blob: 8724141027ab6d66bdf16b1ee6df87a0a1152861 [file] [log] [blame]
#' Add footnote
#' @description Add footnote to your favorite kable output. So far this function
#' only works when you define \code{format} in your kable function or in the
#' global knitr option \code{knitr.table.format}. In latex, we are using the
#' \code{threeparttable} package so you need to import this package in your
#' \code{YAML} header.
#' @param input The direct output of your \code{kable} function or your last
#' \code{kableExtra} function.
#' @param label A vector of footnotes you want to add. You don't need to add
#' notations in your notes.
#' @param notation You can select the format of your footnote notation from
#' "number", "alphabet" and "symbol".
#' @export
add_footnote <- function(input, label = NULL, notation = "alphabet", threeparttable = F) {
if (is.null(label)){return(input)}
# Define available id list
if (!notation %in% c("number", "alphabet", "symbol")){
warning('Please select your notation within "number", "alphabet" and "symbol". Now add_footnote is using "alphabet" as default.')
if (notation == "symbol") {notation = paste0(notation, ".", attr(input, "format"))}
ids.ops <- data.frame(
number = as.character(1:20),
alphabet = letters[1:20],
symbol.latex = c(
"*", "\\\\dag", "\\\\ddag", "\\\\S", "\\\\P",
"**", "\\\\dag\\\\dag", "\\\\ddag\\\\ddag", "\\\\S\\\\S", "\\\\P\\\\P",
"***", "\\\\dag\\\\dag\\\\dag", "\\\\ddag\\\\ddag\\\\ddag", "\\\\S\\\\S\\\\S", "\\\\P\\\\P\\\\P",
"****", "\\\\dag\\\\dag\\\\dag\\\\dag", "\\\\ddag\\\\ddag\\\\ddag\\\\ddag", "\\\\S\\\\S\\\\S\\\\S", "\\\\P\\\\P\\\\P\\\\P"
symbol.html = c(
"*", "&dagger;", "&Dagger;", "&sect;", "&para;",
"**", "&dagger;&dagger;", "&Dagger;&Dagger;", "&sect;&sect;", "&para;&para;",
"*", "&dagger;&dagger;&dagger;", "&Dagger;&Dagger;&Dagger;", "&sect;&sect;&sect;", "&para;&para;&para;",
"**", "&dagger;&dagger;&dagger;&dagger;", "&Dagger;&Dagger;&Dagger;&Dagger;", "&sect;&sect;&sect;&sect;", "&para;&para;&para;&para;"
symbol.markdown = c(
"\\*", "†", "‡", "§", "¶",
"\\*\\*", "††", "‡‡", "§§", "¶¶",
"\\*\\*\\*", "†††", "‡‡‡", "§§§", "¶¶¶",
"\\*\\*\\*\\*", "††††", "‡‡‡‡", "§§§§", "¶¶¶¶"
symbol.pandoc = c(
"\\*", "†", "‡", "§", "¶",
"\\*\\*", "††", "‡‡", "§§", "¶¶",
"\\*\\*\\*", "†††", "‡‡‡", "§§§", "¶¶¶",
"\\*\\*\\*\\*", "††††", "‡‡‡‡", "§§§§", "¶¶¶¶"
ids <- ids.ops[,notation]
ids.intable <- gsub("\\*", "\\\\*", ids)
#count the number of items in label and intable notation
count.label = length(label)
count.intablenoot = sum(str_count(input, "\\[note\\]"))
if (count.intablenoot != 0 & count.label != count.intablenoot){
warning(paste("You entered", count.label, "labels but you put",
count.intablenoot, "[note] in your table."))
if(!attr(input, "format") %in% c("html", "latex")){
export <- input
if(count.intablenoot != 0){
for(i in 1:count.intablenoot){
export[which(str_detect(export, "\\[note\\]"))[1]] <-
sub("\\[note\\]", paste0("^", ids.intable[i], "^",
paste0(rep(" ", 4 - nchar(as.character(ids[i]))),
collapse = "")), export[which(str_detect(export, "\\[note\\]"))[1]])
export[length(export)+1] <- ""
export[length(export)+1] <- "__Note:__"
export[length(export)+1] <- paste0(
paste0("^", ids[1:length(label)], "^ ", label), collapse = " "
# Generate latex table footnote --------------------------------
if(attr(input, "format")=="latex"){
# If longtable is used, then use page footnote instead of threeparttable
# as it makes more sense to see the footnote at the bottom of page if
# table is longer than one page.
if(grepl("\\\\begin\\{longtable\\}", input)){
for(i in 1:count.intablenoot){
input <- sub("\\[note\\]", paste0("\\\\footnote[", ids[i], "]{", label[i], "}"), input)
# Regular cases other than longtable
# generate footer with appropriate symbol
footer <- ""
for(i in 1:count.label){
footer <- paste0(footer,"\\\\item [", ids[i], "] ", label[i], "\n")
# Replace in-table notation with appropriate symbol
for(i in 1:count.intablenoot){
input <- sub("\\[note\\]", paste0("\\\\textsuperscript{", ids[i], "}"), input)
if(grepl("\\\\caption\\{.*?\\}", input)){
export <- sub("\\\\caption\\{", "\\\\begin{threeparttable}\n\\\\caption{", input)
export <- sub("\\\\begin\\{tabular\\}", "\\\\begin{threeparttable}\n\\\\begin{tabular}", input)
export <- gsub(
footer, "\\\\end{tablenotes}\n\\\\end{threeparttable}"
if(attr(input, "format")=="html"){
export <- input