| % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand |
| % Please edit documentation in R/visitssummary.R |
| \title{Get visits summary from matomo API server} |
| accessToken = getAccessToken(matomoUrl) |
| \item{matomoUrl}{base URL of your matomo instance} |
| \item{siteId}{matomo site id or vector of site ids} |
| \item{period}{\code{day}, \code{week}, \code{month} or \code{year}} |
| \item{date}{date range (see \url{https://developer.matomo.org/api-reference/reporting-api})} |
| \item{filter_limit}{defines the maximum number of rows to be returned} |
| \item{removeFirst}{logical that determines whether the first row of each site should be removed (to account for incomplete periods)} |
| \item{removeLast}{logical that determines whether the last row of each site should be removed (to account for incomplete periods)} |
| \item{accessToken}{API Authentication Token - you can get this in your |
| matomo interface under Settings -> Personal -> Settings -> API Authentication Token |
| and pass it here, or you can make it persistent with \code{\link{persistAccessToken}}.} |
| See matomo Reporting API Reference (\url{https://developer.matomo.org/api-reference/reporting-api}) for details. |
| df <- getVisitsSummary("https://demo.matomo.org/", siteId=3, period="day", date="last60") |
| plot(df$nb_actions ~ df$date, type="b") |
| \url{https://developer.matomo.org/api-reference/reporting-api} |