| #' Get syntagmatic neighbours |
| #' |
| #' Get the syntagmatic neighbour predictions of a word from the DeReKoVecs model (see Fankhauser/Kupietz 2022, 2017). |
| #' |
| #' @param word The word to get the syntagmatic neighbours for. |
| #' @param ... Additional parameters to pass to the API. |
| #' |
| #' @return Data frame with the syntagmatic neighbours of a node predicted from derekovecs model, with the following columns: |
| #' |
| #' \describe{ |
| #' \item{average}{⟨a⟩ - Average raw activation of the collocator in the columns selected by auto-focus.} |
| #' \item{heat}{Vector of activation of the respective collocator in the slots around the target normalized by its maximum.} |
| #' \item{max}{max(a) - Maximum activation of the collocator anywhere in the output layer.} |
| #' \item{overall}{Σa/Σw – Sum of the activations over the whole window normalized by the total window sum (no auto-focus).} |
| #' \item{pos}{Binary encoded position of where in the window around the node the collocate is predecited with above 0 probability, e.g. 64 = 2^6 ≙ 00010 node 00000} |
| #' \item{rank}{Frequency rank of predicted collocate} |
| #' \item{word}{Predicted collocate} |
| #' } |
| #' @export |
| syntagmaticNeighbours <- function(word = "Test", ...) { |
| derekovecsApiCall("", word = word, json = 1, ...)$collocators |
| } |
| |
| #' Get count-based collocates |
| #' |
| #' Get the collocates of a word in the count-based dereko model. |
| #' |
| #' @param w The word to get the collocates for. |
| #' @param ... Additional parameters to pass to the API. |
| #' |
| #' @return A data frame with the most salient collocates and their association scores. |
| #' @seealso [collocationScores()] for details |
| #' @export |
| countbasedCollocates <- function(w = "Test", ...) { |
| derekovecsApiCall(method = "/getClassicCollocators", w = w, ...)$collocates |
| } |
| |
| #' Get word frequency |
| #' |
| #' Gets the absolute frequency of a word in the corpus. |
| #' |
| #' @param w The word to get the frequency of. |
| #' @param ... Additional parameters to pass to the API. |
| #' |
| #' @return The absolute frequency of the word. |
| #' @export |
| wordFrequency <- function(w = "Test", ...) { |
| derekovecsApiCall(method = "/getClassicCollocators", w = w, ...)$f1 |
| } |
| |
| |
| #' Get paradigmatic neighbours |
| #' |
| #' Get the paradigmatic neighbours of a word in the derekovecs model. |
| #' |
| #' @param word The word to get the paradigmatic neighbours for. |
| #' @param ... Additional parameters to pass to the API. |
| #' @return A list of words with their similarity scores. |
| #' @export |
| #' |
| paradigmaticNeighbours <- function(word = "Test", ...) { |
| derekovecsApiCall("", word = word, json = 1, ...)$list[[1]] |
| } |
| |
| #' Get word embedding |
| #' |
| #' Get the normalized embedding vector of a word from the derekovecs model. |
| #' |
| #' @param word The word to get the paradigmatic neighbours for. |
| #' @param ... Additional parameters to pass to the API. |
| #' @return Normalized embedding vector of the given word. |
| #' @export |
| #' |
| wordEmbedding <- function(word = "Test", ...) { |
| derekovecsApiCall("", word = word, n=1, json = 1, ...)[["list"]][[1]][["vector"]][[1]] |
| } |
| |
| #' Get frequency rank |
| #' |
| #' Gets the frequency rank of a word in the training data. |
| #' |
| #' @param word The word to get the frequency rank of. |
| #' @param ... Additional parameters to pass to the API. |
| #' @return Frequency rank. |
| #' @export |
| frequencyRank <- function(word = "Test", ...) { |
| derekovecsApiCall("/getWord", w = word, ...)$frequencyRank |
| } |
| |
| #' Get derekovecs server version |
| #' @return The version of the derekovecs server. |
| #' @export |
| serverVersion <- function() { |
| derekovecsApiCall("/getVersion") |
| } |
| |
| #' Get vocabulary size |
| #' @return The vocabulary size of the model. |
| #' @export |
| #' @seealso [frequencyRank()] |
| vocabSize <- function() { |
| derekovecsApiCall("/getVocabSize") |
| } |
| |
| #' Get model name |
| #' @return The name of the model. |
| #' @export |
| modelName <- function() { |
| derekovecsApiCall("/getModelName") |
| } |
| |
| #' Get collocation scores |
| #' |
| #' Calculate the association scores between a node (target word) and words in a window around the it. |
| #' |
| #' @param w The target word/node. |
| #' @param c The collocate. |
| #' @param ... Additional parameters to pass to the API. |
| #' |
| #' @return A one row data frame with collocate and its association scores. |
| #' \describe{ |
| #' \item{word}{collocate} |
| #' \item{f2}{abs. frequency of collocate} |
| #' \item{f}{abs. frequency of collocation} |
| #' \item{npmi}{normalized pmi (Bouma 2009)} |
| #' \item{pmi}{pointwise mutual information} |
| #' \item{dice}{dice score} |
| #' \item{ld}{log-dice score (Rychlý 2008) for whole window} |
| #' \item{lfmd}{log-frequency biased mutual dependency ≙ pmi³ (Dalle 1994; Thanopoulos et al. 2002)} |
| #' \item{llr}{log-likelihood (Dunning 1993; Evert 2004)} |
| #' \item{ln_count}{frequency of collocate as left neighbour of node} |
| #' \item{ln_pmi}{pmi as left neighbour} |
| #' \item{md}{mutual dependency ≙ pmi² (Dalle 1994; Thanopoulos et al. 2002)} |
| #' \item{rn_count}{frequency of collocate as right neighbour of node} |
| #' \item{rn_pmi}{pmi as right neighbour} |
| #' \item{ldaf}{log-dice score for auto focus window} |
| #' \item{win}{binary encoded positions at which the collocate appears at least once, e.g.: 1023 = 2^10-1 ≙ 11111 node 11111} |
| #' \item{afwin}{binary encoded auto-focus window (see Perkuhn et al. 2012: E8-15), e.g. 64 = 2^6 ≙ 00010 node 00000 (Aus gutem Grund)} |
| #' } |
| #' @references |
| #' Daille, B. (1994): Approche mixte pour l’extraction automatique de terminologie: statistiques lexicales et filtres linguistiques. PhD thesis, Université Paris 7. |
| #' |
| #' Dunning, T. (1993): Accurate methods for the statistics of surprise and coincidence. Comput. Linguist. 19, 1 (March 1993), 61-74. |
| #' |
| #' Evert, Stefan (2004): The Statistics of Word Cooccurrences: Word Pairs and Collocations. PhD dissertation, IMS, University of Stuttgart. Published in 2005, URN urn:nbn:de:bsz:93-opus-23714. |
| #' Free PDF available from <https://purl.org/stefan.evert/PUB/Evert2004phd.pdf> |
| #' |
| #' Thanopoulos, A., Fakotakis, N., Kokkinakis, G. (2002): Comparative evaluation of collocation extraction metrics. In: Proc. of LREC 2002: 620–625. |
| #' |
| #' @export |
| #' |
| collocationScores <- function(w, c, ...) { |
| derekovecsApiCall("/getCollocationAssociation", |
| w = w, c = c, ...)$collocates |
| } |
| |
| #' Get cosine similarity |
| #' |
| #' @param w1 The first word. |
| #' @param w2 The second word. |
| #' @param ... Additional parameters to pass to the API. |
| #' |
| #' @return The cosine similarity between the two words. |
| #' @export |
| #' |
| #' @description Calculate the cosine similarity between two words in the derekovecs model. |
| cosineSimilarity <- function(w1, w2, ...) { |
| derekovecsApiCall("/getSimilarity", w1 = w1, w2 = w2, ...) |
| } |
| |
| #' Get the DeReKoVecs server |
| #' |
| #' @return The URL of the DeReKoVecs API server. |
| #' @export |
| #' |
| derekovecsServer <- function() { |
| api_server <- Sys.getenv("DEREKOVECS_SERVER") |
| if (!identical(api_server, "")) { |
| return(api_server) |
| } |
| 'https://corpora.ids-mannheim.de/openlab/derekovecs/' |
| } |
| |
| #' DeReKoVecsCall |
| #' |
| #' Call the DeReKoVecs API. |
| #' |
| #' @param method The method to call. |
| #' @param ... The parameters to pass to the method. |
| #' @return The result of the call. |
| #' @importFrom httr2 request req_url_path_append req_url_query req_perform resp_body_json |
| #' |
| #' @include utils-pipe.R |
| #' @export |
| #' |
| derekovecsApiCall <- function(method = "", ...) { |
| httr2::request(derekovecsServer()) %>% |
| httr2::req_url_path_append(method) %>% |
| httr2::req_url_query(...) %>% |
| httr2::req_perform() %>% |
| httr2::resp_body_json(simplifyVector = TRUE) |
| } |