| #' Specify the look of the selected column |
| #' |
| #' @description This function allows users to select a column and then specify |
| #' its look. Right now it supports the following three properties: column width, |
| #' bold text and italic text. |
| #' |
| #' @param kable_input Output of `knitr::kable()` with `format` specified |
| #' @param column A numeric value indicating which column to be selected. When |
| #' you do the counting, ignore the extra header columns you added through |
| #' add_header_left. |
| #' @param width A character string telling HTML & LaTeX how wide the column |
| #' needs to be, e.g. "10cm", "3in" or "30em". |
| #' @param bold A T/F value to control whether the text of the selected column |
| #' need to be bolded. |
| #' @param italic A T/F value to control whether the text of the selected column |
| #' need to be emphasized. |
| #' @param monospace A T/F value to control whether the text of the selected column |
| #' need to be monospaced (verbatim) |
| #' @param color A character string for column text color. Here please pay |
| #' attention to the differences in color codes between HTML and LaTeX. |
| #' @param background A character string for column background color. Here please |
| #' pay attention to the differences in color codes between HTML and LaTeX. |
| #' @param border_left A logical variable indicating whether there should be a |
| #' border line on the left of the selected column. In HTML, you can also pass |
| #' in a character string for the CSS of the border line |
| #' @param border_right A logical variable indicating whether there should be a |
| #' border line on the right of the selected column. In HTML, you can also pass |
| #' in a character string for the CSS of the border line |
| #' |
| #' @examples x <- knitr::kable(head(mtcars), "html") |
| #' column_spec(x, 1, width = "20em", bold = TRUE, italic = TRUE) |
| #' |
| #' @export |
| column_spec <- function(kable_input, column, |
| width = NULL, bold = FALSE, italic = FALSE, |
| monospace = FALSE, color = NULL, background = NULL, |
| border_left = FALSE, border_right = FALSE) { |
| if (!is.numeric(column)) { |
| stop("column must be a numeric value") |
| } |
| kable_format <- attr(kable_input, "format") |
| if (!kable_format %in% c("html", "latex")) { |
| message("Currently generic markdown table using pandoc is not supported.") |
| return(kable_input) |
| } |
| if (kable_format == "html") { |
| return(column_spec_html(kable_input, column, width, |
| bold, italic, monospace, |
| color, background, |
| border_left, border_right)) |
| } |
| if (kable_format == "latex") { |
| return(column_spec_latex(kable_input, column, width, |
| bold, italic, monospace, |
| color, background, |
| border_left, border_right)) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| column_spec_html <- function(kable_input, column, width, |
| bold, italic, monospace, |
| color, background, |
| border_left, border_right) { |
| kable_attrs <- attributes(kable_input) |
| kable_xml <- read_kable_as_xml(kable_input) |
| kable_tbody <- xml_tpart(kable_xml, "tbody") |
| |
| group_header_rows <- attr(kable_input, "group_header_rows") |
| if (is.null(kable_attrs$column_adjust)) { |
| all_contents_rows <- seq(1, length(xml_children(kable_tbody))) |
| all_contents_array <- rep(column, length(all_contents_rows)) |
| } else { |
| column <- column + kable_attrs$column_adjust$count |
| all_contents_array <- colSums(kable_attrs$column_adjust$matrix[1:column, ]) |
| all_contents_rows <- which(all_contents_array != 0 & |
| kable_attrs$column_adjust$matrix[column, ]) |
| } |
| |
| if (!is.null(group_header_rows)) { |
| all_contents_rows <- all_contents_rows[!all_contents_rows %in% |
| group_header_rows] |
| } |
| |
| # Border css |
| border_l_css <- "1px solid" |
| border_r_css <- "1px solid" |
| if (is.character(border_left)) { |
| border_l_css <- border_left |
| border_left <- T |
| } |
| if (is.character(border_right)) { |
| border_r_css <- border_right |
| border_right <- T |
| } |
| |
| for (i in all_contents_rows) { |
| target_cell <- xml_child(xml_child(kable_tbody, i), all_contents_array[i]) |
| if (!is.null(width)) { |
| xml_attr(target_cell, "style") <- paste0(xml_attr(target_cell, "style"), |
| "width: ", width, "; ") |
| } |
| if (bold) { |
| xml_attr(target_cell, "style") <- paste0(xml_attr(target_cell, "style"), |
| "font-weight: bold;") |
| } |
| if (italic) { |
| xml_attr(target_cell, "style") <- paste0(xml_attr(target_cell, "style"), |
| "font-style: italic;") |
| } |
| if (monospace) { |
| xml_attr(target_cell, "style") <- paste0(xml_attr(target_cell, "style"), |
| "font-family: monospace;") |
| } |
| if (!is.null(color)) { |
| xml_attr(target_cell, "style") <- paste0(xml_attr(target_cell, "style"), |
| "color: ", color, ";") |
| } |
| if (!is.null(background)) { |
| xml_attr(target_cell, "style") <- paste0(xml_attr(target_cell, "style"), |
| "background-color: ", |
| background, ";") |
| } |
| if (border_left) { |
| xml_attr(target_cell, "style") <- paste0(xml_attr(target_cell, "style"), |
| "border-left:", border_l_css, ";") |
| } |
| if (border_right) { |
| xml_attr(target_cell, "style") <- paste0(xml_attr(target_cell, "style"), |
| "border-right:", border_r_css, ";") |
| } |
| } |
| out <- as_kable_xml(kable_xml) |
| attributes(out) <- kable_attrs |
| return(out) |
| } |
| |
| column_spec_latex <- function(kable_input, column, width, |
| bold, italic, monospace, |
| color, background, |
| border_left, border_right) { |
| table_info <- magic_mirror(kable_input) |
| if (!is.null(table_info$collapse_rows)) { |
| message("Usually it is recommended to use column_spec before collapse_rows,", |
| " especially in LaTeX, to get a desired result. ") |
| } |
| align_collapse <- ifelse(table_info$booktabs, "", "\\|") |
| kable_align_old <- paste(table_info$align_vector, collapse = align_collapse) |
| |
| table_info$align_vector[column] <- unlist(lapply( |
| table_info$align_vector_origin[column], |
| function(x) { |
| latex_column_align_builder( |
| x, width, bold, italic, monospace, |
| color, background, border_left, border_right) |
| } |
| )) |
| |
| kable_align_new <- paste(table_info$align_vector, collapse = align_collapse) |
| |
| out <- sub(kable_align_old, kable_align_new, |
| enc2utf8(as.character(kable_input)), |
| perl = T) |
| out <- structure(out, format = "latex", class = "knitr_kable") |
| if (!is.null(width)) { |
| if (is.null(table_info$column_width)) { |
| table_info$column_width <- list() |
| } |
| table_info$column_width[[paste0("column_", column)]] <- width |
| } |
| attr(out, "kable_meta") <- table_info |
| return(out) |
| } |
| |
| latex_column_align_builder <- function(x, width, bold, italic, monospace, |
| color, background, |
| border_left, border_right) { |
| extra_align <- "" |
| if (!is.null(width)) { |
| extra_align <- switch(x, |
| "l" = "\\\\raggedright\\\\arraybackslash", |
| "c" = "\\\\centering\\\\arraybackslash", |
| "r" = "\\\\raggedleft\\\\arraybackslash") |
| x <- paste0("p\\{", width, "\\}") |
| } |
| |
| if (!is.null(color)) { |
| color <- sprintf("\\\\color{%s}", color) |
| } |
| |
| if (!is.null(color)) { |
| background <- sprintf("\\\\columncolor{%s}", background) |
| } |
| |
| latex_array_options <- c("\\\\bfseries", "\\\\em", "\\\\ttfamily")[ |
| c(bold, italic, monospace)] |
| latex_array_options <- c(latex_array_options, extra_align, |
| color, background) |
| latex_array_options <- paste0( |
| "\\>\\{", paste(latex_array_options, collapse = ""), "\\}" |
| ) |
| x <- paste0(latex_array_options, x) |
| if (border_left) { |
| x <- paste0("|", x) |
| } |
| if (border_right) { |
| x <- paste0(x, "|") |
| } |
| |
| return(x) |
| } |