| #' Add footnote (new) |
| #' |
| #' @description `footnote` provides a more flexible way to add footnote. You |
| #' can add mutiple sets of footnote using differeny notation system. It is |
| #' also possible to specify footnote section header one by one and print |
| #' footnotes as a chunk of texts. |
| #' |
| #' @param kable_input HTML or LaTeX table generated by `knitr::kable` |
| #' @param general Text for general footnote comments. Footnotes in this section |
| #' won't be labeled with any notations |
| #' @param number A vector of footnote texts. Footnotes here will be numbered. |
| #' There is no upper cap for the number of footnotes here |
| #' @param alphabet A vector of footnote texts, Footnotes here will be labeled |
| #' with abc. The vector here should not have more than 26 elements. |
| #' @param symbol A vector of footnote texts, Footnotes here will be labeled |
| #' with special symbols. The vector here should not have more than 20 elements. |
| #' @param footnote_order The order of how to arrange `general`, `number`, |
| #' `alphabet` and `symbol`. |
| #' @param footnote_as_chunk T/F value. Default is FALSE. It controls whether |
| #' the footnotes should be printed in a chunk (without line break). |
| #' @param escape T/F value. It controls whether the contents and titles should |
| #' be escaped against HTML or LaTeX. Default is TRUE. |
| #' @param threeparttable T/F value for whether to use LaTeX package |
| #' threeparttable. Threeparttable will force the width of caption and |
| #' footnotes be the width of the original table. It's useful when you have |
| #' long paragraph of footnotes. |
| #' @param general_title Section header for general footnotes. Default is |
| #' "Note: ". |
| #' @param number_title Section header for number footnotes. Default is "". |
| #' @param alphabet_title Section header for alphabet footnotes. Default is "". |
| #' @param symbol_title Section header for symbol footnotes. Default is "". |
| #' |
| #' @examples dt <- mtcars[1:5, 1:5] |
| #' footnote(knitr::kable(dt, "html"), alphabet = c("Note a", "Note b")) |
| #' |
| #' @export |
| footnote <- function(kable_input, |
| general = NULL, |
| number = NULL, |
| alphabet = NULL, |
| symbol = NULL, |
| footnote_order = c("general", "number", |
| "alphabet", "symbol"), |
| footnote_as_chunk = FALSE, |
| escape = TRUE, |
| threeparttable = FALSE, |
| general_title = "Note: ", |
| number_title = "", |
| alphabet_title = "", |
| symbol_title = "" |
| ) { |
| kable_format <- attr(kable_input, "format") |
| if (!kable_format %in% c("html", "latex")) { |
| warning("Please specify format in kable. kableExtra can customize either ", |
| "HTML or LaTeX outputs. See https://haozhu233.github.io/kableExtra/ ", |
| "for details.") |
| return(kable_input) |
| } |
| if (length(alphabet) > 26) { |
| alphabet <- alphabet[1:26] |
| warning("Please don't use more than 26 footnotes in table_footnote ", |
| "alphabet. Use number instead.") |
| } |
| if (length(symbol) > 20) { |
| symbol <- symbol[1:20] |
| warning("Please don't use more than 20 footnotes in table_footnote ", |
| "symbol. Use number instead.") |
| } |
| footnote_titles <- list( |
| general = general_title, number = number_title, |
| alphabet = alphabet_title, symbol = symbol_title |
| ) |
| footnote_contents <- list( |
| general = general, number = number, alphabet = alphabet, symbol = symbol |
| ) |
| notnull <- names(footnote_contents)[!sapply(footnote_contents, is.null)] |
| if (length(notnull) == 0) {return(kable_input)} |
| footnote_order <- footnote_order[footnote_order %in% notnull] |
| footnote_titles <- footnote_titles[footnote_order] |
| footnote_contents <- footnote_contents[footnote_order] |
| if (escape) { |
| if (kable_format == "html") { |
| footnote_contents <- lapply(footnote_contents, escape_html) |
| footnote_titles <- lapply(footnote_titles, escape_html) |
| } else { |
| footnote_contents <- lapply(footnote_contents, escape_latex2) |
| footnote_titles <- lapply(footnote_titles, escape_latex2) |
| } |
| } |
| footnote_table <- footnote_table_maker( |
| kable_format, footnote_titles, footnote_contents |
| ) |
| if (kable_format == "html") { |
| return(footnote_html(kable_input, footnote_table, footnote_as_chunk)) |
| } |
| if (kable_format == "latex") { |
| return(footnote_latex(kable_input, footnote_table, footnote_as_chunk, |
| threeparttable)) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| footnote_table_maker <- function(format, footnote_titles, footnote_contents) { |
| number_index <- read.csv(system.file("symbol_index.csv", |
| package = "kableExtra")) |
| if (format == "latex") { |
| symbol_index <- number_index$symbol.latex |
| } else { |
| symbol_index <- number_index$symbol.html |
| } |
| |
| if (!is.null(footnote_contents$general)) { |
| footnote_contents$general <- data.frame( |
| index = "", |
| footnote = footnote_contents$general |
| ) |
| } |
| if (!is.null(footnote_contents$number)) { |
| footnote_contents$number <- data.frame( |
| index = as.character(1:length(footnote_contents$number)), |
| footnote = footnote_contents$number |
| ) |
| } |
| if (!is.null(footnote_contents$alphabet)) { |
| footnote_contents$alphabet <- data.frame( |
| index = letters[1:length(footnote_contents$alphabet)], |
| footnote = footnote_contents$alphabet |
| ) |
| } |
| if (!is.null(footnote_contents$symbol)) { |
| footnote_contents$symbol <- data.frame( |
| index = symbol_index[1:length(footnote_contents$symbol)], |
| footnote = footnote_contents$symbol |
| ) |
| } |
| |
| out <- list() |
| out$contents <- footnote_contents |
| out$titles <- footnote_titles |
| return(out) |
| } |
| |
| # HTML |
| footnote_html <- function(kable_input, footnote_table, footnote_as_chunk) { |
| kable_attrs <- attributes(kable_input) |
| kable_xml <- read_kable_as_xml(kable_input) |
| |
| new_html_footnote <- html_tfoot_maker(footnote_table, footnote_as_chunk) |
| xml_add_child(kable_xml, new_html_footnote) |
| |
| out <- as_kable_xml(kable_xml) |
| attributes(out) <- kable_attrs |
| if (!"kableExtra" %in% class(out)) class(out) <- c("kableExtra", class(out)) |
| return(out) |
| } |
| |
| html_tfoot_maker <- function(footnote_table, footnote_as_chunk) { |
| footnote_types <- names(footnote_table$contents) |
| footnote_text <- c() |
| for (i in footnote_types) { |
| footnote_text <- c(footnote_text, html_tfoot_maker_( |
| footnote_table$contents[[i]], footnote_table$titles[[i]], i, |
| footnote_as_chunk)) |
| } |
| footnote_text <- paste0( |
| "<tfoot>", paste0(footnote_text, collapse = ""), "</tfoot>" |
| ) |
| footnote_node <- read_html(footnote_text, options = c("RECOVER", "NOERROR")) |
| return(xml_child(xml_child(footnote_node, 1), 1)) |
| } |
| |
| html_tfoot_maker_ <- function(ft_contents, ft_title, ft_type, ft_chunk) { |
| footnote_text <- apply(ft_contents, 1, function(x) { |
| paste0('<sup>', x[1], '</sup> ', x[2]) |
| }) |
| if (ft_title != "") { |
| title_text <- paste0('<strong>', ft_title, '</strong>') |
| footnote_text <- c(title_text, footnote_text) |
| } |
| if (!ft_chunk) { |
| footnote_text <- paste0( |
| '<tr><td style="padding: 0; border: 0;" colspan="100%">', |
| footnote_text, '</td></tr>' |
| ) |
| } else { |
| footnote_text <- paste0( |
| '<tr><td style="padding: 0; border: 0;" colspan="100%">', |
| paste0(footnote_text, collapse = " "), |
| '</td></tr>' |
| ) |
| } |
| return(footnote_text) |
| } |
| |
| # LaTeX |
| footnote_latex <- function(kable_input, footnote_table, footnote_as_chunk, |
| threeparttable) { |
| table_info <- magic_mirror(kable_input) |
| out <- enc2utf8(as.character(kable_input)) |
| |
| if (table_info$tabular == "longtable" & threeparttable == TRUE) { |
| threeparttable <- FALSE |
| warning("threeparttable does not support longtable.") |
| } |
| footnote_text <- latex_tfoot_maker(footnote_table, footnote_as_chunk, |
| table_info$ncol, threeparttable) |
| if (threeparttable) { |
| out <- sub(paste0("\\\\begin\\{", table_info$tabular, "\\}"), |
| paste0("\\\\begin{threeparttable}\n\\\\begin{", |
| table_info$tabular, "}"), |
| out) |
| out <- sub(table_info$end_tabular, |
| paste0("\\\\end{", table_info$tabular, |
| "}\n\\\\begin{tablenotes}", |
| ifelse(footnote_as_chunk, "[para]", ""), |
| "\n\\\\small\n", footnote_text, |
| "\n\\\\end{tablenotes}\n\\\\end{threeparttable}"), |
| out) |
| } else if (table_info$booktabs) { |
| out <- sub("\\\\bottomrule", |
| paste0("\\\\bottomrule\n", footnote_text), out) |
| } else { |
| out <- sub(table_info$end_tabular, |
| paste0(footnote_text, "\n\\\\end{", table_info$tabular, "}"), |
| out) |
| } |
| |
| out <- structure(out, format = "latex", class = "knitr_kable") |
| attr(out, "kable_meta") <- table_info |
| return(out) |
| } |
| |
| latex_tfoot_maker <- function(footnote_table, footnote_as_chunk, ncol, |
| threeparttable) { |
| footnote_types <- names(footnote_table$contents) |
| footnote_text <- c() |
| if (threeparttable) { |
| for (i in footnote_types) { |
| footnote_text <- c(footnote_text, latex_tfoot_maker_tpt_( |
| footnote_table$contents[[i]], footnote_table$titles[[i]], |
| footnote_as_chunk, ncol)) |
| } |
| } else { |
| for (i in footnote_types) { |
| footnote_text <- c(footnote_text, latex_tfoot_maker_( |
| footnote_table$contents[[i]], footnote_table$titles[[i]], |
| footnote_as_chunk, ncol)) |
| } |
| } |
| footnote_text <- paste0(footnote_text, collapse = "\n") |
| return(footnote_text) |
| } |
| |
| latex_tfoot_maker_ <- function(ft_contents, ft_title, ft_chunk, ncol) { |
| footnote_text <- apply(ft_contents, 1, function(x) { |
| if (x[1] == "") { |
| x[2] |
| } else { |
| paste0('\\\\textsuperscript{', x[1], '} ', x[2]) |
| } |
| }) |
| if (ft_title != "") { |
| title_text <- paste0('\\\\textbf{', ft_title, '} ') |
| footnote_text <- c(title_text, footnote_text) |
| } |
| if (!ft_chunk) { |
| footnote_text <- paste0( |
| '\\\\multicolumn{', ncol, '}{l}{', footnote_text, '}\\\\\\\\' |
| ) |
| } else { |
| footnote_text <- paste0( |
| '\\\\multicolumn{', ncol, '}{l}{', |
| paste0(footnote_text, collapse = " "), |
| '}\\\\\\\\' |
| ) |
| } |
| return(footnote_text) |
| } |
| |
| latex_tfoot_maker_tpt_ <- function(ft_contents, ft_title, ft_chunk, ncol) { |
| footnote_text <- apply(ft_contents, 1, function(x) { |
| if (x[1] == "") { |
| paste0('\\\\item ', x[2]) |
| } else { |
| paste0('\\\\item[', x[1], '] ', x[2]) |
| } |
| }) |
| if (ft_title != "") { |
| title_text <- paste0('\\\\item \\\\textbf{', ft_title, '} ') |
| footnote_text <- c(title_text, footnote_text) |
| } |
| footnote_text <- paste0(footnote_text, collapse = "\n") |
| # if (!ft_chunk) { |
| # footnote_text <- paste0(footnote_text, collapse = "\n") |
| # } else { |
| # footnote_text <- paste0(footnote_text, collapse = " ") |
| # } |
| return(footnote_text) |
| } |