blob: a872981ff74243d2ddae909054316a0122aecc70 [file] [log] [blame]
package datokenizer
* The file reader is basically a port of foma2js,
* licensed under the Apache License, version 2,
* and written by Mans Hulden.
// The maximum number of states is 107.3741.823 (30bit),
// with a loadfactor of ~70, this means roughly 70 million
// states in the FSA, which is sufficient for the current
// job.
// TODO:
// - replace maxSize with the check value
// - Strip first state and make everything start with 0!
import (
const (
NONE = 4
NEWLINE = '\u000a'
DEBUG = false
VERSION = uint16(1)
firstBit uint32 = 1 << 31
secondBit uint32 = 1 << 30
restBit uint32 = ^uint32(0) &^ (firstBit | secondBit)
var bo binary.ByteOrder = binary.LittleEndian
type mapping struct {
source int
target uint32
type edge struct {
inSym int
outSym int
end int
nontoken bool
tokenend bool
type Tokenizer struct {
// sigma map[rune]int
sigmaRev map[int]rune
arcCount int
stateCount int
sigmaCount int
transitions []map[int]*edge
// Special symbols in sigma
epsilon int
unknown int
identity int
final int
type DaTokenizer struct {
// sigmaRev map[int]rune
sigma map[rune]int
maxSize int
loadFactor float64
array []uint32
// Special symbols in sigma
epsilon int
unknown int
identity int
final int
func LoadFomaFile(file string) *Tokenizer {
f, err := os.Open(file)
if err != nil {
defer f.Close()
gz, err := gzip.NewReader(f)
if err != nil {
defer gz.Close()
return ParseFoma(gz)
func ParseFoma(ior io.Reader) *Tokenizer {
r := bufio.NewReader(ior)
tok := &Tokenizer{
sigmaRev: make(map[int]rune),
epsilon: -1,
unknown: -1,
identity: -1,
final: -1,
var state, inSym, outSym, end, final int
mode := 0
var elem []string
var elemint [5]int
for {
line, err := r.ReadString('\n')
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
if strings.HasPrefix(line, "##foma-net") {
if strings.HasPrefix(line, "##props##") {
mode = PROPS
if strings.HasPrefix(line, "##states##") {
mode = STATES
// Adds a final transition symbol to sigma
// written as '#' in Mizobuchi et al (2000)
tok.sigmaCount++ = tok.sigmaCount
if strings.HasPrefix(line, "##sigma##") {
mode = SIGMA
if strings.HasPrefix(line, "##end##") {
mode = NONE
switch mode {
case PROPS:
elem = strings.Split(line, " ")
fmt.Println("arity: " + elem[0])
fmt.Println("arccount: " + elem[1])
fmt.Println("statecount: " + elem[2])
fmt.Println("linecount: " + elem[3])
fmt.Println("finalcount: " + elem[4])
fmt.Println("pathcount: " + elem[5])
fmt.Println("is_deterministic: " + elem[6])
fmt.Println("is_pruned: " + elem[7])
fmt.Println("is_minimized: " + elem[8])
fmt.Println("is_epsilon_free: " + elem[9])
fmt.Println("is_loop_free: " + elem[10])
fmt.Println("extras: " + elem[11])
fmt.Println("name: " + elem[12])
if elem[6] != "1" {
log.Error().Msg("The FST needs to be deterministic")
if elem[9] != "1" {
log.Error().Msg("The FST needs to be epsilon free")
elemint[0], err = strconv.Atoi(elem[1])
if err != nil {
log.Error().Msg("Can't read arccount")
tok.arcCount = elemint[0]
// States start at 1 in Mizobuchi et al (2000),
// as the state 0 is associated with a fail.
// Initialize states and transitions
elemint[0], err = strconv.Atoi(elem[2])
if err != nil {
log.Error().Msg("Can't read statecount")
tok.stateCount = elemint[0]
tok.transitions = make([]map[int]*edge, elemint[0]+1)
case STATES:
elem = strings.Split(line[0:len(line)-1], " ")
if elem[0] == "-1" {
elemint[0], err = strconv.Atoi(elem[0])
if err != nil {
if len(elem) > 1 {
elemint[1], err = strconv.Atoi(elem[1])
if err != nil {
if len(elem) > 2 {
elemint[2], err = strconv.Atoi(elem[2])
if err != nil {
if len(elem) > 3 {
elemint[3], err = strconv.Atoi(elem[3])
if err != nil {
if len(elem) > 4 {
elemint[4], err = strconv.Atoi(elem[4])
if err != nil {
switch len(elem) {
case 5:
state = elemint[0]
inSym = elemint[1]
outSym = elemint[2]
end = elemint[3]
final = elemint[4]
case 4:
if elemint[1] == -1 {
state = elemint[0]
final = elemint[3]
} else {
state = elemint[0]
inSym = elemint[1]
end = elemint[2]
final = elemint[3]
outSym = inSym
case 3:
inSym = elemint[0]
outSym = elemint[1]
end = elemint[2]
case 2:
inSym = elemint[0]
end = elemint[1]
outSym = inSym
// While the states in foma start with 0, the states in the
// Mizobuchi FSA start with one - so we increase every state by 1.
nontoken := false
tokenend := false
if inSym != outSym {
if tok.sigmaRev[outSym] == NEWLINE {
tokenend = true
} else if outSym == tok.epsilon {
nontoken = true
} else {
"Unsupported transition: " +
strconv.Itoa(state) +
" -> " + strconv.Itoa(end) +
" (" +
strconv.Itoa(inSym) +
":" +
strconv.Itoa(outSym) +
") (" +
string(tok.sigmaRev[inSym]) +
":" +
string(tok.sigmaRev[outSym]) +
} else if inSym == tok.epsilon {
log.Error().Msg("Epsilon transitions not supported")
// This collects all edges until arrstate changes
// TODO:
// if arrin == EPSILON && arrout == TOKENEND, mark state as newline
// if the next transition is the same, remove TOKENEND and add SENTENCEEND
// This requires to remove the transition alltogether and marks the state instead.
// TODO:
// if arrout == EPSILON, mark the transition as NOTOKEN
targetObj := &edge{
inSym: inSym,
outSym: outSym,
end: end + 1,
tokenend: tokenend,
nontoken: nontoken,
// Initialize outgoing states
if tok.transitions[state+1] == nil {
tok.transitions[state+1] = make(map[int]*edge)
// Ignore transitions with invalid symbols
if inSym >= 0 {
tok.transitions[state+1][inSym] = targetObj
// Add final transition
if final == 1 {
tok.transitions[state+1][] = &edge{}
if DEBUG {
state+1, "->", end+1,
") (",
case SIGMA:
elem = strings.SplitN(line[0:len(line)-1], " ", 2)
// Turn string into sigma id
number, err := strconv.Atoi(elem[0])
if err != nil {
tok.sigmaCount = number
var symbol rune
// Read rune
if utf8.RuneCountInString(elem[1]) == 1 {
symbol = []rune(elem[1])[0]
// Probably a MCS
} else if utf8.RuneCountInString(elem[1]) > 1 {
switch elem[1] {
case "@_EPSILON_SYMBOL_@":
tok.epsilon = number
case "@_UNKNOWN_SYMBOL_@":
tok.unknown = number
tok.identity = number
log.Error().Msg("MCS not supported: " + line)
} else { // Probably a new line symbol
line, err = r.ReadString('\n')
if err != nil {
if len(line) != 1 {
log.Error().Msg("MCS not supported:" + line)
symbol = rune(NEWLINE)
tok.sigmaRev[number] = symbol
return tok
// Set alphabet A to the list of all symbols
// outgoing from s
func (tok *Tokenizer) get_set(s int, A *[]int) {
for a := range tok.transitions[s] {
*A = append(*A, a)
// Not required, but simplifies bug hunting
// Implementation of Mizobuchi et al (2000), p.128
func (tok *Tokenizer) ToDoubleArray() *DaTokenizer {
dat := &DaTokenizer{
sigma: make(map[rune]int),
loadFactor: -1,
unknown: tok.unknown,
identity: tok.identity,
epsilon: tok.epsilon,
for num, sym := range tok.sigmaRev {
dat.sigma[sym] = num
mark := 0
size := 0
// Create a mapping from s to t
table := make([]*mapping, tok.arcCount+1)
table[size] = &mapping{source: 1, target: 1}
// Allocate space for the outgoing symbol range
A := make([]int, 0, tok.sigmaCount)
for mark < size {
s := table[mark].source // This is a state in Ms
t := table[mark].target // This is a state in Mt
// Following the paper, here the state t can be remembered
// in the set of states St
A = A[:0]
tok.get_set(s, &A)
// Set base to the first free slot in the double array
dat.setBase(t, dat.xCheck(A))
// TODO:
// Sort the outgoing transitions based on the
// outdegree of .end
// Iterate over all outgoing symbols
for _, a := range A {
if a != {
// Aka g(s, a)
s1 := tok.transitions[s][a].end
// Store the transition
t1 := dat.getBase(t) + uint32(a)
dat.setCheck(t1, t)
// Mark the state as being the target of a nontoken transition
if tok.transitions[s][a].nontoken {
dat.setNonToken(t1, true)
// Check for representative states
r := in_table(s1, table, size)
if r == 0 {
// Remember the mapping
table[size] = &mapping{source: s1, target: t1}
} else {
// Overwrite with the representative state
dat.setBase(t1, r)
dat.setSeparate(t1, true)
} else {
// Store a final transition
dat.setCheck(dat.getBase(t)+uint32(, t)
// Following Mizobuchi et al (2000) the size of the
// FSA should be stored in check(1).
dat.setSize(dat.maxSize + 1)
dat.array = dat.array[:dat.maxSize+1]
return dat
// Check the table if a mapping of s
// exists and return this as a representative.
// Currently iterates through the whole table
// in a bruteforce manner.
func in_table(s int, table []*mapping, size int) uint32 {
for x := 0; x < size; x++ {
if table[x].source == s {
return table[x].target
return 0
// Resize double array when necessary
func (dat *DaTokenizer) resize(l int) {
// TODO:
// This is a bit too aggressive atm and should be calmed down.
if len(dat.array) <= l {
dat.array = append(dat.array, make([]uint32, l)...)
// Set base value in double array
func (dat *DaTokenizer) setBase(p uint32, v uint32) {
l := int(p*2 + 1)
if dat.maxSize < l {
dat.maxSize = l
dat.array[p*2] = v
// Returns true if a state is separate pointing to a representative
func (dat *DaTokenizer) isSeparate(p uint32) bool {
return dat.array[p*2]&firstBit != 0
// Mark a state as separate pointing to a representative
func (dat *DaTokenizer) setSeparate(p uint32, sep bool) {
if sep {
dat.array[p*2] |= firstBit
} else {
dat.array[p*2] &= (restBit | secondBit)
// Returns true if a state is the target of a nontoken transition
func (dat *DaTokenizer) isNonToken(p uint32) bool {
return dat.array[p*2+1]&firstBit != 0
// Mark a state as being the target of a nontoken transition
func (dat *DaTokenizer) setNonToken(p uint32, sep bool) {
if sep {
dat.array[p*2+1] |= firstBit
} else {
dat.array[p*2+1] &= (restBit | secondBit)
// Get base value in double array
func (dat *DaTokenizer) getBase(p uint32) uint32 {
if int(p*2) >= len(dat.array) {
return 0
return dat.array[p*2] & restBit
// Set check value in double array
func (dat *DaTokenizer) setCheck(p uint32, v uint32) {
l := int(p*2 + 1)
if dat.maxSize < l {
dat.maxSize = l
dat.array[(p*2)+1] = v
// Get check value in double array
func (dat *DaTokenizer) getCheck(p uint32) uint32 {
if int((p*2)+1) >= len(dat.array) {
return 0
return dat.array[(p*2)+1] & restBit
// Set size of double array
func (dat *DaTokenizer) setSize(v int) {
dat.setCheck(1, uint32(v))
// Get size of double array
func (dat *DaTokenizer) GetSize() int {
return int(dat.getCheck(1))
// Based on Mizobuchi et al (2000), p. 124
// This iterates for every state through the complete double array
// structure until it finds a gap that fits all outgoing transitions
// of the state. This is extremely slow, but is only necessary in the
// construction phase of the tokenizer.
func (dat *DaTokenizer) xCheck(symbols []int) uint32 {
// Start at the first entry of the double array list
base := uint32(1)
// Resize the array if necessary
dat.resize((int(base) + * 2)
for _, a := range symbols {
if dat.getCheck(base+uint32(a)) != 0 {
return base
// LoadFactor as defined in Kanda et al (2018),
// i.e. the proportion of non-empty elements to all elements.
func (dat *DaTokenizer) LoadFactor() float64 {
// Cache the loadfactor
if dat.loadFactor >= 0 {
return dat.loadFactor
nonEmpty := 0
all := len(dat.array) / 2
for x := 1; x <= len(dat.array); x = x + 2 {
if dat.array[x] != 0 {
dat.loadFactor = float64(nonEmpty) / float64(all) * 100
return dat.loadFactor
// WriteTo stores the double array data in an io.Writer.
func (dat *DaTokenizer) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (n int64, err error) {
// Store magical header
all, err := w.Write([]byte(MAGIC))
if err != nil {
log.Error().Msg("Unable to write data")
// Get sigma as a list
sigmalist := make([]rune, len(dat.sigma)+16)
max := 0
for sym, num := range dat.sigma {
sigmalist[num] = sym
if num > max {
max = num
sigmalist = sigmalist[:max+1]
buf := make([]byte, 0, 12)
bo.PutUint16(buf[0:2], VERSION)
bo.PutUint16(buf[2:4], uint16(dat.epsilon))
bo.PutUint16(buf[4:6], uint16(dat.unknown))
bo.PutUint16(buf[6:8], uint16(dat.identity))
bo.PutUint16(buf[8:10], uint16(
bo.PutUint16(buf[10:12], uint16(len(sigmalist)))
more, err := w.Write(buf[0:12])
if err != nil {
log.Error().Msg("Unable to write data")
all += more
wbuf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
wbufWrap := bufio.NewWriter(wbuf)
// Write sigma
for _, sym := range sigmalist {
more, err = wbufWrap.WriteRune(sym)
if err != nil {
log.Error().Msg("Unable to write data")
all += more
more, err = w.Write(wbuf.Bytes())
if err != nil {
log.Error().Msg("Unable to write data")
all += more
// Test marker - could be checksum
more, err = w.Write([]byte("T"))
if err != nil {
log.Error().Msg("Unable to write data")
all += more
for _, d := range dat.array {
bo.PutUint32(buf[0:4], d)
more, err := w.Write(buf[0:4])
if err != nil {
log.Error().Msg("Unable to write data")
all += more
return int64(all), err
// Match an input string against the double array
// FSA.
// Based on Mizobuchi et al (2000), p. 129,
// with additional support for IDENTITY, UNKNOWN
// and EPSILON transitions.
func (dat *DaTokenizer) Match(input string) bool {
var a int
var tu uint32
var ok bool
t := uint32(1) // Initial state
chars := []rune(input)
i := 0
for i < len(chars) {
a, ok = dat.sigma[chars[i]]
// Support identity symbol if character is not in sigma
if !ok && dat.identity != -1 {
if DEBUG {
fmt.Println("IDENTITY symbol", string(chars[i]), "->", dat.identity)
a = dat.identity
} else if DEBUG {
fmt.Println("Sigma transition is okay for [", string(chars[i]), "]")
tu = t
t = dat.getBase(tu) + uint32(a)
// Check if the transition is valid according to the double array
if t > dat.getCheck(1) || dat.getCheck(t) != tu {
if DEBUG {
fmt.Println("Match is not fine!", t, "and", dat.getCheck(t), "vs", tu)
if !ok && a == dat.identity {
// Try again with unknown symbol, in case identity failed
if DEBUG {
fmt.Println("UNKNOWN symbol", string(chars[i]), "->", dat.unknown)
a = dat.unknown
} else if a != dat.epsilon {
// Try again with epsilon symbol, in case everything else failed
if DEBUG {
fmt.Println("EPSILON symbol", string(chars[i]), "->", dat.epsilon)
a = dat.epsilon
} else {
goto CHECK
} else if dat.isSeparate(t) {
// Move to representative state
t = dat.getBase(t)
// Transition is fine
if a != dat.epsilon {
// Character consumed
// TODO:
// Prevent endless epsilon loops!
if i != len(chars) {
if DEBUG {
fmt.Println("Not at the end")
return false
// Automaton is in a final state
if dat.getCheck(dat.getBase(t)+uint32( == t {
return true
// Check epsilon transitions until a final state is reached
tu = t
t = dat.getBase(tu) + uint32(dat.epsilon)
// Epsilon transition failed
if t > dat.getCheck(1) || dat.getCheck(t) != tu {
if DEBUG {
fmt.Println("Match is not fine!", t, "and", dat.getCheck(t), "vs", tu)
return false
} else if dat.isSeparate(t) {
// Move to representative state
t = dat.getBase(t)
// Match an input string against the double array
// FSA.
// Based on Match with additional support
// for NONTOKEN handling
func (dat *DaTokenizer) Transduce(input string) bool {
var a int
var tu uint32
var ok, nontoken bool
t := uint32(1) // Initial state
chars := []rune(input)
i := 0
for i < len(chars) {
a, ok = dat.sigma[chars[i]]
// Support identity symbol if character is not in sigma
if !ok && dat.identity != -1 {
if DEBUG {
fmt.Println("IDENTITY symbol", string(chars[i]), "->", dat.identity)
a = dat.identity
} else if DEBUG {
fmt.Println("Sigma transition is okay for [", string(chars[i]), "]")
tu = t
nontoken = false
t = dat.getBase(tu) + uint32(a)
// Check if the transition is valid according to the double array
if t > dat.getCheck(1) || dat.getCheck(t) != tu {
if DEBUG {
fmt.Println("Match is not fine!", t, "and", dat.getCheck(t), "vs", tu)
if !ok && a == dat.identity {
// Try again with unknown symbol, in case identity failed
if DEBUG {
fmt.Println("UNKNOWN symbol", string(chars[i]), "->", dat.unknown)
a = dat.unknown
} else if a != dat.epsilon {
// Try again with epsilon symbol, in case everything else failed
if DEBUG {
fmt.Println("EPSILON symbol", string(chars[i]), "->", dat.epsilon)
a = dat.epsilon
} else {
goto CHECK
} else if dat.isSeparate(t) {
// Move to representative state
nontoken = dat.isNonToken(t)
t = dat.getBase(t)
} else {
nontoken = dat.isNonToken(t)
// Transition is fine
if a != dat.epsilon {
// Character consumed
if !nontoken {
fmt.Print("[", string(chars[i]), "]")
if nontoken {
// TODO:
// Prevent endless epsilon loops!
if i != len(chars) {
if DEBUG {
fmt.Println("Not at the end")
return false
// Automaton is in a final state
if dat.getCheck(dat.getBase(t)+uint32( == t {
if dat.isNonToken(t) {
return true
// Check epsilon transitions until a final state is reached
tu = t
t = dat.getBase(tu) + uint32(dat.epsilon)
// Epsilon transition failed
if t > dat.getCheck(1) || dat.getCheck(t) != tu {
if DEBUG {
fmt.Println("Match is not fine!", t, "and", dat.getCheck(t), "vs", tu)
return false
} else if dat.isSeparate(t) {
nontoken = dat.isNonToken(t)
// Move to representative state
t = dat.getBase(t)
} else {
nontoken = dat.isNonToken(t)
if nontoken {