produce an initial version of named.xml, with just placeholders but also with properly computed offsets (walking ann_morphosyntactic)

Change-Id: I127274e51bf6abdcf0bcda8e8cbfe45c5b919dce
diff --git a/nkjp2korap.xsl b/nkjp2korap.xsl
index 4aae734..e220a05 100644
--- a/nkjp2korap.xsl
+++ b/nkjp2korap.xsl
@@ -66,7 +66,10 @@
     <xsl:accumulator-rule match="tei:*[ancestor-or-self::tei:text]" select="$value + 1" phase="start"/>
-  <xsl:accumulator name="elem-offset-seq" as="map(xs:string, item()+)+" initial-value="(map{'null':(0,0)})">
+  <!--I think I may be able to actually merge the two accumulators, but let's see-->
+  <xsl:accumulator name="morpho-offsets" as="map(xs:string, item()+)+" initial-value="(map{'null':(0,0)})">
     <xsl:accumulator-rule match="tei:body/tei:p" phase="start">
       <xsl:variable name="preceding_index" as="xs:integer">
@@ -83,7 +86,7 @@
         string(@xml:id): ($preceding_index,$our_base)
+                                                                            <!-- this is morpho-offsets -->
     <xsl:accumulator-rule match="tei:s" phase="start">
       <xsl:variable name="preceding_index" as="xs:integer">
         <xsl:variable name="the_tail" as="map(*)" select="head(reverse($value))"/>
@@ -97,21 +100,27 @@
         string(@xml:id): ($preceding_index,$our_base)
-    <xsl:accumulator-rule match="tei:w[parent::tei:seg[count(@nkjp:rejected) eq 0]]" phase="end">
+                                                                            <!-- this is morpho-offsets -->
+<!--   I want something that won't be matched in other layers, for efficiency - that 
+      may allow me to merge the accumulators, eventually;
+      but I also want to filter out the rejected tokenization alternatives already here -->
+    <xsl:accumulator-rule match="tei:seg[tei:fs[@type eq 'morph' and tei:f[@name eq 'disamb']]]" phase="end">
       <xsl:variable name="preceding_index" as="xs:integer">
         <xsl:variable name="the_tail" as="map(*)" select="head(reverse($value))"/>
         <xsl:sequence select="map:get($the_tail,map:keys($the_tail)[1])[2]"/>
-      <xsl:variable name="our_base" as="xs:integer" select="$preceding_index + xs:integer(f:is_preceded_by_ws(parent::tei:seg,true()))"/>
+      <xsl:variable name="our_base" as="xs:integer" select="$preceding_index + xs:integer(f:is_preceded_by_ws(.,true()))"/>
       <xsl:sequence select="
-          $value,
-          map {
-            string(parent::tei:seg/@xml:id): ($our_base,$our_base + string-length())
-          }"/>
+        $value,
+        map {
+        string(@xml:id): ($our_base,$our_base + string-length(tei:fs/tei:f[@name eq 'orth']/tei:string))
+        }"/>
+                                                                            <!-- this is morpho-offsets -->
     <xsl:accumulator-rule match="tei:s" phase="end">
       <xsl:variable name="preceding_index" as="xs:integer">
         <xsl:variable name="the_tail" as="map(*)" select="head(reverse($value))"/>
@@ -129,7 +138,7 @@
         string(@xml:id): ($our_base,$preceding_index)
+                                                                            <!-- this is morpho-offsets -->
     <xsl:accumulator-rule match="tei:body/tei:p" phase="end">
       <xsl:variable name="preceding_index" as="xs:integer">
         <xsl:variable name="the_tail" as="map(*)" select="head(reverse($value))"/>
@@ -147,18 +156,103 @@
         string(@xml:id): ($our_base,$preceding_index)
+  </xsl:accumulator>
+  <xsl:accumulator name="segmentation-offsets" as="map(xs:string, item()+)+" initial-value="(map{'null':(0,0)})">
+    <xsl:accumulator-rule match="tei:body/tei:p" phase="start">
+      <xsl:variable name="preceding_index" as="xs:integer">
+        <xsl:variable name="the_tail" as="map(*)" select="head(reverse($value))"/>
+        <xsl:sequence select="map:get($the_tail,map:keys($the_tail)[1])[2]"/>
+      </xsl:variable>
+      <xsl:variable name="our_base" as="xs:integer" select="if($preceding_index eq 0) then $preceding_index else $preceding_index + 1"/>
+      <!--  for paragraphs, it's in either being initial or not    -->
+      <xsl:sequence select="
+        $value,
+        map {
+        string(@xml:id): ($preceding_index,$our_base)
+        }"/>
+    </xsl:accumulator-rule>
+    <xsl:accumulator-rule match="tei:s" phase="start">
+      <xsl:variable name="preceding_index" as="xs:integer">
+        <xsl:variable name="the_tail" as="map(*)" select="head(reverse($value))"/>
+        <xsl:sequence select="map:get($the_tail,map:keys($the_tail)[1])[2]"/>
+      </xsl:variable>
+      <xsl:variable name="our_base" as="xs:integer" select="if($preceding_index eq 0) then $preceding_index else $preceding_index + xs:integer(f:is_preceded_by_ws(.,true()))"/>
+      <xsl:sequence select="
+        $value,
+        map {
+        string(@xml:id): ($preceding_index,$our_base)
+        }"/>
+    </xsl:accumulator-rule>
+    <xsl:accumulator-rule match="tei:w[parent::tei:seg[count(@nkjp:rejected) eq 0]]" phase="end">
+      <xsl:variable name="preceding_index" as="xs:integer">
+        <xsl:variable name="the_tail" as="map(*)" select="head(reverse($value))"/>
+        <xsl:sequence select="map:get($the_tail,map:keys($the_tail)[1])[2]"/>
+      </xsl:variable>
+      <xsl:variable name="our_base" as="xs:integer" select="$preceding_index + xs:integer(f:is_preceded_by_ws(parent::tei:seg,true()))"/>
+      <xsl:sequence select="
+        $value,
+        map {
+        string(parent::tei:seg/@xml:id): ($our_base,$our_base + string-length())
+        }"/>
+    </xsl:accumulator-rule>
+    <xsl:accumulator-rule match="tei:s" phase="end">
+      <xsl:variable name="preceding_index" as="xs:integer">
+        <xsl:variable name="the_tail" as="map(*)" select="head(reverse($value))"/>
+        <xsl:sequence select="map:get($the_tail,map:keys($the_tail)[1])[2]"/>
+      </xsl:variable>
+      <xsl:variable name="our_base" as="xs:integer">
+        <xsl:variable name="incomplete" select="map:find($value,string(@xml:id))(1)" as="xs:integer+"/>
+        <xsl:sequence select="$incomplete[2]"/>
+      </xsl:variable>
+      <xsl:sequence select="
+        $value,
+        map {
+        string(@xml:id): ($our_base,$preceding_index)
+        }"/>
+    </xsl:accumulator-rule>
+    <xsl:accumulator-rule match="tei:body/tei:p" phase="end">
+      <xsl:variable name="preceding_index" as="xs:integer">
+        <xsl:variable name="the_tail" as="map(*)" select="head(reverse($value))"/>
+        <xsl:sequence select="map:get($the_tail,map:keys($the_tail)[1])[2]"/>
+      </xsl:variable>
+      <xsl:variable name="our_base" as="xs:integer">
+        <xsl:variable name="incomplete" select="map:find($value,string(@xml:id))(1)" as="xs:integer+"/>
+        <xsl:sequence select="$incomplete[2]"/>
+      </xsl:variable>
+      <xsl:sequence select="
+        $value,
+        map {
+        string(@xml:id): ($our_base,$preceding_index)
+        }"/>
+    </xsl:accumulator-rule>
     <xsl:accumulator-rule match="tei:body" phase="end">
       <xsl:variable name="preceding_index" as="xs:integer">
         <xsl:variable name="the_tail" as="map(*)" select="head(reverse($value))"/>
         <xsl:sequence select="map:get($the_tail, map:keys($the_tail)[1])[2]"/>
       <xsl:sequence select="
-          $value,
-          map {
-            string(@xml:id): (0, $preceding_index)
-          }"/>
+        $value,
+        map {
+        string(@xml:id): (0, $preceding_index)
+        }"/>
     <xsl:accumulator-rule match="tei:text" phase="end">
@@ -195,6 +289,10 @@
           <xsl:when test="$node/@nkjp:nps">
             <xsl:sequence select="fn:false()"/>
+          <xsl:when test="$node/tei:fs/tei:f[@name eq 'nps']">
+            <!--added for traversing ann_morphosyntax-->
+            <xsl:sequence select="fn:false()"/>
+          </xsl:when>
             test="$node/ancestor::tei:s[count(preceding-sibling::tei:s) eq 0] and $node/ancestor::tei:p[count(preceding-sibling::tei:p) eq 0] and not($node/preceding::tei:seg[count(@nkjp:rejected) eq 0])">
             <xsl:sequence select="fn:false()"/>
@@ -205,6 +303,11 @@
             <!--  I forget how node identity works now, so let me just compare the IDs        -->
             <xsl:sequence select="fn:false()"/>
+          <xsl:when
+            test="$suppress_initial and $node/ancestor::tei:s/descendant::tei:seg[tei:fs/tei:f[@name eq 'disamb']][1]/@xml:id eq $node/@xml:id">
+            <!--added for traversing ann_morphosyntax-->
+            <xsl:sequence select="fn:false()"/>
+          </xsl:when>
             <xsl:sequence select="fn:true()"/>
@@ -429,7 +532,7 @@
   <xsl:template match="tei:*" mode="struct">
     <xsl:variable name="offsets" as="xs:integer+">
-      <xsl:sequence select="map:get(fn:accumulator-after('elem-offset-seq')[last()], string(@xml:id))"/>
+      <xsl:sequence select="map:get(fn:accumulator-after('segmentation-offsets')[last()], string(@xml:id))"/>
     <xsl:variable name="my_name" select="local-name()" as="xs:string"/>
@@ -498,7 +601,7 @@
       constituent values, should anything go wrong; it might get compacted at some point, but 
       the increase in efficiency will probably be minimal, compared to the decrease of readability   -->
     <xsl:variable name="offsets" as="xs:integer+">
-      <xsl:sequence select="map:get(fn:accumulator-after('elem-offset-seq')[last()], string(@xml:id))"/>
+      <xsl:sequence select="map:get(fn:accumulator-after('segmentation-offsets')[last()], string(@xml:id))"/>
     <xsl:variable name="my_name" select="local-name()" as="xs:string"/>
     <xsl:variable name="my_id" select="@xml:id" as="xs:string"/>
@@ -551,7 +654,7 @@
   <xsl:template name="create_named">
     <xsl:param name="compoundID" as="xs:string"/>
-    <xsl:param name="ann_segmentation.xml" as="document-node()"/>
+    <xsl:param name="ann_segmentation.xml" as="document-node()"/>   <!-- probably out -->
     <xsl:param name="ann_morphosyntax.xml" as="document-node()"/>
     <xsl:param name="ann_named.xml" as="document-node()"/>
     <xsl:param name="target" as="xs:string"/>
@@ -564,14 +667,47 @@
         <xsl:attribute name="version" select="$KorAP-XML_version"/>
         <xsl:element name="spanList" namespace="{$KorAP_namespace}">
-          <!--<xsl:apply-templates select="$ann_segmentation.xml//tei:text" mode="named">
-            <xsl:with-param name="ann_morphosyntax.xml" select="$ann_morphosyntax.xml" as="document-node()" tunnel="yes"/>
+          <xsl:apply-templates select="$ann_morphosyntax.xml//tei:text" mode="named">
+            <!--<xsl:with-param name="ann_segmentation.xml" select="$ann_segmentation.xml" as="document-node()" tunnel="yes"/>-->
             <xsl:with-param name="ann_named.xml" select="$ann_named.xml" as="document-node()" tunnel="yes"/>
-          </xsl:apply-templates>-->          
+          </xsl:apply-templates>          
+  <xsl:template match="tei:seg" mode="named"/>
+  <xsl:template match="tei:seg[tei:fs[tei:f[@name eq 'disamb']]]" mode="named">
+    <xsl:param name="ann_named.xml" as="document-node()" tunnel="yes"/>
+    <xsl:variable name="offsets" as="xs:integer+">
+      <xsl:sequence select="map:get(fn:accumulator-after('morpho-offsets')[last()], string(@xml:id))"/>
+    </xsl:variable>
+    <xsl:variable name="my_id" select="@xml:id" as="xs:string"/>
+    <xsl:variable name="my_index" select="fn:accumulator-before('element-index')" as="xs:integer"/>
+    <xsl:element name="span" namespace="{$KorAP_namespace}">
+      <xsl:attribute name="id" select="'n' || $my_index"/>
+      <xsl:attribute name="from" select="$offsets[1]"/>
+      <xsl:attribute name="to" select="$offsets[2]"/>
+      <xsl:attribute name="l" select="f:compute_nesting(.)"/>
+      <xsl:element name="fs" namespace="">
+        <xsl:element name="f" namespace="">
+          <xsl:attribute name="name" select="'ne'"/>
+          <xsl:comment select="(if(tei:fs/tei:f[@name eq 'nps']) then ' ' else '_') || tei:fs/tei:f[@name eq 'orth']/tei:string"/>
+          <xsl:element name="fs" namespace="">
+            <xsl:element name="f" namespace="">
+              <xsl:attribute name="name" select="'ent'"/>
+              <xsl:value-of select="'placeholder'"/>
+            </xsl:element>
+          </xsl:element>
+        </xsl:element>
+      </xsl:element>
+    </xsl:element>
+  </xsl:template>
   <!--   **************************        syntactic chunks      *******************      -->
diff --git a/test/output/NKJP/NKJP/KOT/nkjp/named.xml b/test/output/NKJP/NKJP/KOT/nkjp/named.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f64768
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/output/NKJP/NKJP/KOT/nkjp/named.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,52370 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<?xml-model href="span.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens=""?>
+<layer xmlns=""
+       docid="NKJP_NKJP.KOT"
+       version="KorAP-0.4">
+   <spanList>
+      <span id="n5" from="0" to="7" l="5">
+         <fs xmlns="">
+            <f name="ne"><!--_Magazyn-->
+               <fs>
+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
+               </fs>
+            </f>
+         </fs>
+      </span>
+      <span id="n26" from="8" to="11" l="5">
+         <fs xmlns="">
+            <f name="ne"><!--_KOT-->
+               <fs>
+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
+               </fs>
+            </f>
+         </fs>
+      </span>
+      <span id="n78" from="11" to="12" l="5">
+         <fs xmlns="">
+            <f name="ne"><!-- ,-->
+               <fs>
+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
+               </fs>
+            </f>
+         </fs>
+      </span>
+      <span id="n99" from="13" to="23" l="5">
+         <fs xmlns="">
+            <f name="ne"><!--_podarowany-->
+               <fs>
+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
+               </fs>
+            </f>
+         </fs>
+      </span>
+      <span id="n125" from="24" to="25" l="5">
+         <fs xmlns="">
+            <f name="ne"><!--_w-->
+               <fs>
+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
+               </fs>
+            </f>
+         </fs>
+      </span>
+      <span id="n146" from="26" to="35" l="5">
+         <fs xmlns="">
+            <f name="ne"><!--_prezencie-->
+               <fs>
+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
+               </fs>
+            </f>
+         </fs>
+      </span>
+      <span id="n176" from="36" to="44" l="5">
+         <fs xmlns="">
+            <f name="ne"><!--_członkom-->
+               <fs>
+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
+               </fs>
+            </f>
+         </fs>
+      </span>
+      <span id="n198" from="45" to="50" l="5">
+         <fs xmlns="">
+            <f name="ne"><!--_klubu-->
+               <fs>
+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
+               </fs>
+            </f>
+         </fs>
+      </span>
+      <span id="n217" from="50" to="51" l="5">
+         <fs xmlns="">
+            <f name="ne"><!-- ,-->
+               <fs>
+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
+               </fs>
+            </f>
+         </fs>
+      </span>
+      <span id="n238" from="52" to="59" l="5">
+         <fs xmlns="">
+            <f name="ne"><!--_cieszył-->
+               <fs>
+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
+               </fs>
+            </f>
+         </fs>
+      </span>
+      <span id="n260" from="60" to="63" l="5">
+         <fs xmlns="">
+            <f name="ne"><!--_się-->
+               <fs>
+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
+               </fs>
+            </f>
+         </fs>
+      </span>
+      <span id="n279" from="64" to="72" l="5">
+         <fs xmlns="">
+            <f name="ne"><!--_ogromnym-->
+               <fs>
+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
+               </fs>
+            </f>
+         </fs>
+      </span>
+      <span id="n311" from="73" to="84" l="5">
+         <fs xmlns="">
+            <f name="ne"><!--_powodzeniem-->
+               <fs>
+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
+               </fs>
+            </f>
+         </fs>
+      </span>
+      <span id="n339" from="85" to="86" l="5">
+         <fs xmlns="">
+            <f name="ne"><!--_i-->
+               <fs>
+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
+               </fs>
+            </f>
+         </fs>
+      </span>
+      <span id="n372" from="87" to="90" l="5">
+         <fs xmlns="">
+            <f name="ne"><!--_bez-->
+               <fs>
+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
+               </fs>
+            </f>
+         </fs>
+      </span>
+      <span id="n407" from="91" to="100" l="5">
+         <fs xmlns="">
+            <f name="ne"><!--_problemów-->
+               <fs>
+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
+               </fs>
+            </f>
+         </fs>
+      </span>
+      <span id="n426" from="101" to="110" l="5">
+         <fs xmlns="">
+            <f name="ne"><!--_znajdował-->
+               <fs>
+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
+               </fs>
+            </f>
+         </fs>
+      </span>
+      <span id="n448" from="111" to="122" l="5">
+         <fs xmlns="">
+            <f name="ne"><!--_czytelników-->
+               <fs>
+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
+               </fs>
+            </f>
+         </fs>
+      </span>
+      <span id="n469" from="123" to="124" l="5">
+         <fs xmlns="">
+            <f name="ne"><!--_o-->
+               <fs>
+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
+               </fs>
+            </f>
+         </fs>
+      </span>
+      <span id="n497" from="125" to="133" l="5">
+         <fs xmlns="">
+            <f name="ne"><!--_polskich-->
+               <fs>
+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
+               </fs>
+            </f>
+         </fs>
+      </span>
+      <span id="n545" from="134" to="144" l="5">
+         <fs xmlns="">
+            <f name="ne"><!--_korzeniach-->
+               <fs>
+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
+               </fs>
+            </f>
+         </fs>
+      </span>
+      <span id="n578" from="144" to="145" l="5">
+         <fs xmlns="">
+            <f name="ne"><!-- ,-->
+               <fs>
+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
+               </fs>
+            </f>
+         </fs>
+      </span>
+      <span id="n599" from="146" to="152" l="5">
+         <fs xmlns="">
+            <f name="ne"><!--_którzy-->
+               <fs>
+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
+               </fs>
+            </f>
+         </fs>
+      </span>
+      <span id="n620" from="153" to="163" l="5">
+         <fs xmlns="">
+            <f name="ne"><!--_tłumaczyli-->
+               <fs>
+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
+               </fs>
+            </f>
+         </fs>
+      </span>
+      <span id="n639" from="164" to="170" l="5">
+         <fs xmlns="">
+            <f name="ne"><!--_teksty-->
+               <fs>
+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
+               </fs>
+            </f>
+         </fs>
+      </span>
+      <span id="n661" from="171" to="173" l="5">
+         <fs xmlns="">
+            <f name="ne"><!--_na-->
+               <fs>
+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
+               </fs>
+            </f>
+         </fs>
+      </span>
+      <span id="n689" from="174" to="183" l="5">
+         <fs xmlns="">
+            <f name="ne"><!--_hebrajski-->
+               <fs>
+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
+               </fs>
+            </f>
+         </fs>
+      </span>
+      <span id="n725" from="183" to="184" l="5">
+         <fs xmlns="">
+            <f name="ne"><!-- .-->
+               <fs>
+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
+               </fs>
+            </f>
+         </fs>
+      </span>
+      <span id="n747" from="185" to="192" l="5">
+         <fs xmlns="">
+            <f name="ne"><!--_Wystawa-->
+               <fs>
+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
+               </fs>
+            </f>
+         </fs>
+      </span>
+      <span id="n766" from="193" to="194" l="5">
+         <fs xmlns="">
+            <f name="ne"><!--_w-->
+               <fs>
+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
+               </fs>
+            </f>
+         </fs>
+      </span>
+      <span id="n787" from="195" to="198" l="5">
+         <fs xmlns="">
+            <f name="ne"><!--_Tel-->
+               <fs>
+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
+               </fs>
+            </f>
+         </fs>
+      </span>
+      <span id="n806" from="199" to="205" l="5">
+         <fs xmlns="">
+            <f name="ne"><!--_Awiwie-->
+               <fs>
+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
+               </fs>
+            </f>
+         </fs>
+      </span>
+      <span id="n827" from="206" to="218" l="5">
+         <fs xmlns="">
+            <f name="ne"><!--_przyciągnęła-->
+               <fs>
+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
+               </fs>
+            </f>
+         </fs>
+      </span>
+      <span id="n846" from="219" to="224" l="5">
+         <fs xmlns="">
+            <f name="ne"><!--_ponad-->
+               <fs>
+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
+               </fs>
+            </f>
+         </fs>
+      </span>
+      <span id="n874" from="225" to="226" l="5">
+         <fs xmlns="">
+            <f name="ne"><!--_5-->
+               <fs>
+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
+               </fs>
+            </f>
+         </fs>
+      </span>
+      <span id="n893" from="227" to="234" l="5">
+         <fs xmlns="">
+            <f name="ne"><!--_tysięcy-->
+               <fs>
+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
+               </fs>
+            </f>
+         </fs>
+      </span>
+      <span id="n914" from="235" to="248" l="5">
+         <fs xmlns="">
+            <f name="ne"><!--_zwiedzających-->
+               <fs>
+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
+               </fs>
+            </f>
+         </fs>
+      </span>
+      <span id="n981" from="248" to="249" l="5">
+         <fs xmlns="">
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+            <f name="ne"><!--_ramach-->
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+            <f name="ne"><!--_Dachowcom-->
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+            <f name="ne"><!--_imieniu-->
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+            <f name="ne"><!--_felinologicznych-->
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+            <f name="ne"><!--_Paluchu-->
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+            <f name="ne"><!--_Gala-->
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+            <f name="ne"><!--_Wiele-->
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+            <f name="ne"><!--_Ewy-->
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+            <f name="ne"><!--_Włodarczyk-->
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+            <f name="ne"><!-- .-->
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+            <f name="ne"><!--_Modele-->
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+            <f name="ne"><!--_modelki-->
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+      </span>
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+            <f name="ne"><!--_tylko-->
+               <fs>
+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+            <f name="ne"><!--_ciekawe-->
+               <fs>
+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+            </f>
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+            <f name="ne"><!--_cętkowane-->
+               <fs>
+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
+               </fs>
+            </f>
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+      </span>
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+            <f name="ne"><!--_kreacje-->
+               <fs>
+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
+               </fs>
+            </f>
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+      </span>
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+            <f name="ne"><!-- ,-->
+               <fs>
+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
+               </fs>
+            </f>
+         </fs>
+      </span>
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+            <f name="ne"><!--_ale-->
+               <fs>
+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
+               </fs>
+            </f>
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+            <f name="ne"><!--_również-->
+               <fs>
+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
+               </fs>
+            </f>
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+            <f name="ne"><!--_nosili-->
+               <fs>
+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+            <f name="ne"><!--_transparenty-->
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+            <f name="ne"><!--_z-->
+               <fs>
+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+            <f name="ne"><!--_"-->
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+            <f name="ne"><!-- prokocimi-->
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+            <f name="ne"><!--_Druga-->
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+            <f name="ne"><!--_tym-->
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+            <f name="ne"><!--_które-->
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+            <f name="ne"><!--_FIFe-->
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+            <f name="ne"><!-- )-->
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+            <f name="ne"><!--_Instytutu-->
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+            <f name="ne"><!--_Wykastrowany-->
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+            <f name="ne"><!--_Wśród-->
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+            <f name="ne"><!-- czarny-->
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+            <f name="ne"><!--_kocur-->
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+            <f name="ne"><!--_Lewandowski-->
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+            <f name="ne"><!-- )-->
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+            <f name="ne"><!--_miejsca-->
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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+                  <f name="ent">placeholder</f>
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