commit | 377c0184b9c0ef9d6d700d5fe3377e4c42c3a54c | [log] [tgz] |
author | margaretha <> | Thu Jan 30 09:10:37 2025 +0100 |
committer | margaretha <> | Mon Feb 24 10:27:51 2025 +0100 |
tree | 516e44455ff5ad1bb2f3f2b1bbe55c6a3356cda6 | |
parent | 6e2c36c6175227444e269a94f9dd934d9216cd63 [diff] |
Replace origin with editor in rewrites. See discussions in #782 Change-Id: Ie7b6e2b1a01288c56f3c33e31f1317647bd147d2
Kustvakt is a user rights management component for KorAP managing access to linguistic resources (corpus data) typically bound with some licensing agreements (Diewald et al., 2016). KorAP provides user access to The Mannheim German Reference Corpus (DeReKo) at the Leibniz Institut für Deutsche Sprache (IDS Mannheim) that has complex licensing schemes with heterogenous restrictions involving access methods and purposes (Kupietz & Lüngen, 2014). To manage access to resources, Kustvakt implements query rewriting (Bański et al., 2014) and authorization using OAuth2 (Kupietz et al., 2022). User access also includes automated access through applications on behalf of users.
Kustvakt acts as a middleware in KorAP binding other components, such as Koral a query serializer and Krill a search component, together. As the KorAP's API provider, it provides web-services, e.g. searching and retrieving annotation data of matches, that can be used by a KorAP client, e.g. Kalamar (a KorAP web user interface), KorapSRU (the CLARIN FCS endpoint for KorAP) and the RKorAPClient (a package to access KorAP from R).
Kustvakt lite version
provides basic services including search, match info, statistic and annotation services, without user and policy management.
Kustvakt full version
provides user and policy management and extended services, in addition to the basic services. This version requires a database (Sqlite is provided) and an LDAP system (UnboundID InMemoryDirectoryServer is provided) for user authentication.
Recent changes on the project are described in the change logs (Changes files).
Clone the latest version of Kustvakt
git clone
Since Kustvakt requires Krill and Koral, please install Krill and Koral in your maven local repository according to the required versions specified in Kustvakt/full/pom.xml
. For packaging Kustvakt, change into the Kustvakt
Packaging Kustvakt full version
mvn clean package
Packaging Kustvakt lite version
mvn package -P lite
The jar file is located in the target
java -jar target/Kustvakt-full-[version].jar
will run Kustvakt full version with the example kustvakt.conf configuration file included. See Customizing kustvakt configuration.
Kustvakt full version requires a Krill index and an LDAP configuration. By default, Kustvakt uses the sample-index located at the same directory of the jar file, and the embedded LDAP server example.
Kustvakt can be run using an external Spring XML configuration file, e.g. using test-config-icc.xml located in data folder:
java -jar target/Kustvakt-full-[version].jar --spring-config data/test-config-icc.xml
Kustvakt is available at Docker Hub. Please see the instructions to run the Kustvakt container at the DockerHub page.
An OAuth2 super client is required to be able to use web services that require user authentication. Kustvakt can generate a super client automatically. See Setting Initial Super Client for User Authentication.
All web-services including their usage examples are described in the wiki.
Some request examples:
curl 'http://localhost:8089/api/v1.0/search?q=Wasser&ql=poliqarp'
curl 'http://localhost:8089/api/v1.0/search?q=Wasser&ql=poliqarp&fields=textSigle,title,availablility&access-rewrite-disabled=true'
curl 'http://localhost:8089/api/v1.0/corpus/GOE/AGA/01784/p4145-4146?foundry=opennlp'
Kustvakt server can be shut down by sending a POST request with a shutdown token. When Kustvakt server is started, a shutdown token is automatically generated and written to a shutdownToken
file with the following format:
A shutdown request can be sent as follows.
curl -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" "http://localhost:8089/shutdown" -d @shutdownToken
Copy the default Kustvakt configuration file (kustvakt.conf or kustvakt-lite.conf, to the data folder at the project directory. Please do not change the name of the configuration file.
Set krill.indexDir in the configuration file to the location of your Krill index (relative path to the jar). In Kustvakt's root directory, there is a sample index, e.g.
krill.indexDir = sample-index
server.port = 8089 = localhost
The following properties define the default foundries used for specific layers. For instance in a rewrite, a default foundry may be added to a Koral query missing a foundry.
default.foundry.partOfSpeech = tt default.foundry.lemma = tt default.foundry.orthography = opennlp default.foundry.dependency = malt default.foundry.constituent = corenlp default.foundry.morphology = marmot default.foundry.surface = base
Advanced setup such as LDAP configurations, setting a test environment, database properties and mail configurations for email notifications, are described in the wiki.
Kustvakt is published under the BSD-2 License. It is developed as part of KorAP, the Corpus Analysis Platform at the Leibniz Institute for the German Language (IDS), member of the Leibniz Association.
Contributions to Kustvakt are very welcome!
Ideally, any contributions should be committed via KorAP Gerrit server to facilitate code reviewing (see Gerrit Code Review - A Quick Introduction). However, we are also happy to accept comments and pull requests via GitHub.
Please note that unless you explicitly state otherwise any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion into Kustvakt shall – as Kustvakt itself – be under the BSD-2 License.
Margaretha Illig, Eliza / Diewald, Nils / Kamocki, Paweł / Kupietz, Marc (2024): Managing Access to Language Resources in a Corpus Analysis Platform. In: Vandeghinste, Vincent / Kontino, Thalassia (Ed.): CLARIN Annual Conference Proceedings. Barcelona: CLARIN. S. 163-167.
Kupietz, Marc / Diewald, Nils / Margaretha, Eliza (2022): Building Paths to Corpus Data. A Multi-Level Least Effort and Maximum Return Approach. In: Fišer, Darja / Witt, Andreas (Ed.): CLARIN: The Infrastructure for Language Resources, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2022, S. 163-190.
Diewald, Nils / Hanl, Michael / Margaretha, Eliza / Bingel, Joachim / Kupietz, Marc / Bański, Piotr / Witt, Andreas (2016): KorAP Architecture – Diving in the Deep Sea of Corpus Data. In: Calzolari, Nicoletta / Choukri, Khalid / Declerck, Thierry / Goggi, Sara/Grobelnik, Marko / Maegaard, Bente / Mariani, Joseph / Mazo, Helene / Moreno, Asuncion / Odijk, Jan / Piperidis, Stelios (Ed.): Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016), Portorož, Slovenia. Paris: European Language Resources Association (ELRA), 2016. S. 3586-3591.
Bański, Piotr / Diewald, Nils, Hanl, Michael, Kupietz, Marc / Witt, Andreas (2014): Access Control by Query Rewriting. The Case of KorAP. In: Proceedings of the Ninth Conference on International Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’14). European Language Resources Association (ELRA), 2014. S. 3817-3822.
Kupietz, Marc/Lüngen, Harald (2014): Recent Developments in DeReKo. In: Calzolari, Nicoletta et al. (eds.): Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14). Reykjavik: ELRA, 2378-2385.