blob: b1f6b34a78a89dcbb1fcdac2a6c564fba88cf273 [file] [log] [blame]
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# eureco
# leibniz-institut fuer deutsche sprache / csc finland esbo
# august 2024
# using XML::Twig , see,
# usage: see below the usage fugnction
# Usage: ./ <vrtxmlfile.xml> <outfile>
# <vrtxmlfile>: xml-ised vrt file
# 1 insert dtd spec, or ref to TEI
# 3b add @head and @deprel to I5 sowie auch @msd
# 3c bearbeitung von @head und @deprel in tei2korapxml durch Nils?
# 3d build 30 billion corpus
# 4a take care of IDs
# 4b see to the values of @xml:lang
# 5 abfangen von unerwarteten elementen dh andere als <sentence> und <paragraph>
# 5a wort reihenfolge nochmal checken
# 6 checks and balances
# 6a output nach stdout machen
# 7 How to encode Kielipankki and National Library of Finland? in teiCorpus Header
# 8 construct <idsDoc>s for the months (or go for TEI)
# 9 parallelisation in bash and application on sub corpora of KLK
# 10 re-implementation of the gawk code in the perl script
# 12 re-implement creation of text header from xml file in another twig / parametrize TEI vs I5
#formatted.xml:105613: element w: validity error : No declaration for attribute deprel of element w
#formatted.xml:105613: element w: validity error : No declaration for attribute head of element w
use strict;
use warnings;
use XML::Twig;
use XML::Generator ':pretty'; # apparently no effect when using flush();
use locale; # diese drei Zeilen, damit \b im regex nicht Umlaute und ß matcht.
use POSIX qw(locale_h); # to be able to use setlocale()
setlocale(LC_ALL, "fi_FI");
use utf8;
use open qw( :std :encoding(UTF-8) );
use Time::Piece;
use Tie::IxHash;
# check file arguments:
# arg0 infile: vrt-xml
# arg1 outfile: tei
unless($ARGV[1]) {&usage_message()}; # min arg0 und arg1
if ($ARGV[2]) {&usage_message()}; # max arg1
my $encoding = "UTF-8";
#my $encoding = "iso-8859-1"; # dieses $encoding ist NUR fuer das output s.u. twig funktion
my $textcounter = 0;
# M A I N
# open result file and initialise filehandle
open(my $OUT, "> $ARGV[1]") || die("cannot open file: $ARGV[1]");
# start twig and call start tag handler for root and twig handler for each <text>
my $twig="";
$twig = new XML::Twig(
keep_spaces => 1, # dadurch auch whitespaces an ehemeligen elementgrenzen im output
keep_atts_order => 1, # requires Tie::IxHash
pretty_print => 'indented',
start_tag_handlers => {
texts => \&root
twig_handlers => {
text => \&text
# dtd_handlers => { # ToDo for I5
# \&set_dtd;
# }
output_encoding => $encoding,
# S U B R O U T I N E S
# sub set_dtd [
# my $twig, $dtd = @_;
# my $internal = qq|\nPUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"\n"DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"|;
# $twig->twig_doctype('html', undef, undef, $internal);
# }
sub root {
my ($twig, $root) =@_;
$root->set_att("xmlns", '');
sub insertCorpusHeader{
my ($root) =@_;
my @array = split(/\//, $ARGV[0]);
my $l = scalar(@array);
my $source = $array[$l-1];
$source =~ s/\.xml//;
$source = $source . " from KLK-FI"; # for the time being; TODO
my $teiHeader = $root ->insert_new_elt("first_child", 'teiHeader');
my $fileDesc = $teiHeader ->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'fileDesc');
my $profileDesc = $teiHeader ->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'profileDesc');
my $titleStmt = $fileDesc ->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'titleStmt');
my $title = $titleStmt ->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'title');
$title ->set_text($source . " from KLK-fi-2021 for EuReCo");
my $publicationStmt = $fileDesc ->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'publicationStmt');
my $distributor = $publicationStmt->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'distributor');
$distributor ->set_text("NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION - to be used locally in EuReCo");
my $sourceDesc = $fileDesc ->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'sourceDesc');
my $bibl = $sourceDesc ->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'bibl');
$bibl ->set_text($source);
my $langUsage = $profileDesc ->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'langUsage');
my $language = $langUsage ->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'language');
$language ->set_att("ident",'fi');
$language ->set_text("Finnish");
# handler &text for <text>
sub text {
my ($twig, $text) = @_;
$textcounter++; # global variable
# ToDo: catch all other, unexpected children of root
# Get text metadata (attributes of <text>) and create teiHeader for <text>
my $textattsref = $text->atts(); # $textattsref is now a reference to a hash and should be used with '->'
&createTextHeader($text, $textattsref);
# create <TEI> from <text>
# set vrt <text> to <TEI> and delete all attributes after they were were saved above
# create the <tei:text>, <body>, <div> elements inside <TEI>
my $ttext_element = XML::Twig::Elt->new('text');
my $body_element = XML::Twig::Elt->new('body');
my $div_element = XML::Twig::Elt->new('div');
# set atts
$div_element ->set_att("type", "page"); # ToDo: this is specific to KLK
$ttext_element->set_att("xml:lang", 'fi'); # as in ICC-NOR
# paste
$ttext_element->paste('last_child', $text);
$body_element ->paste('last_child', $ttext_element);
$div_element ->paste('last_child', $body_element);
# create <p> from <paragraph>
my @paragraphs = $text->children( 'paragraph');
foreach my $paragraph (@paragraphs) {
$paragraph->move('last_child', $div_element);
# create <s> from <sentence>
my @sentences = $paragraph->children('sentence');
foreach my $sentence (@sentences) {
# create <w> (word) from each $line
my @lines = split(/\n+/, $sentence->xml_text);
for my $line (@lines){ # Todo: Reihenfolge checken
if($line ne "" ){
my $w_element = XML::Twig::Elt->new('w');
&createW($w_element, $line);
$w_element->paste('last_child', $sentence);
} # end words
} # end sentences
} # end paragraphs
} # end texts
sub createTextHeader{
my ($text, $textattsref) = @_;
# USE 01 binding_id="2246025"
# USE 02 date="2021-01-15"
# 03 datefrom="20210115"
# 04 dateto="20210115"
# 05 elec_date="_"
# 06 file=""
# USE 07 filename_metadata="finclarin_siirto_k2021/0039-5552/2021/alto/2246025_0039-5552_2021-01-15_SK0221_mets.xml"
# USE 08 filename_orig ="finclarin_siirto_k2021/0039-5552/2021/alto/2246025_0039-5552_2021-01-15_SK0221_page-2021011502210030301.xml
# USE 09 id="t-bcd0f3fa-bbd3dac4"
# 10 img_url=""
# USE 11 issue_date="15.01.2021"
# USE 12 issue_no="SK0221"
# USE 13 issue_title="Suomen Kuvalehti"
# USE 14 label="Suomen Kuvalehti no. SK0221 15.01.2021"
# USE 16 language="fi"
# USE 17 page_id="p1"
# USE 18 page_no="None"
# 19 part_name="_"
# 20 publ_id="0039-5552"
# 21 publ_part=""
# USE 22 publ_title="Suomen Kuvalehti"
# USE 23 publ_type="aikakausi"
# USE 24 sentcount="70"
# USE 25 sum_lang="|xxx:44|fin:23|eng:3|"
# 26 timefrom="000000"
# 27 timeto="235959"
# USE 28 tokencount="304"
# 29 version_added="KLK-fi-2021">
my $BID = $textattsref->{'binding_id'};
my $DATE = $textattsref->{'date'};
my $METAFILENAME = $textattsref->{'filename_metadata'};
my $ORIGFILENAME = $textattsref->{'filename_orig'};
my $ID = $textattsref->{'id'};
my $ISSUEDATE = $textattsref->{'issue_date'};
my $ISSUENO = $textattsref->{'issue_no'};
my $ISSUETITLE = $textattsref->{'issue_title'};
my $LABEL = $textattsref->{'label'};
my $LANGUAGE = $textattsref->{'language'};
my $PAGEID = $textattsref->{'page_id'};
my $PAGENO = $textattsref->{'page_no'};
my $PUBLTITLE = $textattsref->{'publ_title'};
my $PUBLTYPE = $textattsref->{'publ_type'};
my $SENTCOUNT = $textattsref->{'sentcount'};
my $SUMLANG = $textattsref->{'sum_lang'};
my $TOKENCOUNT = $textattsref->{'tokencount'};
# Derived Metadata variables
my @datearray = split("-", $DATE);
my @langarray = split("|", $SUMLANG);
my @namearray = split(/[\.\/]/, $ORIGFILENAME); # use $namearray[4] as ID for the page
# CREATE text-teiHeader ACCORDING TO THE SKELETON in klk-header.tei.xml
# create <teiHeader> inside <TEI>
my $teiHeader = XML::Twig::Elt->new('teiHeader');
$teiHeader->paste('first_child', $text);
## insert_new_elt is a combo of new and paste, cf. xml::twig docu:
## insert_new_elt ($opt_position, $gi, $opt_atts_hashref, @opt_content)
my $fileDesc = $teiHeader->insert_new_elt('fileDesc' => {n => "EuReCo_KLK-fi_" . $namearray[4]});
my $encodingDesc = $teiHeader->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'encodingDesc');
my $profileDesc = $teiHeader->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'profileDesc');
my $revisionDesc = $teiHeader->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'revisionDesc');
# fileDesc/titleStmt
my $titleStmt = $fileDesc ->insert_new_elt('titleStmt');
my $title = $titleStmt->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'title');
my $respStmt = $titleStmt->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'respStmt');
my $resp = $respStmt ->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'resp');
my $name = $respStmt ->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'name');
# set texts for titleStmt
# $title->set_text($LABEL . ", page " . $PAGENO); # Achtung - PAGENO scheint meist "None" zu sein
$title->set_text($LABEL . ", Text #" . $textcounter); # at least for Suomen Kuvalehti
$resp ->set_text("compiled by EuReCo");
$name ->set_text("EuReCo: HL");
# fileDesc/publicationStmt
my $publicationStmt = $fileDesc ->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'publicationStmt');
my $distributor = $publicationStmt->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'distributor');
my $note = $distributor ->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'note');
my $availability = $publicationStmt->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'availability');
my $licence = $availability ->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'licence');
# set texts for publicationStmt
$note ->set_text("NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION - to be used locally in EuReCo");
$licence->set_text("CLARIN-RES"); # TODO: Ausfuherlichere Licence info in KLK Metadata Record
# fileDesc/sourceDesc/biblStruct
my $sourceDesc = $fileDesc ->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'sourceDesc');
my $biblStruct = $sourceDesc->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'biblStruct');
# fileDesc/sourceDesc/biblStruct/analytic
my $analytic = $biblStruct->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'analytic');
my $analytic_title = $analytic->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'title' => {type => "main"} );
# my $analytic_date = $analytic->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'date');
my $analytic_date_year = $analytic->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'date' => {type => "year"});
my $analytic_date_month = $analytic->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'date' => {type => "month"});
my $analytic_date_day = $analytic->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'date' => {type => "day"});
my $analytic_idno_pageid = $analytic->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'idno' => {type => "PAGEID"});
my $analytic_idno_bindingid = $analytic->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'idno' => {type => "BINDINGID"});
my $analytic_idno_id = $analytic->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'idno' => {type => "ID"});
my $analytic_idno_metafile = $analytic->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'idno' => {type => "KIELIPANKKI_METAFILENAME"});
my $analytic_idno_origfile = $analytic->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'idno' => {type => "KIELIPANKKI_ORIGFILENAME"});
my $analytic_textlang = $analytic->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'textLang');
# set texts for analytic
# $analytic_title ->set_text($LABEL . ", page " . $PAGENO); # Achtung $PAGENO scheint meist "None zu sein"
$analytic_title ->set_text($LABEL . ", Text #" . $textcounter); # Achtung $PAGENO scheint meist "None zu sein"
# $analytic_date ->set_text($DATE);
$analytic_date_year ->set_text($datearray[0]);
$analytic_date_month ->set_text($datearray[1]);
$analytic_date_day ->set_text($datearray[2]);
$analytic_idno_pageid ->set_text($PAGEID);
$analytic_idno_id ->set_text($ID);
$analytic_idno_metafile ->set_text($METAFILENAME);
$analytic_idno_origfile ->set_text($ORIGFILENAME);
$analytic_textlang ->set_text($LANGUAGE);
# fileDesc/sourceDesc/biblStruct/monogr
my $monogr = $biblStruct->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'monogr');
my $monogr_title = $monogr ->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'title');
my $imprint = $monogr ->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'imprint'); # imprint is needed for valididty
my $pubPlace = $imprint ->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'pubPlace'); # imprint is needed for validity
my $publisher = $imprint ->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'publisher'); # imprint is needed for validity
my $biblScope_issuetitle = $monogr ->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'biblScope' => {unit => 'ISSUETITLE'} );
my $biblScope_issueno = $monogr ->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'biblScope' => {unit => 'ISSUENO'} );
my $biblScope_issuedate = $monogr ->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'biblScope' => {unit => 'ISSUEDATE'} );
my $biblScope_pp = $monogr ->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'biblScope' => {unit => 'PAGENO'} ); # Achtung PAGENO ist meist "None" ?
# set texts for monogr
$monogr_title ->set_text($PUBLTITLE);
$pubPlace ->set_text("TODO");
$pubPlace ->set_att("key",'FI');
$publisher ->set_text("TODO");
$biblScope_issueno ->set_text($ISSUENO);
$biblScope_issuedate ->set_text($ISSUEDATE);
$biblScope_pp ->set_text($PAGENO);
# encodingDesc
my $tagsDecl = $encodingDesc->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'tagsDecl');
my $namespace = $tagsDecl ->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'namespace' => {name => ''});
my $tagUsage_s = $namespace ->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'tagUsage' => {gi => 's', occurs => $SENTCOUNT});
my $tagUsage_w = $namespace ->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'tagUsage' => {gi => 'w', occurs => $TOKENCOUNT});
# profileDesc
my $langUsage = $profileDesc ->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'langUsage');
my $language = $langUsage ->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'language' => {ident => $LANGUAGE, usage => $SUMLANG});
# Achtung in @usage muss eigt. ein integer; am besten inhalt von SUMLANG aufdroeseln und mehrere <language> machen
my $textClass = $profileDesc ->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'textClass');
my $classCode_fi = $textClass ->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'classCode' => {scheme => "KLK_PUBLTYPE"});
# my $classCode_en = $textClass ->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'classCode' => {scheme => "KLK_PUBLTYPE_MAPPED"});
# set texts for profileDesc
$classCode_fi ->set_text($PUBLTYPE);
# $classCode_en->set_text($PUBLTYPETRANSL);
# revisionDesc
my $change = $revisionDesc ->insert_new_elt("last_child", 'change' => {when => localtime->ymd('-'), who => 'HL' });
# set texts for revisionDesc
$change->set_text("TEI version for EuReCo");
sub setP {
my ($paragraph) = @_;
# <paragraph id="p-bcd0f3fa-bbd3dac4-815ead7a" sum_lang="|fin:1|">
# atts of <paragraph>:
# @id USE
# @sum_lang USE: put in xml:lang and prefix the value with "x-" for private value
$paragraph->set_att("xml:lang", "x-" . $paragraph->att("sum_lang"));
$paragraph->change_att_name('id', 'xml:id');
sub setS {
my ($sentence) = @_;
# the atts of <sentence>:
# USE 1 @id="s-bcd0f3fa-bbd3dac4-f7429090"
# USE 2 @lang="fin" -> xml:lang
# ? 3 @lang_conf="0.6734853"> -> ToDo @cert ?
# set attrs of <s>
$sentence->set_att("xml:lang", $sentence->att("lang")); # ToDo: convert the value / introduce a hash for lookup (input values: "fin", "xxx", ....)
$sentence->change_att_name('id', 'xml:id');
$sentence->del_att("lang"); # replaced by xml:lang
$sentence->del_att("lang_conf"); # for the time being
sub createW {
my ($w_element, $line) = @_;
# Get the tags (=columns)
my @tags = split(/\t/, $line);
# set content of <w> i.e. the token
# vrt positional-attributes in corpus KLK:
# USE [0] word
# USE [1] ref (id for reference of dephead)
# USE [2] lemma
# ? [3] lemmacomp (lemma with compound info - could go in @norm, as tag abuse?)
# USE [4] pos
# USE [5] msd
# USE [6] dephead
# USE [7] deprel
# [8] content (ocr-process)
# [9] vpos (ocr-process)
# [10] ocr (ocr-process)
# [11] cc (ocr-process)
# [12] hyph (ocr-process)
# [13] style (ocr-process)
# [14] lex (korp semantic disambiguation from G"oteborg)
# set the attributes of <w>:
$w_element->set_att("n", $tags[1]);
# $w_element->set_att("id", "w_" . $namearray[4] . $sentence->att("xml:id") . "_" . $tags[1]);
# so zusammengebaute ID ist auch nicht eindeutig...
$w_element->change_att_name('id', 'xml:id');
$w_element->set_att("lemma", $tags[2]);
# $w_element->set_att("norm", $tags[3]); # tag abuse of @norm
$w_element->set_att("pos", $tags[4]);
$w_element->set_att("msd", $tags[5]);
#TMP $w_element->set_att("head", $tags[6]);
#TMP $w_element->set_att("deprel", $tags[7]);
## usage_message
sub usage_message {
print " Usage: ./ <file.vrt.xml> <outfile>\n";
print " <file.vrt.xml> is a VRT file converted to proper XML\n";