blob: 743c5e280930729e7df2f881e10c6971363cf609 [file] [log] [blame]
package Kalamar::Plugin::KalamarHelpers;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Plugin';
use Mojo::JSON 'decode_json';
use Mojo::JSON::Pointer;
use Mojo::ByteStream 'b';
use Mojo::Util qw/xml_escape/;
sub register {
my ($plugin, $mojo) = @_;
# Embed the korap architecture image
korap_overview => sub {
my $c = shift;
my $scope = shift;
my $url = $c->url_with('/img/korap-overview.svg');
my $base = $c->url_for('index');
if ($base->path->parts->[0]) {
# If there is a different base - append this as a base
$url->query([base => $base // '/']);
return $c->tag('object',
data => $url,
type => 'image/svg+xml',
alt => $c->loc('korap_overview'),
id => 'overview'
# Documentation link
# TODO: Support opener mechanism, so the link will open the embedded
# documentation in case it's not there.
doc_link_to => sub {
my $c = shift;
my $title = shift;
my $page = pop;
my $scope = shift;
($page, my $fragment) = split '#', $page;
my $url = $c->url_with(
scope => $scope,
page => $page
$url->fragment($fragment) if $fragment;
return $c->link_to(
class => 'doc-link'
doc_ext_link_to => sub {
my $c = shift;
return $c->link_to(@_, target => '_top');
# Documentation alert - Under Construction!
doc_uc => sub {
my $c = shift;
return $c->tag('p', $c->loc('underConstruction'));
doc_opener => sub {
my $c = shift;
my $cb = pop;
my $page = pop;
my $scope = shift;
my $url;
if ($page) {
$url = $c->url_for('doc', page => $page, scope => $scope);
else {
$url = $c->url_for('doc_start');
return $c->link_to($cb->($c), $url);
# Documentation navigation helper
doc_navi => sub {
my $c = shift;
my $items = pop;
my $scope = shift;
# Create unordered list
my $html = "<ul>\n";
# Embed all link tags
foreach (@$items) {
my ($active, $url) = 0;
# There is a fragment!
if (index($_->{id}, '#') == 0) {
my $part_scope = scalar($scope);
$part_scope =~ s!\/([^\/]+)$!!;
my $page = $1;
my $id = $_->{id};
$id =~ s/^#//;
$url = $c->url_with(
'scope' => $part_scope,
'page' => $page
# There is no fragment
else {
# The item is active
if ($c->stash('page') && $c->stash('page') eq $_->{id}) {
$active = 1;
# Generate url with query parameter inheritance
$url = $c->url_with(
'scope' => $scope,
'page' => $_->{id}
# Canonicalize (for empty scopes)
my @classes;
push(@classes, $_->{'class'}) if $_->{'class'};
push(@classes, 'active') if $active;
# New list item
$html .= '<li';
if (@classes) {
$html .= ' class="' . join(' ', @classes) . '"';
$html .= '>';
# Generate link
$html .= $c->link_to($_->{title}, $url);
# Set sub entries
if ($_->{items} && ref($_->{items}) eq 'ARRAY') {
$html .= "\n";
my $subscope = $scope ? scalar($scope) . '/' . $_->{id} : $_->{id};
$html .= $c->doc_navi($subscope, $_->{items});
$html .= "</li>\n";
else {
$html .= "</li>\n";
return $html . "</ul>\n";
# Create helper for queries in the tutorial
doc_query => sub {
my ($c, $ql, $q, %param) = @_;
# Escape query for html embedding
$q = xml_escape $q;
# Return tag
b('<pre class="query tutorial" ' .
qq!data-query="$q" data-query-cutoff="! .
($param{cutoff} ? 1 : 0) .
'"' .
qq! data-query-language="$ql">! .
'<code>' . $q . '</code>' .
# Check for test port
kalamar_test_port => sub {
my $c = shift;
# Test port is defined in the stash
if (defined $c->stash('kalamar.test_port')) {
return $c->stash('kalamar.test_port');
# Check the port
if ($c->req->url->to_abs->port == 6666 ||
$c->app->mode =~ m/^development|test$/) {
$c->stash('kalamar.test_port' => 1);
return 1;
# No test port
$c->stash('kalamar.test_port' => 0);
return 0;
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
L<Kalamar::Plugin::KalamarHelpers> makes Kalamar specific
helpers for Mojolicious available.
=head1 HELPERS
=head2 doc_link_to
%# In templates
%= doc_link_to 'Kalamar', 'korap', 'kalamar'
Create a link to the documentation. Accepts a name, a scope, and a page.
=head2 doc_ext_link_to
%# In templates
%= doc_ext_link_to 'GitHub', ""
Creates a link to an external page, that will be opened in the top frame,
in case it's in an embedded frame (used in the tutorial).
=head2 doc_uc
%# In templates
%= doc_uc
Generates an C<Under Construction> notification.
=head2 doc_opener
Currently not used.
=head2 doc_navi
Returns an HTML representation of the documentation navigation,
based on active navigation items.
=head2 doc_query
%# In templates
%= doc_query poliqarp => 'Baum'
Creates an interactive query view for documentation purposes.
=head2 kalamar_test_port
# In controllers
if ($c->kalamar_test_port) {
$c->app->log->debug('Kalamar runs on test port');
Returns a C<true> value in case Kalamar runs on test port C<6666>.
=head2 korap_overview
%# In templates
%= korap_overview 'kalamar'
Returns a modified and relatified overview svg image to be embedded
as an object in templates.
Copyright (C) 2015, L<IDS Mannheim|>
Author: L<Nils Diewald|>
Kalamar is developed as part of the L<KorAP|>
Corpus Analysis Platform at the
L<Institute for the German Language (IDS)|>,
member of the
and supported by the L<KobRA|> project,
funded by the
L<Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)|>.
Kalamar is free software published under the
L<BSD-2 License|