Add full collocation analysis (client side only implementation)

Resolves #2

Change-Id: Ib01d89a72b44ff06816b21532b7ea709a4e837b0
diff --git a/man/collocationAnalysis-KorAPConnection-method.Rd b/man/collocationAnalysis-KorAPConnection-method.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcfe99e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/collocationAnalysis-KorAPConnection-method.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/collocationAnalysis.R
+\title{Collocation analysis}
+  kco,
+  node,
+  vc = "",
+  lemmatizeNodeQuery = FALSE,
+  minOccur = 5,
+  leftContextSize = 5,
+  rightContextSize = 5,
+  topCollocatesLimit = 200,
+  searchHitsSampleLimit = 20000,
+  ignoreCollocateCase = FALSE,
+  withinSpan = ifelse(exactFrequencies, "base/s=s", ""),
+  exactFrequencies = TRUE,
+  stopwords = RKorAPClient::synsemanticStopwords(),
+  seed = 7,
+  expand = length(vc) != length(node),
+  ...
+\item{kco}{\code{\link{KorAPConnection}} object (obtained e.g. from \code{new("KorAPConnection")}}
+\item{node}{target word}
+\item{vc}{string describing the virtual corpus in which the query should be performed. An empty string (default) means the whole corpus, as far as it is license-wise accessible.}
+\item{lemmatizeNodeQuery}{if TRUE, node query will be lemmatized, i.e. x -> [tt/l=x]}
+\item{minOccur}{minimum absolute number of observed co-occurrences to consider a collocate candidate}
+\item{leftContextSize}{size of the left context window}
+\item{rightContextSize}{size of the right context window}
+\item{topCollocatesLimit}{limit analysis to the n most frequent collocates in the search hits sample}
+\item{searchHitsSampleLimit}{limit the size of the search hits sample}
+\item{ignoreCollocateCase}{logical, set to TRUE if collocate case should be ignored}
+\item{withinSpan}{KorAP span specification for collocations to be searched within}
+\item{exactFrequencies}{if FALSE, extrapolate observed co-occurrence frequencies from frequencies in search hits sample, otherwise retrieve exact co-occurrence frequencies}
+\item{stopwords}{vector of stopwords not to be considered as collocates}
+\item{seed}{seed for random page collecting order}
+\item{expand}{if TRUE, \code{node} and \code{vc} parameters are expanded to all of their combinations}
+\item{...}{more arguments will be passed to \code{\link{collocationScoreQuery}}}
+Tibble with top collocates, association scores, corresponding URLs for web user interface queries, etc.
+\Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{lifecycle::badge("experimental")}
+Performs a collocation analysis for the given node (or query)
+in the given virtual corpus.
+The collocation analysis is currently implemented on the client side, as some of the
+functionality is not yet provided by the KorAP backend. Mainly for this reason
+it is very slow (several minutes, up to hours), but on the other hand very flexible.
+You can, for example, perform the analysis in arbitrary virtual corpora, use complex node queries,
+and look for expression-internal collocates using the focus function (see examples and demo).
+To increase speed at the cost of accuracy and possible false negatives,
+you can decrease searchHitsSampleLimit and/or topCollocatesLimit and/or set exactFrequencies to FALSE.
+Note that currently not the tokenization provided by the backend, i.e. the corpus itself, is used, but a tinkered one.
+This can also lead to false negatives and to frequencies that differ from corresponding ones acquired via the web
+user interface.
+ # Find top collocates of "Packung" inside and outside the sports domain.
+ new("KorAPConnection", verbose = TRUE) \%>\%
+  collocationAnalysis("Packung", vc=c("textClass=sport", "textClass!=sport"),
+                      leftContextSize=1, rightContextSize=1, topCollocatesLimit=20) \%>\%
+  dplyr::filter(logDice >= 5)
+# Identify the most prominent light verb construction with "in ... setzen".
+# Note that, currently, the use of focus function disallows exactFrequencies.
+new("KorAPConnection", verbose = TRUE) \%>\%
+  collocationAnalysis("focus(in [tt/p=NN] {[tt/l=setzen]})",
+    leftContextSize=1, rightContextSize=0, exactFrequencies=FALSE, topCollocatesLimit=20)
+Other collocation analysis functions: 
+\concept{collocation analysis functions}