blob: 9864644e0b36d5362d5f182977f8038507196811 [file] [log] [blame]
DAT="$CORPUS/data" # input vrt files of klk-fi by year
XML="$CORPUS/XML" # output zipped vrtxml files of selection of papers
TEI="$CORPUS/TEI" # output zipped tei files of the selection
mkdir -p $XML
mkdir -p $TEI
# Multiple threads for a loop in bash:
## for stuff in things
## do
## ( something
## with
## stuff ) &
## done
## wait # for all the something with stuff
# Generate corpus files by year and source in vrt
# for VRT in "$DAT/*.vrt"
for VRT in "$DAT/klk_fi_v2_2021.vrt" # to be applied to yearly files
do # (
BASENAME=`basename $VRT .vrt`
YY=`echo $BASENAME | gawk 'BEGIN {FS="_"} {print $4}'`
echo "Generating proper XML files from $VRT in $XML/$YY by source..."
#gawk -v OUTDIR="$XML" -v YEAR="$YY" -f vrt2xml.awk $VRT # will generate corpus files for different sources in the YEAR dir
echo "Checking Wellformedness and generating TEI..."
for s in $XML/*/
# for s in $XML/Aamulehti/
do ( # threading
SOURCE=`basename $s`
echo " checking wellformedness of $x"
xmllint --noout $x # ToDo: make if condition for continuing only if well-formed
BASENAME=`basename $x .xml`
mkdir -p $TEI/$SOURCE
echo " generating $u..."
./ $x $u # ToDo: pipe in and out
echo " zipping $x..."
gzip $x
echo " validating and prettifying $u..."
xmllint --format --dtdvalid $TEIDTD $u > $t
ls -l $t
echo " removing $u..."
rm $u;
echo " zipping $t..."
gzip $t
echo ) &
wait # ) &
# wait