blob: faf32810a50ff1907a72c05c51371a4878908626 [file] [log] [blame]
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/xtable2kable.R
\title{Convert xtable to a kable object}
xtable2kable(x, ...)
\item{x}{an xtable object}
\item{...}{options for print.xtable}
This function allow users to turn an xtable object into a kable
so they can use most of kableExtra's functions with their xtable code without
making too many changes. Note that although I tested many cases and it seems
to work, this function may not be functional in some other cases. I'm not
a regular xtable user and can only provide very limited support for this
You should use this table in the same way as \code{print.xtable}. All the options
you provided to this function will be sent to \code{print.xtable}. Instead of
printing out the result, this function will return the LaTeX or HTML as
text and a kable object.
xtable(mtcars) \%>\%
xtable2kable(booktabs = TRUE) \%>\%
kable_styling(latex_options = "striped")