Add matchStart and matchEnd columns to collectedMatches in corpusQuery result

Resolves #22

Change-Id: I6af9de503e5911cbe5c566b0fae529cfba7b764c
diff --git a/demo/00Index b/demo/00Index
index 3e9fbf2..426b8b6 100644
--- a/demo/00Index
+++ b/demo/00Index
@@ -15,3 +15,4 @@
 collocation_score_by_country    Plot collocation scores depending on country of publication using ggplot2.
 pluralGenderVariants            Plot frequencies of the plural gender variants of a word in the core corpus of the Council for German Orthography (OKK) over time.
 adjectiveCollocates             Runtime OAuth2 browser flow demonstration using the httr2 package showing adjective collocates of 'Gendern'
+relativeTextpositionBoxplot     Plot the relative text positions of a some adverbs as highcharter boxplot.