| echo - Introduce Sentence splitter |
| ! And compose Whitespace ignorance |
| ! Put a Token boundary behind the longest possible |
| ! sentence ending punctuation sequence, |
| ! that isn't followed by a comma |
| SentenceEnd @-> ... NLout \/ _ NLout \%, |
| ! Put a Token boundary behind a punctuation |
| ! that is not a start of a punctuation sequence |
| SP @-> ... NLout \/ NLout _ NLout NotSentenceExtension |
| ! Put a Token boundary behind ... if not followed by a small character |
| [%. %. %.] @-> ... NLout \/ _ NLout WS+ NotSmallCaps |
| ! Remove whitespace between Tokens |
| [WS|NL]+ @-> 0 || [ .#. | NLout ] _ |