blob: e363989afb234a824297c5a0ed63d12d64040d63 [file] [log] [blame]
<%= link_to 'index', class => 'logo', begin %><h1><span><%= title() // loc('korap_desc') %></span></h1><% end %>
<div class="button top">
<a href="#"
title="<%= loc 'login' %>"><span><%= loc 'login' %></span></a>
<form autocomplete="off" action="<%= url_for 'index' %>" id="searchform">
<div id="searchbar">
%= search_field 'q', id => 'q-field', autofocus => 'autofocus', placeholder => loc('searchplaceholder'), spellcheck => 'false', autocomplete => 'off', autocorrect => 'off', autocapitalize => 'off'
<button type="submit" title="<%= loc 'go' %>"><span><%= loc 'go' %></span></button>
<!-- Search in the following virtual collection -->
<div id="vc-view"></div>
<%= loc 'in' %>
%# TODO: Create 'align' parameter
%# TODO: Create 'show' parameter with comma separated list
%= hidden_field 'cs' => stash('cs'), id => 'collection-show'
%= hidden_field 'collection-name' => stash('collection-name'), id => 'collection-name'
%= text_field 'collection', id => 'collection'
<%= loc 'with' %>
<span class="select">
%= select_field 'ql', [[Poliqarp => 'poliqarp'], ['Cosmas II' => 'cosmas2'], ['Annis' => 'annis'], ['CQL v1.2' => 'cql']], id => 'ql-field'
<div class="button right">
% param(cutoff => 1) unless param 'q';
%= check_box cutoff => 1, id => 'q-cutoff-field', class => 'checkbox'
<label for="q-cutoff-field" title="<%= loc('glimpse_desc') %>"><span></span><%= loc('glimpse') %></label>
<%= link_to 'doc_start', title => loc('tutorial'), class => "tutorial", id => "view-tutorial", begin %><span><%= loc 'tutorial' %></span><% end %>