Add auth method to simplify (o)authorization
Change-Id: I318e27375dfece96d0d80f35cd2c2b5bb3b167df
diff --git a/R/KorAPConnection.R b/R/KorAPConnection.R
index 6739aee..9a4a5cb 100644
--- a/R/KorAPConnection.R
+++ b/R/KorAPConnection.R
@@ -33,7 +33,9 @@
#' @param accessToken OAuth2 access token. For queries on corpus parts with restricted
#' access (e.g. textual queries on IPR protected data), you need to authorize
#' your application with an access token.
-#' How to obtain an access token for the DeReKo KorAP instance is explained in the
+#' You can obtain an access token using the [auth()] method.
+#' More details are explained in the
#' [authorization section](
#' of the RKorAPClient Readme on GitHub.
@@ -122,42 +124,114 @@
setGeneric("persistAccessToken", function(kco, ...) standardGeneric("persistAccessToken") )
+#' Persist current access token in keyring
+#' @param kco KorAPConnection object
+#' @param accessToken access token to be persisted. If not supplied, the current access token of the KorAPConnection object will be used.
+#' @return KorAPConnection object.
#' @aliases persistAccessToken
-#' @rdname KorAPConnection-class
#' @import keyring
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' kco <- new("KorAPConnection", accessToken="e739u6eOzkwADQPdVChxFg")
#' persistAccessToken(kco)
+#' kco <- new("KorAPConnection") %>% auth(app_id="<my application id>") %>% persistAccessToken()
#' }
+#' @seealso [clearAccessToken()], [auth()]
setMethod("persistAccessToken", "KorAPConnection", function(kco, accessToken = kco@accessToken) {
if (is.null(accessToken))
stop("It seems that you have not supplied any access token that could be persisted.", call. = FALSE)
kco@accessToken <- accessToken
key_set_with_value(accessTokenServiceName, kco@KorAPUrl, accessToken)
+ return(kco)
setGeneric("clearAccessToken", function(kco) standardGeneric("clearAccessToken") )
+#' Clear access token from keyring and KorAPConnection object
#' @aliases clearAccessToken
-#' @rdname KorAPConnection-class
#' @import keyring
+#' @param kco KorAPConnection object
+#' @return KorAPConnection object with access token set to `NULL`.
#' @export
#' @examples
-#' \dontrun{
+#' \dontrun{
#' kco <- new("KorAPConnection")
-#' clearAccessToken(kco)
+#' kco <- clearAccessToken(kco)
#' }
+#' @seealso [persistAccessToken()]
setMethod("clearAccessToken", "KorAPConnection", function(kco) {
key_delete(accessTokenServiceName, kco@KorAPUrl)
+ kco@accessToken <- NULL
+ kco
+generic_kor_app_id = "99FbPHH7RrN36hbndF7b6f"
+setGeneric("auth", function(kco, app_id = generic_kor_app_id, scope = "search match_info") standardGeneric("auth") )
+#' Authorize RKorAPClient
+#' @aliases auth
+#' @description
+#' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
+#' Authorize RKorAPClient to make KorAP queries and download results on behalf of the user.
+#' @param kco KorAPConnection object
+#' @param app_id OAuth2 application id. Defaults to the generic KorAP client application id.
+#' @param scope OAuth2 scope. Defaults to "search match_info".
+#' @return KorAPConnection object with access token set in `@accessToken`.
+#' @importFrom httr2 oauth_client oauth_flow_auth_code
+#' @examples
+#' \dontrun{
+#' kco <- new("KorAPConnection", verbose = TRUE) %>% auth()
+#' df <- collocationAnalysis(kco, "focus([marmot/p=ADJA] {Ameisenplage})", leftContextSize=1, rightContextSize=0)
+#' }
+#' @seealso [persistAccessToken()], [clearAccessToken()]
+#' @export
+setMethod("auth", "KorAPConnection", function(kco, app_id = generic_kor_app_id, scope = "search match_info") {
+ if ( kco@KorAPUrl != "" & app_id == generic_kor_app_id) {
+ warning(paste("You can use the default app_id only for the IDS Mannheim KorAP main instance for querying DeReKo. Please provide your own app_id for accesing", kco@KorAPUrl))
+ return(kco)
+ }
+ if (is.null(kco@accessToken) || is.null(kco@welcome)) { # if access token is not set or invalid
+ kco@accessToken <- (
+ httr2::oauth_client(
+ id = app_id,
+ token_url = paste0(kco@apiUrl, "oauth2/token")
+ ) %>%
+ httr2::oauth_flow_auth_code(
+ scope = scope,
+ auth_url = paste0(kco@KorAPUrl, "settings/oauth/authorize"),
+ redirect_uri = "http://localhost:1410"
+ )
+ )$access_token
+ } else {
+ log_info(kco@verbose, "Client authorized. Access token already set.")
+ }
+ return(kco)
#' @import keyring
getAccessToken <- function(KorAPUrl) {
keyList <- tryCatch(withCallingHandlers(key_list(service = accessTokenServiceName),