| use Mojo::Base -strict; |
| use Test::Mojo; |
| use Test::More; |
| use Mojo::File qw/path/; |
| use Mojo::JSON qw'decode_json'; |
| use Kalamar::Controller::Search; |
| |
| |
| ##################### |
| # Start Fake server # |
| ##################### |
| my $mount_point = '/realapi/'; |
| $ENV{KALAMAR_API} = $mount_point; |
| |
| my $t = Test::Mojo->new('Kalamar' => { |
| Localize => { |
| dict => { |
| title_addon => 'Test' |
| } |
| } |
| }); |
| |
| # Mount fake backend |
| # Get the fixture path |
| my $fixtures_path = path(Mojo::File->new(__FILE__)->dirname, 'server'); |
| my $fake_backend = $t->app->plugin( |
| Mount => { |
| $mount_point => |
| $fixtures_path->child('mock.pl') |
| } |
| ); |
| # Configure fake backend |
| $fake_backend->pattern->defaults->{app}->log($t->app->log); |
| |
| my $q = qr!(?:\"|")!; |
| |
| # Query passed |
| my $err = $t->get_ok('/?q=baum') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->content_type_is('text/html;charset=UTF-8') |
| |
| ->text_is('title', 'KorAP-Test: Find »baum« with Poliqarp') |
| ->element_exists('meta[name="DC.title"][content="KorAP-Test: Find »baum« with Poliqarp"]') |
| ->element_exists('body[itemscope][itemtype="http://schema.org/SearchResultsPage"]') |
| |
| # Total results |
| ->text_is('#total-results', 51) |
| |
| # Total pages |
| ->element_count_is('#pagination > a', 5) |
| |
| ->element_exists_not('#resultinfo > #pagination') |
| |
| # api_response |
| ->content_like(qr/${q}authorized${q}:null/) |
| ->content_like(qr/${q}pubDate${q},${q}subTitle${q},${q}author${q}/) |
| |
| # No cutOff |
| ->content_unlike(qr!${q}cutOff${q}:true!) |
| |
| ->element_exists('li[data-text-sigle=GOE/AGI/00000]') |
| ->element_exists('li:nth-of-type(1) div.flop') |
| ->element_exists('li[data-text-sigle=GOE/AGI/00001]') |
| ->element_exists('li:nth-of-type(2) div.flip') |
| |
| # Match1 |
| ->element_exists('li:nth-of-type(1)' . |
| '[data-match-id="p2030-2031"]' . |
| '[data-text-sigle="GOE/AGI/00000"]' . |
| '[id="GOE/AGI/00000#p2030-2031"]' . |
| '[data-available-info^="base/s=spans"]' . |
| '[data-info^="{"]') |
| ->text_is('li:nth-of-type(1) div.meta', 'GOE/AGI/00000') |
| ->element_exists('li:nth-of-type(1) div.match-main div.match-wrap div.snippet') |
| ->element_exists('li:nth-of-type(1) div.snippet.startMore.endMore') |
| ->text_like('li:nth-of-type(1) div.snippet span.context-left',qr!sie etwas bedeuten!) |
| ->text_like('li:nth-of-type(1) div.snippet span.context-left',qr!sie etwas bedeuten!) |
| ->text_is('li:nth-of-type(1) div.snippet span.match mark','Baum') |
| ->text_like('li:nth-of-type(1) div.snippet span.context-right',qr!es war!) |
| ->text_is('li:nth-of-type(1) p.ref strong', 'Italienische Reise') |
| ->text_like('li:nth-of-type(1) p.ref', qr!by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang!) |
| ->text_is('li:nth-of-type(1) p.ref span.sigle', '[GOE/AGI/00000]') |
| ->text_is('li:nth-of-type(1) p.ref time[datetime=1982]', 1982) |
| ->text_like('li:nth-of-type(1) p.ref ', qr!von \(, \)!) |
| ->text_is('li:nth-of-type(1) p.ref span.pages', 'p. 109') |
| |
| ->element_exists_not('li:nth-of-type(2) p.ref time') |
| ->text_like('li:nth-of-type(2) p.ref ', qr!von \(\)!) |
| ->text_is('li:nth-of-type(2) p.ref span.pages', 'pp. 109–204') |
| |
| ->header_isnt('X-Kalamar-Cache', 'true') |
| ->attr_is('#pagination','data-page','1') |
| ->attr_is('#pagination','data-total','3') |
| ->attr_is('#pagination','data-count','25') |
| ->tx->res->dom->at('#error') |
| ; |
| |
| is(defined $err ? $err->text : '', ''); |
| |
| # Query passed |
| $t->app->defaults(items_per_page => 20); |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/?q=baum') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->content_type_is('text/html;charset=UTF-8') |
| ->element_count_is('#pagination > a', 5) |
| ->attr_is('#pagination','data-page','1') |
| ->attr_is('#pagination','data-total','3') |
| ->attr_is('#pagination','data-count','20') |
| ; |
| |
| $t->app->defaults(items_per_page => 25); |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/?q=[orth=das') |
| ->status_is(400) |
| ->text_is('div.notify-error:nth-of-type(1)', '302: Parantheses/brackets unbalanced.') |
| ->element_exists('#search') |
| ->text_like('div.notify-error:nth-of-type(2)', qr!302: Could not parse query .+? \[orth=das.+?!) |
| ; |
| |
| # Check for query error with ql (from remote.t) |
| $t->get_ok('/?q=[orth=das&ql=poliqarp') |
| ->element_exists('.notify-error') |
| ->text_is('.notify-error', '302: Parantheses/brackets unbalanced.') |
| ->content_like(qr!data-koralquery=!) |
| ->text_is('.no-results:nth-of-type(1)', 'Unable to perform the action.') |
| ; |
| |
| |
| # Query with partial cache (for total results) |
| $err = $t->get_ok('/?q=baum') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->text_is('title', 'KorAP-Test: Find »baum« with Poliqarp') |
| ->element_exists('meta[name="DC.title"][content="KorAP-Test: Find »baum« with Poliqarp"]') |
| ->element_exists('body[itemscope][itemtype="http://schema.org/SearchResultsPage"]') |
| ->header_isnt('X-Kalamar-Cache', 'true') |
| ->content_like(qr!${q}cutOff${q}:true!) |
| ->text_is('#total-results', 51) |
| ->tx->res->dom->at('#error') |
| ; |
| is(defined $err ? $err->text : '', ''); |
| |
| # Query without partial cache (unfortunately) (but no total results) |
| $err = $t->get_ok('/?q=baum&cutoff=true') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->text_is('title', 'KorAP-Test: Find »baum« with Poliqarp') |
| ->element_exists('meta[name="DC.title"][content="KorAP-Test: Find »baum« with Poliqarp"]') |
| ->element_exists('body[itemscope][itemtype="http://schema.org/SearchResultsPage"]') |
| ->header_isnt('X-Kalamar-Cache', 'true') |
| ->content_like(qr!${q}cutOff${q}:true!) |
| ->element_exists_not('#total-results') |
| ->tx->res->dom->at('#error') |
| ; |
| is(defined $err ? $err->text : '', ''); |
| |
| # Query with partial cache (but no total results) |
| $err = $t->get_ok('/?q=baum&cutoff=true') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->text_is('title', 'KorAP-Test: Find »baum« with Poliqarp') |
| ->element_exists('meta[name="DC.title"][content="KorAP-Test: Find »baum« with Poliqarp"]') |
| ->element_exists('body[itemscope][itemtype="http://schema.org/SearchResultsPage"]') |
| ->header_is('X-Kalamar-Cache', 'true') |
| ->content_like(qr!${q}cutOff${q}:true!) |
| ->element_exists_not('#total-results') |
| ->tx->res->dom->at('#error') |
| ; |
| is(defined $err ? $err->text : '', ''); |
| |
| |
| # Query with full cache |
| $err = $t->get_ok('/?q=baum') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->text_is('title', 'KorAP-Test: Find »baum« with Poliqarp') |
| ->element_exists('meta[name="DC.title"][content="KorAP-Test: Find »baum« with Poliqarp"]') |
| ->element_exists('body[itemscope][itemtype="http://schema.org/SearchResultsPage"]') |
| ->header_is('X-Kalamar-Cache', 'true') |
| ->content_like(qr!${q}cutOff${q}:true!) |
| ->text_is('#total-results', 51) |
| ->tx->res->dom->at('#error') |
| ; |
| is(defined $err ? $err->text : '', ''); |
| |
| |
| # Query with page information |
| $err = $t->get_ok('/?q=der&p=1&count=2' => { 'Accept-Language' => 'en-US, en, de-DE' }) |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->text_is('title', 'KorAP-Test: Find »der« with Poliqarp') |
| |
| # Total results |
| ->text_is('#total-results', '14,581') |
| |
| # Total pages |
| ->element_count_is('#pagination > a', 7) |
| ->text_is('#pagination a:nth-of-type(6) span', '7,291') |
| ->element_exists('#pagination a.ellipsis.inactive') |
| ->content_like(qr!${q}count${q}:2!) |
| ->content_like(qr!${q}startIndex${q}:0!) |
| ->content_like(qr!${q}itemsPerPage${q}:2!) |
| |
| # No caching |
| ->header_isnt('X-Kalamar-Cache', 'true') |
| |
| # Not searched for "der" before |
| ->content_unlike(qr!${q}cutOff${q}:true!) |
| |
| ->attr_is('#pagination','data-page','1') |
| ->attr_is('#pagination','data-total','7291') |
| ->attr_is('#pagination','data-count','2') |
| |
| ->tx->res->dom->at('#error') |
| ; |
| is(defined $err ? $err->text : '', ''); |
| |
| |
| # Check pagination repetion of page |
| my $next_href = $t->get_ok('/?q=der&p=1&count=2') |
| ->tx->res->dom->at('#pagination a[rel=next]')->attr('href'); |
| like($next_href, qr/p=2/); |
| unlike($next_href, qr/p=1/); |
| |
| # Query with page information - next page |
| $err = $t->get_ok('/?q=der&p=2&count=2' => { 'Accept-Language' => 'de-DE, en-US, en' }) |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->text_is('div.logoaddon', 'Test') |
| ->text_is('title', 'KorAP-Test: Finde »der« mit Poliqarp') |
| ->element_exists('#search') |
| |
| # Total results |
| ->text_is('#total-results', '14.581') |
| |
| # Total pages |
| ->element_count_is('#pagination > a', 7) |
| ->text_is('#pagination a:nth-of-type(6) span', '7.291') |
| ->content_like(qr!${q}count${q}:2!) |
| ->content_like(qr!${q}itemsPerPage${q}:2!) |
| ->content_like(qr!${q}startIndex${q}:2!) |
| |
| ->attr_is('#pagination','data-page','2') |
| ->attr_is('#pagination','data-total','7291') |
| ->attr_is('#pagination','data-count','2') |
| |
| # No caching |
| ->header_isnt('X-Kalamar-Cache', 'true') |
| ->content_like(qr!${q}cutOff${q}:true!) |
| ->tx->res->dom->at('#error') |
| ; |
| is(defined $err ? $err->text : '', ''); |
| |
| |
| # Query with failing parameters |
| $t->get_ok('/?q=fantastisch&ql=Fabelsprache') |
| ->status_is(400) |
| ->text_is('#notifications div.notify-error', 'Parameter "ql" invalid') |
| ->element_exists('#search') |
| ->element_count_is('#notifications div.notify-error', 1) |
| ; |
| $t->get_ok('/?q=fantastisch&cutoff=no') |
| ->status_is(400) |
| ->text_is('#notifications div.notify-error', 'Parameter "cutoff" invalid') |
| ->element_count_is('#notifications div.notify-error', 1) |
| ; |
| $t->get_ok('/?q=fantastisch&p=hui&o=hui&count=-8') |
| ->status_is(400) |
| ->text_like('#notifications div.notify-error', qr!Parameter ".+?" invalid!) |
| ->element_count_is('#notifications div.notify-error', 3) |
| ; |
| |
| # Long, but not too long query |
| my $long_query = 'b' x 4096; |
| $err = $t->get_ok('/?q=' . $long_query) |
| ->status_is(400) |
| ->text_like('#notifications div.notify-error', qr!Unable to load query response from!) |
| ->tx->res->dom->at('#error') |
| ; |
| |
| # Query too long |
| my $too_long_query = 'b' x 4097; |
| $err = $t->get_ok('/?q=' . $too_long_query) |
| ->status_is(400) |
| ->text_like('#notifications div.notify-error', qr!Parameter ".+?" invalid!) |
| ->tx->res->dom->at('#error') |
| ; |
| is(defined $err ? $err->text : '', ''); |
| |
| # Query with timeout |
| $t->get_ok('/?q=timeout') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->text_like('#notifications div.notify-warn', qr!Response time exceeded!) |
| ->text_is('#total-results', '> 4,274,841'); |
| ; |
| |
| # Query with error |
| $t->get_ok('/?q=error') |
| ->status_is(400) |
| ->text_is('#notifications .notify-error','500: Internal Server Error') |
| ; |
| |
| # Do not cache |
| $t->get_ok('/?q=timeout') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| # ->text_like('#notifications div.notify-warning', qr!Response time exceeded!) |
| ->element_exists("input#cq") |
| ->element_exists_not("input#cq[value]") |
| ->text_is('#total-results', '> 4,274,841'); |
| ; |
| |
| $t->app->defaults(no_cache => 1); |
| |
| # Query with collection |
| $err = $t->get_ok('/?q=baum&collection=availability+%3D+%2FCC-BY.*%2F') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->element_exists("input#cq[value='availability = /CC-BY.*/']") |
| ->content_like(qr!${q}availability${q}!) |
| ->tx->res->dom->at('#error') |
| ; |
| is(defined $err ? $err->text : '', ''); |
| |
| |
| $t->app->hook( |
| after_search => sub { |
| my $c = shift; |
| $c->content_for('after_search_results' => '<p id="special">Funny</p>'); |
| } |
| ); |
| |
| # Query with corpus query |
| $err = $t->get_ok('/?q=baum&cq=availability+%3D+%2FCC-BY.*%2F') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->element_exists("input#cq[value='availability = /CC-BY.*/']") |
| ->content_like(qr!${q}availability${q}!) |
| ->text_is('#special', 'Funny') |
| ->tx->res->dom->at('#error') |
| ; |
| is(defined $err ? $err->text : '', ''); |
| |
| my $match = { |
| matchID => 'match-FOLK/00070-SE-01/T-04-p5441-5442', |
| textSigle => 'FOLK/00070-SE-01/T-04' |
| }; |
| |
| $match = Kalamar::Controller::Search::_map_match($match); |
| |
| is($match->{matchID}, 'p5441-5442'); |
| |
| # Query with pipe |
| $err = $t->get_ok('/?q=baum&pipe=glemm') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->content_like(qr/${q}pipes${q}:${q}glemm${q}/) |
| ->tx->res->dom->at('#error') |
| ; |
| is(defined $err ? $err->text : '', ''); |
| |
| |
| my $base_fixtures = path(Mojo::File->new(__FILE__)->dirname, 'fixtures'); |
| my $text_info = $base_fixtures->child('response_textinfo_goe_agi_00000.json')->slurp; |
| my $fields = decode_json($text_info)->{json}->{document}->{fields}; |
| |
| my $f = Kalamar::Controller::Search::_flatten_fields($fields); |
| |
| is($f->{textSigle}, 'GOE/AGI/00000'); |
| is($f->{author}, 'Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von'); |
| is($f->{docSigle}, 'GOE/AGI'); |
| is($f->{docTitle}, 'Goethe: Autobiographische Schriften III, (1813-1816, 1819-1829)'); |
| is($f->{textType}, 'Autobiographie'); |
| is($f->{language}, 'de'); |
| is($f->{availability}, 'ACA-NC'); |
| is($f->{title}, 'Italienische Reise'); |
| is($f->{creationDate}, '1813'); |
| is($f->{pubDate}, '1982'); |
| is($f->{reference}, 'Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von: Italienische Reise. Auch ich in Arkadien!, (Geschrieben: 1813-1816), In: Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von: Goethes Werke, Bd. 11, Autobiographische Schriften III, Hrsg.: Trunz, Erich. München: Verlag C. H. Beck, 1982, S. 9-349'); |
| is($f->{subTitle}, 'Auch ich in Arkadien!'); |
| is($f->{tokenSource}, 'base#tokens'); |
| is($f->{foundries}, 'corenlp corenlp/constituency corenlp/morpho corenlp/sentences dereko dereko/structure dereko/structure/base-sentences-paragraphs-pagebreaks malt malt/dependency marmot marmot/morpho opennlp opennlp/morpho opennlp/sentences treetagger treetagger/morpho'); |
| is($f->{publisher}, 'Verlag C. H. Beck'); |
| is($f->{corpusAuthor}, 'Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von'); |
| is($f->{layerInfos}, 'corenlp/c=spans corenlp/p=tokens corenlp/s=spans dereko/s=spans malt/d=rels marmot/m=tokens marmot/p=tokens opennlp/p=tokens opennlp/s=spans tt/l=tokens tt/p=tokens'); |
| is($f->{pubPlace}, 'München'); |
| is($f->{corpusTitle}, 'Goethes Werke'); |
| is($f->{corpusSigle}, 'GOE'); |
| is($f->{corpusEditor}, 'Trunz, Erich'); |
| |
| |
| done_testing; |
| __END__ |