korap:token, wrap:{@type:korap:term, key:Mann, layer:orth, match:match:eq}}," + |
| "{@type:korap:token, wrap:{@type:korap:term, key:schläft, layer:orth, match:match:eq}}" + |
| "]}"; |
| |
| cqlTree = new CQLTree(query, version); |
| serializedQuery = cqlTree.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(jsonLd.replace(" ", ""), serializedQuery.replace("\"", "")); |
| } |
| } |