blob: bdb988d973230113a664a623527b56e84a18e63d [file] [log] [blame]
package Kalamar::Plugin::Auth;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Plugin';
use File::Basename 'dirname';
use File::Spec::Functions qw/catdir/;
use Mojo::ByteStream 'b';
use Mojo::File qw!path!;
use Mojo::Util qw!b64_encode encode!;
use Mojo::JSON qw'decode_json encode_json';
use Encode 'is_utf8';
# This is a plugin to deal with the Kustvakt OAuth server.
# All tokens are stored in the session. Access tokens are short-lived,
# which limits the effects of misuse.
# Refresh tokens are bound to client id and client secret,
# which again limits the effects of misuse.
# Establish a plugin 'OAuth' that works independent of 'Auth'.
# CSRF-protect logout!
# Remove the Bearer prefix from auth.
# In case no expiration time is returned by the server,
# take this time.
# Register the plugin
sub register {
my ($plugin, $app, $param) = @_;
# Load parameter from config file
if (my $config_param = $app->config('Kalamar-Auth')) {
$param = { %$param, %$config_param };
if ($param->{jwt}) {
$app->log->error('JWT flow is no longer supported');
# Load 'notifications' plugin
unless (exists $app->renderer->helpers->{notify}) {
$app->plugin(Notifications => {
HTML => 1
# Set session default timeout
for ($app->sessions) {
$_->default_expiration(60*60*24*3); # Session expires after 3 days of non-use
# Get client_id and client_secret from client file
if ($param->{client_file} || $main::ENV{KALAMAR_CLIENT_FILE}) {
$param->{client_file} ||= $main::ENV{KALAMAR_CLIENT_FILE};
my $client_json = decode_json(path($param->{client_file})->slurp);
$param->{client_id} //= $client_json->{client_id};
$param->{client_secret} //= $client_json->{client_secret};
# Get the client id and the client_secret as a requirement
unless ($param->{client_id} && $param->{client_secret}) {
$app->log->error('client_id or client_secret not defined');
# Load localize
$app->plugin('Localize' => {
dict => {
de => {
abort => 'Abbrechen'
-en => {
abort => 'Abort'
Auth => {
_ => sub { $_->locale },
de => {
loginPlease => 'Bitte melden Sie sich an!',
loginSuccess => 'Anmeldung erfolgreich',
loginFail => 'Anmeldung fehlgeschlagen',
logoutSuccess => 'Abmeldung erfolgreich',
logoutFail => 'Abmeldung fehlgeschlagen',
authenticationFail => 'Nicht authentifiziert',
csrfFail => 'Fehlerhafter CSRF Token',
scopeFail => 'Scope nicht definiert',
clientIDFail => 'Client ID nicht definiert',
invalidChar => 'Ungültiges Zeichen in Anfrage',
openRedirectFail => 'Weiterleitungsfehler',
tokenExpired => 'Zugriffstoken abgelaufen',
tokenInvalid => 'Zugriffstoken ungültig',
refreshFail => 'Fehlerhafter Refresh-Token',
responseError => 'Unbekannter Autorisierungsfehler',
serverError => 'Unbekannter Serverfehler',
revokeFail => 'Der Token kann nicht widerrufen werden',
revokeSuccess => 'Der Token wurde erfolgreich widerrufen',
paramError => 'Einige Eingaben sind fehlerhaft',
redirectUri => 'Weiterleitungsadresse',
pluginSrc => 'Beschreibung des Plugins (*.json-Datei)',
homepage => 'Webseite',
homepageReq => '*(Plugins)',
desc => 'Kurzbeschreibung',
revoke => 'Widerrufen',
clientCredentials => 'Client Daten',
clientType => 'Art der Client-Applikation',
clientName => 'Name der Client-Applikation',
clientID => 'ID der Client-Applikation',
clientSecret => 'Client-Secret',
clientRegister => 'Neue Client-Applikation registrieren',
registerSuccess => 'Registrierung erfolgreich',
registerFail => 'Registrierung fehlgeschlagen',
oauthSettings => 'API Tokens',
#for marketplace settings
marketplace => 'Marktplatz',
plugins => 'Plugins',
instplugins => 'Bereits installierte Plugins',
regby => 'Registriert von',
regdate => 'Registrierungsdatum',
instdate=> 'Installationsdatum',
install => 'Installieren',
installFail => 'Plugin konnte nicht installiert werden',
uninstallFail => 'Plugin konnte nicht deinstalliert werden',
marketplaceFail => {
-long => 'Die Plugins konnten leider nicht angezeigt werden.',
short => 'Erneut versuchen'
oauthUnregister => {
-long => 'Möchten sie <span class="client-name"><%= $client_name %></span> wirklich löschen?',
short => 'Löschen'
oauthHint => 'Die folgende Registrierung (und alle Angaben) für API-Clients folgen der <a href="" class="external">OAuth-2.0-Spezifikation</a>.',
loginHint => 'Möglicherweise müssen sie sich zunächst einloggen.',
oauthIssueToken => {
-long => 'Stelle einen neuen Token für <span class="client-name"><%= $client_name %></span> aus',
short => 'Neuen Token ausstellen'
accessToken => 'Access Token',
oauthRevokeToken => {
-long => 'Widerrufe einen Token für <span class="client-name"><%= $client_name %></span>',
short => 'Widerrufe'
oauthGrantScope => {
-long => '<span class="client-name"><%= $client_name %></span> möchte Zugriffsrechte',
short => 'Zugriffsrechte erteilen'
oauthGrantPublicWarn => 'Achtung - dies ist ein öffentlicher Client!',
oauthGrantRedirectWarn => 'Die Weiterleitung findet an eine unbekannte Adresse statt',
createdAt => 'Erstellt am <time datetime="<%= stash("date") %>"><%= stash("date") %></date>.',
expiresIn => 'Läuft in <%= stash("seconds") %> Sekunden ab.',
fileSizeExceeded => 'Dateigröße überschritten'
-en => {
loginPlease => 'Please log in!',
loginSuccess => 'Login successful',
loginFail => 'Access denied',
logoutSuccess => 'Logout successful',
logoutFail => 'Logout failed',
authenticationFail => 'Not authenticated',
csrfFail => 'Bad CSRF token',
scopeFail => 'Scope required',
clientIDFail => 'Client ID required',
invalidChar => 'Invalid character in request',
openRedirectFail => 'Redirect failure',
tokenExpired => 'Access token expired',
tokenInvalid => 'Access token invalid',
refreshFail => 'Bad refresh token',
responseError => 'Unknown authorization error',
serverError => 'Unknown server error',
revokeFail => 'Token can\'t be revoked',
revokeSuccess => 'Token was revoked successfully',
paramError => 'Some fields are invalid',
redirectUri => 'Redirect URI',
pluginSrc => 'Declaration of the plugin (*.json file)',
homepage => 'Homepage',
homepageReq =>'*(Plugins)',
desc => 'Short description',
revoke => 'Revoke',
clientCredentials => 'Client Credentials',
clientType => 'Type of the client application',
clientName => 'Name of the client application',
clientID => 'ID of the client application',
clientSecret => 'Client secret',
clientRegister => 'Register new client application',
registerSuccess => 'Registration successful',
registerFail => 'Registration denied',
oauthSettings => 'API tokens',
#for marketplace settings
marketplace => 'Marketplace',
plugins => 'Plugins',
instplugins => 'Installed Plugins',
regby =>'Registered by',
regdate =>'Date of registration',
instdate =>'Installation date',
install => 'Install',
uninstall => 'Uninstall',
installFail => 'Plugin could not be installed',
uninstallFail => 'Plugin could not be uninstalled',
uninstallFail => 'Plugin could not be uninstalled',
marketplaceFail => {
-long => 'Plugins could not be displayed.',
short => 'Try again'
oauthUnregister => {
-long => 'Do you really want to unregister <span class="client-name"><%= $client_name %></span>?',
short => 'Unregister'
oauthHint => 'The following registration of API clients follows the <a href="" class="external">OAuth 2.0 specification</a>.',
loginHint => 'Maybe you need to log in first?',
oauthIssueToken => {
-long => 'Issue a new token for <span class="client-name"><%= $client_name %></span>',
short => 'Issue new token'
accessToken => 'Access Token',
oauthRevokeToken => {
-long => 'Revoke a token for <span class="client-name"><%= $client_name %></span>',
short => 'Revoke'
oauthGrantScope => {
-long => '<span class="client-name"><%= $client_name %></span> wants to have access',
short => 'Grant access'
oauthGrantPublicWarn => 'Warning - this is a public client!',
oauthGrantRedirectWarn => 'The redirect points to an unknown location',
createdAt => 'Created at <time datetime="<%= stash("date") %>"><%= stash("date") %></date>.',
expiresIn => 'Expires in <%= stash("seconds") %> seconds.',
fileSizeExceeded => 'File size exceeded',
confidentialRequired => 'Plugins need to be confidential',
jsonRequired => 'Plugin declarations need to be json files',
# Add login frame to sidebar
# $app->content_block(
# sidebar => {
# template => 'partial/auth/login'
# }
# );
# Add logout button to header button list
# $app->content_block(
# headerButtonGroup => {
# template => 'partial/auth/logout'
# }
# );
# Add hook after search
after_search => sub {
my $c = shift;
# User is not logged in
if ($c->stash('results')->size == 0 && !$c->auth->token) {
'after_search_results' =>
inline => '<p class="hint"><%= loc "Auth_loginHint" %></p>'
# The plugin path
my $path = catdir(dirname(__FILE__), 'Auth');
# Append "templates"
push @{$app->renderer->paths}, catdir($path, 'templates');
# Get or set the user token necessary for authorization
'auth.token' => sub {
my ($c, $token, $expires_in) = @_;
if ($token) {
# Set auth token
$c->stash(auth => $token);
$c->session(auth => $token);
$c->session(auth_exp => time + $expires_in);
return 1;
# Get token from stash
$token = $c->stash('auth');
return $token if $token;
# Get auth from session
$token = $c->session('auth') or return;
$c->stash(auth => $token);
# Return stashed value
return $token;
# Log in to the system
my $r = $app->routes;
my $client_id = $param->{client_id};
my $client_secret = $param->{client_secret};
my $no_redirect_ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new(
connect_timeout => 30,
inactivity_timeout => 30,
max_redirects => 0
# Sets a requested token and returns
# an error, if it didn't work
'auth.set_tokens_p' => sub {
my ($c, $json) = @_;
my $promise = Mojo::Promise->new;
# No json object
unless ($json) {
return $promise->reject({
message => 'Response is no valid JSON object (remote)'
# There is an error here
# Dealing with errors here
if ($json->{error} && ref $json->{error} ne 'ARRAY') {
return $promise->reject(
message => $json->{error} . ($json->{error_description} ? ': ' . $json->{error_description} : '')
# There is an array of errors
elsif (my $error = $json->{errors} // $json->{error}) {
if (ref $error eq 'ARRAY') {
my @errors = ();
foreach (@{$error}) {
if ($_->[1]) {
push @errors, { code => $_->[0], message => $_->[1]}
return $promise->reject(@errors);
return $promise->reject({message => $error});
# Everything is fine
my $access_token = $json->{access_token};
my $token_type = $json->{token_type};
my $refresh_token = $json->{refresh_token};
my $expires_in = $json->{"expires_in"} // $EXPECTED_EXPIRATION_IN;
my $auth = $token_type . ' ' . $access_token;
# my $scope = $json->{scope};
# Set session info
$c->session(auth => $auth);
# Expiration of the token minus tolerance
$c->session(auth_exp => time + $expires_in - 60);
# Set session info for refresh token
# This can be stored in the session, as it is useless
# unless the client secret is stolen
$c->session(auth_r => $refresh_token) if $refresh_token;
# Set stash info
$c->stash(auth => $auth);
return $promise->resolve;
# Refresh tokens and return a promise
'auth.refresh_p' => sub {
my $c = shift;
my $refresh_token = shift;
# Get OAuth access token
state $r_url = Mojo::URL->new($c->korap->api)->path('oauth2/token');
$c->app->log->debug("Refresh at $r_url");
return $c->kalamar_ua->post_p($r_url, {} => form => {
grant_type => 'refresh_token',
client_id => $client_id,
client_secret => $client_secret,
refresh_token => $refresh_token
sub {
my $tx = shift;
my $json = $tx->result->json;
# Response is fine
if ($tx->res->is_success) {
$c->app->log->info("Refresh was successful");
# Set the tokens and return a promise
return $c->auth->set_tokens_p($json);
# There is a client error - refresh fails
if ($tx->res->is_client_error && $json) {
$c->stash(auth => undef);
$c->stash(auth_exp => undef);
delete $c->session->{user};
delete $c->session->{auth};
delete $c->session->{auth_r};
delete $c->session->{auth_exp};
# Response is 400
return Mojo::Promise->reject(
$json->{error_description} // $c->loc('Auth_refreshFail')
if ($tx->res->is_server_error) {
return Mojo::Promise->reject(
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_responseError'));
return Mojo::Promise->reject;
# Issue new token and return a promise
'auth.new_token_p' => sub {
my $c = shift;
my %param = @_;
state $r_url = Mojo::URL->new($c->korap->api)->path('oauth2/authorize');
my $client_id = $param{'client_id'};
return $c->korap_request($no_redirect_ua, post => $r_url, { } => form => {
response_type => 'code',
client_id => $client_id,
redirect_uri => $param{'redirect_uri'},
state => $param{'state'},
scope => $param{'scope'},
sub {
my $tx = shift;
unless (ref($tx)) {
return Mojo::Promise->reject('Something went wrong');
# Check for location header with code in redirects
my ($code, $scope, $loc, $name);
# Check for location header with code in current tx
# and in redirects.
# The loop should not be relevant though, as for now
# redirects are not allowed.
foreach ($tx, @{$tx->redirects}) {
$loc = $_->res->headers->header('Location');
next unless $loc;
my $url = Mojo::URL->new($loc);
if ($url->query->param('code')) {
my $q = $url->query;
$code = $q->param('code');
$scope = $q->param('scope');
$name = $q->param('name');
} elsif (my $err = $url->query->param('error_description')) {
return Mojo::Promise->reject($err);
return Mojo::Promise->resolve(
) if $loc;
# Failed redirect, but location set
if ($tx->res->headers->location) {
my $url = Mojo::URL->new($tx->res->headers->location);
if (my $err = $url->query->param('error_description')) {
return Mojo::Promise->reject($err);
$c->stash(redirect_uri => undef);
# Maybe json
my $json = $tx->res->json;
if ($json && $json->{error_description}) {
return Mojo::Promise->reject($json->{error_description});
# No location code
return Mojo::Promise->reject('no location response');
# Get a list of registered clients
'auth.client_list_p' => sub {
my $c = shift;
# Get list of registered clients
state $r_url = Mojo::URL->new($c->korap->api)->path('oauth2/client/list');
# Get the list of all clients
return $c->korap_request(post => $r_url, {} => form => {
super_client_id => $client_id,
super_client_secret => $client_secret,
filter_by => 'owned_only'
sub {
my $tx = shift;
my $json = $tx->result->json;
# Response is fine
if ($tx->res->is_success) {
return Mojo::Promise->resolve($json);
# Failure
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_responseError'));
return Mojo::Promise->reject($json // 'No response');
# Get info for registered client
'auth.client_info_p' => sub {
my $c = shift;
my $req_client_id = shift;
# Get list of registered clients
my $r_url = Mojo::URL->new($c->korap->api)->path('oauth2/client/')->path($req_client_id);
my $form = {
super_client_id => $client_id,
super_client_secret => $client_secret,
# Get the list of all clients
return $c->korap_request(POST => $r_url, {} => form => $form)->then(
sub {
my $tx = shift;
my $json = $tx->result->json // {};
# Response is fine
if ($tx->res->is_success) {
return Mojo::Promise->resolve($json);
# Failure
return Mojo::Promise->reject($json->{error_description} // 'Client unknown');
# Get a list of registered clients
'auth.token_list_p' => sub {
my $c = shift;
my $user_client_id = shift;
# Revoke the token
state $r_url = Mojo::URL->new($c->korap->api)->path('oauth2/token/list');
my $form = {
super_client_id => $client_id,
super_client_secret => $client_secret,
token_type => 'access_token',
if ($user_client_id) {
$form->{client_id} = $user_client_id;
# Get the list of all clients
return $c->korap_request(post => $r_url, {} => form => $form)->then(
sub {
my $tx = shift;
my $json = $tx->result->json;
# Response is fine
if ($tx->res->is_success) {
return Mojo::Promise->resolve($json);
# Failure
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_responseError'));
return Mojo::Promise->reject($json // 'No response');
# Issue a korap request with "oauth"orization
# This will override the core request helper
korap_request => sub {
my $c = shift;
# Get plugin user agent
my $ua = $c->kalamar_ua;
# Override if UA is granted
if (ref $_[0] eq 'Mojo::UserAgent') {
$ua = shift;
my $method = shift;
my $path = shift;
my @param = @_;
# Check if $tx is not leaked!
my $url = Mojo::URL->new($path);
my $tx = $ua->build_tx(uc($method), $url->clone, @param);
# Set X-Forwarded for
'X-Forwarded-For' => $c->client_ip
# Emit Hook to alter request
before_korap_request => ($c, $tx)
my $h = $tx->req->headers;
# If the request already has an Authorization
# header, respect it!
if ($h->authorization) {
return $ua->start_p($tx);
# Get auth token
if (my $auth_token = $c->auth->token) {
# The token is already expired!
my $exp = $c->session('auth_exp');
if (defined $exp && $exp < time) {
# Remove auth ...
$c->stash(auth => undef);
# And get refresh token from session
if (my $refresh_token = $c->session('auth_r')) {
$c->app->log->debug("Refresh is required");
# Refresh
return $c->auth->refresh_p($refresh_token)->then(
sub {
$c->app->log->debug("Search with refreshed tokens");
# Tokens were set - now send the request the first time!
return $ua->start_p($tx);
# The token is expired and no refresh token is
# available - issue an unauthorized request!
else {
$c->stash(auth => undef);
$c->stash(auth_exp => undef);
delete $c->session->{user};
delete $c->session->{auth};
delete $c->session->{auth_r};
delete $c->session->{auth_exp};
# Warn on Error!
$c->notify(warn => $c->loc('Auth_tokenExpired'));
return $ua->start_p($tx);
# Auth token is fine
else {
# Set auth
# No token set
else {
# Return unauthorized request
return $ua->start_p($tx);
# Issue an authorized request and automatically
# refresh the token on expiration!
return $ua->start_p($tx)->then(
sub {
my $tx = shift;
# Response is fine
if ($tx->res->is_success || $tx->res->is_redirect) {
return Mojo::Promise->resolve($tx);
# There is a client error - maybe refresh!
elsif ($tx->res->is_client_error) {
# Check the error
my $json = $tx->res->json('/errors/0/1');
if ($json && ($json =~ /expired|invalid/)) {
$c->stash(auth => undef);
$c->stash(auth_exp => undef);
delete $c->session->{user};
delete $c->session->{auth};
# And get refresh token from session
if (my $refresh_token = $c->session('auth_r')) {
# Refresh
return $c->auth->refresh_p($refresh_token)->then(
sub {
$c->app->log->debug("Search with refreshed tokens");
my $tx = $ua->build_tx(uc($method), $url->clone, @param);
# Set X-Forwarded for
'X-Forwarded-For' => $c->client_ip
# Tokens were set - now send the request the first time!
return $ua->start_p($tx);
# Reject the invalid token
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_tokenInvalid'));
return Mojo::Promise->reject;
return Mojo::Promise->resolve($tx);
# There is a server error - just report
elsif ($tx->res->is_server_error) {
my $err = $tx->res->error;
if ($err) {
return Mojo::Promise->reject($err->{code} . ': ' . $err->{message});
else {
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_serverError'));
return Mojo::Promise->reject;
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_responseError'));
return Mojo::Promise->reject;
# Password flow for OAuth
cb => sub {
my $c = shift;
# Validate input
my $v = $c->validation;
$v->required('handle_or_email', 'trim');
$v->required('pwd', 'trim');
my $user = check_decode($v->param('handle_or_email'));
unless ($user) {
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_invalidChar'));
$c->param(handle_or_email => '');
return $c->relative_redirect_to('index');
my $fwd = $v->param('fwd');
# Set flash for redirect
$c->flash(handle_or_email => $user);
if ($v->has_error || index($user, ':') >= 0) {
if ($v->has_error('fwd')) {
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_openRedirectFail'));
elsif ($v->has_error('csrf_token')) {
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_csrfFail'));
else {
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_loginFail'));
return $c->relative_redirect_to($fwd // 'index');
my $pwd = $v->param('pwd');
$c->app->log->debug("Login from user $user");
# <specific>
# Get OAuth access token
my $url = Mojo::URL->new($c->korap->api)->path('oauth2/token');
# Korap request for login
$c->korap_request('post', $url, {}, form => {
grant_type => 'password',
username => $user,
password => $pwd,
client_id => $client_id,
client_secret => $client_secret
sub {
# Set the tokens and return a promise
return $c->auth->set_tokens_p(shift->result->json)
sub {
# Set user info
$c->session(user => $user);
$c->stash(user => $user);
# Notify on success
$c->app->log->debug(qq!Login successful: "$user"!);
$c->notify(success => $c->loc('Auth_loginSuccess'));
sub {
# Notify the user on login failure
unless (@_) {
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_loginFail'));
# There are known errors
foreach (@_) {
if (ref $_ eq 'HASH') {
my $err = ($_->{code} ? $_->{code} . ': ' : '') .
$c->notify(error => $err);
# Log failure
else {
$c->notify(error => $_);
$c->app->log->debug(qq!Login fail: "$user"!);
sub {
# Redirect to slash
return $c->relative_redirect_to($fwd // 'index');
# Start IOLoop
return 1;
# Log out of the session
cb => sub {
my $c = shift;
# TODO: csrf-protection!
my $refresh_token = $c->session('auth_r');
# Revoke the token
state $url = Mojo::URL->new($c->korap->api)->path('oauth2/revoke');
$c->kalamar_ua->post_p($url => {} => form => {
client_id => $client_id,
client_secret => $client_secret,
token => $refresh_token,
token_type => 'refresh_token'
sub {
my $tx = shift;
my $json = $tx->result->json;
my $promise;
# Response is fine
if ($tx->res->is_success) {
$c->app->log->info("Revocation was successful");
$c->notify(success => $c->loc('Auth_logoutSuccess'));
$c->stash(auth => undef);
$c->stash(auth_exp => undef);
$c->flash(handle_or_email => delete $c->session->{user});
delete $c->session->{auth};
delete $c->session->{auth_r};
delete $c->session->{auth_exp};
return Mojo::Promise->resolve;
# Token may be invalid
$c->notify('error', $c->loc('Auth_logoutFail'));
# There is a client error - refresh fails
if ($tx->res->is_client_error && $json) {
return Mojo::Promise->reject(
# Resource may not be found (404)
return Mojo::Promise->reject
sub {
my $err = shift;
# Server may be irresponsible
$c->notify('error', $c->loc('Auth_logoutFail'));
return Mojo::Promise->reject($err);
sub {
return $c->redirect_to('index');
# Add settings
$app->navi->add(settings => (
$app->loc('Auth_oauthSettings'), 'oauth'
# Get configuration for marketplace settings
if ($param->{marketplace}) {
$app->navi->add(settings => (
$app->loc('Auth_marketplace'), 'marketplace'
# Helper: Returns lists of registered plugins (of all users), which are permitted
'auth.plugin_list_p' => sub {
my $c = shift;
state $l_url = Mojo::URL->new($c->korap->api)->path('plugins');
return $c->korap_request(post => $l_url, {} => form => {
super_client_id => $client_id,
super_client_secret => $client_secret,
#list only permitted plugins
permitted_only => 'true'
sub {
my $tx = shift;
my $json = $tx->result->json;
# Response is fine
if ($tx->res->is_success) {
return Mojo::Promise->resolve($json);
# Failure
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_responseError'));
return Mojo::Promise->reject($json // 'No response');
#Helper: Returns list of all plugins, which are already installed
'auth.plugin_listin_p' => sub {
my $c = shift;
state $i_url = Mojo::URL->new($c->korap->api)->path('plugins/installed');
return $c->korap_request(post => $i_url, {} => form => {
super_client_id => $client_id,
super_client_secret => $client_secret,
sub {
my $tx = shift;
my $json = $tx->result->json;
# Response is fine
if ($tx->res->is_success) {
return Mojo::Promise->resolve($json);
# Failure
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_responseError'));
return Mojo::Promise->reject($json // 'No response');
# Route to marketplace (for installation and deinstallation of plugins)
cb => sub {
my $c = shift;
unless ($c->auth->token) {
return $c->render(
template => 'exception',
msg => $c->loc('Auth_authenticationFail'),
status => 401
my $promiselist = $c->auth->plugin_list_p;
my $promiseinlist = $c->auth->plugin_listin_p;
my $fl = 0;
Mojo::Promise->all($promiselist, $promiseinlist)-> then(
sub {
my ($promiselist, $promiseinlist) = @_;
my $plist = ref($promiselist->[0]) eq 'ARRAY' ? $promiselist->[0] : [];
my $plinlist = ref($promiseinlist->[0]) eq 'ARRAY' ? $promiseinlist->[0] : [];
my $clean_pllist = $plist;
$c->stash('pluginsin_list', $plinlist);
foreach my $entry (@$plinlist){
@$clean_pllist = grep{!($_->{client_id} eq $entry->{client_id})} @$clean_pllist ;
$c->stash('plugin_list', $clean_pllist);
sub {
$fl = 1;
sub {
return $c->render(template => 'auth/marketplace-fail')
return $c->render(template => 'auth/marketplace');
# Route to install plugin
cb => sub {
my $c = shift;
my $v = $c->validation;
if ($v->has_error) {
return $c->render(
json => [],
status => 400
unless ($c->auth->token) {
return $c->render(
content => 'Unauthorized',
status => 401
my $mclient_id = $v->param('client-id');
state $p_url = Mojo::URL->new($c->korap->api)->path('plugins/install');
return $c->korap_request(post => $p_url, {} => form => {
super_client_id => $client_id,
super_client_secret => $client_secret,
client_id => $mclient_id
sub {
my $tx = shift;
my $json = $tx->result->json;
# Response is fine
if ($tx->res->is_success) {
return Mojo::Promise->resolve($json);
#Log errors
# Failure
return Mojo::Promise->reject;
sub {
$c->notify('error' => $c->loc('Auth_installFail'));
sub {
return $c->redirect_to('marketplace');
# Route to plugin deinstallation
cb => sub {
my $c = shift;
my $v = $c->validation;
if ($v->has_error) {
return $c->render(
json => [],
status => 400
unless ($c->auth->token) {
return $c->render(
content => 'Unauthorized',
status => 401
my $uclient_id = $v->param('client-id');
state $s_url = Mojo::URL->new($c->korap->api)->path('plugins/uninstall');
return $c->korap_request(post => $s_url, {} => form => {
super_client_id => $client_id,
super_client_secret => $client_secret,
client_id => $uclient_id
sub {
my $tx = shift;
my $json = $tx->result->json;
# Response is fine
if ($tx->res->is_success) {
return Mojo::Promise->resolve($json);
# Failure
return Mojo::Promise->reject($json // 'No response');
sub {
$c->notify('error' => $c->loc('Auth_uninstallFail'));
sub {
return $c->redirect_to('marketplace');
# Route to OAuth settings
cb => sub {
my $c = shift;
unless ($c->auth->token) {
return $c->render(
template => 'exception',
msg => $c->loc('Auth_authenticationFail'),
status => 401
# Wait for async result
sub {
$c->stash('client_list' => shift);
sub {
sub {
return $c->render(template => 'auth/clients')
# Route to oauth client registration
cb => sub {
my $c = shift;
my $v = $c->validation;
unless ($c->auth->token) {
return $c->render(
content => 'Unauthorized',
status => 401
$v->required('name', 'trim', 'not_empty')->size(3, 255);
$v->required('type')->in('PUBLIC', 'CONFIDENTIAL');
$v->required('desc', 'trim', 'not_empty')->size(3, 255);
$v->optional('redirect_uri', 'trim', 'not_empty')->like(qr/^(http|$)/i);
$v->optional('src', 'not_empty');
my $src = $v->param('src');
if ($src && ref $src && $src->size > 0){
$v->required('url', 'trim', 'not_empty')->like(qr/^(http|$)/i);
$v->optional('url', 'trim', 'not_empty')->like(qr/^(http|$)/i);
$c->stash(template => 'auth/clients');
# Render with error
if ($v->has_error) {
if ($v->has_error('csrf_token')) {
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_csrfFail'));
else {
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_paramError'));
return $c->render;
} elsif ($c->req->is_limit_exceeded) {
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_fileSizeExceeded'));
return $c->render;
my $type = $v->param('type');
my $src_json;
my $json_obj = {
name => $v->param('name'),
type => $type,
description => $v->param('desc'),
url => $v->param('url'),
redirect_uri => $v->param('redirect_uri')
# Check plugin source
if ($src) {
# Source need to be a file upload
if (!ref $src || !$src->isa('Mojo::Upload')) {
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_jsonRequired'));
return $c->render;
# Uploads can't be too large
if ($src->size > 1_000_000) {
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_fileSizeExceeded'));
return $c->render;
# Check upload is not empty
if ($src->size > 0 && $src->filename ne '') {
# Plugins need to be confidential
if ($type ne 'CONFIDENTIAL') {
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_confidentialRequired'));
return $c->render;
my $asset = $src->asset;
# Check for json
eval {
$src_json = decode_json($asset->slurp);
if ($@ || !ref $src_json || ref $src_json ne 'HASH') {
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_jsonRequired'));
return $c->render;
$json_obj->{source} = $src_json;
# Wait for async result
# Register on server
state $url = Mojo::URL->new($c->korap->api)->path('oauth2/client/register');
$c->korap_request('POST', $url => {} => json => $json_obj)->then(
sub {
my $tx = shift;
my $result = $tx->result;
if ($result->is_error) {
my $json = $result->json;
if ($json && $json->{error}) {
error => $json->{error} .
($json->{error_description} ? ': ' . $json->{error_description} : '')
return Mojo::Promise->reject;
my $json = $result->json;
my $client_id = $json->{client_id};
my $client_secret = $json->{client_secret};
$c->stash('client_name' => $v->param('name'));
$c->stash('client_desc' => $v->param('desc'));
$c->stash('client_type' => $v->param('type'));
$c->stash('client_url' => $v->param('url'));
$c->stash('client_src' => $v->param('source'));
$c->stash('client_redirect_uri' => $v->param('redirect_uri'));
$c->stash('client_id' => $client_id);
if ($client_secret) {
$c->stash('client_secret' => $client_secret);
$c->notify(success => $c->loc('Auth_en_registerSuccess'));
return $c->render(template => 'auth/client');
sub {
$c->notify('error' => $c->loc('Auth_en_registerFail'));
sub {
return $c->redirect_to('settings' => { scope => 'oauth' });
# Unregister client page
cb => sub {
my $c = shift;
$c->render(template => 'auth/unregister');
# Unregister client
cb => sub {
my $c = shift;
my $v = $c->validation;
unless ($c->auth->token) {
return $c->render(
content => 'Unauthorized',
status => 401
$v->required('client-name', 'trim')->size(3, 255);
# Render with error
if ($v->has_error) {
if ($v->has_error('csrf_token')) {
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_csrfFail'));
else {
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_paramError'));
return $c->redirect_to('oauth-settings');
my $client_id = $c->stash('client_id');
my $client_name = $v->param('client-name');
my $client_secret = $v->param('client-secret');
# Get list of registered clients
my $r_url = Mojo::URL->new($c->korap->api)->path('oauth2/client/deregister/')->path(
my $send = {};
if ($client_secret) {
$send->{client_secret} = $client_secret;
# Get the list of all clients
return $c->korap_request(delete => $r_url, {} => form => $send)->then(
sub {
my $tx = shift;
# Response is fine
if ($tx->res->is_success) {
# Okay
$c->notify(success => 'Successfully deleted ' . $client_name);
else {
# Failure
my $json = $tx->result->json;
if ($json && $json->{error_description}) {
$c->notify(error => $json->{error_description});
} else {
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_responseError'));
return $c->redirect_to('oauth-settings');
# OAuth Client authorization
cb => sub {
my $c = shift;
my $v = $c->validation;
$v->required('client_id', 'trim');
$v->required('scope', 'trim');
$v->optional('state', 'trim');
$v->optional('redirect_uri', 'trim', 'not_empty')->like(qr/^(http|$)/i);
# Redirect with error
if ($v->has_error) {
if ($v->has_error('client_id')) {
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_clientIDFail'));
elsif ($v->has_error('scope')) {
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_scopeFail'));
else {
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_paramError'));
# If logged in, go to oauth settings - otherwise to index
return $c->redirect_to($c->auth->token ? 'oauth-settings' : 'index');
foreach (qw!scope client_id state redirect_uri!) {
$c->stash($_, $v->param($_));
# Wait for async result
my $client_id = $v->param('client_id');
my $client_information = $c->auth->client_info_p($client_id)->then(
sub {
my $cl = shift;
$c->stash(client_name => $cl->{'client_name'});
$c->stash(client_type => $cl->{'client_type'});
$c->stash(client_desc => $cl->{'client_description'});
$c->stash(client_url => $cl->{'client_url'});
$c->stash(redirect_uri_server => $cl->{'client_redirect_uri'});
sub {
# Check, if the client redirect_uri is valid
my $redirect_uri_server = $c->stash('redirect_uri_server');
my $redirect_uri = $v->param('redirect_uri');
my ($server_o, $client_o);
# Both exist
if ($redirect_uri_server && $redirect_uri) {
$server_o = Mojo::URL->new($redirect_uri_server);
$client_o = Mojo::URL->new($redirect_uri);
# Host not valid - take registered URI
if ($server_o->host ne $client_o->host) {
$c->notify(warn => 'redirect_uri host differs from registered host');
$client_o = $server_o;
# Port not valid - take registered URI
elsif (($server_o->port // '') ne ($client_o->port // '')) {
$c->notify(warn => 'redirect_uri port differs from registered port');
$client_o = $server_o;
# Client sent exists
elsif ($redirect_uri) {
$client_o = Mojo::URL->new($redirect_uri);
$c->stash(redirect_warning => $c->loc('oauthGrantRedirectWarn'))
# Server registered exists
elsif ($redirect_uri_server) {
$client_o = Mojo::URL->new($redirect_uri_server);
# Redirect unknown
else {
$c->notify(error => 'redirect_uri not set');
# If logged in, go to oauth settings - otherwise to index
return $c->redirect_to($c->auth->token ? 'oauth-settings' : 'index');
# No userinfo allowed
if ($client_o->userinfo) {
$c->notify(warn => 'redirect_uri contains userinfo');
# HTTPS warning
# if ($client_o->scheme ne 'https') {
# $c->notify(warn => 'redirect_uri is not HTTPS');
# };
# Sign redirection URL
$c->stash(redirect_uri => $client_o->to_string);
$c->stash(close_redirect_uri => '' . $c->close_redirect_to($client_o));
# Get auth token
my $auth_token = $c->auth->token;
# User is not logged in - log in before!
unless ($auth_token) {
return $c->render(template => 'auth/login');
# Grant authorization
return $c->render(template => 'auth/grant_scope');
sub {
my $error = shift;
$c->notify(error => $error);
# If logged in, go to oauth settings - otherwise to index
return $c->redirect_to($c->auth->token ? 'oauth-settings' : 'index');
# OAuth Client authorization
# This will return a location information including some info
cb => sub {
my $c = shift;
# It's necessary that it's clear this was triggered by
# KorAP and not by the client!
my $v = $c->validation;
$v->required('client_id', 'trim');
$v->required('scope', 'trim');
$v->optional('state', 'trim');
# Only signed redirects are allowed
$v->required('redirect_uri', 'trim', 'not_empty')->closed_redirect;
# Render with error
if ($v->has_error) {
# If logged in, go to oauth settings - otherwise to index
my $url = $c->url_for($c->auth->token ? 'oauth-settings' : 'index');
if ($v->has_error('client_id')) {
$url->query([error_description => $c->loc('Auth_clientIDFail')]);
elsif ($v->has_error('scope')) {
$url->query([error_description => $c->loc('Auth_scopeFail')]);
elsif ($v->has_error('csrf_token')) {
$url->query([error_description => $c->loc('Auth_csrfFail')]);
else {
$url->query([error_description => $c->loc('Auth_paramError')]);
return $c->redirect_to($url);
$c->stash(redirect_uri => Mojo::URL->new($v->param('redirect_uri')));
return $c->auth->new_token_p(
client_id => $v->param('client_id'),
redirect_uri => $c->stash('redirect_uri'),
state => $v->param('state'),
scope => $v->param('scope'),
sub {
my $err_msg = shift;
my $url = $c->stash('redirect_uri');
# Redirect!
if ($url) {
if ($err_msg) {
$url = $url->query([error_description => $err_msg]);
# Do not redirect!
else {
$c->notify(error => $err_msg);
# If logged in, go to oauth settings - otherwise to index
$url = $c->url_for($c->auth->token ? 'oauth-settings' : 'index');
return Mojo::Promise->resolve($url);
sub {
my $loc = shift;
return $c->redirect_to($loc);
return $c->rendered;
# Show information of a client
cb => sub {
my $c = shift;
sub {
my $json = shift;
my ($item) = grep {
$c->stash('client_id') eq $_->{client_id}
} @$json;
unless ($item) {
return Mojo::Promise->reject;
$c->stash(client_name => $item->{client_name});
$c->stash(client_desc => $item->{client_description});
$c->stash(client_url => $item->{client_url});
$c->stash(client_type => ($item->{client_type} // 'PUBLIC'));
$c->stash(client_redirect_uri => $item->{client_redirect_uri});
$c->stash(client_src => encode_json($item->{source})) if $item->{source};
sub {
my $json = shift;
$c->stash(tokens => $json);
return Mojo::Promise->resolve;
sub {
return $c->reply->not_found;
sub {
return $c->render(template => 'auth/client')
# Ask if new token should be issued
cb => sub {
my $c = shift;
$c->render(template => 'auth/issue-token');
# Ask if a token should be revoked
cb => sub {
shift->render(template => 'auth/revoke-token');
# Issue new token
cb => sub {
my $c = shift;
my $v = $c->validation;
unless ($c->auth->token) {
return $c->render(
content => 'Unauthorized',
status => 401
$v->required('name', 'trim');
# Render with error
if ($v->has_error) {
if ($v->has_error('csrf_token')) {
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_csrfFail'));
else {
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_paramError'));
return $c->redirect_to('oauth-settings')
# Get authorization token
my $client_id = $c->stash('client_id');
my $name = $v->param('name');
my $redirect_url = $c->url_for->query({name => $name})->to_abs;
client_id => $client_id,
redirect_uri => $redirect_url,
# TODO: State
scope => 'search match_info',
sub {
my ($loc, $client_id, $redirect_url, $code, $scope, $name) = @_;
# Get OAuth access token
state $r_url = Mojo::URL->new($c->korap->api)->path('oauth2/token');
return $c->kalamar_ua->post_p($r_url, {} => form => {
client_id => $client_id,
grant_type => 'authorization_code',
code => $code,
redirect_uri => $redirect_url
sub {
my $tx = shift;
my $json = $tx->res->json;
if ($tx->res->is_error) {
$c->notify(error => 'Unable to fetch new token');
return Mojo::Promise->reject;
$c->notify(success => 'New access token created');
$c->redirect_to('oauth-tokens' => { client_id => $client_id })
sub {
my $err_msg = shift;
# Only raised in case of connection errors
if ($err_msg) {
$c->notify(error => { src => 'Backend' } => $err_msg)
status => 400,
template => 'failure'
# Start IOLoop
sub {
my $err_msg = shift;
# Only raised in case of connection errors
if ($err_msg) {
$c->notify(error => { src => 'Backend' } => $err_msg)
return $c->render(
status => 400,
template => 'failure'
# Start IOLoop
return 1;
# Revoke token
cb => sub {
my $c = shift;
my $v = $c->validation;
unless ($c->auth->token) {
return $c->render(
content => 'Unauthorized',
status => 401
$v->required('token', 'trim');
$v->optional('name', 'trim');
my $private_client_id = $c->stash('client_id');
# Render with error
if ($v->has_error) {
if ($v->has_error('csrf_token')) {
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_csrfFail'));
else {
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_paramError'));
return $c->redirect_to('oauth-tokens', client_id => $private_client_id);
# Revoke token using super client privileges
state $r_url = Mojo::URL->new($c->korap->api)->path('oauth2/revoke/super');
my $token = $v->param('token');
return $c->korap_request(post => $r_url, {} => form => {
super_client_id => $client_id,
super_client_secret => $client_secret,
token => $token
sub {
my $tx = shift;
# Response is fine
if ($tx->res->is_success) {
$c->notify(success => $c->loc('Auth_revokeSuccess'));
return Mojo::Promise->resolve;
return Mojo::Promise->reject;
sub {
my $err_msg = shift;
if ($err_msg) {
$c->notify(error => { src => 'Backend' } => $err_msg );
else {
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_revokeFail'));
sub {
return $c->redirect_to('oauth-tokens', client_id => $private_client_id);
# Start IOLoop
$app->log->info('Successfully registered Auth plugin');
# Set 'no caching' headers
sub _set_no_cache {
my $h = shift;
$h->cache_control('max-age=0, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate');
$h->expires('Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT');
sub check_decode {
no warnings 'uninitialized';
my $str = shift;
my $str2 = is_utf8($str) ? b($str)->decode : $str;
if (defined($str2) && $str2 && length($str2) > 1) {
return $str2
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
Kalamar::Plugin::Auth - OAuth-2.0-based authorization plugin
L<Kalamar::Plugin::Auth> is an OAuth-2.0-based authorization
plugin for L<Kalamar>. It requires a C<Kustvakt> full server
with OAuth 2.0 capabilities.
It is activated by loading C<Auth> as a plugin in the C<Kalamar.plugins>
parameter in the Kalamar configuration.
L<Kalamar::Plugin::Auth> supports the following parameter for the
C<Kalamar-Auth> configuration section in the Kalamar configuration:
=over 2
=item B<client_id>
The client identifier of Kalamar to be send with every OAuth 2.0
management request.
=item B<client_secret>
The client secret of Kalamar to be send with every OAuth 2.0
management request.
=item B<experimental_client_registration>
Activates the oauth client registration flow.
Copyright (C) 2015-2022, L<IDS Mannheim|>
Author: L<Nils Diewald|>
Kalamar is developed as part of the L<KorAP|>
Corpus Analysis Platform at the
L<Leibniz Institute for the German Language (IDS)|>,
member of the
and supported by the L<KobRA|> project,
funded by the
L<Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)|>.
Kalamar is free software published under the
L<BSD-2 License|>.