Removed salt from config and updated config files.

Change-Id: Idfd066f0e56f5e5568325e5ea6072fb12c551ff2
diff --git a/full/src/test/resources/kustvakt-test.conf b/full/src/test/resources/kustvakt-test.conf
index 585d43c..03badfb 100644
--- a/full/src/test/resources/kustvakt-test.conf
+++ b/full/src/test/resources/kustvakt-test.conf
@@ -83,20 +83,12 @@
 #openid.term.of.service =
 openid.service.doc =
-## JWT
 ## JWK
 ## must be set for openid
 rsa.private = kustvakt_rsa.key
 rsa.public = kustvakt_rsa_public.key = 74caa3a9-217c-49e6-94e9-2368fdd02c35
-## token expiration time
-security.longTokenTTL = 1D
-security.tokenTTL = 2S
-security.shortTokenTTL = 1S
 ## see SecureRandom Number Generation Algorithms
 ## default SHA1PRNG
@@ -105,20 +97,25 @@
 ## default MD5 = SHA-256  
-### secure hash support: BCRYPT, ESAPICYPHER
+### secure hash support: BCRYPT
+security.encryption.loadFactor = 10
+## JWT
+## token expiration time
+security.longTokenTTL = 1D
+security.tokenTTL = 2S
+security.shortTokenTTL = 1S
+# Session authentication
 security.idleTimeoutDuration = 25M
 security.multipleLogIn = true
 security.loginAttemptNum = 3
 security.authAttemptTTL = 45M
-security.encryption.loadFactor = 8
+#EM: deprecated and not used
 security.validation.stringLength = 150
 security.validation.emailLength = 50
-## applicable: rewrite, foundry, filter, deny
-security.rewrite.strategies=filter, foundry, rewrite
\ No newline at end of file