| #' HTML table attributes |
| #' |
| #' @description This function provides a cleaner approach to modify the style |
| #' of HTML tables other than using the `table.attr` option in `knitr::kable()`. |
| #' Currenly, it assumes the HTML document has boot |
| #' |
| #' @param kable_input Output of `knitr::kable()` with `format` specified |
| #' @param bootstrap_options A character vector for bootstrap table options. |
| #' Please see package vignette or visit the w3schools' |
| #' \href{https://www.w3schools.com/bootstrap/bootstrap_tables.asp}{Bootstrap Page} |
| #' for more information. Possible options include `basic`, `striped`, |
| #' `bordered`, `hover`, `condensed` and `responsive`. |
| #' @param latex_options A character vector for LaTeX table options. Please see |
| #' package vignette for more information. Possible options include |
| #' `basic`, `striped`, `hold_position`, `HOLD_position`, `scale_down` & `repeat_header`. |
| #' `striped` will add alternative row colors to the table. It will imports |
| #' `LaTeX` package `xcolor` if enabled. `hold_position` will "hold" the floating |
| #' table to the exact position. It is useful when the `LaTeX` table is contained |
| #' in a `table` environment after you specified captions in `kable()`. It will |
| #' force the table to stay in the position where it was created in the document. |
| #' A stronger version: `HOLD_position` requires the `float` package and specifies `[H]`. |
| #' `scale_down` is useful for super wide table. It will automatically adjust |
| #' the table to page width. `repeat_header` in only meaningful in a longtable |
| #' environment. It will let the header row repeat on every page in that long |
| #' table. |
| #' @param full_width A `TRUE` or `FALSE` variable controlling whether the HTML |
| #' table should have 100\% width. Since HTML and pdf have different flavors on |
| #' the preferable format for `full_width`. If not specified, a HTML table will |
| #' have full width by default but this option will be set to `FALSE` for a |
| #' LaTeX table |
| #' @param position A character string determining how to position the table |
| #' on a page. Possible values include `left`, `center`, `right`, `float_left` |
| #' and `float_right`. Please see the package doc site for demonstrations. For |
| #' a `LaTeX` table, if `float_*` is selected, `LaTeX` package `wrapfig` will be |
| #' imported. |
| #' @param font_size A numeric input for table font size |
| #' @param ... extra options for HTML or LaTeX. See `details`. |
| #' |
| #' @details For LaTeX, extra options includes: |
| #' - `repeat_header_method` can either be `append`(default) or `replace` |
| #' - `repeat_header_text` is just a text string you want to append on or |
| #' replace the caption. |
| #' - `stripe_color` allows users to pick a different color for their strip lines. |
| #' - `latex_table_env` character string to define customized table environment |
| #' such as tabu or tabularx.You shouldn't expect all features could be |
| #' supported in self-defined environments. |
| #' |
| #' @examples x_html <- knitr::kable(head(mtcars), "html") |
| #' kable_styling(x_html, "striped", position = "left", font_size = 7) |
| #' |
| #' x_latex <- knitr::kable(head(mtcars), "latex") |
| #' kable_styling(x_latex, latex_options = "striped", position = "float_left") |
| #' |
| #' @export |
| kable_styling <- function(kable_input, |
| bootstrap_options = "basic", |
| latex_options = "basic", |
| full_width = NULL, |
| position = "center", |
| font_size = NULL, |
| ...) { |
| |
| if (length(bootstrap_options) == 1 && bootstrap_options == "basic") { |
| bootstrap_options <- getOption("kable_styling_bootstrap_options", "basic") |
| } |
| if (length(latex_options) == 1 && latex_options == "basic") { |
| latex_options <- getOption("kable_styling_latex_options", "basic") |
| } |
| if (position == "center") { |
| position <- getOption("kable_styling_position", "center") |
| } |
| position <- match.arg(position, |
| c("center", "left", "right", "float_left", "float_right")) |
| if (is.null(font_size)) { |
| font_size <- getOption("kable_styling_font_size", NULL) |
| } |
| |
| kable_format <- attr(kable_input, "format") |
| |
| if (!kable_format %in% c("html", "latex")) { |
| message("Currently generic markdown table using pandoc is not supported.") |
| return(kable_input) |
| } |
| if (kable_format == "html") { |
| if (is.null(full_width)) { |
| full_width <- getOption("kable_styling_full_width", T) |
| } |
| return(htmlTable_styling(kable_input, |
| bootstrap_options = bootstrap_options, |
| full_width = full_width, |
| position = position, |
| font_size = font_size, ...)) |
| } |
| if (kable_format == "latex") { |
| if (is.null(full_width)) { |
| full_width <- getOption("kable_styling_full_width", F) |
| } |
| return(pdfTable_styling(kable_input, |
| latex_options = latex_options, |
| full_width = full_width, |
| position = position, |
| font_size = font_size, ...)) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| # htmlTable Styling ------------ |
| htmlTable_styling <- function(kable_input, |
| bootstrap_options = "basic", |
| full_width = T, |
| position = c("center", "left", "right", |
| "float_left", "float_right"), |
| font_size = NULL) { |
| kable_attrs <- attributes(kable_input) |
| kable_xml <- read_kable_as_xml(kable_input) |
| |
| # Modify class |
| bootstrap_options <- match.arg( |
| bootstrap_options, |
| c("basic", "striped", "bordered", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), |
| several.ok = T |
| ) |
| |
| kable_xml_class <- NULL |
| if (xml_has_attr(kable_xml, "class")) { |
| kable_xml_class <- xml_attr(kable_xml, "class") |
| } |
| if (length(bootstrap_options) == 1 && bootstrap_options == "basic") { |
| bootstrap_options <- "table" |
| } else { |
| bootstrap_options <- bootstrap_options[bootstrap_options != "basic"] |
| bootstrap_options <- paste0("table-", bootstrap_options) |
| bootstrap_options <- c("table", bootstrap_options) |
| } |
| xml_attr(kable_xml, "class") <- paste(c(kable_xml_class, bootstrap_options), |
| collapse = " ") |
| |
| # Modify style |
| kable_xml_style <- NULL |
| if (xml_has_attr(kable_xml, "style")) { |
| kable_xml_style <- xml_attr(kable_xml, "style") |
| } |
| if (!is.null(font_size)) { |
| kable_xml_style <- c(kable_xml_style, |
| paste0("font-size: ", font_size, "px;")) |
| kable_caption_node <- xml_tpart(kable_xml, "caption") |
| if (!is.null(kable_caption_node)) { |
| xml_attr(kable_caption_node, "style") <- "font-size: initial !important;" |
| } |
| } |
| if (!full_width) { |
| kable_xml_style <- c(kable_xml_style, "width: auto !important;") |
| } |
| |
| position <- match.arg(position) |
| position_style <- switch( |
| position, |
| center = "margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;", |
| left = "", |
| right = "margin-right: 0; margin-left: auto", |
| float_left = "float: left; margin-right: 10px;", |
| float_right = "float: right; margin-left: 10px;" |
| ) |
| kable_xml_style <- c(kable_xml_style, position_style) |
| |
| if (length(kable_xml_style) != 0) { |
| xml_attr(kable_xml, "style") <- paste(kable_xml_style, collapse = " ") |
| } |
| |
| out <- as_kable_xml(kable_xml) |
| attributes(out) <- kable_attrs |
| return(out) |
| } |
| |
| # LaTeX table style |
| pdfTable_styling <- function(kable_input, |
| latex_options = "basic", |
| full_width = F, |
| position = c("center", "left", "right", |
| "float_left", "float_right"), |
| font_size = NULL, |
| repeat_header_text = "\\textit{(continued)}", |
| repeat_header_method = c("append", "replace"), |
| repeat_header_continued = FALSE, |
| stripe_color = "gray!6", |
| latex_table_env = NULL) { |
| |
| latex_options <- match.arg( |
| latex_options, |
| c("basic", "striped", "hold_position", "HOLD_position", "scale_down", "repeat_header"), |
| several.ok = T |
| ) |
| |
| repeat_header_method <- match.arg(repeat_header_method) |
| |
| out <- NULL |
| out <- enc2utf8(as.character(kable_input)) |
| table_info <- magic_mirror(kable_input) |
| |
| if ("striped" %in% latex_options) { |
| out <- styling_latex_striped(out, table_info, stripe_color) |
| } |
| |
| # hold_position is only meaningful in a table environment |
| if ("hold_position" %in% latex_options & table_info$table_env) { |
| out <- styling_latex_hold_position(out) |
| } |
| |
| # HOLD_position is only meaningful in a table environment |
| if ("HOLD_position" %in% latex_options & table_info$table_env) { |
| out <- styling_latex_HOLD_position(out) |
| } |
| |
| if ("scale_down" %in% latex_options) { |
| out <- styling_latex_scale_down(out, table_info) |
| } |
| |
| if ("repeat_header" %in% latex_options & table_info$tabular == "longtable") { |
| out <- styling_latex_repeat_header(out, table_info, repeat_header_text, |
| repeat_header_method, repeat_header_continued) |
| } |
| |
| if (full_width) { |
| latex_table_env <- ifelse(table_info$tabular == "longtable", |
| "longtabu", "tabu") |
| full_width_return <- styling_latex_full_width(out, table_info) |
| out <- full_width_return[[1]] |
| table_info$align_vector <- full_width_return[[2]] |
| } |
| |
| if (!is.null(font_size)) { |
| out <- styling_latex_font_size(out, table_info, font_size) |
| } |
| |
| if (!is.null(latex_table_env)) { |
| out <- styling_latex_table_env(out, table_info$tabular, latex_table_env) |
| table_info$tabular <- latex_table_env |
| table_info$begin_tabular <- sub("tabular", latex_table_env, |
| table_info$begin_tabular) |
| table_info$end_tabular <- sub("tabular", latex_table_env, |
| table_info$end_tabular) |
| } |
| |
| position <- match.arg(position) |
| out <- styling_latex_position(out, table_info, position, latex_options) |
| |
| out <- structure(out, format = "latex", class = "knitr_kable") |
| attr(out, "kable_meta") <- table_info |
| return(out) |
| } |
| |
| styling_latex_striped <- function(x, table_info, color) { |
| # gray!6 is the same as shadecolor ({RGB}{248, 248, 248}) in pdf_document |
| if (table_info$tabular == "longtable" & !is.na(table_info$caption)) { |
| row_color <- sprintf("\\rowcolors{2}{white}{%s}", color) |
| } else { |
| row_color <- sprintf("\\rowcolors{2}{%s}{white}", color) |
| } |
| |
| x <- read_lines(x) |
| if (table_info$booktabs) { |
| header_rows_start <- which(x == "\\toprule")[1] |
| header_rows_end <- which(x == "\\midrule")[1] |
| } else { |
| header_rows_start <- which(x == "\\hline")[1] |
| header_rows_end <- which(x == "\\hline")[2] |
| } |
| |
| x <- c( |
| row_color, |
| x[1:(header_rows_start - 1)], |
| "\\hiderowcolors", |
| x[header_rows_start:header_rows_end], |
| "\\showrowcolors", |
| x[(header_rows_end + 1):length(x)], |
| "\\rowcolors{2}{white}{white}" |
| ) |
| x <- paste0(x, collapse = "\n") |
| return(x) |
| } |
| |
| styling_latex_hold_position <- function(x) { |
| sub("\\\\begin\\{table\\}", "\\\\begin\\{table\\}[!h]", x) |
| } |
| |
| styling_latex_HOLD_position <- function(x) { |
| sub("\\\\begin\\{table\\}", "\\\\begin\\{table\\}[H]", x) |
| } |
| |
| styling_latex_scale_down <- function(x, table_info) { |
| # You cannot put longtable in a resizebox |
| # http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/83457/how-to-resize-or-scale-a-longtable-revised |
| if (table_info$tabular == "longtable") { |
| warning("Longtable cannot be resized.") |
| return(x) |
| } |
| x <- sub(table_info$begin_tabular, |
| paste0("\\\\resizebox\\{\\\\linewidth\\}\\{\\!\\}\\{", |
| table_info$begin_tabular), |
| x) |
| sub(table_info$end_tabular, paste0(table_info$end_tabular, "\\}"), x) |
| } |
| |
| styling_latex_repeat_header <- function(x, table_info, repeat_header_text, |
| repeat_header_method, |
| repeat_header_continued) { |
| x <- read_lines(x) |
| if (table_info$booktabs) { |
| header_rows_start <- which(x == "\\toprule")[1] |
| header_rows_end <- which(x == "\\midrule")[1] |
| } else { |
| header_rows_start <- which(x == "\\hline")[1] |
| header_rows_end <- which(x == "\\hline")[2] |
| } |
| |
| if (is.na(table_info$caption)) { |
| continue_line <- paste0( |
| "\\multicolumn{", table_info$ncol, "}{@{}l}{", repeat_header_text, |
| "}\\\\" |
| ) |
| } else { |
| if (repeat_header_method == "append") { |
| caption_without_lab <- sub("\\\\label\\{[^\\}]*\\}", "", table_info$caption) |
| repeat_header_text <- paste(caption_without_lab, repeat_header_text) |
| } |
| continue_line <- paste0("\\caption[]{", repeat_header_text, "}\\\\") |
| } |
| |
| if (!table_info$booktabs) { |
| bottom_part <- NULL |
| } else { |
| index_bottomrule <- which(x == "\\bottomrule") |
| x <- x[-index_bottomrule] |
| |
| if (repeat_header_continued == FALSE) { |
| bottom_part <- "\\endfoot\n\\bottomrule\n\\endlastfoot" |
| } else { |
| if (repeat_header_continued == TRUE) { |
| bottom_text <- "\\textit{(continued \\ldots)}" |
| } else { |
| bottom_text <- repeat_header_continued |
| } |
| bottom_part <- paste0( |
| "\\bottomrule\n", |
| "\\multicolumn{", table_info$ncol, "}{r@{}}{", bottom_text, "}\\\n", |
| "\\endfoot\n", |
| "\\bottomrule\n", |
| "\\endlastfoot" |
| ) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| # x[index_bottomrule - 1] <- paste0(x[index_bottomrule - 1], "*\\bottomrule") |
| x <- c( |
| x[1:header_rows_end], |
| "\\endfirsthead", |
| continue_line, |
| x[header_rows_start:header_rows_end], |
| "\\endhead", |
| bottom_part, |
| x[(header_rows_end + 1):length(x)] |
| ) |
| x <- paste0(x, collapse = "\n") |
| return(x) |
| } |
| |
| styling_latex_full_width <- function(x, table_info) { |
| col_align <- as.character(factor( |
| table_info$align_vector, c("c", "l", "r"), |
| c(">{\\\\centering}X", ">{\\\\raggedright}X", ">{\\\\raggedleft}X") |
| )) |
| col_align[is.na(col_align)] <- table_info$align_vector[is.na(col_align)] |
| col_align_vector <- col_align |
| col_align <- paste0(" to \\\\linewidth {", paste(col_align, collapse = ""), "}") |
| x <- sub(paste0(table_info$begin_tabular, "\\{[^\\\\n]*\\}"), |
| table_info$begin_tabular, x) |
| x <- sub(table_info$begin_tabular, |
| paste0(table_info$begin_tabular, col_align), x) |
| return(list(x, col_align_vector)) |
| } |
| |
| styling_latex_position <- function(x, table_info, position, latex_options) { |
| hold_position <- "hold_position" %in% latex_options |
| switch( |
| position, |
| center = styling_latex_position_center(x, table_info, hold_position), |
| left = styling_latex_position_left(x, table_info), |
| right = styling_latex_position_right(x, table_info, hold_position), |
| float_left = styling_latex_position_float(x, table_info, "l"), |
| float_right = styling_latex_position_float(x, table_info, "r") |
| ) |
| } |
| |
| styling_latex_position_center <- function(x, table_info, hold_position) { |
| if (!table_info$table_env & table_info$tabular == "tabular") { |
| return(paste0("\\begin{table}[!h]\n\\centering", x, "\n\\end{table}")) |
| } |
| return(x) |
| } |
| |
| styling_latex_position_left <- function(x, table_info) { |
| if (table_info$tabular != "longtable") return(sub("\\\\centering\\n", "", x)) |
| longtable_option <- "\\[l\\]" |
| sub(paste0("\\\\begin\\{longtable\\}", table_info$valign2), |
| paste0("\\\\begin\\{longtable\\}", longtable_option), x) |
| } |
| |
| styling_latex_position_right <- function(x, table_info, hold_position) { |
| warning("Position = right is only supported for longtable in LaTeX. ", |
| "Setting back to center...") |
| styling_latex_position_center(x, table_info, hold_position) |
| } |
| |
| styling_latex_position_float <- function(x, table_info, option) { |
| if (table_info$tabular == "longtable") { |
| warning("wraptable is not supported for longtable.") |
| if (option == "l") return(styling_latex_position_left(x, table_info)) |
| if (option == "r") return(styling_latex_position_right(x, table_info, F)) |
| } |
| size_matrix <- sapply(sapply(table_info$contents, str_split, " & "), nchar) |
| col_max_length <- apply(size_matrix, 1, max) + 4 |
| if (table_info$table_env) { |
| option <- sprintf("\\\\begin\\{wraptable\\}\\{%s\\}", option) |
| option <- paste0(option, "\\{",sum(col_max_length) * 0.15, "cm\\}") |
| x <- sub("\\\\begin\\{table\\}\\[\\!h\\]", "\\\\begin\\{table\\}", x) |
| x <- sub("\\\\begin\\{table\\}", option, x) |
| x <- sub("\\\\end\\{table\\}", "\\\\end\\{wraptable\\}", x) |
| } else { |
| option <- sprintf("\\begin{wraptable}{%s}", option) |
| option <- paste0(option, "{",sum(col_max_length) * 0.15, "cm}") |
| x <- paste0(option, x, "\\end{wraptable}") |
| } |
| return(x) |
| } |
| |
| styling_latex_font_size <- function(x, table_info, font_size) { |
| row_height <- font_size + 2 |
| if (table_info$tabular != "longtable" & table_info$table_env) { |
| return(sub(table_info$begin_tabular, |
| paste0("\\\\fontsize\\{", font_size, "\\}\\{", row_height, |
| "\\}\\\\selectfont\n", table_info$begin_tabular), |
| x)) |
| } |
| # For longtable and tabular without table environment. Simple wrap around |
| # fontsize is good enough |
| return(paste0( |
| "\\begingroup\\fontsize{", font_size, "}{", row_height, "}\\selectfont\n", x, |
| "\\endgroup" |
| )) |
| } |
| |
| styling_latex_table_env <- function(x, current_env, latex_table_env) { |
| x <- sub( |
| paste0("begin\\{", current_env, "\\}\\[t\\]"), |
| paste0("begin\\{", latex_table_env, "\\}"), x |
| ) |
| x <- sub( |
| paste0("begin\\{", current_env, "\\}"), |
| paste0("begin\\{", latex_table_env, "\\}"), x |
| ) |
| x <- sub( |
| paste0("end\\{", current_env, "\\}"), |
| paste0("end\\{", latex_table_env, "\\}"), x |
| ) |
| return(x) |
| } |
| |