Added annotation parser and implemented key-value structure.

Change-Id: I8244f81dda48f6c4a002b13d74fc79a3066eac06
diff --git a/full/annotation-scripts/variables/negranodes.js b/full/annotation-scripts/variables/negranodes.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6be581
--- /dev/null
+++ b/full/annotation-scripts/variables/negranodes.js
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+define(function () {
+  //
+  //
+  return [
+    ["AA", "AA", "superlative phrase with 'am'"],
+    ["AP","AP", "adjektive phrase"],
+    ["AVP","AVP", "adverbial phrase"],
+    ["CAP","CAP", "coordinated adjektive phrase"],
+    ["CAVP","CAVP", "coordinated adverbial phrase"],
+    ["CAC","CAC", "coordinated adposition"],
+    ["CCP","CCP", "coordinated complementiser"],
+    ["CH","CH", "chunk"],
+    ["CNP","CNP", "coordinated noun phrase"],
+    ["CO","CO", "coordination"],
+    ["CPP","CPP", "coordinated adpositional phrase"],
+    ["CS","CS", "coordinated sentence"],
+    ["CVP","CVP", "coordinated verb phrase (non-finite)"],
+    ["CVZ","CVZ", "coordinated zu-marked infinitive"],
+    ["DL","DL", "discourse level constituent"],
+    ["ISU","ISU", "idiosyncratis unit"],
+    ["MPN","MPN", "multi-word proper noun"],
+    ["MTA","MTA", "multi-token adjective"],
+    ["NM","NM", "multi-token number"],
+    ["NP","NP", "noun phrase"],
+    ["PP","PP", "adpositional phrase"],
+    ["QL","QL", "quasi-languag"],
+    ["ROOT","ROOT", "root node"],
+    ["S","S", "sentence"],
+    ["VP","VP", "verb phrase (non-finite)"],
+    ["VZ","VZ", "zu-marked infinitive"]
+  ]