blob: e32365e7c3cd45438bf6a645ce043297856c2c5f [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use Mojolicious::Lite;
use Mojo::ByteStream 'b';
use Mojo::Date;
use Mojo::JSON qw/true false encode_json decode_json/;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojo::JWT;
use Mojo::File qw/path/;
use Mojo::Util qw/slugify/;
# This is an API fake server with fixtures
my $secret = 's3cr3t';
my $fixture_path = path(Mojo::File->new(__FILE__)->dirname)->child('..', 'fixtures');
# Legacy:
helper jwt_encode => sub {
return Mojo::JWT->new(
secret => $secret,
token_type => 'api_token',
expires => time + (3 * 34 * 60 * 60),
claims => { @_ }
# Legacy;
helper jwt_decode => sub {
my ($c, $auth) = @_;
$auth =~ s/\s*api_token\s+//;
return Mojo::JWT->new(secret => $secret)->decode($auth);
# Load fixture responses
helper 'load_response' => sub {
my $c = shift;
my $q_name = shift;
my $file = $fixture_path->child("response_$q_name.json");
$c->app->log->debug("Load response from $file");
unless (-f $file) {
return {
status => 500,
json => {
errors => [[0, 'Unable to load query response from ' . $file]]
my $response = $file->slurp;
my $decode = decode_json($response);
unless ($decode) {
return {
status => 500,
json => {
errors => [[0, 'Unable to parse JSON']]
return $decode;
# Base page
get '/' => sub {
shift->render(text => 'Fake server available');
# Search fixtures
get '/search' => sub {
my $c = shift;
my $v = $c->validation;
$v->optional('cutoff')->in(qw/true false/);
$c->app->log->debug('Receive request');
# Response q=x&ql=cosmas3
if ($v->param('ql') && $v->param('ql') eq 'cosmas3') {
return $c->render(
status => 400,
json => {
"\@context" => "",
"errors" => [[307,"cosmas3 is not a supported query language!"]]
if (!$v->param('q')) {
return $c->render(%{$c->load_response('query_no_query')});
my @slug_base = ($v->param('q'));
push @slug_base, 'o' . $v->param('offset') if defined $v->param('offset');
push @slug_base, 'c' . $v->param('count') if defined $v->param('count');
push @slug_base, 'co' . $v->param('cutoff') if defined $v->param('cutoff');
# Get response based on query parameter
my $response = $c->load_response('query_' . slugify(join('_', @slug_base)));
# Check authentification
if (my $auth = $c->req->headers->header('Authorization')) {
my $jwt;
if ($auth =~ /^Bearer/) {
# Username unknown in OAuth2
$response->{json}->{meta}->{authorized} = 'yes';
elsif ($jwt = $c->jwt_decode($auth)) {
$response->{json}->{meta}->{authorized} = $jwt->{username} if $jwt->{username};
# Set page parameter
if ($v->param('page')) {
$response->{json}->{meta}->{startIndex} = $v->param("startIndex");
# Simple search fixture
$c->app->log->debug('Rendered result');
return 1;
# Textinfo fixtures
get '/corpus/:corpusId/:docId/:textId' => sub {
my $c = shift;
my $file = join('_', (
my $slug = slugify($file);
# Get response based on query parameter
my $response = $c->load_response($slug);
return $c->render(%$response);
# Matchinfo fixtures
get '/corpus/:corpusId/:docId/:textId/:matchId/matchInfo' => sub {
my $c = shift;
my $file = join('_', (
my $slug = slugify($file);
# Get response based on query parameter
my $response = $c->load_response($slug);
return $c->render(%$response);
# Statistics endpoint
get '/statistics' => sub {
my $c = shift;
my $v = $c->validation;
my @list = 'corpusinfo';
if ($v->param('corpusQuery')) {
push @list, $v->param('corpusQuery');
my $slug = slugify(join('_', @list));
# Get response based on query parameter
my $response = $c->load_response($slug);
return $c->render(%$response);
# Auth API #
# Request API token
get '/auth/logout' => sub {
my $c = shift;
if (my $auth = $c->req->headers->header('Authorization')) {
if (my $jwt = $c->jwt_decode($auth)) {
my $user = $jwt->{username} if $jwt->{username};
$c->app->log->debug('Server-Logout: ' . $user);
return $c->render(json => { msg => [[0, 'Fine!']]});
return $c->render(status => 400, json => { error => [[0, 'No!']]});
# Request API token
get '/auth/apiToken' => sub {
my $c = shift;
# Get auth header
my $auth = $c->req->headers->authorization;
# Authorization missing or not basic
if (!$auth || $auth !~ s/\s*Basic\s+//gi) {
return $c->render(
json => {
error => [[2, 'x']]
# Decode header
my ($username, $pwd) = @{b($auth)->b64_decode->split(':')->to_array};
# the password is 'pass'
if ($pwd) {
# the password is 'pass'
if ($pwd eq 'pass') {
# Render info with token
my $jwt = $c->jwt_encode(username => $username);
# Render in the Kustvakt fashion:
return $c->render(
format => 'html',
text => encode_json({
expires => $jwt->expires,
token => $jwt->encode,
token_type => 'api_token'
elsif ($pwd eq 'ldaperr') {
return $c->render(
format => 'html',
status => 401,
json => {
"errors" => [[2022,"LDAP Authentication failed due to unknown user or password!"]]
return $c->render(
json => {
error => [[2004, undef]]
return $c->render(
json => {
error => [[2004, undef]]
# Request API token
post '/oauth2/token' => sub {
my $c = shift;
# Check for wrong client id
if ($c->param('client_id') ne '2') {
return $c->render(
json => {
"error_description" => "Unknown client with " . $_->{client_id},
"error" => "invalid_client"
status => 401
# Check for wrong client secret
elsif ($c->param('client_secret') ne 'k414m4r-s3cr3t') {
return $c->render(
json => {
"error_description" => "Invalid client credentials",
"error" => "invalid_client"
status => 401
# Check for wrong user name
elsif ($c->param('username') ne 'test') {
return $c->render(json => {
error => [[2004, undef]]
# Check for ldap error
elsif ($c->param('password') eq 'ldaperr') {
return $c->render(
format => 'html',
status => 401,
json => {
"errors" => [[2022,"LDAP Authentication failed due to unknown user or password!"]]
# Check for wrong password
elsif ($c->param('password') ne 'pass') {
return $c->render(json => {
error => [[2004, undef]]
# Return fine access
return $c->render(
json => {
"access_token" => "4dcf8784ccfd26fac9bdb82778fe60e2",
"refresh_token" => "hlWci75xb8atDiq3924NUSvOdtAh7Nlf9z",
"scope" => "all",
"token_type" => "Bearer",
"expires_in" => 86400
# Temporary:
my $collection_query = {
'@type' => "koral:docGroup",
"operation" => "operation:or",
"operands" => [
'@type' => "koral:docGroup",
"operation" => "operation:and",
"operands" => [
'@type' => "koral:doc",
"key" => "title",
"match" => "match:eq",
"value" => "Der Birnbaum",
"type" => "type:string"
'@type' => "koral:doc",
"key" => "pubPlace",
"match" => "match:eq",
"value" => "Mannheim",
"type" => "type:string"
'@type' => "koral:docGroup",
"operation" => "operation:or",
"operands" => [
'@type' => "koral:doc",
"key" => "subTitle",
"match" => "match:eq",
"value" => "Aufzucht oder Pflege",
"type" => "type:string"
'@type' => "koral:doc",
"key" => "subTitle",
"match" => "match:eq",
"value" => "Gedichte",
"type" => "type:string"
'@type' => "koral:doc",
"key" => "pubDate",
"match" => "match:geq",
"value" => "2015-03-05",
"type" => "type:date"