textMetadata: update documentation

Change-Id: Idbd3af9eb771d93d50a1eb71e89d0599b1573adf
diff --git a/man/textMetadata-KorAPConnection-method.Rd b/man/textMetadata-KorAPConnection-method.Rd
index d5a3d23..bc1bbca 100644
--- a/man/textMetadata-KorAPConnection-method.Rd
+++ b/man/textMetadata-KorAPConnection-method.Rd
@@ -15,7 +15,8 @@
 \item{verbose}{logical. If \code{TRUE}, additional diagnostics are printed. Defaults to \code{kco@verbose}.}
-Tibble with columns for every metadata property. In case of errors, like non-existing texts/sigles, the tibble will also contain a row called \code{errors}.
+Tibble with columns for each metadata property. In case of errors, such as non-existing texts/sigles, the tibble will also contain a column called \code{errors}.
+If there are metadata columns you cannot make sense of, please ignore them. The function simply returns all the metadata it gets from the server.
 Retrieves metadata for a text, identified by its sigle (id) using the corresponding KorAP API