Removed old policy related and deprecated code.

Change-Id: I678fdfda188dbda14078f4ccea5070f421401d05
37 files changed
tree: fdfcf53162ee0ad23357b001f164405215d48553
  1. core/
  2. full/
  3. lite/
  4. misc/
  5. sample-index/
  6. .gitignore


Kustvakt is a user and policy management component for KorAP (Diewald et al., 2016). It manages user access to resources (i.e. corpus data) that is typically bound with some licensing schemes. The licensing schemes of the IDS resources provided through KorAP (DeReKo) are very complex involving the access location and purposes (Kupietz & Lüngen, 2014). To manage user access to resources, Kustvakt performs query rewriting with document restrictions (Bański et al., 2014).

Kustvakt acts as a middleware in KorAP binding other components, such as Koral a query serializer and Krill a search component, together. As KorAP's API provider, it provides services, e.g. searching and retrieving annotation data of a match/hit, that can be used by a client, e.g. Kalamar (a KorAP web user interface) and KorapSRU (the CLARIN FCS endpoint for KorAP).


  • Kustvakt lite version

    provides basic search and match info services without user and policy management.

  • Kustvakt full version

    provides user and policy management and extended services (e.g. resource and annotation services) in addition to the basic services. This version requires a database (Sqlite is provided) and an LDAP system for user authentication.


Web-services including their usage examples are described in the wiki.


Prerequisites: Jdk 1.8, Git, Maven 3, MySQL (optional), Postfix (optional).

Clone the latest version of Kustvakt

Since Kustvakt requires Krill and Koral, please install Krill and Koral in your maven local repository. Adjust the versions of Krill and Koral in Kustvakt/core/pom.xml according to the versions in Koral/pom.xml and Krill/pom.xml.

Install Kustvakt-core in your maven local repository

Package Kustvakt full version

The jar file is located in the target/ folder.

Package Kustvakt lite version

The jar file is located in the target/ folder.

If there are errors regarding tests, please skip them.

Setting kustvakt configuration file

Copy the default Kustvakt configuration file (e.g. full/src/main/resources/kustvakt.conf or lite/src/main/resources/kustvakt-lite.conf), to the same folder as the Kustvakt jar files (/target). Please do not change the name of the configuration file.

Set krill.indexDir in the configuration file to the location of your Krill index (relative path). In Kustvakt root directory, there is a sample index, e.g.

Set the location of the LDAP configuration file for Kustvakt full version. The file should contain an admin password to access an LDAP system. Without LDAP, user authentication functions and services cannot be used. However, the authentication mechanism can be extended by implementing other authentication methods e.g. using a database.

Optional custom configuration

Changing Kustvakt server port and host

Changing Kustvakt service base URI

By default, Kustvakt service base URI refers to /api/*

Running Kustvakt Server

Requires kustvakt.conf or kustvakt-lite.conf in the same folder as the jar file. Otherwise assuming sample-index located in the parent directory of the jar file.

Kustvakt full version requires an LDAP configuration file containing an admin password to access an LDAP system. You can still run Kustvakt full version without an LDAP system, but user authentication functions and services cannot be used. Only services for guest/demo user would be available.

Futher Setup for Developer

Installing lombok is necessary when working with an IDE. Go to the directory of your lombok.jar, e.g ~/.m2/repository/org/projectlombok/lombok/1.16.6 and run

Restart your IDE and clean your project.

Copy kustvakt.conf or kustvakt-lite.conf from src/main/resources to the full/ or lite/ folder. Then the properties the configuration file can be customized.

In an IDE, you can run KustvaktLiteServer or KustvaktServer as a normal Java application.

Changing Database

The default Sqlite database can be switch to a MySQL database.

Copy from full/src/main/resources to the full/ directory. Do not change the filename.

Remove or comment the Sqlite Setting.

Uncomment the MySQL Setting and fill in the correct values for the jdbc.url, jdbc.username and jdbc.password.

The default setting for jdbc.schemaPath includes test data defined in full/src/main/resources/db/insert and some user roles defined in full/src/main/resources/db/predefined. You can omit the test data by removing db.insert.


You probably would like to git ignore this file to prevent pushing the database password to github.

Open full/src/main/resource/default-config.xml and search for the Spring bean with id "flyway".

Change the dataSource property to refer to the Spring bean with id "dataSource".

While running KustvaktServer or Kustvakt-full-[version].jar, MySQL tables will be created to the specified database from the SQL files in full/src/main/resources/db/new-mysql and other paths specified in jdbc.schemaPath.

Enabling Mail

Kustvakt supports email notification, for instance of a invitation to a user-group. The mail setting is by default configured for a mail server at localhost post 25. You can setup a mail server for example by using Postfix.

In kustvakt.conf or kustvakt-test.conf, set

mail.enabled = true
mail.sender =
mail.receiver = test@localhost
mail.address.retrieval = test

You can change mail.sender value to any email address (beware of spam in your mail server configuration). mail.receiver is an email address used for testing. All mails are to be sent to this email address. Change test to any username available in your system, or create an alias for test@localhost.

mail.address.retrieval determines how user email addresses are retrieved. By default and for testing, only the mail.receiver value is used as the email address of all users. For custom implementation, please refer to de.ids_mannheim.korap.authentication.KustvaktAuthenticationManager.getUser(String, String)

To view the mailbox, you can use mailx

$ mailx -u test
s-nail version v14.8.6.  Type ? for help.
"/var/mail/test": 1 messages 0 unread
 O  1 noreply@ids-mannhe Wed Feb 21 18:07   30/1227  Invitation to join

Creating email aliases

sudo vi /etc/postfix/

In, set

"virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/alias"

Create alias file:

sudo vi /etc/postfix/alias

In the alias file, create an alias for test@localhost to a user in your system

test@localhost username

Create alias database

sudo postmap /etc/postfix/alias

Restart postfix

sudo /etc/init.d/postfix restart

By default, any emails sent to test@localhost will be available at /var/mail/username.

Customizing SMTP configuration

To connect to an external/remote mail server instead of using local Postfix, copy full/src/main/resources/properties/ to the full/ folder. Customize the properties in the file according to the mail server setup. =
mail.port = 123
mail.connectiontimeout = 3000
mail.auth = true
mail.starttls.enable = true
mail.username = username
mail.password = password

Customizing Mail template

Kustvakt uses Apache Velocity as the email template engine and searches for templates located at:


For instance, the template for email notification of user-group invitation is


You can change the template according to Velocity Template Language.

In kustvakt.conf or kustvakt-test.conf, specify which template should be used. = notification.vm

Known issues

Tests are verbose - they do not necessarily imply system errors.


Diewald, Nils/Hanl, Michael/Margaretha, Eliza/Bingel, Joachim/Kupietz, Marc/Bański, Piotr/Witt, Andreas (2016): KorAP Architecture – Diving in the Deep Sea of Corpus Data. In: Calzolari, Nicoletta/Choukri, Khalid/Declerck, Thierry/Goggi, Sara/Grobelnik, Marko/Maegaard, Bente/Mariani, Joseph/Mazo, Helene/Moreno, Asuncion/Odijk, Jan/Piperidis, Stelios (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016), Portorož, Slovenia. Paris: European Language Resources Association (ELRA), 2016. S. 3586-3591.

Bański, Piotr/Diewald, Nils/Hanl, Michael/Kupietz, Marc/Witt, Andreas (2014): Access Control by Query Rewriting. The Case of KorAP. In: Proceedings of the Ninth Conference on International Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’14). European Language Resources Association (ELRA), 2014. S. 3817-3822.


Kupietz, Marc/Lüngen, Harald (2014): Recent Developments in DeReKo. In: Calzolari, Nicoletta et al. (eds.): Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14). Reykjavik: ELRA, 2378-2385.