Move the content of the full folder to the root folder (close #644).

Change-Id: Id9243839b6288fa4cd9ea250ad9f659a0ece613c
diff --git a/src/test/resources/kustvakt-icc.conf b/src/test/resources/kustvakt-icc.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84a38a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/resources/kustvakt-icc.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+# index dir
+krill.indexDir = wiki-index
+krill.index.commit.count = 134217000
+krill.index.commit.log = log/krill.commit.log = 500
+krill.index.relations.max = 100
+# Directory path of virtual corpora to cache
+#krill.namedVC = vc
+krill.test = true
+ldap.config = src/test/resources/test-ldap.conf
+# Kustvakt
+# multiple versions separated by space
+current.api.version = v1.0
+supported.api.version = v0.1 v1.0
+# server
+# mail settings
+mail.enabled = false
+mail.receiver = test@localhost
+mail.sender =
+mail.address.retrieval = test
+# mail.templates = notification.vm
+# default foundries for specific layers
+default.foundry.partOfSpeech = tt
+default.foundry.lemma = tt
+default.foundry.orthography = opennlp
+default.foundry.dependency = malt
+default.foundry.constituent = corenlp
+default.foundry.morphology = marmot
+default.foundry.surface = base
+# delete configuration (default hard)
+# = hard = soft = soft
+# availability regex only support |
+# It should be removed/commented when the data doesn't contain availability field.
+# = CC-BY.*
+# availability.regex.public = ACA.*|QAO-NC
+# availability.regex.all = QAO.*
+# Define resource filters for search and match info web-services
+# AuthenticationFilter activates authentication using OAuth2 tokens
+# DemoUserFilter allows access to the services without login
+# Default values: AuthenticationFilter,DemoUserFilter
+# options referring to the security module!
+# OAuth
+# (see de.ids_mannheim.korap.constant.AuthenticationMethod for possible 
+# oauth.password.authentication values)
+oauth2.password.authentication = TEST =
+oauth2.max.attempts = 2
+# expiry in seconds (S), minutes (M), hours (H), days (D)
+oauth2.access.token.expiry = 3M
+oauth2.refresh.token.expiry = 90D
+oauth2.authorization.code.expiry = 10M
+# -- scopes separated by space
+oauth2.default.scopes = search match_info
+oauth2.client.credentials.scopes = client_info
+# see SecureRandom Number Generation Algorithms
+# optional
+# see MessageDigest Algorithms
+# default MD5 = SHA-256  
+# secure hash support: BCRYPT
+security.encryption.loadFactor = 10
+# JWT 
+# token expiration time
+security.longTokenTTL = 1D
+security.tokenTTL = 2S
+security.shortTokenTTL = 1S