| % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand |
| % Please edit documentation in R/cell_spec.R |
| \name{cell_spec} |
| \alias{cell_spec} |
| \alias{text_spec} |
| \title{Specify Cell/Text format} |
| \usage{ |
| cell_spec(x, format, bold = F, italic = F, monospace = F, color = NULL, |
| background = NULL, align = NULL, font_size = NULL, angle = NULL, |
| tooltip = NULL, background_as_tile = TRUE, |
| latex_background_in_cell = TRUE) |
| |
| text_spec(x, format, bold = F, italic = F, monospace = F, color = NULL, |
| background = NULL, align = NULL, font_size = NULL, angle = NULL, |
| tooltip = NULL, background_as_tile = TRUE, |
| latex_background_in_cell = FALSE) |
| } |
| \arguments{ |
| \item{x}{Things to be formated. It could be a vector of numbers or strings.} |
| |
| \item{format}{Either "html" or "latex". It can also be set through |
| \code{option(knitr.table.format)}, same as \code{knitr::kable()}.} |
| |
| \item{bold}{T/F for font bold.} |
| |
| \item{italic}{T/F for font italic.} |
| |
| \item{monospace}{T/F for font monospaced (verbatim)} |
| |
| \item{color}{A character string for text color. Here please pay |
| attention to the differences in color codes between HTML and LaTeX.} |
| |
| \item{background}{A character string for background color. Here please |
| pay attention to the differences in color codes between HTML and LaTeX. Also |
| note that in HTML, background defined in cell_spec won't cover the whole |
| cell.} |
| |
| \item{align}{A character string for cell alignment. For HTML, possible |
| values could be \code{l}, \code{c}, \code{r} plus \code{left}, \code{center}, \code{right}, \code{justify}, |
| \code{initial} and \code{inherit} while for LaTeX, you can only choose |
| from \code{l}, \code{c} & \code{r}.} |
| |
| \item{font_size}{j} |
| |
| \item{angle}{0-360, degree that the text will rotate. Can be a vector.} |
| |
| \item{tooltip}{A vector of strings to be displayed as tooltip. |
| Obviously, this feature is only available in HTML.} |
| |
| \item{background_as_tile}{T/F value indicating if you want to have round |
| cornered tile as background in HTML.} |
| |
| \item{latex_background_in_cell}{T/F value. It only takes effect in LaTeX |
| when \code{background} provided, Default value is \code{TRUE}. If it's \code{TRUE}, the |
| background only works in a table cell. If it's \code{FALSE}, it works outside of a |
| table environment.} |
| } |
| \description{ |
| Specify Cell format before it gets into kable |
| } |