Restructure documentation
Change-Id: I2640e68972cb7c5ed67032a3b575a2aec056f592
diff --git a/man/misc-functions.Rd b/man/misc-functions.Rd
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+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/ci.R, R/misc.R
+\title{Add confidence interval and relative frequency variables}
+ci(df, x = totalResults, N = total, conf.level = 0.95)
+queryStringToLabel(data, pubDateOnly = FALSE, excludePubDate = FALSE)
+geom_freq_by_year_ci(mapping = aes(ymin = conf.low, ymax = conf.high), ...)
+ggplotly(p = ggplot2::last_plot(), tooltip = c("x", "y", "colour", "url"), ...)
+\item{df}{table returned from \code{\link{frequencyQuery}}}
+\item{x}{column with the observed absolute frequency.}
+\item{N}{column with the total frequencies}
+\item{conf.level}{confidence level of the returned confidence interval. Must
+be a single number between 0 and 1.}
+\item{data}{string or vector of query or vc definition strings}
+\item{pubDateOnly}{discard all but the publication date}
+\item{excludePubDate}{discard publication date constraints}
+\item{mapping}{Set of aesthetic mappings created by aes() or aes_(). If specified and inherit.aes = TRUE (the default), it is combined with the default mapping at the top level of the plot. You must supply mapping if there is no plot mapping.}
+\item{...}{Other arguments passed to \code{plotly::ggplotly}}
+\item{p}{a ggplot object.}
+\item{tooltip}{a character vector specifying which aesthetic mappings to show
+in the tooltip. If you want hyperlinks to KorAP queries you need to include
+\code{"url"} here.}
+original table with additional column \code{ipm} and converted columns \code{conf.low} and \code{conf.high}
+original table with converted columns \code{f}, \code{conf.low} and \code{conf.high}
+string or vector of strings with clipped off common prefixes and suffixes
+Using \code{\link{prop.test}}, \code{ci} adds three columns to a data frame:
+1. relative frequency (\code{f})
+2. lower bound of a confidence interval (\code{ci.low})
+3. upper bound of a confidence interval
+Convenience function for converting frequency tables to instances per
+Convenience function for converting frequency tables of alternative variants
+(generated with \code{as.alternatives=TRUE}) to percent.
+Converts a vector of query or vc strings to typically appropriate legend labels
+by clipping off prefixes and suffixes that are common to all query strings.
+Experimental convenience function for plotting typical frequency by year graphs with confidence intervals using ggplot2.
+\bold{Warning:} This function may be moved to a new package.
+\code{RKorAPClient::ggplotly} converts a \code{ggplot2::ggplot()} object to a plotly
+object with hyperlinks from data points to corresponding KorAP queries.
+\bold{Warning:} This function may be moved to a new package.
+Given a table with columns \code{f}, \code{conf.low}, and \code{conf.high}, \code{ipm} ads a \code{column ipm}
+und multiplies conf.low and \code{conf.high} with 10^6.
+kco <- new("KorAPConnection", verbose=TRUE)
+expand_grid(year=2015:2018, alternatives=c("Hate Speech", "Hatespeech")) \%>\%
+ bind_cols(corpusQuery(kco, .$alternatives, sprintf("pubDate in \%d", .$year))) \%>\%
+ mutate(total=corpusStats(kco, vc=vc)$tokens) \%>\%
+ ci() \%>\%
+ ggplot(aes(x=year, y=f, fill=query, color=query, ymin=conf.low, ymax=conf.high)) +
+ geom_point() + geom_line() + geom_ribbon(alpha=.3)
+new("KorAPConnection") \%>\% frequencyQuery("Test", paste0("pubDate in ", 2000:2002)) \%>\% ipm()
+new("KorAPConnection") \%>\%
+ frequencyQuery(c("Tollpatsch", "Tolpatsch"),
+ vc=paste0("pubDate in ", 2000:2002),
+ as.alternatives = TRUE) \%>\%
+ percent()
+queryStringToLabel(paste("textType = /Zeit.*/ & pubDate in", c(2010:2019)))
+queryStringToLabel(c("[marmot/m=mood:subj]", "[marmot/m=mood:ind]"))
+queryStringToLabel(c("wegen dem [tt/p=NN]", "wegen des [tt/p=NN]"))
+kco <- new("KorAPConnection", verbose=TRUE)
+expand_grid(condition = c("textDomain = /Wirtschaft.*/", "textDomain != /Wirtschaft.*/"),
+ year = (2005:2011)) \%>\%
+ cbind(frequencyQuery(kco, "[tt/l=Heuschrecke]",
+ paste0(.$condition," & pubDate in ", .$year))) \%>\%
+ ipm() \%>\%
+ ggplot(aes(year, ipm, fill = condition, color = condition)) +
+ geom_freq_by_year_ci()
+kco <- new("KorAPConnection", verbose=TRUE)
+\donttest{year <- (2003:2011)}\dontshow{year <- c(2005)}
+\donttest{condition <- c("textDomain = /Wirtschaft.*/", "textDomain != /Wirtschaft.*/")}\dontshow{condition <- c("textDomain = /Wirtschaft.*/")}
+g <- expand_grid(condition, year) \%>\%
+ cbind(frequencyQuery(kco, "[tt/l=Heuschrecke]",
+ paste0(.$condition," & pubDate in ", .$year))) \%>\%
+ ipm() \%>\%
+ ggplot(aes(year, ipm, fill = condition, color = condition)) +
+ ## theme_light(base_size = 20) +
+ geom_freq_by_year_ci()
+p <- ggplotly(g)
+## saveWidget(p, paste0(tmpdir(), "heuschrecke.html")
+\code{ci} is already included in \code{\link{frequencyQuery}}