blob: 834484b9d273c704f9c3db34ffc439ce0e4f98f8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Some variables and mixins for Kalamar,
* other Sass styles will use.
* Official IDS colors
$ids-orange-1: rgb(246, 168, 0);
$ids-orange-2: rgb(242, 148, 0);
$ids-grey-1: rgb(135, 136, 138);
$ids-grey-2: rgb(217, 218, 219);
$ids-blue-1: rgb( 0, 158, 224); // Pragmatik
$ids-blue-2: rgb(188, 228, 247); // Pragmatik
$ids-green-1: rgb( 99, 111, 7); // Grammatik
$ids-green-2: rgb(227, 232, 163); // Grammatik
$ids-pink-1: rgb(193, 0, 43); // Lexik
$ids-pink-2: rgb(250, 243, 222); // Lexik
$black: #333;
* Orange Colors
$light-orange: #f4eebb; // #ffe56a;
$middle-orange: #ffd080;
$dark-orange: $ids-orange-1; // #ffa500;
$darker-orange: #ff8000;
$darkest-orange: #e55d00;
// $light-orange-2: #f4eebb;, #ffd080;
// Yellow: #fff48d
* Green Colors
$dark-green: $ids-green-1; // #496000;
$middle-green: lighten($ids-green-1, 5%); // $ids-green-1; // #688704;
$light-green: lighten($ids-green-1, 13%); // #7ba400;
$lightest-green: lighten($ids-green-1, 26%);
* Blue Colors
$light-blue: $ids-blue-2;
$dark-blue: $ids-blue-1;
$darkest-blue: darken($dark-blue, 40%);
* Grey Colors
$middle-grey: $ids-grey-1; // #999;
$light-grey: $ids-grey-2; // #ddd;
$dark-grey: darken($middle-grey, 15%);
$nearly-white: #fefefe;
* Red Colors (no IDS relation)
$middle-red: #c1002b;
$light-red: lighten($middle-red, 40%);
$dark-red: darken($middle-red, 40%);
* Basic shadows
$dark-shadow: 1px 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.3);
$light-shadow: 1px 1px rgba(255,255,255,0.5);
* KWIC colors
$kwic-border: $middle-grey;
$kwic-line-noneven: $light-grey;
$kwic-line-even: $nearly-white;
$kwic-match-color: $dark-grey;
$kwic-match-shadow: $light-shadow;
$kwic-highlight-1: $middle-red;
$kwic-highlight-2: $dark-blue; // #009ee0;
$kwic-highlight-3: $dark-orange; // #f29400;
$kwic-highlight-4: $light-green;
$choose-bg: $light-grey;
$choose-border-color: $middle-grey;
$choose-border: 2px solid $choose-border-color;
$choose-color: $dark-grey;
$choose-blind-color: $middle-grey;
$choose-box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
$standard-border-radius: 6px;
$item-padding: 3pt 6pt;
$total-results: $light-green;
* Path information - relative to css!
$img-path: '../img';
$font-path: '../font';
* Margins
$standard-margin: 40px;
$right-distance: $standard-margin;
$right-match-distance: $standard-margin / 2;
$logo-left-distance: 230px;
* Mixin for blind elements
* (e.g., spans in elements with an icon background)
@mixin blind {
position: absolute;
margin-left: -3000px;
* Chooseable items (default)
@mixin choose-item {
color: $choose-color;
background-color: $choose-bg;
border-color: $choose-border-color;
text-shadow: $light-shadow;
* Chooseable items (mouse over)
@mixin choose-hover {
color: $nearly-white;
text-shadow: none;
background-color: $dark-orange;
border-color: $darker-orange;
* Chooseable items (not available)
@mixin choose-inactive {
color: lighten($choose-color, 20%);
background-color: lighten($choose-bg, 20%);
border-color: transparent;
text-shadow: none;
* Chooseable items (active)
@mixin choose-active {
color: $dark-green;
text-shadow: none;
background-color: $light-green;
border-color: $dark-green;
* Chooseable items (action: remove something)
@mixin choose-remove {
color: $nearly-white;
text-shadow: none;
background-color: $middle-red;
border-color: $dark-red;
* Mixin for basic color transition
@mixin color-transition {
transition: color 0.3s ease 0s;
* Mixing for basic text padding
@mixin standard-text-padding {
padding-left: .4em;
padding-right: .4em;
* Mixing for correct box sizing (probably not necessary)
@mixin box-sizing-box() {
-webkit-box-sizing: border-box; /* Safari/Chrome, other WebKit */
-moz-box-sizing: border-box; /* Firefox, other Gecko */
box-sizing: border-box; /* Opera/IE 8+ */
* Noisy background (probably not necessary)
@mixin light-noise {
* Mixin for no-appearance rules
@mixin no-appearance {
* Font Awesome symbol table
$fa-bars: "\f0c9";
$fa-extlink: "\f08e";
$fa-up: "\f0d8";
$fa-down: "\f0d7";
$fa-close: "\f00d";
$fa-download: "\f019";
$fa-info: "\f05a";
$fa-elipsis: "\f141";
$fa-previous: "\f0d9";
$fa-next: "\f0da";
$fa-search: "\f002";
$fa-rewrite: "\f040";
$fa-login: "\f090";
$fa-logout: "\f08b";
$fa-tutorial: "\f19d";
$fa-left-align: "\f036";
$fa-right-align: "\f038";
$fa-question: "\f128";
$fa-checked: "\f046";
$fa-check: "\f096";
$fa-code: "\f121";
$fa-marked: "\f005";