citHeader("To cite 'posterdown' in publications use:") | |
year <- sub(".*(2[[:digit:]]{3})-.*", "\\1", meta$Date, perl = TRUE) | |
vers <- paste("R package version", meta$Version) | |
citEntry(entry="Manual", | |
title = "posterdown: An R Package Built to Generate Reproducible Conference Posters for the Academic and Professional World Were Powerpoint and Pages Just Wont Cut It", | |
author = personList(as.person("W. Brent Thorne")), | |
year = 2019, | |
url = "", | |
note = vers, | |
textVersion = | |
paste("W. Brent Thorne (", | |
2019, | |
"). posterdown: An R Packge. ", | |
vers, ".", sep="")) |