blob: e76f4f575979b2636c6a369e175c065393a101b1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Add scroll_box for HTML table for extremely long/wide tables
* Fixed a bug in collapse_row on removing addlinespace
* Removed addlinespace from group_rows
* Added monospace to column_spec
* Lowered R version requirement to R 3.1.0
* Added testthat (#28, thank you @wibeasley)
* For all HTML table functions, changed reading method from `xml2::read_xml` to
`xml2::read_html` plus some extra steps to avoid errors when HTML contents
don't fulfill XHTML requirements (#24)
* For all HTML table functions, improved exportation method to remove the XML
declaration. (Stackoverflow:
* Add `repeat_header_method` in kable_styling (#25)
* Fixed a bug in `position` in `kable_styling()` (
kableExtra 0.3.0
* Improved the look of HTML grouped header row (again) by adding spaces between
* Fixed a bug in grouped header row.
* Fixed a bug in grouped rows:
* Fixed a bug in grouped rows with ()[].
* Added a new LaTeX option `repeat_header` in `kable_styling` for repeating
header rows in a longtable environment.
* Fixed a bug in add_header_above to allow special symbol in extra header rows.
* Allow column_spec automatically align when width is specified.
* Added bold/italic options to add_header_above.
* Added `collapse_rows` to collapse repeated rows to multirow cell
* Improve package-level documentation based on @wibeasley's suggestion
kableExtra 0.2.1
* Added `column_spec()` to customize the look of the selected column.
* Improved the look of HTML grouped header row.
* Fixed an error in a documentation.
kableExtra 0.2.0
* Added `add_indent()` feature to add indentations to rows in HTML and LaTeX.
* Added `group_rows()` feature to group rows together in HTML and LaTeX.
* Changing `font_size` in `kable_styling` won't affect table caption any more.
* Fixed a bug in `scale_down` in `kable_styling` on landscape page in LaTeX.
* Changed `stop` to `message` on format checking.
* Added an example for how to use it in Shiny.
* Fixed a few errors in the LaTeX vignette file.
kableExtra 0.1.0
* Initial Release