blob: cff8b1d383aa63797adcf359b104823f771da29b [file] [log] [blame]
use Mojo::ByteStream 'b';
$main::ENV{MOJO_MAX_LINE_SIZE} = 65536;
my $api = '';
Search => {
engine => 'Kalamar::API'
'Kalamar-Auth' => {
client_id => b($app->home->child('.client_id')->slurp)->trim,
client_secret => b($app->home->child('.client_secret')->slurp)->trim,
oauth2 => 1,
experimental_client_registration => 1
Kalamar => {
api_path => $api,
log_path => $app->home . '/log',
secure_cookie => 1,
https_only => 1,
plugins => ['Auth', 'Piwik','Plugins'],
experimental_proxy => 1,
proxy_inactivity_timeout => 120,
proxy_connect_timeout => 120,
openapi => 'openapi',
Piwik => {
ping_requests => 1,
ping_site_id => 13
navi_ext => [
"title" => "corpora",
"id" => "corpus"
"title" => "Privacy",
"id" => "privacy"
"title" => "News",
"id" => "news"
CSP => {
'frame-src' => 'self',
'frame-ancestors' => ['self','http://*','https://*','http://klinux10/']
'Kalamar-Plugins' => {
default_plugins => 'default.plugins.json'
Piwik => {
url => '',
token_auth => '8515ea786127a63a2974de25a0808b00',
site_id => 8,
embed => 1
hypnotoad => {
listen => ['http://*:4348'],
workers => 5,
inactivity_timeout => 120,
proxy => 1
MailException => {
from => join('@', 'diewald', ''),
to => join('@', 'diewald', ''),
subject => '[KorAP] Kalamar crashed'
Localize => {
dict => {
de_loginExplanation => 'Anmeldung mit einem registrierten <%= link_to "Cosmas-II" => "", style => "white-space: nowrap" %>-Konto',
en_loginExplanation => 'Login with a registered <%= link_to "Cosmas-II" => "", style => "white-space: nowrap" %> account',
en_Nav_privacy => 'Privacy',
de_Nav_privacy => 'Datenschutz',
de_Nav_corpora => 'Korpora',
en_Nav_corpora => 'Corpora',
en_howToCite => 'Citation Help',
de_howToCite => 'Zitierhilfe',
en_recentCorpusPub => 'Recent publications to refer to DeReKo as linguistic research data',
de_recentCorpusPub => 'Neuere Publikationen zu DeReKo als linguistische Forschungsdatengrundlage',
en_recentToolPub => 'Recent publications to refer to KorAP as a research tool',
de_recentToolPub => 'Neuere Publikationen zu KorAP als Forschungswerkzeug',
'TagHelpers-ContentBlock' => {
footer => [
inline => '<%= link_to loc("about") => "" %>',
position => 70
inline => '<%= link_to loc("news") => url_for(doc => {page => "news" }) %>',
position => 72
inline => '<%= link_to loc("howToCite") => url_for(doc => { page => "faq" })->fragment("howToCite") %>',
position => 75
inline => '<%= link_to loc("privacy") => url_for(doc => { page => "privacy" }) %>',
position => 90
inline => '<%= link_to loc("imprint") => "" %>',
position => 80
faq => [
position => 50,
inline => <<'HOWTOCITE'
<h3 id="howToCite"><%= loc 'howToCite' %></h3>
%= include 'custom/partial/citation'
loginInfo => [
inline => '<p><%== loc "loginExplanation" %></p>',
position => 50
# {
# inline => '<p class="announcement"><time datetime="2018-05-24">24.05.2018</time> Um weitere Anwendungen für die Nutzung von DeReKo anbieten zu können, haben wir die <%= link_to "Nutzungsvereinbarung", "" %> angepasst!</p>',
# position => 100
# }
headerButtonGroup => [
inline => '<h3 class="nav-link"><%= link_to loc("news") => url_for(doc => {page => "news" }) %></h3>',
position => 30
# See Mojolicious::Plugin::CHI
CHI => {
default => {
driver => 'FastMmap',
root_dir => app->home . '/cache/data',
cache_size => '500m',
max_size => '500m'
user => {
l1_cache => {
driver => 'FastMmap',
root_dir => app->home . '/cache/usermap',
cache_size => '50m',
max_size => '50m'
driver => 'File',
root_dir => app->home . '/cache/userfile',
max_key_length => 64,
max_size => '500m'