| kableExtra (not released) |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| * Improved the look of HTML grouped header row (again) by adding spaces between |
| * Fixed a bug in grouped header row. |
| * Fixed a bug in grouped rows: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44360040/group-rows-function-in-kableextra-package-not-grouping-rows |
| * Fixed a bug in grouped rows with ()[]. |
| * Add a new LaTeX option `repeat_header` in `kable_styling` for repeating |
| header rows in a longtable environment. |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| * Added `column_spec()` to customize the look of the selected column. |
| * Improved the look of HTML grouped header row. |
| * Fixed an error in a documentation. |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| * Added `add_indent()` feature to add indentations to rows in HTML and LaTeX. |
| * Added `group_rows()` feature to group rows together in HTML and LaTeX. |
| * Changing `font_size` in `kable_styling` won't affect table caption any more. |
| * Fixed a bug in `scale_down` in `kable_styling` on landscape page in LaTeX. |
| * Changed `stop` to `message` on format checking. |
| * Added an example for how to use it in Shiny. |
| * Fixed a few errors in the LaTeX vignette file. |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |