blob: d5fb248ab97c3ed96153690ce6e9a92055c01c0a [file] [log] [blame]
package Kalamar;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious';
use Mojo::ByteStream 'b';
use Mojo::JSON 'decode_json';
# TODO: The FAQ-Page has a contact form for new questions
# Start the application and register all routes and plugins
sub startup {
my $self = shift;
# Set version based on package file
my $pkg = b($self->home . '/package.json')->slurp;
$Kalamar::VERSION = decode_json($pkg)->{version};
# Add additional plugin path
push(@{$self->plugins->namespaces}, __PACKAGE__ . '::Plugin');
# Set secrets for signed cookies
if (-e (my $secret = $self->home . '/kalamar.secret')) {
else {
$self->log->warn('Please create a kalamar.secret file');
# Load plugins
foreach (
'Config', # Configuration framework
'Localize', # Localization framework
'Notifications', # Client notifications
'Search', # Abstract Search framework
'CHI', # Global caching mechanism
'TagHelpers::Pagination', # Pagination widget
'KalamarHelpers' # Specific Helpers for Kalamar
) {
# Configure mail exception
$self->plugin('MailException' => $self->config('MailException'));
# Configure documentation navigation
my $navi = b($self->home . '/templates/doc/navigation.json')->slurp;
$self->config(navi => decode_json($navi)) if $navi;
# Establish routes
my $r = $self->routes;
# Base query page
# Documentation
$r->get('/doc')->to('documentation#page', page => 'korap')->name('doc_start');
$r->get('/doc/:page')->to('documentation#page', scope => undef);
# Match route
my $corpus = $r->route('/corpus/:corpus_id');
my $doc = $corpus->get('/:doc_id');
my $text = $doc->get('/:text_id');
my $match = $text->get('/:match_id');
To get started, you'll need npm. Then you can install and run grunt:
sudo npm install -g grunt-cli
npm install