Add context parameter to corpusQuery
Resolves #11
Change-Id: Ifbe1867ed3110a1c37c9f65db418d456629da270
diff --git a/R/KorAPQuery.R b/R/KorAPQuery.R
index 9114c83..b6ed0da 100644
--- a/R/KorAPQuery.R
+++ b/R/KorAPQuery.R
@@ -99,6 +99,12 @@
#' @param verbose print some info
#' @param as.df return result as data frame instead of as S4 object?
#' @param expand logical that decides if `query` and `vc` parameters are expanded to all of their combinations
+#' @param context string that specifies the size of the left and the right context returned in `snippet`
+#' (provided that `metadataOnly` is set to `false` and that the necessary access right are met).
+#' The format of the context size specifcation (e.g. `3-token,3-token`) is described in the [Service: Search GET documentation of the Kustvakt Wiki](
+#' If the parameter is not set, the default context size secification of the KorAP server instance will be used.
+#' Note that you cannot overrule the maximum context size set in the KorAP server instance,
+#' as this is typically legally motivated.
#' @return Depending on the `as.df` parameter, a table or a [KorAPQuery()] object that, among other information, contains the total number of results in `@totalResults`. The resulting object can be used to fetch all query results (with [fetchAll()]) or the next page of results (with [fetchNext()]).
#' A corresponding URL to be used within a web browser is contained in `@webUIRequestUrl`
#' Please make sure to check `$collection$rewrites` to see if any unforeseen access rewrites of the query's virtual corpus had to be performed.
@@ -166,7 +172,8 @@
accessRewriteFatal = TRUE,
verbose = kco@verbose,
expand = length(vc) != length(query),
- as.df = FALSE) {
+ as.df = FALSE,
+ context = NULL) {
if (length(query) > 1 || length(vc) > 1) {
grid <- if (expand) expand_grid(query=query, vc=vc) else tibble(query=query, vc=vc)
purrr::pmap(grid, function(query, vc, ...)
@@ -180,6 +187,7 @@
request <-
+ ifelse (!metadataOnly && ! is.null(context) && context != '', paste0('&context=', url_encode(enc2utf8(context))), ''),
ifelse (vc != '', paste0('&cq=', url_encode(enc2utf8(vc))), ''), '&ql=', ql)
webUIRequestUrl <- paste0(kco@KorAPUrl, request)
requestUrl <- paste0(